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Example 41 with Vec3i

use of net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i in project GregTech by GregTechCEu.

the class ToolDrillLarge method findOppositeCorner.

private static BlockPos findOppositeCorner(int max, BlockPos corner, EnumFacing facing) {
    Vec3i rightVec = RelativeDirection.RIGHT.applyVec3i(facing);
    Vec3i forwardVec = RelativeDirection.FRONT.applyVec3i(facing);
    Vec3i upVec = RelativeDirection.UP.applyVec3i(facing);
    return corner.add(multiplyVec(rightVec, max - 1)).add(multiplyVec(forwardVec, max - 1)).add(multiplyVec(upVec, max - 1));
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i)

Example 42 with Vec3i

use of net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i in project Blockus by Brandcraf06.

the class WoodenBarrelBlockEntity method playSound.

void playSound(BlockState state, SoundEvent soundEvent) {
    Vec3i vec3i = state.get(BarrelBlock.FACING).getVector();
    double d = (double) this.pos.getX() + 0.5D + (double) vec3i.getX() / 2.0D;
    double e = (double) this.pos.getY() + 0.5D + (double) vec3i.getY() / 2.0D;
    double f = (double) this.pos.getZ() + 0.5D + (double) vec3i.getZ() / 2.0D;, d, e, f, soundEvent, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5F, * 0.1F + 0.9F);
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i)

Example 43 with Vec3i

use of net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class MovementFall method updateState.

public MovementState updateState(MovementState state) {
    if (state.getStatus() != MovementStatus.RUNNING) {
        return state;
    BlockPos playerFeet = ctx.playerFeet();
    Rotation toDest = RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(ctx.playerHead(), VecUtils.getBlockPosCenter(dest), ctx.playerRotations());
    Rotation targetRotation = null;
    Block destBlock =;
    boolean isWater = destBlock == Blocks.WATER || destBlock == Blocks.FLOWING_WATER;
    if (!isWater && willPlaceBucket() && !playerFeet.equals(dest)) {
        if (!InventoryPlayer.isHotbar(ctx.player().inventory.getSlotFor(STACK_BUCKET_WATER)) || {
            return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.UNREACHABLE);
        if (ctx.player().posY - dest.getY() < ctx.playerController().getBlockReachDistance() && !ctx.player().onGround) {
            ctx.player().inventory.currentItem = ctx.player().inventory.getSlotFor(STACK_BUCKET_WATER);
            targetRotation = new Rotation(toDest.getYaw(), 90.0F);
            if (ctx.isLookingAt(dest) || ctx.isLookingAt(dest.down())) {
                state.setInput(Input.CLICK_RIGHT, true);
    if (targetRotation != null) {
        state.setTarget(new MovementTarget(targetRotation, true));
    } else {
        state.setTarget(new MovementTarget(toDest, false));
    if (playerFeet.equals(dest) && (ctx.player().posY - playerFeet.getY() < 0.094 || isWater)) {
        // 0.094 because lilypads
        if (isWater) {
            // only match water, not flowing water (which we cannot pick up with a bucket)
            if (InventoryPlayer.isHotbar(ctx.player().inventory.getSlotFor(STACK_BUCKET_EMPTY))) {
                ctx.player().inventory.currentItem = ctx.player().inventory.getSlotFor(STACK_BUCKET_EMPTY);
                if (ctx.player().motionY >= 0) {
                    return state.setInput(Input.CLICK_RIGHT, true);
                } else {
                    return state;
            } else {
                if (ctx.player().motionY >= 0) {
                    return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.SUCCESS);
            // don't else return state; we need to stay centered because this water might be flowing under the surface
        } else {
            return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.SUCCESS);
    // we are moving to the 0.5 center not the edge (like if we were falling on a ladder)
    Vec3d destCenter = VecUtils.getBlockPosCenter(dest);
    if (Math.abs(ctx.player().posX + ctx.player().motionX - destCenter.x) > 0.1 || Math.abs(ctx.player().posZ + ctx.player().motionZ - destCenter.z) > 0.1) {
        if (!ctx.player().onGround && Math.abs(ctx.player().motionY) > 0.4) {
            state.setInput(Input.SNEAK, true);
        state.setInput(Input.MOVE_FORWARD, true);
    Vec3i avoid = Optional.ofNullable(avoid()).map(EnumFacing::getDirectionVec).orElse(null);
    if (avoid == null) {
        avoid = src.subtract(dest);
    } else {
        double dist = Math.abs(avoid.getX() * (destCenter.x - avoid.getX() / 2.0 - ctx.player().posX)) + Math.abs(avoid.getZ() * (destCenter.z - avoid.getZ() / 2.0 - ctx.player().posZ));
        if (dist < 0.6) {
            state.setInput(Input.MOVE_FORWARD, true);
        } else if (!ctx.player().onGround) {
            state.setInput(Input.SNEAK, false);
    if (targetRotation == null) {
        Vec3d destCenterOffset = new Vec3d(destCenter.x + 0.125 * avoid.getX(), destCenter.y, destCenter.z + 0.125 * avoid.getZ());
        state.setTarget(new MovementTarget(RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(ctx.playerHead(), destCenterOffset, ctx.playerRotations()), false));
    return state;
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i) Block(net.minecraft.block.Block) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) BetterBlockPos(baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos) Rotation(baritone.api.utils.Rotation) MovementTarget(baritone.pathing.movement.MovementState.MovementTarget) Vec3d(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)

