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Example 66 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class DAEReader method readLevel.

	 * Reads Collada DAE file level
	 * @param path name
	 * @param file name
	 * @throws Exception
	 * @return Model instance
public static LevelEditorLevel readLevel(String pathName, String fileName) throws Exception {
    // (re)create tm files folder
    File tmFilesFolder = new File(pathName + "/" + fileName + "-models");
    if (tmFilesFolder.exists()) {
    // create level
    LevelEditorLevel levelEditorLevel = new LevelEditorLevel();
    // load dae xml document
    DocumentBuilder builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
    Document document = builder.parse(FileSystem.getInstance().getInputStream(pathName, fileName));
    Element xmlRoot = document.getDocumentElement();
    // authoring tool
    AuthoringTool authoringTool = getAuthoringTool(xmlRoot);
    // up vector and rotation order
    UpVector upVector = getUpVector(xmlRoot);
    RotationOrder rotationOrder = null;
    switch(upVector) {
        case Y_UP:
            rotationOrder = RotationOrder.ZYX;
        case Z_UP:
            rotationOrder = RotationOrder.YZX;
    // parse scene from xml
    String xmlSceneId = null;
    Element xmlScene = getChildrenByTagName(xmlRoot, "scene").get(0);
    for (Element xmlInstanceVisualscene : getChildrenByTagName(xmlScene, "instance_visual_scene")) {
        xmlSceneId = xmlInstanceVisualscene.getAttribute("url").substring(1);
    // check for xml scene id
    if (xmlSceneId == null) {
        throw new ModelFileIOException("No scene id found");
    // parse visual scenes
    Element xmlLibraryVisualScenes = getChildrenByTagName(xmlRoot, "library_visual_scenes").get(0);
    for (Element xmlLibraryVisualScene : getChildrenByTagName(xmlLibraryVisualScenes, "visual_scene")) {
        String xmlVisualSceneId = xmlLibraryVisualScene.getAttribute("id");
        if (xmlVisualSceneId.equals(xmlSceneId)) {
            // default FPS
            float fps = 30f;
            // parse frames per second
            List<Element> xmlExtraNodes = getChildrenByTagName(xmlLibraryVisualScene, "extra");
            if (xmlExtraNodes.isEmpty() == false) {
                Element xmlExtraNode = xmlExtraNodes.get(0);
                for (Element xmlTechnique : getChildrenByTagName(xmlExtraNode, "technique")) {
                    List<Element> xmlFrameRateNodes = getChildrenByTagName(xmlTechnique, "frame_rate");
                    if (xmlFrameRateNodes.isEmpty() == false) {
                        fps = Float.parseFloat(xmlFrameRateNodes.get(0).getTextContent());
            // visual scene root nodes
            LevelEditorEntityLibrary entityLibrary = levelEditorLevel.getEntityLibrary();
            LevelEditorEntity emptyEntity = null;
            int nodeIdx = 0;
            for (Element xmlNode : getChildrenByTagName(xmlLibraryVisualScene, "node")) {
                // derive model name from node id
                String modelName = xmlNode.getAttribute("id");
                // replace blender _|-NUMBER, not sure if this is a good idea for all cases, we will see
                modelName = modelName.replaceAll("[\\-\\_]{1}+[0-9]+$", "");
                // replace number at the end still, not sure if this is a good idea for all cases, we will see
                modelName = modelName.replaceAll("[0-9]+$", "");
                // check if name is available, if not extend with numbers :DDD
                boolean haveName = entityLibrary.getEntityCount() == 0;
                if (haveName == false) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                        haveName = true;
                        String modelNameTry = modelName + (i == 0 ? "" : String.valueOf(i));
                        for (int entityIdx = 0; entityIdx < entityLibrary.getEntityCount(); entityIdx++) {
                            LevelEditorEntity entity = entityLibrary.getEntityAt(entityIdx);
                            if (entity.getName().equals(modelNameTry) == true) {
                                haveName = false;
                        if (haveName == true) {
                            modelName = modelNameTry;
                // do we have a name now?
                if (haveName == false) {
                    // nope, cant imagine this will happen 
                    System.out.println("DAEReader::readLevel(): Skipping model '" + modelName + "' as no name could be created for it.");
                // 	create model
                Model model = new Model(pathName + File.separator + fileName + '-' + modelName, fileName + '-' + modelName, upVector, rotationOrder, null);
                // import matrix
                setupModelImportRotationMatrix(xmlRoot, model);
                Matrix4x4 modelImportRotationMatrix = new Matrix4x4(model.getImportTransformationsMatrix());
                setupModelImportScaleMatrix(xmlRoot, model);
                // translation, scaling, rotation
                Vector3 translation = new Vector3();
                Vector3 scale = new Vector3();
                Vector3 rotation = new Vector3();
                Vector3 xAxis = new Vector3();
                Vector3 yAxis = new Vector3();
                Vector3 zAxis = new Vector3();
                // set up local transformations matrix
                Matrix4x4 nodeTransformationsMatrix = null;
                List<Element> xmlMatrixElements = getChildrenByTagName(xmlNode, "matrix");
                if (xmlMatrixElements.size() == 1) {
                    String xmlMatrix = xmlMatrixElements.get(0).getTextContent();
                    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(xmlMatrix, " \n\r");
                    nodeTransformationsMatrix = new Matrix4x4(Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken()), Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken())).transpose();
