use of org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters in project sis by apache.
the class ServicesForMetadata method createToWGS84.
* Creates the {@code TOWGS84} element during parsing of a WKT version 1.
* @param values the 7 Bursa-Wolf parameter values.
* @return the {@link BursaWolfParameters}.
* @since 0.6
public Object createToWGS84(final double[] values) {
final BursaWolfParameters info = new BursaWolfParameters(CommonCRS.WGS84.datum(), null);
return info;
use of org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters in project sis by apache.
the class GeocentricAffine method createParameters.
* Creates parameter values for a Molodensky, Geocentric Translation or Position Vector transformation.
* @param descriptor the {@code PARAMETERS} constant of the subclass describing the operation to create.
* @param parameters Bursa-Wolf parameters from which to get the values.
* @param isTranslation {@code true} if the operation contains only translation terms.
* @return the operation parameters with their values initialized.
private static Parameters createParameters(final ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor, final BursaWolfParameters parameters, final boolean isTranslation) {
final Parameters values = Parameters.castOrWrap(descriptor.createValue());
if (!isTranslation) {
return values;
use of org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters in project sis by apache.
the class EPSGFactoryTest method testGeographic2D.
* Tests the "Datum 73" geographic CRS (EPSG:4274), which has a datum different than the WGS84 one.
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while querying the factory.
public void testGeographic2D() throws FactoryException {
final EPSGFactory factory = TestFactorySource.factory;
final GeographicCRS crs = factory.createGeographicCRS("4274");
assertEpsgNameAndIdentifierEqual("Datum 73", 4274, crs);
assertEpsgNameAndIdentifierEqual("Datum 73", 6274, crs.getDatum());
assertAxisDirectionsEqual("EPSG::6422", crs.getCoordinateSystem(), AxisDirection.NORTH, AxisDirection.EAST);
final BursaWolfParameters[] bwp = ((DefaultGeodeticDatum) crs.getDatum()).getBursaWolfParameters();
assertTrue("Expected a transformation to WGS84.", bwp.length >= 1);
assertSame("CRS shall be cached", crs, factory.createCoordinateReferenceSystem("4274"));
use of org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters in project sis by apache.
the class EPSGFactoryTest method testWGS84.
* Tests the "WGS 84" geographic CRS (EPSG:4326).
* @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while querying the factory.
public void testWGS84() throws FactoryException {
final EPSGFactory factory = TestFactorySource.factory;
final GeographicCRS crs = factory.createGeographicCRS("EPSG:4326");
assertEpsgNameAndIdentifierEqual("WGS 84", 4326, crs);
assertEpsgNameAndIdentifierEqual("World Geodetic System 1984", 6326, crs.getDatum());
assertAxisDirectionsEqual("EPSG:6422", crs.getCoordinateSystem(), AxisDirection.NORTH, AxisDirection.EAST);
final BursaWolfParameters[] bwp = ((DefaultGeodeticDatum) crs.getDatum()).getBursaWolfParameters();
assertEquals("Expected no Bursa-Wolf parameters.", 0, bwp.length);
assertSame("CRS shall be cached", crs, factory.createCoordinateReferenceSystem("4326"));
assertSame("Shall accept \"::\"", crs, factory.createGeographicCRS("EPSG::4326"));
use of org.apache.sis.referencing.datum.BursaWolfParameters in project sis by apache.
the class Proj4 method definition.
* Infers a {@literal Proj.4} definition from the given projected, geographic or geocentric coordinate reference system.
* This method does not need the Proj.4 native library; it can be used in a pure Java application.
* However the returned definition string may differ depending on whether the Proj.4 library is available or not.
* @param crs the coordinate reference system for which to create a Proj.4 definition.
* @return the definition of the given CRS in a Proj.4 format.
* @throws FactoryException if the Proj.4 definition string can not be created from the given CRS.
public static String definition(final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws FactoryException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("crs", crs);
* If the given CRS object is associated to a Proj.4 structure, let Proj.4 formats itself
* the definition string. Note that this operation may fail if there is no Proj.4 library
* in the current system, or no JNI bindings to that library.
try {
for (final Identifier id : crs.getIdentifiers()) {
if (id instanceof PJ) {
return ((PJ) id).getCode();
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
// Thrown the first time that we try to use the library.
Logging.unexpectedException(Logging.getLogger(Modules.GDAL), Proj4.class, "definition", e);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
// Thrown on all attempts after the first one.
Logging.recoverableException(Logging.getLogger(Modules.GDAL), Proj4.class, "definition", e);
* If we found no Proj.4 structure, formats the definition string ourself. The string may differ from
* what Proj.4 would have given. In particular, we do not provide "+init=" or "+datum=" parameter.
