use of org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.RecordSupplier in project druid by druid-io.
the class KafkaSupervisor method updatePartitionLagFromStream.
protected void updatePartitionLagFromStream() {
try {
Set<Integer> partitionIds;
try {
partitionIds = recordSupplier.getPartitionIds(getIoConfig().getStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Could not fetch partitions for topic/stream [%s]", getIoConfig().getStream());
throw new StreamException(e);
Set<StreamPartition<Integer>> partitions = -> new StreamPartition<>(getIoConfig().getStream(), e)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// this method isn't actually computing the lag, just fetching the latests offsets from the stream. This is
// because we currently only have record lag for kafka, which can be lazily computed by subtracting the highest
// task offsets from the latest offsets from the stream when it is needed
latestSequenceFromStream =, recordSupplier::getPosition));
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new StreamException(e);
} finally {
use of org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.RecordSupplier in project druid by druid-io.
the class IncrementalPublishingKafkaIndexTaskRunner method possiblyResetOffsetsOrWait.
private void possiblyResetOffsetsOrWait(Map<TopicPartition, Long> outOfRangePartitions, RecordSupplier<Integer, Long, KafkaRecordEntity> recordSupplier, TaskToolbox taskToolbox) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
final Map<TopicPartition, Long> resetPartitions = new HashMap<>();
boolean doReset = false;
if (task.getTuningConfig().isResetOffsetAutomatically()) {
for (Map.Entry<TopicPartition, Long> outOfRangePartition : outOfRangePartitions.entrySet()) {
final TopicPartition topicPartition = outOfRangePartition.getKey();
final long nextOffset = outOfRangePartition.getValue();
// seek to the beginning to get the least available offset
StreamPartition<Integer> streamPartition = StreamPartition.of(topicPartition.topic(), topicPartition.partition());
final Long leastAvailableOffset = recordSupplier.getEarliestSequenceNumber(streamPartition);
if (leastAvailableOffset == null) {
throw new ISE("got null sequence number for partition[%s] when fetching from kafka!", topicPartition.partition());
// reset the seek, nextOffset);
// next message offset that we are trying to fetch
if (leastAvailableOffset > nextOffset) {
doReset = true;
resetPartitions.put(topicPartition, nextOffset);
if (doReset) {
sendResetRequestAndWait(CollectionUtils.mapKeys(resetPartitions, streamPartition -> StreamPartition.of(streamPartition.topic(), streamPartition.partition())), taskToolbox);
} else {
log.warn("Retrying in %dms", task.getPollRetryMs());
try {
long nanos = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(task.getPollRetryMs());
while (nanos > 0L && !pauseRequested && !stopRequested.get()) {
nanos = isAwaitingRetry.awaitNanos(nanos);
} finally {
use of org.apache.druid.indexing.seekablestream.common.RecordSupplier in project druid by druid-io.
the class SeekableStreamIndexTaskRunner method runInternal.
private TaskStatus runInternal(TaskToolbox toolbox) throws Exception {
startTime = DateTimes.nowUtc();
status = Status.STARTING;
authorizerMapper = toolbox.getAuthorizerMapper();
rowIngestionMeters = toolbox.getRowIngestionMetersFactory().createRowIngestionMeters();
parseExceptionHandler = new ParseExceptionHandler(rowIngestionMeters, tuningConfig.isLogParseExceptions(), tuningConfig.getMaxParseExceptions(), tuningConfig.getMaxSavedParseExceptions());
// Now we can initialize StreamChunkReader with the given toolbox.
final StreamChunkParser parser = new StreamChunkParser<RecordType>(this.parser, inputFormat, inputRowSchema, task.getDataSchema().getTransformSpec(), toolbox.getIndexingTmpDir(), row -> row != null && task.withinMinMaxRecordTime(row), rowIngestionMeters, parseExceptionHandler);
log.debug("Found chat handler of class[%s]", toolbox.getChatHandlerProvider().getClass().getName());
toolbox.getChatHandlerProvider().register(task.getId(), this, false);
runThread = Thread.currentThread();
// Set up FireDepartmentMetrics
final FireDepartment fireDepartmentForMetrics = new FireDepartment(task.getDataSchema(), new RealtimeIOConfig(null, null), null);
this.fireDepartmentMetrics = fireDepartmentForMetrics.getMetrics();
toolbox.addMonitor(, fireDepartmentForMetrics, rowIngestionMeters));
final String lookupTier = task.getContextValue(RealtimeIndexTask.CTX_KEY_LOOKUP_TIER);
final LookupNodeService lookupNodeService = lookupTier == null ? toolbox.getLookupNodeService() : new LookupNodeService(lookupTier);
final DiscoveryDruidNode discoveryDruidNode = new DiscoveryDruidNode(toolbox.getDruidNode(), NodeRole.PEON, ImmutableMap.of(toolbox.getDataNodeService().getName(), toolbox.getDataNodeService(), lookupNodeService.getName(), lookupNodeService));
Throwable caughtExceptionOuter = null;
// milliseconds waited for created segments to be handed off
long handoffWaitMs = 0L;
try (final RecordSupplier<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType, RecordType> recordSupplier = task.newTaskRecordSupplier()) {
if (toolbox.getAppenderatorsManager().shouldTaskMakeNodeAnnouncements()) {
appenderator = task.newAppenderator(toolbox, fireDepartmentMetrics, rowIngestionMeters, parseExceptionHandler);
driver = task.newDriver(appenderator, toolbox, fireDepartmentMetrics);
// Start up, set up initial sequences.
