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Example 1 with CaffeineIndex

use of in project narchy by automenta.

the class TrackXY method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean nars = true;
    boolean rl = false;
    int dur = 1;
    NARS nb = new NARS().exe(new UniExec(64)).time(new CycleTime().dur(dur)).index(// new HijackConceptIndex(4 * 1024, 4)
    new CaffeineIndex(32 * 1024));
    NAR n = nb.get();
    // n.priDefault(BELIEF, 0.2f);
    // n.priDefault(GOAL, 0.5f);
    // n.forgetRate.set(0.9f);
    TrackXY t = new TrackXY(4, 4);
    int experimentTime = 8048;
    if (rl) {
        new RLBooster(t, // HaiQ::new,
        HaiQae::new, // RandomAgent::new,
    if (nars) {
        // Param.DEBUG = true;
        // n.log();
        // for (String action : new String[]{"up", "down", "left", "right"}) {
        // //n.goal($.the(action), Tense.Present, 0f, 0.1f);
        // n.goal($.the(action), Tense.Present, 1f, 0.1f);
        // }
        Deriver d = new Deriver(Derivers.rules(// 1,
        1, 8, n, // "list.nal",
        "motivation.nal"), n);
        ConjClustering cjB = new ConjClustering(n, BELIEF, // (tt)->true,
        (tt) -> tt.isInput(), 4, 16);
        // ConjClustering cjG = new ConjClustering(n, GOAL,
        // (tt)->true,
        // //(tt) -> tt.isInput(),
        // 5, 16);
        // Implier ii = new Implier(t , 0, 1);
        // ArithmeticIntroduction ai = new ArithmeticIntroduction(4, n);
        window(new Gridding(new AutoSurface(d), new AutoSurface(cjB)), 400, 300);
        n.onTask(tt -> {
            if (tt instanceof DerivedTask && tt.isGoal()) {
    // n.log();
    // n.startFPS(fps);
    // t.runFPS(fps);
    final double[] rewardSum = { 0 };
    n.onCycle(() -> {
        rewardSum[0] += t.reward;
    n.runLater(() -> {
        window(, 800, 250);
        window(new CameraSensorView(, n) {

            protected void paint(GL2 gl, int dtMS) {
                super.paint(gl, dtMS);
                RectFloat2D at = cellRect(,, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                gl.glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 0.9f);
                Draw.rect(gl, at.move(x(), y(), 0.01f));
        }.withControls(), 800, 800);
// n.startFPS(10f);
// t.runFPS(10f);
// System.out.println(
// n4(rewardSum[0] / n.time()) + " avg reward");
// System.exit(0);
Also used : HaiQae(jcog.learn.ql.HaiQae) RectFloat2D(jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectFloat2D) RLBooster(nars.op.RLBooster) GL2(com.jogamp.opengl.GL2) DerivedTask(nars.task.DerivedTask) UniExec(nars.exe.UniExec) CaffeineIndex( CameraSensorView( CycleTime(nars.time.CycleTime) Deriver(nars.derive.Deriver) Gridding(spacegraph.space2d.container.Gridding) ConjClustering(nars.op.stm.ConjClustering) AutoSurface(spacegraph.space2d.widget.meta.AutoSurface)

Example 2 with CaffeineIndex

use of in project narchy by automenta.

the class NAgentX method runRT.

public static NAR runRT(Function<NAR, NAgent> init, float narFPS, float agentFPS) {
    // The.Subterms.the =
    // The.Subterms.CaffeineSubtermBuilder.get();
    // The.Subterms.HijackSubtermBuilder.get();
    // The.Subterms.SoftSubtermBuilder.get();
    // The.Compound.the =
    // The.Compound.
    // //SoftCompoundBuilder.get();
    // CaffeineCompoundBuilder.get();
    float clockFPS = // agentFPS;
    RealTime clock = clockFPS >= 10 / 2f ? /* nyquist threshold between decisecond (0.1) and centisecond (0.01) clock resolution */
    new RealTime.CS(true) : new RealTime.DSHalf(true);
    // Function<NAR, PrediTerm<Derivation>> deriver = Deriver.deriver(8
    // , "motivation.nal"
    // //., "relation_introduction.nal"
    // );
    // int THREADS = Math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1);
    // Predicate<Activate> randomBool = (a) -> ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean();
    // exe.add(new FocusExec(), (x) -> true);
    // exe.add(new FocusExec() {
    // {
    // concepts.setCapacity(32);
    // }
    // },
    // (x) -> true);
    NAR n = new NARS().exe(new WorkerMultiExec(// new Focus.DefaultRevaluator(),
    new Focus.AERevaluator(new XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom(1)), 256, 8192) {

