Search in sources :

Example 11 with DatabaseStoreMessage

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class StoreJob method sendStore.

 * Send a store to the given peer, including a reply
 * DeliveryStatusMessage so we know it got there
private void sendStore(RouterInfo router, int responseTime) {
    if (!_state.getTarget().equals(_state.getData().getHash())) {
        _log.error("Hash mismatch StoreJob");
    DatabaseStoreMessage msg = new DatabaseStoreMessage(getContext());
    if (_state.getData().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) {
        if (responseTime > MAX_DIRECT_EXPIRATION)
            responseTime = MAX_DIRECT_EXPIRATION;
    } else if (_state.getData().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) {
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Storing an unknown data type! " + _state.getData());
    long now = getContext().clock().now();
    msg.setMessageExpiration(now + _timeoutMs);
    if (router.getIdentity().equals(getContext().router().getRouterInfo().getIdentity())) {
        // don't send it to ourselves
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
            _log.error(getJobId() + ": Dont send store to ourselves - why did we try?");
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
        _log.debug(getJobId() + ": Send store timeout is " + responseTime);
    sendStore(msg, router, now + responseTime);
Also used : DatabaseStoreMessage(

Example 12 with DatabaseStoreMessage

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class EstablishmentManager method sendInboundComplete.

 * dont send our info immediately, just send a small data packet, and 5-10s later,
 * if the peer isnt banlisted, *then* send them our info.  this will help kick off
 * the oldnet
 * The "oldnet" was <, it is long gone.
 * The delay really slows down the network.
 * The peer is unbanlisted and marked reachable by addRemotePeerState() which calls markReachable()
 * so the check below is fairly pointless.
 * If for some strange reason an oldnet router (NETWORK_ID == 1) does show up,
 *  it's handled in UDPTransport.messageReceived()
 * (where it will get dropped, marked unreachable and banlisted at that time).
private void sendInboundComplete(PeerState peer) {
    // SimpleTimer.getInstance().addEvent(new PublishToNewInbound(peer), 10*1000);
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Completing to the peer after IB confirm: " + peer);
    DeliveryStatusMessage dsm = new DeliveryStatusMessage(_context);
    // overloaded, sure, but future versions can check this
    // This causes huge values in the inNetPool.droppedDeliveryStatusDelay stat
    // so it needs to be caught in InNetMessagePool.
    dsm.setMessageExpiration(_context.clock().now() + DATA_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT);
    // sent below
    // just do this inline
    // _context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new PublishToNewInbound(peer), 0);
    Hash hash = peer.getRemotePeer();
    if ((hash != null) && (!_context.banlist().isBanlisted(hash)) && (!_transport.isUnreachable(hash))) {
        // ok, we are fine with them, send them our latest info
        // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
        //"Publishing to the peer after confirm plus delay (without banlist): " + peer);
        // bundle the two messages together for efficiency
        DatabaseStoreMessage dbsm = getOurInfo();
        List<I2NPMessage> msgs = new ArrayList<I2NPMessage>(2);
        _transport.send(msgs, peer);
    } else {
        _transport.send(dsm, peer);
        // nuh uh.
        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
            _log.warn("NOT publishing to the peer after confirm plus delay (WITH banlist): " + (hash != null ? hash.toString() : "unknown"));
Also used : I2NPMessage( DatabaseStoreMessage( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Hash( DeliveryStatusMessage(

Example 13 with DatabaseStoreMessage

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class InboundMessageDistributor method handleClove.

