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Example 36 with FinalInterval

use of net.imglib2.FinalInterval in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class DefaultCreateKernelLog method calculate.

public RandomAccessibleInterval<T> calculate(double[] sigmas) {
    final double[] sigmaPixels = new double[sigmas.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < sigmaPixels.length; i++) {
        // Optimal sigma for LoG approach and dimensionality.
        final double sigma_optimal = sigmas[i] / Math.sqrt(sigmas.length);
        sigmaPixels[i] = sigma_optimal;
    final int n = sigmaPixels.length;
    final long[] dims = new long[n];
    final long[] middle = new long[n];
    for (int d = 0; d < n; ++d) {
        // The half size of the kernel is 3 standard deviations (or a
        // minimum half size of 2)
        final int hksizes = Math.max(2, (int) (3 * sigmaPixels[d] + 0.5) + 1);
        // add 3 border pixels to achieve smoother derivatives at the border
        dims[d] = 3 + 2 * hksizes;
        middle[d] = 1 + hksizes;
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> output = createOp.calculate(new FinalInterval(dims));
    final Cursor<T> c = Views.iterable(output).cursor();
    final long[] coords = new long[sigmas.length];
		 * The gaussian normalization factor, divided by a constant value. This
		 * is a fudge factor, that more or less put the quality values close to
		 * the maximal value of a blob of optimal radius.
    final double C = 1d / 20d * Math.pow(1d / sigmas[0] / Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI), sigmas.length);
    // Work in image coordinates
    while (c.hasNext()) {
        double mantissa = 0;
        double exponent = 0;
        for (int d = 0; d < coords.length; d++) {
            final double x = (coords[d] - middle[d]);
            mantissa += -C * (x * x / sigmas[0] / sigmas[0] - 1d);
            exponent += -x * x / 2d / sigmas[0] / sigmas[0];
        c.get().setReal(mantissa * Math.exp(exponent));
    return output;
Also used : FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval)

Example 37 with FinalInterval

use of net.imglib2.FinalInterval in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class NonCirculantNormalizationFactor method createNormalizationImageSemiNonCirculant.

protected void createNormalizationImageSemiNonCirculant() {
    // k is the window size (valid image region)
    final int length = k.numDimensions();
    final long[] n = new long[length];
    final long[] nFFT = new long[length];
    // also referred to as object space size
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        n[d] = k.dimension(d) + l.dimension(d) - 1;
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        nFFT[d] = imgConvolutionInterval.dimension(d);
    FinalDimensions fd = new FinalDimensions(nFFT);
    // create the normalization image
    normalization = create.calculate(fd);
    // size of the measurement window
    final Point size = new Point(length);
    final long[] sizel = new long[length];
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        size.setPosition(k.dimension(d), d);
        sizel[d] = k.dimension(d);
    // starting point of the measurement window when it is centered in fft space
    final Point start = new Point(length);
    final long[] startl = new long[length];
    final long[] endl = new long[length];
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        start.setPosition((nFFT[d] - k.dimension(d)) / 2, d);
        startl[d] = (nFFT[d] - k.dimension(d)) / 2;
        endl[d] = startl[d] + sizel[d] - 1;
    // size of the object space
    final Point maskSize = new Point(length);
    final long[] maskSizel = new long[length];
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        maskSize.setPosition(Math.min(n[d], nFFT[d]), d);
        maskSizel[d] = Math.min(n[d], nFFT[d]);
    // starting point of the object space within the fft space
    final Point maskStart = new Point(length);
    final long[] maskStartl = new long[length];
    for (int d = 0; d < length; d++) {
        maskStart.setPosition((Math.max(0, nFFT[d] - n[d]) / 2), d);
        maskStartl[d] = (Math.max(0, nFFT[d] - n[d]) / 2);
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<O> temp = Views.interval(normalization, new FinalInterval(startl, endl));
    final Cursor<O> normCursor = Views.iterable(temp).cursor();
    // draw a cube the size of the measurement space
    while (normCursor.hasNext()) {
    final Img<O> tempImg = create.calculate(fd);
    // 3. correlate psf with the output of step 2.
    correlater.compute(normalization, tempImg);
    normalization = tempImg;
    final Cursor<O> cursorN = normalization.cursor();
    while (cursorN.hasNext()) {
        if (cursorN.get().getRealFloat() <= 1e-3f) {
Also used : FinalDimensions(net.imglib2.FinalDimensions) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) Point(net.imglib2.Point) Point(net.imglib2.Point)