final Object restoredMetadata = driver.startJob(segmentId -> {
try {
if (lockGranularityToUse == LockGranularity.SEGMENT) {
return toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new SegmentLockAcquireAction(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, segmentId.getInterval(), segmentId.getVersion(), segmentId.getShardSpec().getPartitionNum(), 1000L)).isOk();
} else {
final TaskLock lock = toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(new TimeChunkLockAcquireAction(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, segmentId.getInterval(), 1000L));
if (lock == null) {
return false;
if (lock.isRevoked()) {
throw new ISE(StringUtils.format("Lock for interval [%s] was revoked.", segmentId.getInterval()));
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (restoredMetadata == null) {
// no persist has happened so far
// so either this is a brand new task or replacement of a failed task
Preconditions.checkState(sequences.get(0).startOffsets.entrySet().stream().allMatch(partitionOffsetEntry -> createSequenceNumber(partitionOffsetEntry.getValue()).compareTo(createSequenceNumber(ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getPartitionSequenceNumberMap().get(partitionOffsetEntry.getKey()))) >= 0), "Sequence sequences are not compatible with start sequences of task");
} else {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> restoredMetadataMap = (Map) restoredMetadata;
final SeekableStreamEndSequenceNumbers<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> restoredNextPartitions = deserializePartitionsFromMetadata(toolbox.getJsonMapper(), restoredMetadataMap.get(METADATA_NEXT_PARTITIONS));
// Sanity checks.
if (!restoredNextPartitions.getStream().equals(ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getStream())) {
throw new ISE("Restored stream[%s] but expected stream[%s]", restoredNextPartitions.getStream(), ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getStream());
if (!currOffsets.keySet().equals(ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getPartitionSequenceNumberMap().keySet())) {
throw new ISE("Restored partitions[%s] but expected partitions[%s]", currOffsets.keySet(), ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getPartitionSequenceNumberMap().keySet());
// which is super rare
if (sequences.size() == 0 || getLastSequenceMetadata().isCheckpointed()) {
this.endOffsets.putAll(sequences.size() == 0 ? currOffsets : getLastSequenceMetadata().getEndOffsets());
}"Initialized sequences: %s",", ")));
// Filter out partitions with END_OF_SHARD markers since these partitions have already been fully read. This
// should have been done by the supervisor already so this is defensive.
int numPreFilterPartitions = currOffsets.size();
if (currOffsets.entrySet().removeIf(x -> isEndOfShard(x.getValue()))) {"Removed [%d] partitions from assignment which have already been closed.", numPreFilterPartitions - currOffsets.size());
// When end offsets are exclusive, we never skip the start record.
if (!isEndOffsetExclusive()) {
for (Map.Entry<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> entry : currOffsets.entrySet()) {
final boolean isAtStart = entry.getValue().equals(ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getPartitionSequenceNumberMap().get(entry.getKey()));
if (!isAtStart || ioConfig.getStartSequenceNumbers().getExclusivePartitions().contains(entry.getKey())) {
lastReadOffsets.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
// Set up committer.
final Supplier<Committer> committerSupplier = () -> {
final Map<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> snapshot = ImmutableMap.copyOf(currOffsets);
return new Committer() {
public Object getMetadata() {
return ImmutableMap.of(METADATA_NEXT_PARTITIONS, new SeekableStreamEndSequenceNumbers<>(stream, snapshot));
public void run() {
// Do nothing.
// restart publishing of sequences (if any)
Set<StreamPartition<PartitionIdType>> assignment = assignPartitions(recordSupplier);
possiblyResetDataSourceMetadata(toolbox, recordSupplier, assignment);
seekToStartingSequence(recordSupplier, assignment);
ingestionState = IngestionState.BUILD_SEGMENTS;
// Main loop.