                // check if we have node transformations matrix
                if (nodeTransformationsMatrix == null) {
                    throw new ModelFileIOException("missing node transformations matrix for node " + xmlNode.getAttribute("id"));
                // extract coordinate system axes
                nodeTransformationsMatrix.getAxes(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
                // normalize coordinate axes
                // write back normalized x axis
                nodeTransformationsMatrix.setAxes(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
                // TODO: move me into Matrix4x4 decomposing code?
                if ((upVector == UpVector.Y_UP && Vector3.computeDotProduct(Vector3.computeCrossProduct(xAxis, yAxis), zAxis) < 0.0f) || (upVector == UpVector.Z_UP && Vector3.computeDotProduct(Vector3.computeCrossProduct(xAxis, zAxis), yAxis) < 0.0f)) {
                    // negate axes
                    // and write back to node transformation matrices
                    nodeTransformationsMatrix.setAxes(xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
                    // scale
                // determine rotation
                // apply model import matrix
                modelImportRotationMatrix.multiply(scale, scale);
                modelImportRotationMatrix.multiply(rotation, rotation);
                model.getImportTransformationsMatrix().multiply(translation, translation);
                // set up frames per seconds
                // read sub groups
                Group group = readVisualSceneNode(authoringTool, pathName, model, null, xmlRoot, xmlNode, fps);
                if (group != null) {
                    model.getSubGroups().put(group.getId(), group);
                    model.getGroups().put(group.getId(), group);
                // set up joints
                // fix animation length
                // prepare for indexed rendering
                // check if empty model
                EntityType entityType = EntityType.MODEL;
                ModelStatistics modelStatistics = ModelUtilities.computeModelStatistics(model);
                if (modelStatistics.getOpaqueFaceCount() == 0 && modelStatistics.getTransparentFaceCount() == 0) {
                    entityType = EntityType.EMPTY;
                // level editor entity
                LevelEditorEntity levelEditorEntity = null;
                // model
                if (entityType == EntityType.MODEL) {
                    // check if we have that model already
                    for (int i = 0; i < levelEditorLevel.getEntityLibrary().getEntityCount(); i++) {
                        LevelEditorEntity levelEditorEntityCompare = levelEditorLevel.getEntityLibrary().getEntityAt(i);
                        if (levelEditorEntityCompare.getType() != EntityType.MODEL)
                        if (ModelUtilities.equals(model, levelEditorEntityCompare.getModel()) == true) {
                            levelEditorEntity = levelEditorEntityCompare;
                    // create level editor model, if not yet exists
                    if (levelEditorEntity == null) {
                        // save model
                        TMWriter.write(model, pathName + "/" + fileName + "-models", modelName + ".tm");
                        // create level editor entity
                        levelEditorEntity = entityLibrary.addModel(nodeIdx++, modelName, modelName, pathName + "/" + fileName + "-models", modelName + ".tm", new Vector3());
                } else // empty
                if (entityType == EntityType.EMPTY) {
                    if (emptyEntity == null) {
                        emptyEntity = entityLibrary.addEmpty(nodeIdx++, "Default Empty", "");
                    levelEditorEntity = emptyEntity;
                } else {
                    System.out.println("DAEReader::readLevel(): unknown entity type. Skipping");
                // level editor object transformations
                Transformations levelEditorObjectTransformations = new Transformations();
                levelEditorObjectTransformations.getRotations().add(new Rotation(rotation.getArray()[rotationOrder.getAxis0VectorIndex()], rotationOrder.getAxis0()));
                levelEditorObjectTransformations.getRotations().add(new Rotation(rotation.getArray()[rotationOrder.getAxis1VectorIndex()], rotationOrder.getAxis1()));
                levelEditorObjectTransformations.getRotations().add(new Rotation(rotation.getArray()[rotationOrder.getAxis2VectorIndex()], rotationOrder.getAxis2()));
                // level editor object
                LevelEditorObject object = new LevelEditorObject(xmlNode.getAttribute("id"), xmlNode.getAttribute("id"), levelEditorObjectTransformations, levelEditorEntity);
                // add object to level
    // save level
    LevelFileExport.export(pathName + "/" + fileName + ".tl", levelEditorLevel);
    return levelEditorLevel;
Also used : Group(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Group) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) ModelStatistics(net.drewke.tdme.engine.subsystems.object.ModelUtilitiesInternal.ModelStatistics) LevelEditorObject( LevelEditorEntity( UpVector(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model.UpVector) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) Rotation(net.drewke.tdme.engine.Rotation) Joint(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Joint) Matrix4x4(net.drewke.tdme.math.Matrix4x4) EntityType( LevelEditorEntityLibrary( StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) LevelEditorLevel( DocumentBuilder(javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder) RotationOrder(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.RotationOrder) Model(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model) Transformations(net.drewke.tdme.engine.Transformations) File(

