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Example 16 with Chunk

use of org.bukkit.Chunk in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.

the class ChunkLoadCommand method execute.

public void execute(ScriptEntry scriptEntry) {
    ElementTag action = scriptEntry.getElement("action");
    ListTag chunklocs = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("location");
    DurationTag length = scriptEntry.getObjectTag("duration");
    if (scriptEntry.dbCallShouldDebug()) {, getName(), action, chunklocs, length);
    for (String chunkText : chunklocs) {
        Chunk chunk;
        if (ChunkTag.matches(chunkText)) {
            chunk = ChunkTag.valueOf(chunkText, scriptEntry.context).getChunk();
        } else if (LocationTag.matches(chunkText)) {
            chunk = LocationTag.valueOf(chunkText, scriptEntry.context).getChunk();
        } else {
            Debug.echoError("Chunk input '" + chunkText + "' is invalid.");
        ChunkCoordinate coord = new ChunkCoordinate(chunk);
        switch(Action.valueOf(action.asString())) {
            case ADD:
                if (length.getSeconds() != 0) {
                    chunkDelays.put(coord, System.currentTimeMillis() + length.getMillis());
                } else {
                    chunkDelays.put(coord, (long) 0);
                Debug.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...added chunk " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ() + " with a delay of " + length.getSeconds() + " seconds.");
                if (!chunk.isLoaded()) {
                if (length.getSeconds() > 0) {
                    Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(Denizen.getInstance(), () -> {
                        if (chunkDelays.containsKey(coord) && chunkDelays.get(coord) <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                    }, length.getTicks() + 20);
            case REMOVE:
                if (chunkDelays.containsKey(coord)) {
                    Debug.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...allowing unloading of chunk " + chunk.getX() + ", " + chunk.getZ());
                } else {
                    Debug.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "Chunk '" + coord + "' was not on the load list, ignoring.");
            case REMOVEALL:
                Debug.echoDebug(scriptEntry, "...allowing unloading of all stored chunks");
                for (ChunkCoordinate loopCoord : chunkDelays.keySet()) {
Also used : ChunkCoordinate(com.denizenscript.denizen.utilities.blocks.ChunkCoordinate) ElementTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag) DurationTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) ListTag(com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)

Example 17 with Chunk

use of org.bukkit.Chunk in project Prism-Bukkit by prism.

the class RadiusParameter method process.