Example 44 with Vec3i

use of net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i in project baritone by cabaletta.

the class SelCommand method execute.

public void execute(String label, IArgConsumer args) throws CommandException {
    Action action = Action.getByName(args.getString());
    if (action == null) {
        throw new CommandInvalidTypeException(args.consumed(), "an action");
    if (action == Action.POS1 || action == Action.POS2) {
        if (action == Action.POS2 && pos1 == null) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Set pos1 first before using pos2");
        BetterBlockPos playerPos = mc.getRenderViewEntity() != null ? BetterBlockPos.from(new BlockPos(mc.getRenderViewEntity())) : ctx.playerFeet();
        BetterBlockPos pos = args.hasAny() ? args.getDatatypePost(RelativeBlockPos.INSTANCE, playerPos) : playerPos;
        if (action == Action.POS1) {
            pos1 = pos;
            logDirect("Position 1 has been set");
        } else {
            manager.addSelection(pos1, pos);
            pos1 = null;
            logDirect("Selection added");
    } else if (action == Action.CLEAR) {
        pos1 = null;
        logDirect(String.format("Removed %d selections", manager.removeAllSelections().length));
    } else if (action == Action.UNDO) {
        if (pos1 != null) {
            pos1 = null;
            logDirect("Undid pos1");
        } else {
            ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
            if (selections.length < 1) {
                throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Nothing to undo!");
            } else {
                pos1 = manager.removeSelection(selections[selections.length - 1]).pos1();
                logDirect("Undid pos2");
    } else if (action == Action.SET || action == Action.WALLS || action == Action.SHELL || action == Action.CLEARAREA || action == Action.REPLACE) {
        BlockOptionalMeta type = action == Action.CLEARAREA ? new BlockOptionalMeta(Blocks.AIR) : args.getDatatypeFor(ForBlockOptionalMeta.INSTANCE);
        BlockOptionalMetaLookup replaces = null;
        if (action == Action.REPLACE) {
            List<BlockOptionalMeta> replacesList = new ArrayList<>();
            while (args.has(2)) {
            type = args.getDatatypeFor(ForBlockOptionalMeta.INSTANCE);
            replaces = new BlockOptionalMetaLookup(replacesList.toArray(new BlockOptionalMeta[0]));
        } else {
        ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
        if (selections.length == 0) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("No selections");
        BetterBlockPos origin = selections[0].min();
        CompositeSchematic composite = new CompositeSchematic(0, 0, 0);
        for (ISelection selection : selections) {
            BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
            origin = new BetterBlockPos(Math.min(origin.x, min.x), Math.min(origin.y, min.y), Math.min(origin.z, min.z));
        for (ISelection selection : selections) {
            Vec3i size = selection.size();
            BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
            ISchematic schematic = new FillSchematic(size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ(), type);
            if (action == Action.WALLS) {
                schematic = new WallsSchematic(schematic);
            } else if (action == Action.SHELL) {
                schematic = new ShellSchematic(schematic);
            } else if (action == Action.REPLACE) {
                schematic = new ReplaceSchematic(schematic, replaces);
            composite.put(schematic, min.x - origin.x, min.y - origin.y, min.z - origin.z);
        baritone.getBuilderProcess().build("Fill", composite, origin);
        logDirect("Filling now");
    } else if (action == Action.COPY) {
        BetterBlockPos playerPos = mc.getRenderViewEntity() != null ? BetterBlockPos.from(new BlockPos(mc.getRenderViewEntity())) : ctx.playerFeet();
        BetterBlockPos pos = args.hasAny() ? args.getDatatypePost(RelativeBlockPos.INSTANCE, playerPos) : playerPos;
        ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
        if (selections.length < 1) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("No selections");
        BlockStateInterface bsi = new BlockStateInterface(ctx);
        BetterBlockPos origin = selections[0].min();
        CompositeSchematic composite = new CompositeSchematic(0, 0, 0);
        for (ISelection selection : selections) {
            BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
            origin = new BetterBlockPos(Math.min(origin.x, min.x), Math.min(origin.y, min.y), Math.min(origin.z, min.z));
        for (ISelection selection : selections) {
            Vec3i size = selection.size();
            BetterBlockPos min = selection.min();
            IBlockState[][][] blockstates = new IBlockState[size.getX()][size.getZ()][size.getY()];
            for (int x = 0; x < size.getX(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < size.getY(); y++) {
                    for (int z = 0; z < size.getZ(); z++) {
                        blockstates[x][z][y] = bsi.get0(min.x + x, min.y + y, min.z + z);
            ISchematic schematic = new StaticSchematic() {

