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Example 1 with FetchGroup

use of org.datanucleus.FetchGroup in project tests by datanucleus.

the class EntityGraphTest method testNamedGraphSpecification.

 * Test of specification and registering of a named EntityGraph.
public void testNamedGraphSpecification() {
    try {
        Set<String> graphNames = ((JPAEntityManagerFactory) emf).getEntityGraphNames();
        assertEquals("Number of EntityGraphs is wrong", 1, graphNames.size());
        JPAEntityGraph eg = (JPAEntityGraph) ((JPAEntityManagerFactory) emf).getNamedEntityGraph(graphNames.iterator().next());
        assertEquals("baseGraph", eg.getName());
        assertEquals(GraphBase.class, eg.getClassType());
        List<AttributeNode<?>> egNodes = eg.getAttributeNodes();
        assertEquals(3, egNodes.size());
        boolean idPresent = false;
        boolean namePresent = false;
        boolean relationPresent = false;
        for (AttributeNode node : egNodes) {
            if (node.getAttributeName().equals("id")) {
                idPresent = true;
            } else if (node.getAttributeName().equals("name")) {
                namePresent = true;
            } else if (node.getAttributeName().equals("relation")) {
                relationPresent = true;
                Map<Class, Subgraph> subgraphsByClass = node.getSubgraphs();
                assertEquals(1, subgraphsByClass.size());
                Map.Entry<Class, Subgraph> subgraphEntry = subgraphsByClass.entrySet().iterator().next();
                assertEquals(GraphRelated.class, subgraphEntry.getKey());
                Subgraph subgraph = subgraphEntry.getValue();
                List<AttributeNode<?>> subNodes = subgraph.getAttributeNodes();
                assertEquals(1, subNodes.size());
                AttributeNode subNode = subNodes.iterator().next();
                assertEquals("id", subNode.getAttributeName());
        assertTrue("id not present", idPresent);
        assertTrue("name not present", namePresent);
        assertTrue("relation not present", relationPresent);
        // Should have been registered as dynamic FetchGroups
        PersistenceNucleusContext nucCtx = emf.unwrap(PersistenceNucleusContext.class);
        Set<FetchGroup> fgs = nucCtx.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroupsWithName("baseGraph");
        assertEquals(2, fgs.size());
    } finally {
Also used : AttributeNode(javax.persistence.AttributeNode) JPAEntityGraph(org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityGraph) JPAEntityManagerFactory(org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityManagerFactory) Subgraph(javax.persistence.Subgraph) PersistenceNucleusContext(org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext) FetchGroup(org.datanucleus.FetchGroup) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 2 with FetchGroup

use of org.datanucleus.FetchGroup in project datanucleus-rdbms by datanucleus.

the class QueryToSQLMapper method compileFromClassExpression.

 * Method to take a ClassExpression (in a FROM clause) and process the candidate and any
 * linked JoinExpression(s), adding joins to the SQLStatement as required.
 * @param clsExpr The ClassExpression
protected void compileFromClassExpression(ClassExpression clsExpr) {
    Symbol clsExprSym = clsExpr.getSymbol();
    Class baseCls = (clsExprSym != null ? clsExprSym.getValueType() : null);
    SQLTable candSqlTbl = stmt.getPrimaryTable();
    MetaDataManager mmgr = storeMgr.getMetaDataManager();
    AbstractClassMetaData cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(baseCls, clr);
    if (baseCls != null && !candidateAlias.equals(clsExpr.getAlias())) {
        // Not candidate class so must be cross join (JPA spec 4.4.5)
        DatastoreClass candTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(baseCls.getName(), clr);
        candSqlTbl = stmt.join(JoinType.CROSS_JOIN, null, null, null, candTbl, clsExpr.getAlias(), null, null, null, null, true, null);
        SQLTableMapping tblMapping = new SQLTableMapping(candSqlTbl, cmd, candTbl.getIdMapping());
        setSQLTableMappingForAlias(clsExpr.getAlias(), tblMapping);
    if (clsExpr.getCandidateExpression() != null && parentMapper != null) {
        // User defined the candidate of the subquery as an implied join to the outer query
        // e.g SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE EXISTS (SELECT o FROM c.orders o ...)
