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Example 11 with Vector3d

use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.

the class MagnifyingGlassViewHandler method inspectionRender.

public void inspectionRender(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
    // Check if the player is in first person
    if (!Minecraft.getInstance().gameSettings.getPointOfView().func_243192_a()) {
    // Check if an inspection renderer is present and cache it (another thread might set it to null)
    IMagnifyingGlassInspector inspector = this.inspector;
    if (inspector == null) {
    // Check if the inspector has a target and cache (another thread might set it to null)
    Target target = this.lastTarget;
    if (target == null) {
    // Fetch and push matrix to the matrix stack
    MatrixStack transforms = event.getMatrixStack();
    // Correct for render view
    Vector3d projectedView = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo().getProjectedView();
    transforms.translate(-projectedView.x, -projectedView.y, -projectedView.z);
    // Move to the player's eye position
    Vector3d eyes = this.getPlayer().getEyePosition(event.getPartialTicks());
    transforms.translate(eyes.getX(), eyes.getY(), eyes.getZ());
    // Fetch the player's target
    Vector3d hit = target.getTargetVector(event.getPartialTicks());
    Vector3d view = hit.subtract(eyes).normalize();
    // Translate offset
    transforms.translate(GENOME_OFFSET * view.getX(), GENOME_OFFSET * view.getY(), GENOME_OFFSET * view.getZ());
    // Fetch player look orientation;
    float yaw = (float) (Math.PI * this.getPlayer().getYaw(event.getPartialTicks())) / 180;
    float pitch = (float) (Math.PI * this.getPlayer().getPitch(event.getPartialTicks())) / 180;
    // Rotate for yaw
    // Render
    inspector.doInspectionRender(transforms, event.getPartialTicks(), target.getTargetEntity());
    // Pop last transformation matrix from the stack
Also used : Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d) MatrixStack(com.mojang.blaze3d.matrix.MatrixStack) IMagnifyingGlassInspector(com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.v1.client.IMagnifyingGlassInspector) SubscribeEvent(net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent)

Example 12 with Vector3d

use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d in project BluePower by Qmunity.

the class BPEventHandler method blockHighlightEvent.

public void blockHighlightEvent(DrawHighlightEvent event) {
    PlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
    if (player == null) {
    World world = player.level;
    if (world == null) {
    RayTraceResult mop = event.getTarget();
    if (mop instanceof BlockRayTraceResult) {
        BlockPos pos = ((BlockRayTraceResult) mop).getBlockPos();
        BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
        if (state.getBlock() instanceof BlockBPMultipart) {
            BlockState partstate = MultipartUtils.getClosestState(player, pos);
            IVertexBuilder builder = event.getBuffers().getBuffer(RenderType.lines());
            if (partstate != null) {
                VoxelShape shape = partstate.getShape(world, pos, ISelectionContext.of(player));
                Vector3d projectedView = event.getInfo().getPosition();
                double d0 = pos.getX() - projectedView.x();
                double d1 = pos.getY() - projectedView.y();
                double d2 = pos.getZ() - projectedView.z();
                Matrix4f matrix4f = event.getMatrix().last().pose();
                shape.forAllEdges((startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ) -> {
                    builder.vertex(matrix4f, (float) (startX + d0), (float) (startY + d1), (float) (startZ + d2)).color(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.4F).endVertex();
                    builder.vertex(matrix4f, (float) (endX + d0), (float) (endY + d1), (float) (endZ + d2)).color(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.4F).endVertex();
Also used : Matrix4f(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f) BlockState(net.minecraft.block.BlockState) VoxelShape(net.minecraft.util.math.shapes.VoxelShape) Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d) RayTraceResult(net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult) BlockRayTraceResult(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult) BlockBPMultipart(com.bluepowermod.block.BlockBPMultipart) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) BlockRayTraceResult(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult) World( PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) IVertexBuilder(com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.IVertexBuilder) SubscribeEvent(net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent) OnlyIn(net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn)

Example 13 with Vector3d

use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d in project Bookshelf by Darkhax-Minecraft.

the class EntityUtils method pushTowards.

 * Pushes an entity towards another one.
 * @param entityToMove The entity that should be pushed towards the other entity.
 * @param destination The destination entity, that the entity to move should be pushed
 *        towards.
 * @param force The amount of force to push the entityToMove with.
public static void pushTowards(Entity entityToMove, Entity destination, double force) {
    final double distanceX = destination.getX() - entityToMove.getX();
    final double distanceY = destination.getY() - entityToMove.getY();
    final double distanceZ = destination.getZ() - entityToMove.getZ();
    final double distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY + distanceZ * distanceZ);
    if (distance > 0) {
        entityToMove.setDeltaMovement(new Vector3d(distanceX / distance * force, distanceY / distance * force, distanceZ / distance * force));
Also used : Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d)

Example 14 with Vector3d

use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d in project BluePower by Qmunity.

the class BlockBPMicroblock method getStateForPlacement.

public BlockState getStateForPlacement(BlockItemUseContext context) {
    PlayerEntity player = context.getPlayer();
    FluidState fluidstate = context.getLevel().getFluidState(context.getClickedPos());
    if (player != null && !player.isCrouching()) {
        return this.defaultBlockState().setValue(FACING, context.getClickedFace()).setValue(WATERLOGGED, fluidstate.getType() == Fluids.WATER);
    Vector3d vec = context.getPlayer().getLookAngle();
    return this.defaultBlockState().setValue(FACING, Direction.getNearest(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)).setValue(WATERLOGGED, fluidstate.getType() == Fluids.WATER);
Also used : Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d) PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) FluidState(net.minecraft.fluid.FluidState) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 15 with Vector3d

use of net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d in project BluePower by Qmunity.

the class TileDeployer method rightClick.