                    states = blockstates;
                    x = size.getX();
                    y = size.getY();
                    z = size.getZ();
            composite.put(schematic, min.x - origin.x, min.y - origin.y, min.z - origin.z);
        clipboard = composite;
        clipboardOffset = origin.subtract(pos);
        logDirect("Selection copied");
    } else if (action == Action.PASTE) {
        BetterBlockPos playerPos = mc.getRenderViewEntity() != null ? BetterBlockPos.from(new BlockPos(mc.getRenderViewEntity())) : ctx.playerFeet();
        BetterBlockPos pos = args.hasAny() ? args.getDatatypePost(RelativeBlockPos.INSTANCE, playerPos) : playerPos;
        if (clipboard == null) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("You need to copy a selection first");
        baritone.getBuilderProcess().build("Fill", clipboard, pos.add(clipboardOffset));
        logDirect("Building now");
    } else if (action == Action.EXPAND || action == Action.CONTRACT || action == Action.SHIFT) {
        TransformTarget transformTarget = TransformTarget.getByName(args.getString());
        if (transformTarget == null) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("Invalid transform type");
        EnumFacing direction = args.getDatatypeFor(ForEnumFacing.INSTANCE);
        int blocks = args.getAs(Integer.class);
        ISelection[] selections = manager.getSelections();
        if (selections.length < 1) {
            throw new CommandInvalidStateException("No selections found");
        selections = transformTarget.transform(selections);
        for (ISelection selection : selections) {
            if (action == Action.EXPAND) {
                manager.expand(selection, direction, blocks);
            } else if (action == Action.CONTRACT) {
                manager.contract(selection, direction, blocks);
            } else {
                manager.shift(selection, direction, blocks);
        logDirect(String.format("Transformed %d selections", selections.length));
Also used : CommandInvalidTypeException(baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidTypeException) EnumFacing(net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing) ForEnumFacing(baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForEnumFacing) StaticSchematic(baritone.utils.schematic.StaticSchematic) BetterBlockPos(baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos) ISelection(baritone.api.selection.ISelection) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) BetterBlockPos(baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos) RelativeBlockPos(baritone.api.command.datatypes.RelativeBlockPos) List(java.util.List) CommandInvalidStateException(baritone.api.command.exception.CommandInvalidStateException) Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i) BlockStateInterface(baritone.utils.BlockStateInterface) IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) BlockOptionalMetaLookup(baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMetaLookup) ForBlockOptionalMeta(baritone.api.command.datatypes.ForBlockOptionalMeta) BlockOptionalMeta(baritone.api.utils.BlockOptionalMeta)

Example 45 with Vec3i

use of net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i in project fabric by FabricMC.

the class AoCalculator method computeFace.