// Could eventually support leader/follower mode (for keeping replicas more in sync)
boolean stillReading = !assignment.isEmpty();
status = Status.READING;
Throwable caughtExceptionInner = null;
try {
while (stillReading) {
if (possiblyPause()) {
// The partition assignments may have changed while paused by a call to setEndOffsets() so reassign
// partitions upon resuming. Don't call "seekToStartingSequence" after "assignPartitions", because there's
// no need to re-seek here. All we're going to be doing is dropping partitions.
assignment = assignPartitions(recordSupplier);
possiblyResetDataSourceMetadata(toolbox, recordSupplier, assignment);
if (assignment.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("All partitions have been fully read.");
// if stop is requested or task's end sequence is set by call to setEndOffsets method with finish set to true
if (stopRequested.get() || sequences.size() == 0 || getLastSequenceMetadata().isCheckpointed()) {
status = Status.PUBLISHING;
if (stopRequested.get()) {
if (backgroundThreadException != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(backgroundThreadException);
// calling getRecord() ensures that exceptions specific to kafka/kinesis like OffsetOutOfRangeException
// are handled in the subclasses.
List<OrderedPartitionableRecord<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType, RecordType>> records = getRecords(recordSupplier, toolbox);
// note: getRecords() also updates assignment
stillReading = !assignment.isEmpty();
SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> sequenceToCheckpoint = null;
for (OrderedPartitionableRecord<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType, RecordType> record : records) {
final boolean shouldProcess = verifyRecordInRange(record.getPartitionId(), record.getSequenceNumber());
log.trace("Got stream[%s] partition[%s] sequenceNumber[%s], shouldProcess[%s].", record.getStream(), record.getPartitionId(), record.getSequenceNumber(), shouldProcess);
if (shouldProcess) {
final List<InputRow> rows = parser.parse(record.getData(), isEndOfShard(record.getSequenceNumber()));
boolean isPersistRequired = false;
final SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> sequenceToUse = -> sequenceMetadata.canHandle(this, record)).findFirst().orElse(null);
if (sequenceToUse == null) {
throw new ISE("Cannot find any valid sequence for record with partition [%s] and sequenceNumber [%s]. Current sequences: %s", record.getPartitionId(), record.getSequenceNumber(), sequences);
for (InputRow row : rows) {
final AppenderatorDriverAddResult addResult = driver.add(row, sequenceToUse.getSequenceName(), committerSupplier, true, // of rows are indexed
if (addResult.isOk()) {
// If the number of rows in the segment exceeds the threshold after adding a row,
// move the segment out from the active segments of BaseAppenderatorDriver to make a new segment.
final boolean isPushRequired = addResult.isPushRequired(tuningConfig.getPartitionsSpec().getMaxRowsPerSegment(), tuningConfig.getPartitionsSpec().getMaxTotalRowsOr(DynamicPartitionsSpec.DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_ROWS));
if (isPushRequired && !sequenceToUse.isCheckpointed()) {
sequenceToCheckpoint = sequenceToUse;
isPersistRequired |= addResult.isPersistRequired();
} else {
// If we allow continuing, then consider blacklisting the interval for a while to avoid constant checks.
throw new ISE("Could not allocate segment for row with timestamp[%s]", row.getTimestamp());
if (isPersistRequired) {
Futures.addCallback(driver.persistAsync(committerSupplier.get()), new FutureCallback<Object>() {
public void onSuccess(@Nullable Object result) {
log.debug("Persist completed with metadata: %s", result);
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
log.error("Persist failed, dying");
backgroundThreadException = t;
// in kafka, we can easily get the next offset by adding 1, but for kinesis, there's no way
// to get the next sequence number without having to make an expensive api call. So the behavior
// here for kafka is to +1 while for kinesis we simply save the current sequence number
lastReadOffsets.put(record.getPartitionId(), record.getSequenceNumber());
currOffsets.put(record.getPartitionId(), getNextStartOffset(record.getSequenceNumber()));
// Use record.getSequenceNumber() in the moreToRead check, since currOffsets might not have been
// updated if we were skipping records for being beyond the end.