 * Handle a clove removed from the garlic message
public void handleClove(DeliveryInstructions instructions, I2NPMessage data) {
    int type = data.getType();
    switch(instructions.getDeliveryMode()) {
        case DeliveryInstructions.DELIVERY_MODE_LOCAL:
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                _log.debug("local delivery instructions for clove: " + data.getClass().getSimpleName());
            if (type == GarlicMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                _receiver.receive((GarlicMessage) data);
            } else if (type == DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                // Treat db store explicitly here (not in HandleFloodfillDatabaseStoreMessageJob),
                // since we don't want to republish (or flood)
                // unnecessarily. Reply tokens ignored.
                DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = (DatabaseStoreMessage) data;
                // Ensure the reply info is cleared, just in case
                if (dsm.getEntry().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) {
                    // Case 1:
                    // store of our own LS.
                    // This is almost certainly a response to a FloodfillVerifyStoreJob search.
                    // We must send to the InNetMessagePool so the message can be matched
                    // and the verify marked as successful.
                    // Case 2:
                    // Store of somebody else's LS.
                    // This could be an encrypted response to an IterativeSearchJob search.
                    // We must send to the InNetMessagePool so the message can be matched
                    // and the search marked as successful.
                    // Or, it's a normal LS bundled with data and a MessageStatusMessage.
                    // ... and inject it.
                    ((LeaseSet) dsm.getEntry()).setReceivedAsReply();
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
              "Storing garlic LS down tunnel for: " + dsm.getKey() + " sent to: " + _client);
                    _context.inNetMessagePool().add(dsm, null, null);
                } else {
                    if (_client != null) {
                        // drop it, since the data we receive shouldn't include router
                        // references, as that might get us to talk to them (and therefore
                        // open an attack vector)
                        _context.statManager().addRateData("tunnel.dropDangerousClientTunnelMessage", 1, DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE);
                        _log.error("Dropped dangerous message down a tunnel for " + _client + ": " + dsm, new Exception("cause"));
                    // ... and inject it.
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
              "Storing garlic RI down tunnel for: " + dsm.getKey() + " sent to: " + _client);
                    _context.inNetMessagePool().add(dsm, null, null);
            } else if (_client != null && type == DatabaseSearchReplyMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                // DSRMs show up here now that replies are encrypted
                // TODO: Strip in IterativeLookupJob etc. instead, depending on
                // LS or RI and client or expl., so that we can safely follow references
                // in a reply to a LS lookup over client tunnels.
                // ILJ would also have to follow references via client tunnels
                DatabaseSearchReplyMessage orig = (DatabaseSearchReplyMessage) data;
                 *                    if (orig.getNumReplies() > 0) {
                 *                        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
                 *                  "Removing replies from a garlic DSRM down a tunnel for " + _client + ": " + data);
                 *                        DatabaseSearchReplyMessage newMsg = new DatabaseSearchReplyMessage(_context);
                 *                        newMsg.setFromHash(orig.getFromHash());
                 *                        newMsg.setSearchKey(orig.getSearchKey());
                 *                        orig = newMsg;
                 *                     }
                _context.inNetMessagePool().add(orig, null, null);
            } else if (type == DataMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                // a data message targetting the local router is how we send load tests (real
                // data messages target destinations)
                _context.statManager().addRateData("tunnel.handleLoadClove", 1);
                data = null;
            // _context.inNetMessagePool().add(data, null, null);
            } else if (_client != null && type != DeliveryStatusMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                // drop it, since the data we receive shouldn't include other stuff,
                // as that might open an attack vector
                _context.statManager().addRateData("tunnel.dropDangerousClientTunnelMessage", 1, data.getType());
                _log.error("Dropped dangerous message down a tunnel for " + _client + ": " + data, new Exception("cause"));
            } else {
                _context.inNetMessagePool().add(data, null, null);
        case DeliveryInstructions.DELIVERY_MODE_DESTINATION:
            Hash to = instructions.getDestination();
            // Can we route UnknownI2NPMessages to a destination too?
            if (type != DataMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                    _log.error("cant send a " + data.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to a destination");
            } else if (_client != null && _client.equals(to)) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                    _log.debug("data message came down a tunnel for " + _client);
                DataMessage dm = (DataMessage) data;
                Payload payload = new Payload();
                ClientMessage m = new ClientMessage(_client, payload);
            } else if (_client != null) {
                // Shared tunnel?
                TunnelPoolSettings tgt = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundSettings(to);
                if (tgt != null && _client.equals(tgt.getAliasOf())) {
                    // same as above, just different log
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                        _log.debug("data message came down a tunnel for " + _client + " targeting shared " + to);
                    DataMessage dm = (DataMessage) data;
                    Payload payload = new Payload();
                    ClientMessage m = new ClientMessage(to, payload);
                } else {
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                        _log.error("Data message came down a tunnel for " + _client + " but targetted " + to);
            } else {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                    _log.error("Data message came down an exploratory tunnel targeting " + to);
        // fall through
        case DeliveryInstructions.DELIVERY_MODE_ROUTER:
        case DeliveryInstructions.DELIVERY_MODE_TUNNEL:
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))
      "clove targetted " + instructions.getRouter() + ":" + instructions.getTunnelId() + ", treat recursively to prevent leakage");
            distribute(data, instructions.getRouter(), instructions.getTunnelId());
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                _log.error("Unknown instruction " + instructions.getDeliveryMode() + ": " + instructions);
Also used : DataMessage( DatabaseStoreMessage( DatabaseSearchReplyMessage( TunnelPoolSettings(net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings) Payload( ClientMessage(net.i2p.router.ClientMessage) Hash(

Example 14 with DatabaseStoreMessage

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class NTCPConnection method enqueueInfoMessage.