Example 67 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class TMReader method read.

	 * TDME model format reader
	 * @param path name
	 * @param file name
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ModelIOException
	 * @return model
public static Model read(String pathName, String fileName) throws IOException, ModelFileIOException {
    InputStream is = null;
    try {
        is = FileSystem.getInstance().getInputStream(pathName, fileName);
        // version major.minor = 1.0
        String fileId = readString(is);
        if (fileId == null || fileId.equals("TDME Model") == false) {
            throw new ModelFileIOException("File is not a TDME model file, file id = '" + fileId + "'");
        byte[] version = new byte[3];
        version[0] = readByte(is);
        version[1] = readByte(is);
        version[2] = readByte(is);
        if (version[0] != 1 || version[1] != 0 || version[2] != 0) {
            throw new ModelFileIOException("Version mismatch, should be 1.0.0, but is " + version[0] + "." + version[1] + "." + version[2]);
        // meta data
        String name = readString(is);
        // up vector, rotation order, bounding box
        UpVector upVector = UpVector.valueOf(readString(is));
        RotationOrder rotationOrder = RotationOrder.valueOf(readString(is));
        BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(readFloatArray(is)), new Vector3(readFloatArray(is)));
        // 	create object
        Model model = new Model(pathName + File.separator + fileName, fileName, upVector, rotationOrder, boundingBox);
        // set additional data
        // materials
        int materialCount = readInt(is);
        for (int i = 0; i < materialCount; i++) {
            Material material = readMaterial(is);
            model.getMaterials().put(material.getId(), material);
        // sub groups
        readSubGroups(is, model, null, model.getSubGroups());
        return model;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw ioe;
    } catch (ModelFileIOException mfioe) {
        throw mfioe;
    } finally {
        if (is != null) {
Also used : UpVector(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model.UpVector) InputStream( BoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox) RotationOrder(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.RotationOrder) Model(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) Material(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Material) IOException( Joint(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Joint)

Example 68 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class PartitionQuadTree method createPartition.

	 * Creates a partition
	 * @param parent
	 * @param x
	 * @param y
	 * @param z
	 * @param partition size
	 * @return partition tree node
public PartitionTreeNode createPartition(PartitionTreeNode parent, int x, int y, int z, float partitionSize) {
    PartitionTreeNode node;
    node = new PartitionTreeNode();
    node.partitionSize = partitionSize;
    node.x = x;
    node.y = y;
    node.z = z;
    node.parent = parent; = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(x * partitionSize, y * partitionSize, z * partitionSize), new Vector3(x * partitionSize + partitionSize, y * partitionSize + partitionSize, z * partitionSize + partitionSize));
    // System.out.println(this.hashCode() + ":" + "FrumstumPartition::createPartition()::" +;
    node.subNodes = null;
    node.subNodesByCoordinate = null;
    node.partitionObjects = null;
    // register in parent sub nodes
    if (parent.subNodes == null) {
        parent.subNodes = new ArrayList<PartitionTreeNode>();
    // register in parent sub nodes by coordinate 
    if (parent.subNodesByCoordinate == null) {
        parent.subNodesByCoordinate = new HashMap<Key, PartitionTreeNode>();
    Key key = new Key();
    parent.subNodesByCoordinate.put(key, node);
    // create sub nodes
    if (partitionSize > PARTITION_SIZE_MIN) {
        for (int _y = 0; _y < 2; _y++) for (int _x = 0; _x < 2; _x++) for (int _z = 0; _z < 2; _z++) {
            createPartition(node, (int) ((x * partitionSize) / (partitionSize / 2f)) + _x, (int) ((y * partitionSize) / (partitionSize / 2f)) + _y, (int) ((z * partitionSize) / (partitionSize / 2f)) + _z, partitionSize / 2f);
    } else {
        node.partitionObjects = new ArrayList<Entity>();
    return node;
Also used : BoundingBox(net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) Key(net.drewke.tdme.utils.Key)

Example 69 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class WFObjReader method read.