Example 38 with FinalInterval

use of net.imglib2.FinalInterval in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class OffsetViewTest method defaultOffsetIntervalTest.

public void defaultOffsetIntervalTest() {
    Img<DoubleType> img = new ArrayImgFactory<DoubleType>().create(new int[] { 10, 10 }, new DoubleType());
    IntervalView<DoubleType> il2 = Views.offsetInterval(img, new FinalInterval(new long[] { 2, 2 }, new long[] { 9, 9 }));
    IntervalView<DoubleType> opr = ops.transform().offsetView(img, new FinalInterval(new long[] { 2, 2 }, new long[] { 9, 9 }));
    assertEquals(il2.realMax(0), opr.realMax(0), 1e-10);
    assertEquals(il2.realMin(0), opr.realMin(0), 1e-10);
    assertEquals(il2.realMax(1), opr.realMax(1), 1e-10);
    assertEquals(il2.realMin(1), opr.realMin(1), 1e-10);
Also used : DoubleType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) AbstractOpTest(net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 39 with FinalInterval

use of net.imglib2.FinalInterval in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class DefaultDistanceTransformTest method test.

public void test() {
    // create 4D image
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> in = ops.create().img(new FinalInterval(20, 20, 5, 3), new BitType());
		 * test normal DT
    RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> out = (RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType>), null, in);
    compareResults(out, in, new double[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 });
		 * test calibrated DT
    final double[] calibration = new double[] { 3.74, 5.19, 1.21, 2.21 };
    out = (RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType>), null, in, calibration);
    compareResults(out, in, calibration);
Also used : RandomAccessibleInterval(net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval) BitType(net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) FloatType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType) AbstractOpTest(net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 40 with FinalInterval

use of net.imglib2.FinalInterval in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class CreateImgTest method testCreateFromRaiDifferentType.

public void testCreateFromRaiDifferentType() {
    final IntervalView<ByteType> input = Views.interval(PlanarImgs.bytes(10, 10, 10), new FinalInterval(new long[] { 10, 10, 1 }));
    final Img<?> res = (Img<?>), input, new ShortType());
    assertEquals("Image Type: ", ShortType.class, res.firstElement().getClass());
    assertArrayEquals("Image Dimensions: ", Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(input), Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(res));
    assertEquals("Image Factory: ", ArrayImgFactory.class, res.factory().getClass());
Also used : CreateImgFromImg(net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromImg) Img(net.imglib2.img.Img) CreateImgFromDimsAndType(net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromDimsAndType) ShortType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ShortType) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) UnsignedByteType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType) ByteType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ByteType) AbstractOpTest(net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest) Test(org.junit.Test)


FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)41 AbstractOpTest (net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest)13 RandomAccessibleInterval (net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval)13 Test (org.junit.Test)13 DoubleType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType)9 Img (net.imglib2.img.Img)7 BitType (net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)7 Interval (net.imglib2.Interval)5 UnsignedByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType)5 FloatType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType)4 ImgPlus (net.imagej.ImgPlus)3 RealType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType)3 ByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ByteType)3 File ( Random (java.util.Random)2 Dataset (net.imagej.Dataset)2 CreateImgFromImg (net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromImg)2 DefaultMesh (net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.DefaultMesh)2 TriangularFacet (net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.TriangularFacet)2 FinalDimensions (net.imglib2.FinalDimensions)2