public void process(QueryParameters query, String alias, String input, CommandSender sender) {
    Player player = null;
    if (sender instanceof Player) {
        player = (Player) sender;
    String inputValue = input;
    final FileConfiguration config = Prism.config;
    if (TypeUtils.isNumeric(inputValue) || (inputValue.contains(":") && inputValue.split(":").length >= 1 && TypeUtils.isNumeric(inputValue.split(":")[1]))) {
        Location coordsLoc = null;
        int desiredRadius;
        if (inputValue.contains(":")) {
            desiredRadius = Integer.parseInt(inputValue.split(":")[1]);
            final String radiusLocOrPlayer = inputValue.split(":")[0];
            if (radiusLocOrPlayer.contains(",") && player != null) {
                // Coordinates;
                // x,y,z
                final String[] coordinates = radiusLocOrPlayer.split(",");
                if (coordinates.length != 3) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't parse the coordinates '" + radiusLocOrPlayer + "'. Perhaps you have more than two commas?");
                for (final String s : coordinates) {
                    if (!TypeUtils.isNumeric(s)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The coordinate '" + s + "' is not a number.");
                coordsLoc = (new Location(player.getWorld(), Integer.parseInt(coordinates[0]), Integer.parseInt(coordinates[1]), Integer.parseInt(coordinates[2])));
            } else {
                // Try to find an online player
                Player p2 = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(radiusLocOrPlayer);
                if (p2 == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find the player named '" + radiusLocOrPlayer + "'. Perhaps they are not online or you misspelled their name?");
                player = p2;
        } else {
            desiredRadius = Integer.parseInt(inputValue);
        if (desiredRadius <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius must be greater than zero. Or leave it off to use the default. Use /prism ? for help.");
        // If neither sender or a named player found, die here
        if (player == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The radius parameter must be used by a player. Use w:worldname if attempting " + "to limit to a world.");
        // Clamp radius based on perms, configs
        int radius = MiscUtils.clampRadius(player, desiredRadius, query.getProcessType(), config);
        if (desiredRadius != radius) {
            if (sender != null) {
                Prism.messenger.sendMessage(sender, Prism.messenger.playerError("Forcing radius to " + radius + " as allowed by config."));
        if (radius > 0) {
            if (coordsLoc != null) {
                // We
            // need
            // to
            // set
            // this
            // *after*
            // the
            // radius
            // has
            // been
            // set
            // or
            // it
            // won't
            // work.
            } else {
    } else {
        // If neither sender or a named player found, die here
        if (player == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The radius parameter must be used by a player. " + "Use w:worldname if attempting to limit to a world.");
        // User wants an area inside of a worldedit selection
        switch(inputValue) {
            case "we":
                if (ApiHandler.worldEditPlugin == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("This feature is disabled because Prism couldn't find WorldEdit.");
                } else {
                    // Load a selection from world edit as our area.
                    if (!WorldEditBridge.getSelectedArea(Prism.getInstance(), player, query)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid region selected. Make sure you have a region selected," + " and that it doesn't exceed the max radius.");
            // Confine to the chunk
            case "c":
            case "chunk":
                final Chunk ch = player.getLocation().getChunk();
            // User wants no radius, but contained within the current world
            case "world":
                // Do they have permission to override the global lookup radius
                if (query.getProcessType().equals(PrismProcessType.LOOKUP) && !player.hasPermission("prism.override-max-lookup-radius")) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You do not have permission to override the max radius.");
                // Do they have permission to override the global applier radius
                if (!query.getProcessType().equals(PrismProcessType.LOOKUP) && !player.hasPermission("prism.override-max-applier-radius")) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You do not have permission to override the max radius.");
                // Use the world defined in the w: param
                if (query.getWorld() != null) {
                    inputValue = query.getWorld();
                } else {
                    inputValue = player.getWorld().getName();
            // User has asked for a global radius
            case "global":
                // Do they have permission to override the global lookup radius
                if (query.getProcessType().equals(PrismProcessType.LOOKUP) && !player.hasPermission("prism.override-max-lookup-radius")) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You do not have permission to override the max radius.");
                // Do they have permission to override the global applier radius
                if (!query.getProcessType().equals(PrismProcessType.LOOKUP) && !player.hasPermission("prism.override-max-applier-radius")) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("You do not have permission to override the max radius.");
                // Either they have permission or player is null
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius is invalid. There's a bunch of choice, so use /prism actions for assistance.");
Also used : FileConfiguration(org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration) Player(org.bukkit.entity.Player) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) Location(org.bukkit.Location)

Example 18 with Chunk

use of org.bukkit.Chunk in project BKCommonLib by bergerhealer.

the class EntityAddRemoveHandler_1_14_to_1_16_5 method replace.

