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Example 16 with DrawSettings

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory method createTimeControl.

public TextInfoWidget createTimeControl(final MapActivity map) {
    final RoutingHelper routingHelper = map.getRoutingHelper();
    final int time = R.drawable.widget_time_day;
    final int timeN = R.drawable.widget_time_night;
    final int timeToGo = R.drawable.widget_time_to_distance_day;
    final int timeToGoN = R.drawable.widget_time_to_distance_night;
    final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication();
    final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showArrival = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_ARRIVAL_TIME_OTHERWISE_EXPECTED_TIME;
    final TextInfoWidget leftTimeControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) {

        private long cachedLeftTime = 0;

        public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) {
            setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN);
            int time = 0;
            if (routingHelper != null && routingHelper.isRouteCalculated()) {
                // boolean followingMode = routingHelper.isFollowingMode();
                time = routingHelper.getLeftTime();
                if (time != 0) {
                    if (/*followingMode && */
                    showArrival.get()) {
                        long toFindTime = time * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (Math.abs(toFindTime - cachedLeftTime) > 30000) {
                            cachedLeftTime = toFindTime;
                            if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(ctx)) {
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                                setText(DateFormat.format("k:mm", toFindTime).toString(), null);
                            } else {
                                setText(DateFormat.format("h:mm", toFindTime).toString(), // $NON-NLS-1$
                                DateFormat.format("aa", toFindTime).toString());
                            return true;
                    } else {
                        if (Math.abs(time - cachedLeftTime) > 30) {
                            cachedLeftTime = time;
                            int hours = time / (60 * 60);
                            int minutes = (time / 60) % 60;
                            // $NON-NLS-1$
                            setText(String.format("%d:%02d", hours, minutes), null);
                            return true;
            if (time == 0 && cachedLeftTime != 0) {
                cachedLeftTime = 0;
                setText(null, null);
                return true;
            return false;
    leftTimeControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
            leftTimeControl.setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN);
    leftTimeControl.setText(null, null);
    leftTimeControl.setIcons(showArrival.get() ? time : timeToGo, showArrival.get() ? timeN : timeToGoN);
    return leftTimeControl;
Also used : OsmandApplication( RoutingHelper( ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) OsmandMapTileView( TargetPoint( Paint( DrawSettings(

Example 17 with DrawSettings

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory method createBearingControl.

public TextInfoWidget createBearingControl(final MapActivity map) {
    final int bearingResId = R.drawable.widget_bearing_day;
    final int bearingNightResId = R.drawable.widget_bearing_night;
    final int relativeBearingResId = R.drawable.widget_relative_bearing_day;
    final int relativeBearingNightResId = R.drawable.widget_relative_bearing_night;
    final OsmandApplication ctx = map.getMyApplication();
    final OsmandPreference<Boolean> showRelativeBearing = ctx.getSettings().SHOW_RELATIVE_BEARING_OTHERWISE_REGULAR_BEARING;
    final TextInfoWidget bearingControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) {

        private int cachedDegrees;

        private float MIN_SPEED_FOR_HEADING = 1f;

        public LatLon getPointToNavigate() {
            TargetPoint p = map.getPointToNavigate();
            return p == null ? null : p.point;

        public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) {
            boolean relative = showRelativeBearing.get();
            boolean modeChanged = setIcons(relative ? relativeBearingResId : bearingResId, relative ? relativeBearingNightResId : bearingNightResId);
            setContentTitle(relative ? R.string.map_widget_bearing : R.string.map_widget_magnetic_bearing);
            int b = getBearing(relative);
            if (degreesChanged(cachedDegrees, b) || modeChanged) {
                cachedDegrees = b;
                if (b != -1000) {
                    setText(String.valueOf(b) + "°" + (relative ? "" : " M"), null);
                } else {
                    setText(null, null);
                return true;
            return false;

