use of in project InteractionVisualizer by LOOHP.
the class V1_17 method getBoundingBoxes.
public List<BoundingBox> getBoundingBoxes(BlockPosition pos) {
net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition blockpos = new net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
WorldServer world = ((CraftWorld) pos.getWorld()).getHandle();
try {
VoxelShape shape = (VoxelShape) blockDataGetShape.invoke(worldServerGetType.invoke(blockpos), world, blockpos);
return ((List<AxisAlignedBB>) voxelShapeGetAABBList.invoke(shape)).stream().map(each -> new BoundingBox(each.a + pos.getX(), each.b + pos.getY(), each.c + pos.getZ(), each.d + pos.getX(), each.e + pos.getY(), each.f + pos.getZ())).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (Exception e) {
List<BoundingBox> boxes = new ArrayList<>();
return boxes;
use of in project InteractionVisualizer by LOOHP.
the class V1_18 method getBoundingBoxes.
public List<BoundingBox> getBoundingBoxes(BlockPosition pos) {
net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition blockpos = new net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
WorldServer world = ((CraftWorld) pos.getWorld()).getHandle();
VoxelShape shape = world.a_(blockpos).j(world, blockpos);
try {
return ((List<AxisAlignedBB>) voxelShapeGetAABBList.invoke(shape)).stream().map(each -> new BoundingBox(each.a + pos.getX(), each.b + pos.getY(), each.c + pos.getZ(), each.d + pos.getX(), each.e + pos.getY(), each.f + pos.getZ())).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (Exception e) {
List<BoundingBox> boxes = new ArrayList<>();
return boxes;
use of in project InteractionVisualizer by LOOHP.
the class V1_18_2 method getBoundingBoxes.
public List<BoundingBox> getBoundingBoxes(BlockPosition pos) {
net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition blockpos = new net.minecraft.core.BlockPosition(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
WorldServer world = ((CraftWorld) pos.getWorld()).getHandle();
VoxelShape shape = world.a_(blockpos).j(world, blockpos);
try {
return ((List<AxisAlignedBB>) voxelShapeGetAABBList.invoke(shape)).stream().map(each -> new BoundingBox(each.a + pos.getX(), each.b + pos.getY(), each.c + pos.getZ(), each.d + pos.getX(), each.e + pos.getY(), each.f + pos.getZ())).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (Exception e) {
List<BoundingBox> boxes = new ArrayList<>();
return boxes;
use of in project Atlas by funkemunky.
the class BlockBox1_17_R1 method getCollisionBox.
public CollisionBox getCollisionBox(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
final World world = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
final int x = block.getX(), y = block.getY(), z = block.getZ();
IBlockData iblockData = ((CraftBlock) block).getNMS();
Block vblock = iblockData.getBlock();
BlockPosition blockPos = new BlockPosition(x, y, z);
VoxelShape shape = vblock.a(iblockData, world, blockPos, VoxelShapeCollision.a());
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = shape.toList();
if (boxes.size() == 0) {
return BlockData.getData(block.getType()).getBox(block, ProtocolVersion.getGameVersion());
} else if (boxes.size() == 1) {
AxisAlignedBB box = boxes.get(0);
return new SimpleCollisionBox(box.a, box.b, box.c, box.d, box.e, box.f);
} else {
ComplexCollisionBox complexBox = new ComplexCollisionBox();
for (AxisAlignedBB box : boxes) {
complexBox.add(new SimpleCollisionBox(box.a, box.b, box.c, box.d, box.e, box.f));
return complexBox;
use of in project Atlas by funkemunky.
the class BlockBox1_18_R1 method getCollisionBox.
public CollisionBox getCollisionBox(org.bukkit.block.Block block) {
final World world = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftWorld) block.getWorld()).getHandle();
final int x = block.getX(), y = block.getY(), z = block.getZ();
IBlockData iblockData = ((CraftBlock) block).getNMS();
Block vblock = iblockData.b();
BlockPosition blockPos = new BlockPosition(x, y, z);
VoxelShape shape = vblock.a(iblockData, world, blockPos, VoxelShapeCollision.a());
List<AxisAlignedBB> boxes = shape.d();
if (boxes.size() == 0) {
return BlockData.getData(block.getType()).getBox(block, ProtocolVersion.getGameVersion());
} else if (boxes.size() == 1) {
AxisAlignedBB box = boxes.get(0);
return new SimpleCollisionBox(box.a, box.b, box.c, box.d, box.e, box.f);
} else {
ComplexCollisionBox complexBox = new ComplexCollisionBox();
for (AxisAlignedBB box : boxes) {
complexBox.add(new SimpleCollisionBox(box.a, box.b, box.c, box.d, box.e, box.f));
return complexBox;