public void replace(EntityHandle oldEntity, EntityHandle newEntity) {
    WorldServerHandle world = oldEntity.getWorldServer();
    if (newEntity == null) {
        if (world != null) {
        // Works fine, no need to clean up any more
    Object worldHandle = world.getRaw();
    // *** Remove from the entities to add queue ***
    Queue<Object> entitiesToAdd = this.entitiesToAddField.get(oldEntity.getWorld().getRaw());
    // *** Entities By UUID Map ***
        Map<UUID, Object> entitiesByUUID = this.entitiesByUUIDField.get(worldHandle);
        Object storedEntityHandle = entitiesByUUID.get(oldEntity.getUniqueID());
        if (storedEntityHandle != null && storedEntityHandle != newEntity.getRaw()) {
            if (!oldEntity.getUniqueID().equals(newEntity.getUniqueID())) {
            entitiesByUUID.put(newEntity.getUniqueID(), newEntity.getRaw());
    // *** Entities by Id Map ***
        IntHashMapHandle entitiesById = IntHashMapHandle.createHandle(this.entitiesByIdField.get(worldHandle));
        Object storedEntityHandle = entitiesById.get(oldEntity.getIdField());
        if (storedEntityHandle != null && storedEntityHandle != newEntity.getRaw()) {
            if (oldEntity.getIdField() != newEntity.getIdField()) {
            entitiesById.put(newEntity.getIdField(), newEntity.getRaw());
    // *** Tuinity WorldServer EntityList field ***
    if (tuinitySwapEntityInWorldEntityListMethod.isAvailable()) {
        tuinitySwapEntityInWorldEntityListMethod.invoke(worldHandle, oldEntity.getRaw(), newEntity.getRaw());
    // *** Tuinity WorldServer entitiesForIteration field ***
    if (tuinitySwapEntityInWorldEntityIterationSetMethod.isAvailable()) {
        tuinitySwapEntityInWorldEntityIterationSetMethod.invoke(worldHandle, oldEntity.getRaw(), newEntity.getRaw());
    // *** EntityTrackerEntry ***
    replaceInEntityTracker(oldEntity, oldEntity, newEntity);
    if (oldEntity.getVehicle() != null) {
        replaceInEntityTracker(oldEntity.getVehicle(), oldEntity, newEntity);
    if (oldEntity.getPassengers() != null) {
        for (EntityHandle passenger : oldEntity.getPassengers()) {
            replaceInEntityTracker(passenger, oldEntity, newEntity);
    // *** Entity Current Chunk ***
    final int chunkX = newEntity.getChunkX();
    final int chunkZ = newEntity.getChunkZ();
    PlayerChunkMapHandle playerChunks = WorldServerHandle.T.getPlayerChunkMap.invoke(worldHandle);
    Chunk loadedChunk = WorldUtil.getChunk(newEntity.getBukkitWorld(), chunkX, chunkZ);
    if (loadedChunk != null) {
        replaceInChunk(loadedChunk, oldEntity, newEntity);
    } else {
        // Chunk isn't loaded at this time. This gets difficult!
        // It might still be in the updating chunks mapping
        PlayerChunkHandle updatingChunk = playerChunks.getUpdatingChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
        Chunk loadedUpdatingChunk = (updatingChunk == null) ? null : updatingChunk.getChunkIfLoaded();
        if (loadedUpdatingChunk == null && updatingChunk != null) {
            // Try hard time! This allows any status the chunk is in.
            loadedUpdatingChunk = PlayerChunkHandle.T.opt_getChunkTryHard_1_14.invoke(updatingChunk.getRaw());
        // Let's go!
        replaceInChunk(loadedUpdatingChunk, oldEntity, newEntity);
// See where the object is still referenced to check we aren't missing any places to replace
// This is SLOW, do not ever have this enabled on a release version!
// com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.utils.DebugUtil.logInstances(oldEntity.getRaw());
Also used : IntHashMapHandle( PlayerChunkMapHandle( WorldServerHandle( PlayerChunkHandle( EntityHandle( Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 19 with Chunk

use of org.bukkit.Chunk in project BKCommonLib by bergerhealer.

the class RegionHandler_CubicChunks_1_12_2 method getRegions3.