        // so add the join(s) to the outer query
        processFromClauseSubquery(clsExpr, candSqlTbl, mmgr);
    // Process all linked JoinExpression(s) for this ClassExpression
    Expression rightExpr = clsExpr.getRight();
    SQLTable sqlTbl = candSqlTbl;
    JavaTypeMapping previousMapping = null;
    while (rightExpr != null) {
        if (rightExpr instanceof JoinExpression) {
            JoinExpression joinExpr = (JoinExpression) rightExpr;
            JoinExpression.JoinType exprJoinType = joinExpr.getType();
            JoinType joinType =;
            Expression joinedExpr = joinExpr.getJoinedExpression();
            Expression joinOnExpr = joinExpr.getOnExpression();
            String joinAlias = joinExpr.getAlias();
            PrimaryExpression joinPrimExpr = null;
            Class castCls = null;
            if (joinedExpr instanceof PrimaryExpression) {
                joinPrimExpr = (PrimaryExpression) joinedExpr;
            } else if (joinedExpr instanceof DyadicExpression && joinedExpr.getOperator() == Expression.OP_CAST) {
                // TREAT this join as a particular type. Cast type is processed below where we add the joins
                joinPrimExpr = (PrimaryExpression) joinedExpr.getLeft();
                String castClassName = (String) ((Literal) joinedExpr.getRight()).getLiteral();
                castCls = clr.classForName(castClassName);
            } else {
                throw new NucleusException("We do not currently support JOIN to " + joinedExpr);
            Iterator<String> iter = joinPrimExpr.getTuples().iterator();
            String rootId =;
            if (joinPrimExpr.getTuples().size() == 1 && !rootId.endsWith("#KEY") && !rootId.endsWith("#VALUE")) {
                // DN Extension : Join to (new) root element? We need an ON expression to be supplied in this case
                if (joinOnExpr == null) {
                    throw new NucleusUserException("Query has join to " + joinPrimExpr.getId() + " yet this is a root component and there is no ON expression");
                // Add the basic join first with no condition since this root will be referenced in the "on" condition
                baseCls = resolveClass(joinPrimExpr.getId());
                DatastoreClass baseTbl = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(baseCls.getName(), clr);
                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, candSqlTbl, baseTbl, joinAlias, null, null, true);
                cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(baseCls, clr);
                SQLTableMapping tblMapping = new SQLTableMapping(sqlTbl, cmd, baseTbl.getIdMapping());
                setSQLTableMappingForAlias(joinAlias, tblMapping);
                // Convert the ON expression to a BooleanExpression and add to the join
                processingOnClause = true;
                BooleanExpression joinOnSqlExpr = (BooleanExpression) stack.pop();
                processingOnClause = false;
                stmt.addAndConditionToJoinForTable(sqlTbl, joinOnSqlExpr, true);
                // Move on to next join in the chain
                rightExpr = rightExpr.getRight();
            String joinTableGroupName = null;
            SQLTable tblMappingSqlTbl = null;
            JavaTypeMapping tblIdMapping = null;
            AbstractMemberMetaData tblMmd = null;
            boolean mapKey = false;
            boolean mapValue = false;
            String rootComponent = rootId;
            if (rootComponent.endsWith("#KEY")) {
                mapKey = true;
                rootComponent = rootComponent.substring(0, rootComponent.length() - 4);
            } else if (rootComponent.endsWith("#VALUE")) {
                mapValue = true;
                rootComponent = rootComponent.substring(0, rootComponent.length() - 6);
            if (rootComponent.equalsIgnoreCase(candidateAlias)) {
                // Join relative to the candidate
                // Name table group of joined-to as per the relation
                // Note : this will only work for one level out from the candidate TODO Extend this
                cmd = candidateCmd;
                joinTableGroupName = joinPrimExpr.getId();
                sqlTbl = candSqlTbl;
            } else {
                // Join relative to some other alias
                SQLTableMapping sqlTblMapping = getSQLTableMappingForAlias(rootComponent);
                if (sqlTblMapping != null) {
                    if (sqlTblMapping.mmd != null && (mapKey || mapValue)) {
                        // First component is Map-related (i.e m#KEY, m#VALUE), so add any necessary join(s)
                        MapMetaData mapmd = sqlTblMapping.mmd.getMap();
                        cmd = mapKey ? mapmd.getKeyClassMetaData(clr) : mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr);
                        // Find the table forming the Map. This may be a join table, or the key or value depending on the type
                        // TODO Use OPTION_CASE_INSENSITIVE
                        sqlTbl = stmt.getTable(rootComponent + "_MAP");
                        if (sqlTbl == null) {
                            sqlTbl = stmt.getTable((rootComponent + "_MAP").toUpperCase());
                            if (sqlTbl == null) {
                                sqlTbl = stmt.getTable((rootComponent + "_MAP").toLowerCase());
                        String aliasForJoin = (iter.hasNext()) ? null : joinAlias;
                        boolean embedded = mapKey ? (mapmd.isEmbeddedKey() || mapmd.isSerializedKey()) : (mapmd.isEmbeddedValue() || mapmd.isSerializedValue());
                        if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_JOIN) {
                            // Join from join table to KEY/VALUE as required
                            if (!embedded) {
                                if (mapKey) {