        public int getBearing(boolean relative) {
            int d = -1000;
            Location myLocation = getOsmandApplication().getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation();
            LatLon l = getPointToNavigate();
            if (l == null) {
                List<MapMarker> markers = getOsmandApplication().getMapMarkersHelper().getMapMarkers();
                if (markers.size() > 0) {
                    l = markers.get(0).point;
            if (myLocation != null && l != null) {
                Location dest = new Location("");
                GeomagneticField destGf = new GeomagneticField((float) dest.getLatitude(), (float) dest.getLongitude(), (float) dest.getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis());
                float bearingToDest = dest.getBearing() - destGf.getDeclination();
                if (relative) {
                    float b = -1000;
                    Float heading = getOsmandApplication().getLocationProvider().getHeading();
                    if ((myLocation.getSpeed() < MIN_SPEED_FOR_HEADING || !myLocation.hasBearing()) && heading != null) {
                        b = heading;
                    } else if (myLocation.hasBearing()) {
                        GeomagneticField myLocGf = new GeomagneticField((float) myLocation.getLatitude(), (float) myLocation.getLongitude(), (float) myLocation.getAltitude(), System.currentTimeMillis());
                        b = myLocation.getBearing() - myLocGf.getDeclination();
                    if (b > -1000) {
                        bearingToDest -= b;
                        if (bearingToDest > 180f) {
                            bearingToDest -= 360f;
                        } else if (bearingToDest < -180f) {
                            bearingToDest += 360f;
                        d = (int) bearingToDest;
                } else {
                    d = (int) bearingToDest;
            return d;
    bearingControl.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {
    bearingControl.setText(null, null);
    bearingControl.setIcons(!showRelativeBearing.get() ? bearingResId : relativeBearingResId, !showRelativeBearing.get() ? bearingNightResId : relativeBearingNightResId);
    return bearingControl;
Also used : OsmandApplication( MapMarker( GeomagneticField(android.hardware.GeomagneticField) TargetPoint( ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) OsmandMapTileView( TargetPoint( Paint( DrawSettings( LatLon( Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 18 with DrawSettings

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory method createMaxSpeedControl.

public TextInfoWidget createMaxSpeedControl(final MapActivity map) {
    final RoutingHelper rh = map.getMyApplication().getRoutingHelper();
    final OsmAndLocationProvider locationProvider = map.getMyApplication().getLocationProvider();
    final MapViewTrackingUtilities trackingUtilities = map.getMapViewTrackingUtilities();
    final TextInfoWidget speedControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) {

        private float cachedSpeed = 0;

        public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) {
            float mx = 0;
            if ((rh == null || !rh.isFollowingMode() || rh.isDeviatedFromRoute() || rh.getCurrentGPXRoute() != null) && trackingUtilities.isMapLinkedToLocation()) {
                RouteDataObject ro = locationProvider.getLastKnownRouteSegment();
                if (ro != null) {
                    mx = ro.getMaximumSpeed(ro.bearingVsRouteDirection(locationProvider.getLastKnownLocation()));
            } else if (rh != null) {
                mx = rh.getCurrentMaxSpeed();
            } else {
                mx = 0f;
            if (cachedSpeed != mx) {
                cachedSpeed = mx;
                if (cachedSpeed == 0) {
                    setText(null, null);
                } else if (cachedSpeed == RouteDataObject.NONE_MAX_SPEED) {
                    setText(map.getString(R.string.max_speed_none), "");
                } else {
                    String ds = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(cachedSpeed, map.getMyApplication());
                    int ls = ds.lastIndexOf(' ');
                    if (ls == -1) {
                        setText(ds, null);
                    } else {
                        setText(ds.substring(0, ls), ds.substring(ls + 1));
                return true;
            return false;
    speedControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_max_speed_day, R.drawable.widget_max_speed_night);
    speedControl.setText(null, null);
    return speedControl;
Also used : OsmAndLocationProvider( MapViewTrackingUtilities( RouteDataObject(net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject) RoutingHelper( DrawSettings(

Example 19 with DrawSettings

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory method createSpeedControl.