public Set<IntVector3> getRegions3(World world) {
    // First try using the ICubicStorage API, if available
        Object worldHandle = HandleConversion.toWorldHandle(world);
        Object chunkProviderServer = WorldServerHandle.T.getChunkProviderServer.raw.invoke(worldHandle);
        final Set<IntVector3> regionIndices = new HashSet<>();
        if (handle.forEachCube(chunkProviderServer, wrap(cubeCoordinate -> {
            regionIndices.add(new IntVector3(cubeCoordinate.x >> 5, cubeCoordinate.y >> 5, cubeCoordinate.z >> 5));
        }))) {
            return regionIndices;
    // Fallback for older CubicChunks versions
    // Obtain the coordinates using the files stored on disk
    Set<IntVector3> regionIndices = getWorldRegionFileCoordinates(world, c -> true);
    // Look at all loaded chunks and their cubes of the world and add the regions they are inside of
    for (Chunk chunk : world.getLoadedChunks()) {
        IntVector2 region = new IntVector2(chunk.getX() >> 5, chunk.getZ() >> 5);
        List<Integer> cubes_y = handle.getLoadedCubesY(HandleConversion.toChunkHandle(chunk));
        for (Integer y : cubes_y) {
            regionIndices.add(region.toIntVector3(y.intValue() >> 5));
    return regionIndices;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) IntVector2(com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector2) IntVector3(com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector3)

Example 20 with Chunk

use of org.bukkit.Chunk in project BKCommonLib by bergerhealer.

the class RegionHandler_CubicChunks_1_12_2 method getRegions3ForXZ.

public Set<IntVector3> getRegions3ForXZ(World world, Set<IntVector2> regionXZCoordinates) {
    // First try using the ICubicStorage API, if available
        Object worldHandle = HandleConversion.toWorldHandle(world);
        Object chunkProviderServer = WorldServerHandle.T.getChunkProviderServer.raw.invoke(worldHandle);
        final Set<IntVector3> regionIndices = new HashSet<>();
        if (handle.forEachCube(chunkProviderServer, wrap(cubeCoordinate -> {
            IntVector2 regionXZ = new IntVector2(cubeCoordinate.x >> 5, cubeCoordinate.z >> 5);
            if (regionXZCoordinates.contains(regionXZ)) {
                regionIndices.add(regionXZ.toIntVector3(cubeCoordinate.y >> 5));
        }))) {
            return regionIndices;
    // Obtain the coordinates using the files stored on disk
    Set<IntVector3> regionIndices = getWorldRegionFileCoordinates(world, c -> {
        return regionXZCoordinates.contains(c.toIntVector2());
    // Look at all loaded chunks and their cubes of the world and add the regions they are inside of
    for (Chunk chunk : world.getLoadedChunks()) {
        // Check region is filtered
        IntVector2 region = new IntVector2(chunk.getX() >> 5, chunk.getZ() >> 5);
        if (!regionXZCoordinates.contains(region)) {
        List<Integer> cubes_y = handle.getLoadedCubesY(HandleConversion.toChunkHandle(chunk));
        for (Integer y : cubes_y) {
            regionIndices.add(region.toIntVector3(y.intValue() >> 5));
    return regionIndices;
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) IntVector2(com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector2) Chunk(org.bukkit.Chunk) IntVector3(com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector3)


Chunk (org.bukkit.Chunk)52 Location (org.bukkit.Location)16 World (org.bukkit.World)10 OwnedLand (biz.princeps.landlord.util.OwnedLand)9 Entity (org.bukkit.entity.Entity)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 IntVector2 (com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector2)5 IntVector3 (com.bergerkiller.bukkit.common.bases.IntVector3)5 Block (org.bukkit.block.Block)5 BlockState (org.bukkit.block.BlockState)5 Player (org.bukkit.entity.Player)5 Offers (biz.princeps.landlord.persistent.Offers)4 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 EventHandler (org.bukkit.event.EventHandler)3 Plugin (org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin)3 LPlayer (biz.princeps.landlord.persistent.LPlayer)2 DurationTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.DurationTag)2 ElementTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ElementTag)2 ListTag (com.denizenscript.denizencore.objects.core.ListTag)2 Mob (com.earth2me.essentials.Mob)2