use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.geometry.Angle in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class TestSimulatedChassis method assertPositionIs.
private void assertPositionIs(PointXYZ target) {
PointXYZ position = pathfinder.getPosition();
double distance = position.distance(target);
Angle angleDistance = Angle.fromDeg(Math.abs(Angle.minimumDelta(position.z(), target.z())));
Assertions.assertTrue(distance <= DEFAULT_TOLERANCE, StringUtils.format("Could not assert position! Expected <%s> but got " + "<%s> instead. Distance <%s> was greater " + "than maximum distance of <%s>!", target, position, distance, DEFAULT_TOLERANCE));
Assertions.assertTrue(angleDistance.deg() <= 5, StringUtils.format("Could not assert angle! Expected <%s> but got " + "<%s> instead. Distance <%s> was greater " + "than maximum distance of <%s>!", target.z(), position.z(), angleDistance, "5 deg"));
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.geometry.Angle in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class TestControlledTrajectory method testSingleController.
private void testSingleController(Controller controller, PointXYZ target, double tolerance, Angle angleTolerance) {
PointXYZ origin = pathfinder.getPosition();
Trajectory toTarget = new ControlledTrajectory(target, controller, tolerance, angleTolerance);
Trajectory toOrigin = new ControlledTrajectory(origin, controller, tolerance, angleTolerance);
follow(toTarget, target);
follow(toOrigin, origin);
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.geometry.Angle in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class TestSequentialLinearTrajectory method testTurnTo.
private void testTurnTo(Angle... angles) {
for (Angle angle : angles) {
PointXYZ point = new PointXYZ().addZ(angle);
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.geometry.Angle in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class MultiTargetTrajectory method nextMarker.
public PointXYZ nextMarker(PointXYZ current) {
// set up some values
if (!hasRan) {
lastStartX = current.x();
lastStartY = current.y();
lastStartZ = current.z();
PointXYZ next = targets[index].target();
requiredTranslationX = next.x() - current.x();
requiredTranslationY = next.y() - current.y();
requiredTranslationZ = next.z().subtract(current.z()).fix().deg();
hasRan = true;
TrajectoryTarget target = targets[index];
// current values
double currentX = current.x();
double currentY = current.y();
Angle currentAngle = current.z();
// sort of "delta" values - difference between current and start
double translationX = currentX - lastStartX;
double translationY = currentY - lastStartY;
double translationZ = currentAngle.subtract(lastStartZ).fix().deg();
boolean hasCompletedX = Magnitude.higherMagnitude(translationX, requiredTranslationX);
boolean hasCompletedY = Magnitude.higherMagnitude(translationY, requiredTranslationY);
boolean hasCompletedZ = Magnitude.higherMagnitude(translationZ, requiredTranslationZ);
if (hasCompletedX && hasCompletedY && hasCompletedZ) {
// to handle tolerance values
if (target.precision() == TargetPrecision.PRECISE) {
PointXYZ targetPoint =;
double distance = current.absDistance(targetPoint);
Angle angleDistance = Angle.angleDelta(current.z(), targetPoint.z());
boolean validDistance = distance < target.tolerance();
boolean validAngle = angleDistance.lessThanOrEqualTo(target.angleTolerance());
if (!(validDistance && validAngle)) {
return targetPoint;
// care about tolerance
if (index == targets.length - 1) {
// if it's the last target point, the entire trajectory is done
hasFinished = true;
return current;
} else {
lastStartX = currentX;
lastStartY = currentY;
lastStartZ = currentAngle;
PointXYZ next = targets[index].target();
requiredTranslationX = next.x() - currentX;
requiredTranslationY = next.y() - currentY;
requiredTranslationZ = next.z().subtract(currentAngle).fix().deg();
return targets[index].target();
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.geometry.Angle in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class AdvancedSplineTrajectoryBuilder method build.