 * Be sure to set up the fake player's hotbar with the right clicked items. starting with hotbar slot 0.
 * @param player
 * @param useItems this method will set the current selected slot of the fake player to 0, and move on to the next slot useItems - 1 times.
 *          So to use the first slot only, pass 1, to use the full hotbar, 9.
 * @return
protected boolean rightClick(FakePlayer player, int useItems) {
    if (useItems > 9)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hotbar is 9 items in width! You're trying " + useItems + "!");
    Direction faceDir = getFacingDirection();
    int dx = faceDir.getStepX();
    int dy = faceDir.getStepY();
    int dz = faceDir.getStepZ();
    int x = worldPosition.getX() + dx;
    int y = worldPosition.getY() + dy;
    int z = worldPosition.getZ() + dz;
    player.setPos(x + 0.5, y + 0.5 - player.getEyeHeight(), z + 0.5);
    player.xRot = faceDir.getStepY() * -90;
    switch(faceDir) {
        case NORTH:
            player.yRot = 180;
        case SOUTH:
            player.yRot = 0;
        case WEST:
            player.yRot = 90;
        case EAST:
            player.yRot = -90;
    try {
        PlayerInteractEvent event = new PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickEmpty(player, Hand.MAIN_HAND);
        if (event.isCanceled())
            return false;
        Block block = level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlock();
        List<LivingEntity> detectedEntities = level.getEntitiesOfClass(LivingEntity.class, new AxisAlignedBB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1));
        Entity entity = detectedEntities.isEmpty() ? null : detectedEntities.get(level.random.nextInt(detectedEntities.size()));
        if (entity != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < useItems; i++) {
                player.inventory.selected = i;
                ItemStack stack = player.getMainHandItem();
                if (canDeployItem(stack) && stack.getItem().interactLivingEntity(stack, player, (LivingEntity) entity, Hand.MAIN_HAND).shouldSwing())
                    return true;
                if (entity instanceof AnimalEntity && ((AnimalEntity) entity).mobInteract(player, Hand.MAIN_HAND).shouldSwing())
                    return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < useItems; i++) {
            player.inventory.selected = i;
            ItemStack stack = player.getMainHandItem();
            if (canDeployItem(stack) && stack.getItem().onItemUseFirst(stack, new ItemUseContext(player, Hand.MAIN_HAND, new BlockRayTraceResult(new Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), faceDir, new BlockPos(x, y, z), false))) == ActionResultType.SUCCESS)
                return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < useItems; i++) {
            player.inventory.selected = i;
            if (!level.isEmptyBlock(new BlockPos(x, y, z)) && block.use(level.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)), level, new BlockPos(x, y, z), player, Hand.MAIN_HAND, new BlockRayTraceResult(new Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), faceDir, new BlockPos(x, y, z), false)) == ActionResultType.SUCCESS)
                return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < useItems; i++) {
            player.inventory.selected = i;
            ItemStack stack = player.getMainHandItem();
            boolean isGoingToShift = false;
            if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
                if (stack.getItem() == Items.SUGAR_CANE || stack.getItem() == Items.REDSTONE) {
                    isGoingToShift = true;
            int useX = isGoingToShift ? worldPosition.getX() : x;
            int useY = isGoingToShift ? worldPosition.getY() : y;
            int useZ = isGoingToShift ? worldPosition.getZ() : z;
            if (canDeployItem(stack) && stack.getItem().useOn(new ItemUseContext(player, Hand.MAIN_HAND, new BlockRayTraceResult(new Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), faceDir, new BlockPos(x, y, z), false))) == ActionResultType.SUCCESS)
                return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < useItems; i++) {
            player.inventory.selected = i;
            ItemStack stack = player.getMainHandItem();
            if (canDeployItem(stack)) {
                ItemStack copy = stack.copy();
                // TODO Check this
                player.setItemInHand(Hand.MAIN_HAND, stack.getItem().use(level, player, Hand.MAIN_HAND).getObject());
                if (!copy.sameItem(stack))
                    return true;
        return false;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        BluePower.log.error("Deployer crashed! Stacktrace: ");
        return true;
Also used : AxisAlignedBB(net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB) AnimalEntity(net.minecraft.entity.passive.AnimalEntity) Entity(net.minecraft.entity.Entity) PlayerEntity(net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) ItemEntity(net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity) ItemUseContext(net.minecraft.item.ItemUseContext) PlayerInteractEvent(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent) AnimalEntity(net.minecraft.entity.passive.AnimalEntity) BlockRayTraceResult(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult) Direction(net.minecraft.util.Direction) LivingEntity(net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity) Vector3d(net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d) Block(net.minecraft.block.Block) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) ItemStack(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)


Vector3d (net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Vector3d)19 BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)7 PlayerEntity (net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity)4 ItemStack (net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)4 BlockRayTraceResult (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult)4 Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)3 BlockState (net.minecraft.block.BlockState)3 Entity (net.minecraft.entity.Entity)3 IEnergyStorage ( IVertexBuilder (com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.IVertexBuilder)2 Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)2 ServerPlayerEntity (net.minecraft.entity.player.ServerPlayerEntity)2 Direction (net.minecraft.util.Direction)2 AxisAlignedBB (net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB)2 RayTraceContext (net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceContext)2 Matrix4f (net.minecraft.util.math.vector.Matrix4f)2 StringTextComponent (net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent)2 OnlyIn (net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn)2 SubscribeEvent (net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent)2 BlockBPMultipart (com.bluepowermod.block.BlockBPMultipart)1