public TextInfoWidget createSpeedControl(final MapActivity map) {
    final OsmandApplication app = map.getMyApplication();
    final TextInfoWidget speedControl = new TextInfoWidget(map) {

        private float cachedSpeed = 0;

        public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) {
            Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation();
            // draw speed
            if (loc != null && loc.hasSpeed()) {
                // .1 mps == 0.36 kph
                float minDelta = .1f;
                // and use .02 instead of .03 to account for rounding effects.
                if (cachedSpeed < 6) {
                    minDelta = .015f;
                if (Math.abs(loc.getSpeed() - cachedSpeed) > minDelta) {
                    cachedSpeed = loc.getSpeed();
                    String ds = OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedSpeed(cachedSpeed, app);
                    int ls = ds.lastIndexOf(' ');
                    if (ls == -1) {
                        setText(ds, null);
                    } else {
                        setText(ds.substring(0, ls), ds.substring(ls + 1));
                    return true;
            } else if (cachedSpeed != 0) {
                cachedSpeed = 0;
                setText(null, null);
                return true;
            return false;
    speedControl.setIcons(R.drawable.widget_speed_day, R.drawable.widget_speed_night);
    speedControl.setText(null, null);
    return speedControl;
Also used : OsmandApplication( TargetPoint( Paint( DrawSettings( Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 20 with DrawSettings

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RouteInfoWidgetsFactory method createNextNextInfoControl.

public NextTurnInfoWidget createNextNextInfoControl(final Activity activity, final OsmandApplication app, boolean horisontalMini) {
    final RoutingHelper routingHelper = app.getRoutingHelper();
    final NextTurnInfoWidget nextTurnInfo = new NextTurnInfoWidget(activity, app, horisontalMini) {

        NextDirectionInfo calc1 = new NextDirectionInfo();

        public boolean updateInfo(DrawSettings drawSettings) {
            boolean followingMode = routingHelper.isFollowingMode() || app.getLocationProvider().getLocationSimulation().isRouteAnimating();
            TurnType turnType = null;
            boolean deviatedFromRoute = false;
            int turnImminent = 0;
            int nextTurnDistance = 0;
            if (routingHelper != null && routingHelper.isRouteCalculated() && followingMode) {
                deviatedFromRoute = routingHelper.isDeviatedFromRoute();
                NextDirectionInfo r = routingHelper.getNextRouteDirectionInfo(calc1, true);
                if (!deviatedFromRoute) {
                    if (r != null) {
                        r = routingHelper.getNextRouteDirectionInfoAfter(r, calc1, true);
                if (r != null && r.distanceTo > 0 && r.directionInfo != null) {
                    turnType = r.directionInfo.getTurnType();
                    turnImminent = r.imminent;
                    nextTurnDistance = r.distanceTo;
            setTurnImminent(turnImminent, deviatedFromRoute);
            return true;
    nextTurnInfo.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        // int i = 0;
        public void onClick(View v) {
        // uncomment to test turn info rendering
        // final int l = TurnType.predefinedTypes.length;
        // final int exits = 5;
        // i++;
        // if (i % (l + exits) >= l ) {
        // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf("EXIT" + (i % (l + exits) - l + 1), true);
        // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = (i % (l + exits) - l + 1)+"";
        // float a = 180 - (i % (l + exits) - l + 1) * 50;
        // nextTurnInfo.turnType.setTurnAngle(a < 0 ? a + 360 : a);
        // } else {
        // nextTurnInfo.turnType = TurnType.valueOf(TurnType.predefinedTypes[i % (TurnType.predefinedTypes.length + exits)], true);
        // nextTurnInfo.exitOut = "";
        // }
        // nextTurnInfo.turnImminent = (nextTurnInfo.turnImminent + 1) % 3;
        // nextTurnInfo.nextTurnDirection = 580;
        // TurnPathHelper.calcTurnPath(nextTurnInfo.pathForTurn, nexsweepAngletTurnInfo.turnType,nextTurnInfo.pathTransform);
        // showMiniMap = true;
    // initial state
    return nextTurnInfo;
Also used : NextDirectionInfo( RoutingHelper( TurnType(net.osmand.router.TurnType) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) OsmandMapTileView( TargetPoint( Paint( DrawSettings(


DrawSettings ( View (android.view.View)10 TextView (android.widget.TextView)9 OsmandMapTileView ( Paint ( ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)7 OsmandApplication ( TargetPoint ( Location (net.osmand.Location)4 LatLon ( RoutingHelper ( TextInfoWidget ( Message (android.os.Message)2 OnClickListener (android.view.View.OnClickListener)2 OsmAndLocationProvider ( OsmandSettings ( Intent (android.content.Intent)1 IntentFilter (android.content.IntentFilter)1 GeomagneticField (android.hardware.GeomagneticField)1 ListPopupWindow (