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Example 1 with IGearPart

use of net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart in project Silent-Gear by SilentChaos512.

the class PartData method read.

public static PartData read(CompoundTag tags) {
    ResourceLocation id = SilentGear.getIdWithDefaultNamespace(tags.getString(NBT_ID));
    if (id == null)
        return null;
    IGearPart part = PartManager.get(id);
    if (part == null)
        return null;
    ItemStack craftingItem = ItemStack.of(tags.getCompound("Item"));
    return of(part, craftingItem);
Also used : IGearPart(net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart) ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation) ItemStack( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 2 with IGearPart

use of net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart in project Silent-Gear by SilentChaos512.

the class PartManager method handlePartSyncPacket.

public static void handlePartSyncPacket(SyncGearPartsPacket packet, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> context) {
    synchronized (MAP) {
        Map<ResourceLocation, IGearPart> oldParts = ImmutableMap.copyOf(MAP);
        for (IGearPart part : packet.getParts()) {
            MAP.put(part.getId(), part);
        }"Read {} parts from server", MAP.size());
Also used : IGearPart(net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart) ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)

Example 3 with IGearPart

use of net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart in project Silent-Gear by SilentChaos512.

the class PartManager method onResourceManagerReload.

public void onResourceManagerReload(ResourceManager resourceManager) {
    Gson gson = (new GsonBuilder()).setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().create();
    Collection<ResourceLocation> resources = getAllResources(resourceManager);
    if (resources.isEmpty())
    synchronized (MAP) {
        ERROR_LIST.clear();, "Reloading part files");
        for (ResourceLocation id : resources) {
            String path = id.getPath().substring(DATA_PATH.length() + 1, id.getPath().length() - ".json".length());
            ResourceLocation name = new ResourceLocation(id.getNamespace(), path);
            String packName = "ERROR";
            try (Resource iresource = resourceManager.getResource(id)) {
                packName = iresource.getSourceName();
                if (SilentGear.LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    SilentGear.LOGGER.trace(MARKER, "Found likely part file: {}, trying to read as part {}", id, name);
                JsonObject json = GsonHelper.fromJson(gson, IOUtils.toString(iresource.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), JsonObject.class);
                if (json == null) {
                    SilentGear.LOGGER.error(MARKER, "Could not load part {} as it's null or empty", name);
                } else if (!CraftingHelper.processConditions(json, "conditions")) {
          "Skipping loading gear part {} as it's conditions were not met", name);
                } else {
                    IGearPart part = PartSerializers.deserialize(name, json);
                    if (part instanceof AbstractGearPart) {
                        ((AbstractGearPart) part).packName = iresource.getSourceName();
                    highestMainPartTier = Math.max(highestMainPartTier, part.getTier());
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException | JsonParseException ex) {
                SilentGear.LOGGER.error(MARKER, "Parsing error loading gear part {}", name, ex);
                ERROR_LIST.add(String.format("%s (%s)", name, packName));
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                SilentGear.LOGGER.error(MARKER, "Could not read gear part {}", name, ex);
                ERROR_LIST.add(String.format("%s (%s)", name, packName));
        }, "Registered {} parts", MAP.size());
Also used : GsonBuilder( Resource(net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.Resource) Gson( JsonObject( IOException( JsonParseException( IGearPart(net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart) ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)

Example 4 with IGearPart

use of net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart in project Silent-Gear by SilentChaos512.

the class PartSerializers method write.

public static <T extends IGearPart> void write(T part, FriendlyByteBuf buffer) {
    ResourceLocation id = part.getId();
    ResourceLocation type = part.getSerializer().getName();
    log(() -> "write " + id + " (type " + type + ")");
    IPartSerializer<T> serializer = (IPartSerializer<T>) part.getSerializer();
    serializer.write(buffer, part);
Also used : IPartSerializer(net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IPartSerializer) ResourceLocation(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)

Example 5 with IGearPart

use of net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart in project Silent-Gear by SilentChaos512.

the class GearData method hasPartOfType.

 * Check if the gear item has at least one part of the given type.
 * @param stack The gear item
 * @param type  The part type
 * @return True if and only if the construction parts include a part of the given type
public static boolean hasPartOfType(ItemStack stack, PartType type) {
    CompoundTag tags = getData(stack, NBT_ROOT_CONSTRUCTION);
    ListTag tagList = tags.getList(NBT_CONSTRUCTION_PARTS, Tag.TAG_COMPOUND);
    for (int i = 0; i < tagList.size(); ++i) {
        CompoundTag nbt = tagList.getCompound(i);
        String key = nbt.getString("ID");
        IGearPart part = PartManager.get(key);
        if (part != null && part.getType() == type) {
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : IGearPart(net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart) ListTag(net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag) CompoundTag(net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag)


IGearPart (net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IGearPart)8 ResourceLocation (net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation)5 TextComponent ( ItemStack ( PartData (net.silentchaos512.gear.gear.part.PartData)2 Gson ( GsonBuilder ( JsonObject ( JsonParseException ( IOException ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)1 CompoundTag (net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag)1 ListTag (net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag)1 Component ( TranslatableComponent ( Resource (net.minecraft.server.packs.resources.Resource)1 ICoreItem (net.silentchaos512.gear.api.item.ICoreItem)1 IPartData (net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IPartData)1 IPartSerializer (net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.IPartSerializer)1 PartType (net.silentchaos512.gear.api.part.PartType)1