                                    DatastoreClass keyTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, ((MapTable) sqlTbl.getTable()).getKeyMapping(), keyTable, aliasForJoin, keyTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                } else {
                                    DatastoreClass valueTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, ((MapTable) sqlTbl.getTable()).getValueMapping(), valueTable, aliasForJoin, valueTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_KEY_IN_VALUE) {
                        // TODO Cater for this type
                        } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_VALUE_IN_KEY) {
                        // TODO Cater for this type
                    } else {
                        cmd = sqlTblMapping.cmd;
                        sqlTbl = sqlTblMapping.table;
                    joinTableGroupName = sqlTbl.getGroupName() + joinPrimExpr.getId().substring(rootComponent.length());
                } else {
                    throw new NucleusUserException("Query has " + joinPrimExpr.getId() + " yet the first component " + rootComponent + " is unknown!");
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String id =;
                String[] ids = id.contains(".") ? StringUtils.split(id, ".") : new String[] { id };
                for (int k = 0; k < ids.length; k++) {
                    if (cmd == null) {
                        throw new NucleusUserException("Error in JOIN clause. id=" + id + " but component prior to " + ids[k] + " has no metadata");
                    boolean lastComponent = (k == ids.length - 1);
                    String thisComponent = ids[k];
                    mapKey = false;
                    mapValue = false;
                    if (thisComponent.endsWith("#KEY")) {
                        thisComponent = thisComponent.substring(0, thisComponent.length() - 4);
                        mapKey = true;
                    } else if (thisComponent.endsWith("#VALUE")) {
                        thisComponent = thisComponent.substring(0, thisComponent.length() - 6);
                        mapValue = true;
                    AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = cmd.getMetaDataForMember(thisComponent);
                    if (mmd == null) {
                        if (exprJoinType == JoinExpression.JoinType.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER || exprJoinType == JoinExpression.JoinType.JOIN_LEFT_OUTER_FETCH) {
                            // Polymorphic join, where the field exists in a subclass (doable since we have outer join)
                            String[] subclasses = mmgr.getSubclassesForClass(cmd.getFullClassName(), true);
                            for (int l = 0; l < subclasses.length; l++) {
                                AbstractClassMetaData subCmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(subclasses[l], clr);
                                if (subCmd != null) {
                                    mmd = subCmd.getMetaDataForMember(thisComponent);
                                    if (mmd != null) {
                                        cmd = subCmd;
                        if (mmd == null) {
                            throw new NucleusUserException("Query has " + joinPrimExpr.getId() + " yet " + thisComponent + " is not found. Fix your input");
                    tblMmd = null;
                    String aliasForJoin = null;
                    if (k == (ids.length - 1) && !iter.hasNext()) {
                        aliasForJoin = joinAlias;
                    RelationType relationType = mmd.getRelationType(clr);
                    DatastoreClass relTable = null;
                    AbstractMemberMetaData relMmd = null;
                    if (relationType != RelationType.NONE) {
                        if (JoinExpression.JoinType.isFetch(exprJoinType)) {
                            // Add field to FetchPlan since marked for FETCH
                            String fgName = "QUERY_FETCH_" + mmd.getFullFieldName();
                            FetchGroupManager fetchGrpMgr = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getFetchGroupManager();
                            if (fetchGrpMgr.getFetchGroupsWithName(fgName) == null) {
                                FetchGroup grp = new FetchGroup(storeMgr.getNucleusContext(), fgName, clr.classForName(cmd.getFullClassName()));
                    if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_UNI) {
                        JavaTypeMapping otherMapping = null;
                        Object[] castDiscrimValues = null;
                        if (castCls != null && lastComponent) {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(castCls, clr);
                            if (cmd.hasDiscriminatorStrategy()) {
                                // Restrict discriminator on cast type to be the type+subclasses
                                castDiscrimValues = getDiscriminatorValuesForCastClass(cmd);
                        } else {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType(), clr);
                        if (mmd.isEmbedded()) {
                            // Embedded into the same table as before, so no join needed
                            otherMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                        } else {
                            if (sqlTbl.getTable() instanceof CollectionTable) {
                                // Currently in a join table, so work from the element and this being an embedded member
                                CollectionTable collTbl = (CollectionTable) sqlTbl.getTable();
                                JavaTypeMapping elemMapping = collTbl.getElementMapping();
                                if (elemMapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