* But the definition should still be semantically equivalent.
final String method;
final GeodeticDatum datum;
final ParameterValueGroup parameters;
final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
if (crs instanceof GeodeticCRS) {
if (cs instanceof EllipsoidalCS) {
method = "latlon";
} else if (cs instanceof CartesianCS) {
method = "geocent";
} else {
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedCoordinateSystem_1, cs.getClass()));
datum = ((GeodeticCRS) crs).getDatum();
parameters = null;
} else if (crs instanceof ProjectedCRS) {
Projection c = ((ProjectedCRS) crs).getConversionFromBase();
datum = ((ProjectedCRS) crs).getDatum();
method = name(c.getMethod());
parameters = c.getParameterValues();
} else {
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedType_1, crs.getClass()));
* Append the map projection parameters. Those parameters may include axis lengths (a and b),
* but not necessarily. If axis lengths are specified, then we will ignore the Ellipsoid instance
* associated to the CRS.
final StringBuilder definition = new StringBuilder(100);
boolean hasSemiMajor = false;
boolean hasSemiMinor = false;
if (parameters != null) {
for (final GeneralParameterValue parameter : parameters.values()) {
if (parameter instanceof ParameterValue<?>) {
final ParameterValue<?> pv = (ParameterValue<?>) parameter;
final Object value;
Unit<?> unit = pv.getUnit();
if (unit != null) {
unit = Units.isAngular(unit) ? Units.DEGREE : unit.getSystemUnit();
// Always in metres or degrees.
value = pv.doubleValue(unit);
} else {
value = pv.getValue();
if (value == null) {
final String pn = name(parameter.getDescriptor());
hasSemiMajor |= pn.equals("a");
hasSemiMinor |= pn.equals("b");
definition.append(" +").append(pn).append('=').append(value);
* Append datum information: axis lengths if they were not part of the parameters, then prime meridian.
final Ellipsoid ellipsoid = datum.getEllipsoid();
if (!hasSemiMajor)
definition.append(" +a=").append(ellipsoid.getSemiMajorAxis());
if (!hasSemiMinor)
definition.append(" +b=").append(ellipsoid.getSemiMinorAxis());
final PrimeMeridian pm = datum.getPrimeMeridian();
if (pm != null) {
double lon = pm.getGreenwichLongitude();
final Unit<Angle> unit = pm.getAngularUnit();
if (unit != null) {
lon = unit.getConverterTo(Units.DEGREE).convert(lon);
definition.append(" +pm=").append(lon);
* Appends axis directions. This method always format a vertical direction (up or down)
* even if the coordinate system is two-dimensional, because Proj.4 seems to require it.
* Also extract axis units in the process.
// Horizontal at index 0, vertical at index 1.
final Unit<?>[] units = new Unit<?>[2];
boolean validCS = true;
definition.append(' ').append(Proj4Factory.AXIS_ORDER_PARAM);
final int dimension = Math.min(cs.getDimension(), 3);
boolean hasVertical = false;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
final AxisDirection dir = axis.getDirection();
int unitIndex = 0;
if (!AxisDirections.isCardinal(dir)) {
if (!AxisDirections.isVertical(dir)) {
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnsupportedAxisDirection_1, dir));
hasVertical = true;
unitIndex = 1;
final Unit<?> old = units[unitIndex];
units[unitIndex] = axis.getUnit();
validCS &= (old == null || old.equals(units[unitIndex]));
if (!hasVertical && dimension < 3) {
// Add a UP direction if not already present.
* Append units of measurement, then verify the coordinate system validity.
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
final Unit<?> unit = units[i];
if (unit != null && !unit.equals(Units.DEGREE) && !unit.equals(Units.METRE)) {
validCS &= Units.isLinear(unit);
definition.append(" +");
// "+vto_meter" parameter.
if (i == 1)
* Append the "+towgs84" element if any. This is the last piece of information.
* Note that the use of a "+towgs84" parameter is an "early binding" approach,
* which is usually not recommended. But Proj4 works that way.
if (validCS) {
if (datum instanceof DefaultGeodeticDatum) {
for (final BursaWolfParameters bwp : ((DefaultGeodeticDatum) datum).getBursaWolfParameters()) {
if (Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(CommonCRS.WGS84.datum(), bwp.getTargetDatum())) {
definition.append(" +towgs84=").append(bwp.tX).append(',').append(bwp.tY).append(',').append(bwp.tZ);
if (!bwp.isTranslation()) {
return definition.toString();
* If we reach this point, we detected a coordinate system that we can not format as a
* Proj.4 definition string. Format an error message with axis directions and units.
for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis axis = cs.getAxis(i);
if (i != 0)
definition.append(", ");
definition.append(axis.getUnit()).append(' ').append(Types.getCodeName(axis.getDirection()));
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IllegalCoordinateSystem_1, definition.append(')')));