public AdvancedSplineTrajectory build() {
boolean invalidStep = step == Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean invalidSpeed = speed == Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean invalidTolerance = tolerance == Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean invalidAngleTolerance = angleTolerance == null;
DEFAULT_LOGGER.accept(StringUtils.format("invalid step: %s\n" + "invalid speed: %s\n" + "invalid tolerance: %s\n" + "invalid angle tolerance: %s", invalidStep, invalidSpeed, invalidTolerance, invalidAngleTolerance));
if (invalidStep && invalidSpeed && invalidTolerance && invalidAngleTolerance)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not set a step, speed, tolerance, and angle tolerance " + "value! You need to use setStep(), setSpeed(), " + "setTolerance(), and setAngleTolerance() before " + "calling the build() method.");
if (invalidStep)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not set a step value - use setStep().");
if (invalidSpeed)
throw new InvalidSpeedException("Did not set a speed - use setSpeed().");
if (invalidTolerance)
throw new InvalidToleranceException("Did not set a tolerance - use setTolerance().");
if (invalidAngleTolerance)
throw new NullAngleException("Null angle tolerance while creating an " + "AdvancedSplineTrajectory.");
int size = xValues.size();
Double[] xBoxed = new Double[size];
Double[] yBoxed = new Double[size];
Double[] speedBoxed = new Double[size];
Angle[] z = new Angle[size];
double[] x = new double[size];
double[] y = new double[size];
double[] speed = new double[size];
boolean sameSpeedValue = true;
int xDuplicates = 0;
int yDuplicates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < xBoxed.length; i++) {
x[i] = xBoxed[i];
y[i] = yBoxed[i];
speed[i] = speedBoxed[i];
if (i != 0) {
if (speed[i] != speed[i - 1])
sameSpeedValue = false;
// ensure adjacent X values are unique
if (x[i] == x[i - 1])
x[i] += Core.advancedSplineTrajectoryDuplicateOffset * ((xDuplicates++) + 1);
// ensure adjacent Y values are unique
if (y[i] == y[i - 1])
y[i] += Core.advancedSplineTrajectoryDuplicateOffset * ((yDuplicates++) + 1);
DEFAULT_LOGGER.accept(StringUtils.format("boxed x: %s\n" + "boxed y: %s\n" + "boxed z: %s\n" + "boxed speed: %s\n" + "unboxed x: %s\n" + "unboxed y: %s\n" + "unboxed speed: %s", Arrays.toString(xBoxed), Arrays.toString(yBoxed), Arrays.toString(z), Arrays.toString(speedBoxed), Arrays.toString(x), Arrays.toString(y), Arrays.toString(speed)));
// add support for different types of spline interpolation!
// this is a really bad way to implement support for multiple
// types of spline interpolation, but... oh well.
Spline spline;
switch(interpolationMode) {
spline = new MonotoneCubicSpline(x, y);
case CUBIC:
spline = new ApacheSpline(Interpolator.CUBIC, x, y);
case AKIMA:
spline = new ApacheSpline(Interpolator.AKIMA, x, y);
case CUSTOM:
if (customSplineGenerator != null)
spline = customSplineGenerator.apply(xBoxed, yBoxed);
throw new NullPointerException("Tried to use custom " + "spline generator without having set it first: " + "use setCustomSplineGenerator() to do so. The " + "function you pass in should accept two arrays " + "of Double values (x and y).");
throw new RuntimeException("How did you even get here?");
AngleSpline angleSpline = new AngleSpline(x, z);
Spline speedSpline;
if (sameSpeedValue) speedSpline =
new LinearSpline(
new SlopeIntercept(0, speed[0])
); else speedSpline = new MonotoneCubicSpline(x, speed);
Spline speedSpline = new MonotoneCubicSpline(x, speed);
Logger.debug(AdvancedSplineTrajectoryBuilder.class, "spline: <%s> angleSpline: <%s> speedSpline: <%s> step: <%s> " + "tolerance: <%s> angleTolerance: <%s>", spline, angleSpline, speedSpline, step, tolerance, angleTolerance);
return new AdvancedSplineTrajectory(spline, angleSpline, speedSpline, step, tolerance, angleTolerance);