 * Computes smoothed brightness and Ao shading for four corners of a block face.
 * Outer block face is what you normally see and what you get get when second
 * parameter is true. Inner is light *within* the block and usually darker.
 * It is blended with the outer face for inset surfaces, but is also used directly
 * in vanilla logic for some blocks that aren't full opaque cubes.
 * Except for parameterization, the logic itself is practically identical to vanilla.
private AoFaceData computeFace(Direction lightFace, boolean isOnBlockFace) {
    final int faceDataIndex = isOnBlockFace ? lightFace.getId() : lightFace.getId() + 6;
    final int mask = 1 << faceDataIndex;
    final AoFaceData result = faceData[faceDataIndex];
    if ((completionFlags & mask) == 0) {
        completionFlags |= mask;
        final ExtendedBlockView world = blockInfo.blockView;
        final BlockPos pos = blockInfo.blockPos;
        final BlockPos.Mutable lightPos = this.lightPos;
        final BlockPos.Mutable searchPos = this.searchPos;
        lightPos.set(isOnBlockFace ? pos.offset(lightFace) : pos);
        AoFace aoFace = AoFace.get(lightFace);
        final int light0 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        final float ao0 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
        final int light1 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        final float ao1 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
        final int light2 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        final float ao2 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
        final int light3 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        final float ao3 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
        // vanilla was further offsetting these in the direction of the light face
        // but it was actually mis-sampling and causing visible artifacts in certain situation
        // .setOffset(lightFace);
        final boolean isClear0 = world.getBlockState(searchPos).getLightSubtracted(world, searchPos) == 0;
        // .setOffset(lightFace);
        final boolean isClear1 = world.getBlockState(searchPos).getLightSubtracted(world, searchPos) == 0;
        // .setOffset(lightFace);
        final boolean isClear2 = world.getBlockState(searchPos).getLightSubtracted(world, searchPos) == 0;
        // .setOffset(lightFace);
        final boolean isClear3 = world.getBlockState(searchPos).getLightSubtracted(world, searchPos) == 0;
        // c = corner - values at corners of face
        int cLight0, cLight1, cLight2, cLight3;
        float cAo0, cAo1, cAo2, cAo3;
        // then we use values from the outwardly diagonal corner. (outwardly = position is one more away from light face)
        if (!isClear2 && !isClear0) {
            cAo0 = ao0;
            cLight0 = light0;
        } else {
            cAo0 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
            cLight0 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        if (!isClear3 && !isClear0) {
            cAo1 = ao0;
            cLight1 = light0;
        } else {
            cAo1 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
            cLight1 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        if (!isClear2 && !isClear1) {
            cAo2 = ao1;
            cLight2 = light1;
        } else {
            cAo2 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
            cLight2 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        if (!isClear3 && !isClear1) {
            cAo3 = ao1;
            cLight3 = light1;
        } else {
            cAo3 = aoFunc.apply(searchPos);
            cLight3 = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        // If on block face or neighbor isn't occluding, "center" will be neighbor brightness
        // Doesn't use light pos because logic not based solely on this block's geometry
        int lightCenter;
        searchPos.set((Vec3i) pos).setOffset(lightFace);
        if (isOnBlockFace || !world.getBlockState(searchPos).isFullOpaque(world, searchPos)) {
            lightCenter = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(searchPos);
        } else {
            lightCenter = brightnessFunc.applyAsInt(pos);
        float aoCenter = aoFunc.apply(isOnBlockFace ? lightPos : pos);
        result.a0 = (ao3 + ao0 + cAo1 + aoCenter) * 0.25F;
        result.a1 = (ao2 + ao0 + cAo0 + aoCenter) * 0.25F;
        result.a2 = (ao2 + ao1 + cAo2 + aoCenter) * 0.25F;
        result.a3 = (ao3 + ao1 + cAo3 + aoCenter) * 0.25F;
        result.l0(meanBrightness(light3, light0, cLight1, lightCenter));
        result.l1(meanBrightness(light2, light0, cLight0, lightCenter));
        result.l2(meanBrightness(light2, light1, cLight2, lightCenter));
        result.l3(meanBrightness(light3, light1, cLight3, lightCenter));
    return result;
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ExtendedBlockView(


Vec3i (net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i)161 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)88 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)29 Vec3d (net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d)25 EnumFacing (net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing)18 AxisAlignedBB (net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB)15 Block (net.minecraft.block.Block)12 Entity (net.minecraft.entity.Entity)11 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 World ( TileEntity (net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity)8 SideOnly (net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly)7 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)6 Tessellator (net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator)6 EntityEnderCrystal (net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityEnderCrystal)6 EntityPlayer (net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)6 SubscribeEvent (net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Random (java.util.Random)5 Direction (net.minecraft.util.math.Direction)5