	 * Reads a wave front object file
	 * @param path name
	 * @param file name
	 * @return model
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ModelIOException
public static Model read(String pathName, String fileName) throws IOException, ModelFileIOException {
    // create object
    Model model = new Model(pathName + File.separator + fileName, fileName, UpVector.Y_UP, RotationOrder.XYZ, null);
    ArrayList<Vector3> vertices = new ArrayList<Vector3>();
    ArrayList<TextureCoordinate> textureCoordinates = new ArrayList<TextureCoordinate>();
    HashMap<String, Material> materials = model.getMaterials();
    HashMap<String, Group> subGroups = model.getSubGroups();
    HashMap<String, Group> groups = model.getGroups();
    // current group
    Group group = null;
    // model vertices -> group vertices mapping
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> modelGroupVerticesMapping = null;
    // model texture coordinates -> group texture coordinates mapping
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> modelGroupTextureCoordinatesMapping = null;
    // current group data
    ArrayList<Face> groupFacesEntityFaces = null;
    ArrayList<Vector3> groupVertices = null;
    ArrayList<Vector3> groupNormals = null;
    ArrayList<TextureCoordinate> groupTextureCoordinates = null;
    // current group's faces entity
    ArrayList<FacesEntity> groupFacesEntities = null;
    FacesEntity groupFacesEntity = null;
    DataInputStream inputStream = new DataInputStream(FileSystem.getInstance().getInputStream(pathName, fileName));
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
    try {
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            line = line.trim();
            // skip on comments
            if (line.startsWith("#")) {
            // determine index of first ' ' which will separate command from arguments
            int commandEndIdx = line.indexOf(' ');
            if (commandEndIdx == -1)
                commandEndIdx = line.length();
            // determine command
            String command = line.substring(0, commandEndIdx).trim().toLowerCase();
            // determine arguments if any exist
            String arguments = command.length() + 1 > line.length() ? "" : line.substring(command.length() + 1);
            // parse
            if (command.equals("mtllib")) {
                String materialFileName = arguments;
                materials = WFObjReader.readMaterials(pathName, materialFileName);
            } else if (command.equals("v")) {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(arguments, " ");
                float x = Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken());
                float y = Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken());
                float z = Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken());
                // add vertex
                vertices.add(new Vector3(x, y, z));
            } else if (command.equals("vt")) {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(arguments, " ");
                float u = Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken());
                float v = Float.parseFloat(t.nextToken());
                textureCoordinates.add(new TextureCoordinate(u, v));
            } else if (command.equals("f")) {
                StringTokenizer t2;
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(arguments, " ");
                int v0 = -1;
                int v1 = -1;
                int v2 = -1;
                int vt0 = -1;
                int vt1 = -1;
                int vt2 = -1;
                // parse vertex index 0, vertex texture index 0
                t2 = new StringTokenizer(t.nextToken(), "/");
                v0 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                if (t2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    vt0 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                // parse vertex index 1, vertex texture index 1
                t2 = new StringTokenizer(t.nextToken(), "/");
                v1 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                if (t2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    vt1 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                // parse vertex index 2, vertex texture index 2
                t2 = new StringTokenizer(t.nextToken(), "/");
                v2 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                if (t2.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    vt2 = Integer.parseInt(t2.nextToken()) - 1;
                // check if triangulated
                if (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    throw new ModelFileIOException("We only support triangulated meshes");
                Integer mappedVertex = null;
                // map v0 to group
                mappedVertex = modelGroupVerticesMapping.get(v0);
                if (mappedVertex == null) {
                    v0 = groupVertices.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    v0 = mappedVertex.intValue();
                // map v1 to group
                mappedVertex = modelGroupVerticesMapping.get(v1);
                if (mappedVertex == null) {
                    v1 = groupVertices.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    v1 = mappedVertex.intValue();
                // map v2 to group
                mappedVertex = modelGroupVerticesMapping.get(v2);
                if (mappedVertex == null) {
                    v2 = groupVertices.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    v2 = mappedVertex.intValue();
                Integer mappedTextureCoordinate = null;
                // map vt0 to group
                mappedTextureCoordinate = modelGroupTextureCoordinatesMapping.get(vt0);
                if (mappedTextureCoordinate == null) {
                    vt0 = groupTextureCoordinates.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    vt0 = mappedTextureCoordinate.intValue();
                // map vt1 to group
                mappedTextureCoordinate = modelGroupTextureCoordinatesMapping.get(vt1);
                if (mappedTextureCoordinate == null) {
                    vt1 = groupTextureCoordinates.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    vt1 = mappedTextureCoordinate.intValue();
                // map vt2 to group
                mappedTextureCoordinate = modelGroupTextureCoordinatesMapping.get(vt2);
                if (mappedTextureCoordinate == null) {
                    vt2 = groupTextureCoordinates.size() - 1;
                } else {
                    vt2 = mappedTextureCoordinate.intValue();
                // compute vertex normal
                Vector3[] faceVertexNormals = ModelHelper.computeNormals(new Vector3[] { groupVertices.get(v0), groupVertices.get(v1), groupVertices.get(v2) });
                // store group normals
                int n0 = groupNormals.size();
                int n1 = groupNormals.size();
                int n2 = groupNormals.size();
                // create face with vertex indices
                //	we only support triangulated faces
                Face face = new Face(group, v0, v1, v2, n0, n1, n2);
                if (vt0 != -1 && vt1 != -1 && vt2 != -1) {
                    // set optional texture coordinate index
                    face.setTextureCoordinateIndices(vt0, vt1, vt2);
            } else if (command.equals("g")) {
                if (group != null) {
                    // current faces entity
                    if (groupFacesEntityFaces.isEmpty() == false) {
                    // group
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(arguments, " ");
                String name = t.nextToken();
                groupVertices = new ArrayList<Vector3>();
                groupNormals = new ArrayList<Vector3>();
                groupTextureCoordinates = new ArrayList<TextureCoordinate>();
                groupFacesEntityFaces = new ArrayList<Face>();
                group = new Group(model, null, name, name);
                groupFacesEntity = new FacesEntity(group, name);
                groupFacesEntities = new ArrayList<FacesEntity>();
                modelGroupVerticesMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                modelGroupTextureCoordinatesMapping = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
                subGroups.put(name, group);
                groups.put(name, group);
            } else if (command.equals("usemtl")) {
                if (group != null) {
                    // current faces entity
                    if (groupFacesEntityFaces.isEmpty() == false) {
                    // set up new one
                    groupFacesEntity = new FacesEntity(group, "#" + groupFacesEntities.size());
                    groupFacesEntityFaces = new ArrayList<Face>();
            } else {
            // not supported
        // finish last group
        if (group != null) {
            // current faces entity
            if (groupFacesEntityFaces.isEmpty() == false) {
            // group
    } finally {
        // close resouces
    // prepare for indexed rendering
    return model;
Also used : FacesEntity(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.FacesEntity) Group(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Group) InputStreamReader( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3) Material(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Material) DataInputStream( StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) Model(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model) BufferedReader( TextureCoordinate(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.TextureCoordinate) Face(net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Face)