final boolean moreToReadAfterThisRecord = isMoreToReadAfterReadingRecord(record.getSequenceNumber(), endOffsets.get(record.getPartitionId()));
if (!moreToReadAfterThisRecord && assignment.remove(record.getStreamPartition())) {"Finished reading stream[%s], partition[%s].", record.getStream(), record.getPartitionId());
stillReading = !assignment.isEmpty();
if (!stillReading) {
// We let the fireDepartmentMetrics know that all messages have been read. This way, some metrics such as
// high message gap need not be reported
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextCheckpointTime) {
sequenceToCheckpoint = getLastSequenceMetadata();
if (sequenceToCheckpoint != null && stillReading) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(getLastSequenceMetadata().getSequenceName().equals(sequenceToCheckpoint.getSequenceName()), "Cannot checkpoint a sequence [%s] which is not the latest one, sequences %s", sequenceToCheckpoint, sequences);
final CheckPointDataSourceMetadataAction checkpointAction = new CheckPointDataSourceMetadataAction(task.getDataSource(), ioConfig.getTaskGroupId(), null, createDataSourceMetadata(new SeekableStreamStartSequenceNumbers<>(stream, sequenceToCheckpoint.getStartOffsets(), sequenceToCheckpoint.getExclusiveStartPartitions())));
if (!toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(checkpointAction)) {
throw new ISE("Checkpoint request with sequences [%s] failed, dying", currOffsets);
ingestionState = IngestionState.COMPLETED;
} catch (Exception e) {
// (1) catch all exceptions while reading from kafka
caughtExceptionInner = e;
log.error(e, "Encountered exception in run() before persisting.");
throw e;
} finally {
try {
// persist pending data
} catch (Exception e) {
if (caughtExceptionInner != null) {
} else {
throw e;
synchronized (statusLock) {
if (stopRequested.get() && !publishOnStop.get()) {
throw new InterruptedException("Stopping without publishing");
status = Status.PUBLISHING;
// We need to copy sequences here, because the success callback in publishAndRegisterHandoff removes items from
// the sequence list. If a publish finishes before we finish iterating through the sequence list, we can
// end up skipping some sequences.
List<SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType>> sequencesSnapshot = new ArrayList<>(sequences);
for (int i = 0; i < sequencesSnapshot.size(); i++) {
final SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType> sequenceMetadata = sequencesSnapshot.get(i);
if (!publishingSequences.contains(sequenceMetadata.getSequenceName())) {
final boolean isLast = i == (sequencesSnapshot.size() - 1);
if (isLast) {
// Shorten endOffsets of the last sequence to match currOffsets.
// Update assignments of the sequence, which should clear them. (This will be checked later, when the
// Committer is built.)
sequenceMetadata.updateAssignments(currOffsets, this::isMoreToReadAfterReadingRecord);
// persist already done in finally, so directly add to publishQueue
if (backgroundThreadException != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(backgroundThreadException);
// Wait for publish futures to complete.
// Wait for handoff futures to complete.
// Note that every publishing task (created by calling AppenderatorDriver.publish()) has a corresponding
// handoffFuture. handoffFuture can throw an exception if 1) the corresponding publishFuture failed or 2) it
// failed to persist sequences. It might also return null if handoff failed, but was recoverable.
// See publishAndRegisterHandoff() for details.
List<SegmentsAndCommitMetadata> handedOffList = Collections.emptyList();
if (tuningConfig.getHandoffConditionTimeout() == 0) {
handedOffList = Futures.allAsList(handOffWaitList).get();
} else {
final long start = System.nanoTime();
try {
handedOffList = Futures.allAsList(handOffWaitList).get(tuningConfig.getHandoffConditionTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
// Handoff timeout is not an indexing failure, but coordination failure. We simply ignore timeout exception
// here.
log.makeAlert("Timeout waiting for handoff").addData("taskId", task.getId()).addData("handoffConditionTimeout", tuningConfig.getHandoffConditionTimeout()).emit();
} finally {
handoffWaitMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - start);
for (SegmentsAndCommitMetadata handedOff : handedOffList) {"Handoff complete for segments: %s", String.join(", ", Lists.transform(handedOff.getSegments(), DataSegment::toString)));
} catch (InterruptedException | RejectedExecutionException e) {
// (2) catch InterruptedException and RejectedExecutionException thrown for the whole ingestion steps including
// the final publishing.
caughtExceptionOuter = e;
try {
if (appenderator != null) {
} catch (Exception e2) {
// handle the InterruptedException that gets wrapped in a RejectedExecutionException
if (e instanceof RejectedExecutionException && (e.getCause() == null || !(e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException))) {
throw e;
// if we were interrupted because we were asked to stop, handle the exception and return success, else rethrow
if (!stopRequested.get()) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// (3) catch all other exceptions thrown for the whole ingestion steps including the final publishing.
caughtExceptionOuter = e;
try {
if (appenderator != null) {
} catch (Exception e2) {
throw e;
} finally {
try {
if (driver != null) {
if (toolbox.getAppenderatorsManager().shouldTaskMakeNodeAnnouncements()) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (caughtExceptionOuter != null) {
} else {
throw e;
toolbox.getTaskReportFileWriter().write(task.getId(), getTaskCompletionReports(null, handoffWaitMs));
return TaskStatus.success(task.getId());