    }).time(clock).deriverAdd(1, 1).deriverAdd(2, 2).deriverAdd(3, 3).deriverAdd(5, 5).deriverAdd(6, 8).deriverAdd("motivation.nal").index(new CaffeineIndex(// 800 * 1024,
    2500 * 1024, // Integer.MAX_VALUE,
    c -> {
        return (int) Math.ceil(c.voluplexity());
    // return Math.round(
    // ((float)c.voluplexity())
    // / (1 + 100 * (c.termlinks().priSum() + c.tasklinks().priSum()))
    // //(c.beliefs().size() + c.goals().size()))
    // );
    // n.defaultWants();
    // 0.5f //nyquist
    // n.timeFocus.set(4);
    float priFactor = 0.2f;
    n.beliefPriDefault.set(1f * priFactor);
    n.goalPriDefault.set(1f * priFactor);
    n.questionPriDefault.set(1f * priFactor);
    n.questPriDefault.set(1f * priFactor);
    NAgent a = init.apply(n);
    // new RLBooster(a, HaiQAgent::new, 1);
    // //            @Override
    // //            protected long matchTime(Task task) {
    // //
    // //                //future lookahead to catalyze prediction
    // //                return n.time() +
    // //                        Util.sqr(n.random().nextInt(3)) * n.dur();
    // //
    // //            }
    // };
    // {
    // AgentBuilder b = MetaGoal.newController(a);
    // //                .in(a::dexterity)
    // //                .in(new FloatNormalized(()->a.reward).decay(0.9f))
    // //                .in(new FloatNormalized(
    // //                        ((Emotivation) n.emotion).cycleDTRealMean::getValue)
    // //                            .decay(0.9f)
    // //                )
    // FloatNormalized(
    // //TODO use a Long-specific impl of this:
    // new FloatFirstOrderDifference(n::time, () -> n.emotion.deriveTask.getValue().longValue())
    // ).relax(0.99f))
    // //                .in(new FloatNormalized(
    // //                        //TODO use a Long-specific impl of this:
    // //                        new FirstOrderDifferenceFloat(n::time, () -> n.emotion.conceptFirePremises.getValue().longValue())
    // //                    ).decay(0.9f)
    // .in(new FloatNormalized(
    // () -> n.emotion.busyVol.getSum()
    // ).relax(0.99f))
    // .out(2, (onOff)->{
    // switch(onOff) {
    // case 0:
    // a.enabled.set(false); //pause
    // break;
    // case 1:
    // a.enabled.set(true); //un-pause
    // break;
    // }
    // })
    // //                ).out(
    // //                        new StepController((x) -> n.time.dur(Math.round(x)), 1, n.dur(), n.dur()*2)
    // //                .out(
    // //                        StepController.harmonic(n.confMin::set, 0.01f, 0.5f)
    // //                )//.out(
    // //                        StepController.harmonic(n.truthResolution::setValue, 0.01f, 0.08f)
    // //                ).out(
    // //                        StepController.harmonic(a.curiosity::setValue, 0.01f, 0.16f)
    // //                ).get(n);
    // ;
    // new AgentService(new MutableFloat(1), n, b.get());
    // }
    // n.dtMergeOrChoose.setValue(true);
    // STMLinkage stmLink = new STMLinkage(n, 1, false);
    // LinkClustering linkClusterPri = new LinkClustering(n, Prioritized::priElseZero /* anything temporal */,
    // 32, 128);
    // LinkClustering linkClusterConf = new LinkClustering(n, (t) -> t.isBeliefOrGoal() ? t.conf() : Float.NaN,
    // 4, 16);
    // SpaceGraph.window(col(
    // new STMView.BagClusterVis(n, linkClusterPri.bag),
    // new STMView.BagClusterVis(n, linkClusterConf.bag)
    // ), 800, 600);
    // ConjClustering conjClusterBinput = new ConjClustering(n, BELIEF, (Task::isInput), 8, 32);
    ConjClustering conjClusterBany = new ConjClustering(n, BELIEF, (t -> true), 8, 64);
    // ConjClustering conjClusterG = new ConjClustering(n, GOAL, (t -> true), 4, 16);
    // ArithmeticIntroduction arith = new ArithmeticIntroduction(4, n);
    // RelationClustering relCluster = new RelationClustering(n,
    // (t)->t.isBelief() && !t.isEternal() && !t.term().isTemporal() ? t.conf() : Float.NaN,
    // 8, 32);
    // ConjClustering conjClusterG = new ConjClustering(n, GOAL, (t->true),8, 32);
    // n.runLater(() -> {
    // //            AudioContext ac = new AudioContext();
    // //            ac.start();
    // //            Clock aclock = new Clock(ac, 1000f / (agentFPS * 0.5f));
    // //            new Metronome(aclock, n);
    // new VocalCommentary(null, a);
    // //ac.out.dependsOn(aclock);
    // });
    // /needs tryContent before its safe
    Inperience inp = new Inperience(n, 12);