Example 70 with Vector3

use of net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3 in project tdme by andreasdr.

the class ModelHelper method computeNormals.

	 * Computes face normals for given face vertices
	 * 	these normals will not be smooth
	 * @param face vertices
	 * @return face normals
public static Vector3[] computeNormals(Vector3[] vertices) {
    // face normal
    Vector3 normal = computeNormal(vertices);
    // compute vertex normal
    Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
        // TODO: vertex normals for smooth shading is currently broken
        //			but its only used for primitives models and wf obj parser
        // vertices[i].clone().add(normal).normalize();
        normals[i] = normal.clone();
    return normals;
Also used : Vector3(net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)


Vector3 (net.drewke.tdme.math.Vector3)75 FacesEntity (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.FacesEntity)20 Model (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Model)20 LevelEditorEntity ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 Rotation (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Rotation)12 Face (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Face)12 BoundingBox (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingBox)11 Material (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Material)10 BoundingVolume (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.BoundingVolume)10 Group (net.drewke.tdme.engine.model.Group)9 PrimitiveModel (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.PrimitiveModel)9 Entity (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Entity)8 Object3D (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Object3D)8 LevelEditorObject ( File ( IOException ( Transformations (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Transformations)7 OrientedBoundingBox (net.drewke.tdme.engine.primitives.OrientedBoundingBox)7 Camera (net.drewke.tdme.engine.Camera)6