 *  Inject a DatabaseStoreMessage with our RouterInfo
public void enqueueInfoMessage() {
    int priority = INFO_PRIORITY;
    // }
    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"SENDING INFO message pri. " + priority + ": " + toString());
    DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = new DatabaseStoreMessage(_context);
    // We are injecting directly, so we can use a null target.
    OutNetMessage infoMsg = new OutNetMessage(_context, dsm, _context.clock().now() + 10 * 1000, priority, null);
    // _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.infoMessageEnqueued", 1);
Also used : OutNetMessage(net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage) DatabaseStoreMessage(

Example 15 with DatabaseStoreMessage

use of in project i2p.i2p by i2p.

the class NTCPTransport method outboundMessageReady.

protected void outboundMessageReady() {
    OutNetMessage msg = getNextMessage();
    if (msg != null) {
        RouterInfo target = msg.getTarget();
        RouterIdentity ident = target.getIdentity();
        Hash ih = ident.calculateHash();
        NTCPConnection con = null;
        boolean isNew = false;
        boolean fail = false;
        synchronized (_conLock) {
            con = _conByIdent.get(ih);
            if (con == null) {
                isNew = true;
                RouterAddress addr = getTargetAddress(target);
                if (addr != null) {
                    con = new NTCPConnection(_context, this, ident, addr);
                    // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                    // _log.debug("Send on a new con: " + con + " at " + addr + " for " + ih);
                    // Note that outbound conns go in the map BEFORE establishment
                    _conByIdent.put(ih, con);
                } else {
                    // race, RI changed out from under us
                    // call afterSend below outside of conLock
                    fail = true;
        if (fail) {
            // race, RI changed out from under us, maybe SSU can handle it
            if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                _log.warn("we bid on a peer who doesn't have an ntcp address? " + target);
            afterSend(msg, false);
        if (isNew) {
            // doesn't do anything yet, just enqueues it
            // As of 0.9.12, don't send our info if the first message is
            // doing the same (common when connecting to a floodfill).
            // Also, put the info message after whatever we are trying to send
            // (it's a priority queue anyway and the info is low priority)
            // Prior to 0.9.12, Bob would not send his RI unless he had ours,
            // but that's fixed in 0.9.12.
            boolean shouldSkipInfo = false;
            I2NPMessage m = msg.getMessage();
            if (m.getType() == DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) {
                DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = (DatabaseStoreMessage) m;
                if (dsm.getKey().equals(_context.routerHash())) {
                    shouldSkipInfo = true;
            if (!shouldSkipInfo) {
            } else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) {
      "SKIPPING INFO message: " + con);
            try {
                SocketChannel channel =;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                    _log.error("Error opening a channel", ioe);
                _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.outboundFailedIOEImmediate", 1);
        } else {
            NTCPConnection con = getCon(ident);
            remove the race here
            if (con != null) {
                //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                //    _log.debug("Send on an existing con: " + con);
            } else {
                RouterAddress addr = msg.getTarget().getTargetAddress(STYLE);
                if (addr != null) {
                    NTCPAddress naddr = new NTCPAddress(addr);
                    con = new NTCPConnection(_context, this, ident, naddr);
                    Hash ih = ident.calculateHash();
                    if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG))
                        _log.debug("Send on a new con: " + con + " at " + addr + " for " + ih.toBase64());
                    NTCPConnection old = null;
                    synchronized (_conLock) {
                        old = (NTCPConnection)_conByIdent.put(ih, con);
                    if (old != null) {
                        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN))
                            _log.warn("Multiple connections on out ready, closing " + old + " and keeping " + con);
                    con.enqueueInfoMessage(); // enqueues a netDb store of our own info
                    con.send(msg); // doesn't do anything yet, just enqueues it

                    try {
                        SocketChannel channel =;
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR))
                            _log.error("Error opening a channel", ioe);
                } else {
Also used : SocketChannel(java.nio.channels.SocketChannel) ServerSocketChannel(java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel) OutNetMessage(net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage) RouterInfo( RouterIdentity( I2NPMessage( DatabaseStoreMessage( RouterAddress( IOException( Hash(


DatabaseStoreMessage ( Hash ( RouterInfo ( OutNetMessage (net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage)5 DatabaseSearchReplyMessage ( TunnelInfo (net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo)4 TunnelId ( I2NPMessage ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 DatabaseEntry ( DeliveryStatusMessage ( RouterIdentity ( Job (net.i2p.router.Job)2 IOException ( ServerSocketChannel (java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel)1 SocketChannel (java.nio.channels.SocketChannel)1 LeaseSet ( Payload ( DataMessage ( TunnelGatewayMessage (