    // Abbreviation abb = new Abbreviation(n, "z", 3, 6, 10f, 32);
    // reflect.ReflectSimilarToTaskTerm refSim = new reflect.ReflectSimilarToTaskTerm(16, n);
    // reflect.ReflectClonedTask refTask = new reflect.ReflectClonedTask(16, n);
    // a.trace = true;
    // n.onTask(t -> {
    // if (t instanceof DerivedTask)
    // System.out.println(t);
    // });
    // NInner nin = new NInner(n);
    // nin.start();
    // AgentService mc = MetaGoal.newController(a);
    // init();
    // n.onCycle(nn -> {
    // float lag = narLoop.lagSumThenClear() + a.running().lagSumThenClear();
    // //n.emotion.happy(-lag);
    // //n.emotion.happy(n.emotion.busyPri.getSum()/50000f);
    // });
    // new Anoncepts(8, n);
    // new Implier(2f, a,
    // 1
    // //0,1,4
    // );
    // window(new MatrixView(, (x, gl) -> {
    // Draw.colorBipolar(gl, x);
    // return 0;
    // }), 100, 100);
    // get ready
    n.runLater(() -> {
        SpaceGraph.window(, 800, 800);
        // window(new ConceptView(a.happy,n), 800, 600);
        // START AGENT
        Loop aLoop = a.runFPS(agentFPS);
    // n.runLater(() -> {
    // new Deriver(, Derivers.deriver(6, 8,
    // "motivation.nal"
    // //, "goal_analogy.nal"
    // ).apply(n).deriver, n); //{
    // });
    Loop loop = n.startFPS(narFPS);
    return n;
Also used : Bitmap2DSensor(nars.util.signal.Bitmap2DSensor) IntConsumer(java.util.function.IntConsumer) AspectAlign(spacegraph.space2d.container.AspectAlign) Auvent(net.beadsproject.beads.core.Auvent) AutoSurface(spacegraph.space2d.widget.meta.AutoSurface) RealTime(nars.time.RealTime) nars.$.$$(nars.$.$$) DoubleHistogram(org.HdrHistogram.DoubleHistogram) SpaceGraphPhys3D(spacegraph.space3d.SpaceGraphPhys3D) Vis(nars.gui.Vis) Bitmap2D(jcog.signal.Bitmap2D) XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom(jcog.math.random.XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom) Term(nars.term.Term) ConsoleTerminal(spacegraph.space2d.widget.console.ConsoleTerminal) Loop(jcog.exe.Loop) UGen(net.beadsproject.beads.core.UGen) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Util(jcog.Util) FloatArrayList(org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.FloatArrayList) Nullable(org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable) WaveFactory( WorkerMultiExec(nars.exe.WorkerMultiExec) SpaceGraph(spacegraph.SpaceGraph) EmotionPlot(nars.gui.EmotionPlot) Tense(nars.time.Tense) net.beadsproject.beads.ugens(net.beadsproject.beads.ugens) Focus(nars.exe.Focus) Surface(spacegraph.space2d.Surface) Function(java.util.function.Function) Supplier(java.util.function.Supplier) nars.$.$(nars.$.$) WindowToggleButton(spacegraph.space2d.widget.meta.WindowToggleButton) SubOrtho(spacegraph.space2d.hud.SubOrtho) Gridding.grid(spacegraph.space2d.container.Gridding.grid) EdgeDirected(spacegraph.space2d.container.EdgeDirected) FloatProcedure(org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.primitive.FloatProcedure) Inperience(nars.op.mental.Inperience) Files(java.nio.file.Files) PushButton(spacegraph.space2d.widget.button.PushButton) DynamicConceptSpace(nars.gui.graph.DynamicConceptSpace) IOException( AudioContext(net.beadsproject.beads.core.AudioContext) IntObjectPair(org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.IntObjectPair) java.awt(java.awt) TextEdit(spacegraph.space2d.widget.console.TextEdit) BELIEF(nars.Op.BELIEF) ConjClustering(nars.op.stm.ConjClustering) CaffeineIndex( Loop(jcog.exe.Loop) Inperience(nars.op.mental.Inperience) CaffeineIndex( WorkerMultiExec(nars.exe.WorkerMultiExec) XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom(jcog.math.random.XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom) Focus(nars.exe.Focus) ConjClustering(nars.op.stm.ConjClustering) RealTime(nars.time.RealTime)


CaffeineIndex ( ConjClustering (nars.op.stm.ConjClustering)2 GL2 (com.jogamp.opengl.GL2)1 java.awt (java.awt)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 IOException ( Files (java.nio.file.Files)1 Function (java.util.function.Function)1 IntConsumer (java.util.function.IntConsumer)1 Supplier (java.util.function.Supplier)1 Util (jcog.Util)1 Loop (jcog.exe.Loop)1 HaiQae (jcog.learn.ql.HaiQae)1 XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom (jcog.math.random.XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom)1 Bitmap2D (jcog.signal.Bitmap2D)1 RectFloat2D (jcog.tree.rtree.rect.RectFloat2D)1 nars.$.$ (nars.$.$)1 nars.$.$$ (nars.$.$$)1 BELIEF (nars.Op.BELIEF)1 Deriver (nars.derive.Deriver)1