use of org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfigurationFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class LargestFirstMemoryManagerTest method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration() {
ServerConfigurationFactory delegate = new ServerConfigurationFactory(inst);
public AccumuloConfiguration getSystemConfiguration() {
SiteConfiguration conf = SiteConfiguration.getInstance();
conf.set(Property.TSERV_MAXMEM, "1g");
return conf;
public TableConfiguration getTableConfiguration(Table.ID tableId) {
return delegate.getTableConfiguration(tableId);
public NamespaceConfiguration getNamespaceConfiguration(Namespace.ID namespaceId) {
return delegate.getNamespaceConfiguration(namespaceId);
MemoryManagementActions result;
// nothing to do
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1000, 0), t(k("y"), ZERO, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// one tablet is really big
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("y"), ZERO, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("x"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// one tablet is idle
mgr.currentTime = LATER;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1001, 0), t(k("y"), LATER, 2000, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("x"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// one tablet is idle, but one is really big
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("x"), ZERO, 1001, 0), t(k("y"), LATER, ONE_GIG, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("y"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// lots of work to do
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 6, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 7, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 8, 0)));
assertEquals(2, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("i"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
assertEquals(k("h"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(1));
// one finished, one in progress, one filled up
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG + 7), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("g"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// memory is very full, lots of candidates
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 5, 0), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 6, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(2, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("g"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
assertEquals(k("f"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(1));
// only have two compactors, still busy
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 5), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 6), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// finished one
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 3, 0), t(k("e"), ZERO, ONE_GIG + 4, 0), t(k("f"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, ONE_GIG + 5), t(k("g"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("h"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("e"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// many are running: do nothing
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, HALF_GIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, HALF_GIG + 2, 0), t(k("d"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("e"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("f"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("g"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("i"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("j"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("k"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("l"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG), t(k("m"), ZERO, 0, HALF_GIG)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// observe adjustment:
mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerUnderTest();
// compact the largest
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, QGIG + 2, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("c"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
// show that it is compacting... do nothing
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, QGIG + 2)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// not going to bother compacting any more
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, QGIG + 2)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// now do nothing
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, 0, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(0, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
// on no! more data, this time we compact because we've adjusted
mgr.currentTime += ONE_MINUTE;
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(k("a"), ZERO, QGIG, 0), t(k("b"), ZERO, QGIG + 1, 0), t(k("c"), ZERO, 0, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(k("b"), result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfigurationFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class LargestFirstMemoryManagerTest method testDeletedTable.
public void testDeletedTable() throws Exception {
final String deletedTableId = "1";
Function<Table.ID, Boolean> existenceCheck = tableId -> !deletedTableId.contentEquals(tableId.canonicalID());
LargestFirstMemoryManagerWithExistenceCheck mgr = new LargestFirstMemoryManagerWithExistenceCheck(existenceCheck);
ServerConfiguration config = new ServerConfiguration() {
ServerConfigurationFactory delegate = new ServerConfigurationFactory(inst);
public AccumuloConfiguration getSystemConfiguration() {
return DefaultConfiguration.getInstance();
public TableConfiguration getTableConfiguration(Table.ID tableId) {
return delegate.getTableConfiguration(tableId);
public NamespaceConfiguration getNamespaceConfiguration(Namespace.ID namespaceId) {
return delegate.getNamespaceConfiguration(namespaceId);
MemoryManagementActions result;
// one tablet is really big and the other is for a nonexistent table
KeyExtent extent = new KeyExtent(Table.ID.of("2"), new Text("j"), null);
result = mgr.getMemoryManagementActions(tablets(t(extent, ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0), t(k("j"), ZERO, ONE_GIG, 0)));
assertEquals(1, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.size());
assertEquals(extent, result.tabletsToMinorCompact.get(0));
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfigurationFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class WrongTabletTest method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Opts opts = new Opts();
opts.parseArgs(WrongTabletTest.class.getName(), args);
final HostAndPort location = HostAndPort.fromString(opts.location);
final Instance inst = opts.getInstance();
final ServerConfigurationFactory conf = new ServerConfigurationFactory(inst);
final ClientContext context = new AccumuloServerContext(inst, conf) {
public synchronized Credentials getCredentials() {
try {
return new Credentials(opts.getPrincipal(), opts.getToken());
} catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
TabletClientService.Iface client = ThriftUtil.getTServerClient(location, context);
Mutation mutation = new Mutation(new Text("row_0003750001"));
mutation.putDelete(new Text("colf"), new Text("colq"));
client.update(Tracer.traceInfo(), context.rpcCreds(), new KeyExtent(Table.ID.of("!!"), null, new Text("row_0003750000")).toThrift(), mutation.toThrift(), TDurability.DEFAULT);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfigurationFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class BulkFileIT method testBulkFile.
public void testBulkFile() throws Exception {
Connector c = getConnector();
String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
SortedSet<Text> splits = new TreeSet<>();
for (String split : "0333 0666 0999 1333 1666".split(" ")) splits.add(new Text(split));
c.tableOperations().addSplits(tableName, splits);
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
AccumuloConfiguration aconf = new ServerConfigurationFactory(c.getInstance()).getSystemConfiguration();
FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
String rootPath = cluster.getTemporaryPath().toString();
String dir = rootPath + "/bulk_test_diff_files_89723987592_" + getUniqueNames(1)[0];
fs.delete(new Path(dir), true);
FileSKVWriter writer1 = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(dir + "/f1." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, conf).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
writeData(writer1, 0, 333);
FileSKVWriter writer2 = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(dir + "/f2." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, conf).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
writeData(writer2, 334, 999);
FileSKVWriter writer3 = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(dir + "/f3." + RFile.EXTENSION, fs, conf).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
writeData(writer3, 1000, 1999);
FunctionalTestUtils.bulkImport(c, fs, tableName, dir);
FunctionalTestUtils.checkRFiles(c, tableName, 6, 6, 1, 1);
verifyData(tableName, 0, 1999);
use of org.apache.accumulo.server.conf.ServerConfigurationFactory in project accumulo by apache.
the class TotalQueuedIT method getSyncs.
private long getSyncs() throws Exception {
Connector c = getConnector();
ServerConfigurationFactory confFactory = new ServerConfigurationFactory(c.getInstance());
AccumuloServerContext context = new AccumuloServerContext(c.getInstance(), confFactory);
for (String address : c.instanceOperations().getTabletServers()) {
TabletClientService.Client client = ThriftUtil.getTServerClient(HostAndPort.fromString(address), context);
TabletServerStatus status = client.getTabletServerStatus(null, context.rpcCreds());
return status.syncs;
return 0;