                                    otherMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping) elemMapping).getJavaTypeMapping(mmd.getName());
                            } else {
                                otherMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                            relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getTypeName(), clr);
                            if (otherMapping == null && previousMapping != null) {
                                if (previousMapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
                                    // Part of an embedded 1-1 object, so find the relevant member mapping
                                    EmbeddedMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedMapping) previousMapping;
                                    otherMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(mmd.getName());
                            if (otherMapping == null) {
                                // Polymorphic join? : cannot find this member in the candidate of the main statement, so need to pick which UNION
                                String tblGroupName = sqlTbl.getGroupName();
                                SQLTableGroup grp = stmt.getTableGroup(tblGroupName);
                                SQLTable nextSqlTbl = null;
                                // Try to find subtable in the same group that has a mapping for this member (and join from that)
                                SQLTable[] grpTbls = grp.getTables();
                                for (SQLTable grpTbl : grpTbls) {
                                    if (grpTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd) != null) {
                                        otherMapping = grpTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                                SQLTable newSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, otherMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, false);
                                if (newSqlTbl != null) {
                                    nextSqlTbl = newSqlTbl;
                                if (stmt instanceof SelectStatement) {
                                    List<SelectStatement> unionStmts = ((SelectStatement) stmt).getUnions();
                                    if (unionStmts != null) {
                                        for (SQLStatement unionStmt : unionStmts) {
                                            // Repeat the process for any unioned statements, find a subtable in the same group (and join from that)
                                            otherMapping = null;
                                            grp = unionStmt.getTableGroup(tblGroupName);
                                            SQLTable[] unionGrpTbls = grp.getTables();
                                            for (SQLTable grpTbl : unionGrpTbls) {
                                                if (grpTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd) != null) {
                                                    otherMapping = grpTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                                            newSqlTbl = unionStmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, otherMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, false);
                                            if (newSqlTbl != null) {
                                                nextSqlTbl = newSqlTbl;
                                sqlTbl = nextSqlTbl;
                            } else {
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, otherMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, true);
                        previousMapping = otherMapping;
                        tblIdMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                    } else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_ONE_BI) {
                        JavaTypeMapping otherMapping = null;
                        Object[] castDiscrimValues = null;
                        if (castCls != null && lastComponent) {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(castCls, clr);
                            if (cmd.hasDiscriminatorStrategy()) {
                                // Restrict discriminator on cast type to be the type+subclasses
                                castDiscrimValues = getDiscriminatorValuesForCastClass(cmd);
                        } else {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType(), clr);
                        if (mmd.isEmbedded()) {
                            // Embedded into the same table as before, so no join needed
                            otherMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                        } else {
                            relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getTypeName(), clr);
                            if (mmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
                                relMmd = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
                                JavaTypeMapping relMapping = relTable.getMemberMapping(relMmd);
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relMapping, castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, true);
                            } else {
                                if (sqlTbl.getTable() instanceof CollectionTable) {
                                    // Currently in a join table, so work from the element and this being an embedded member
                                    CollectionTable collTbl = (CollectionTable) sqlTbl.getTable();
                                    JavaTypeMapping elemMapping = collTbl.getElementMapping();
                                    if (elemMapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
                                        otherMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping) elemMapping).getJavaTypeMapping(mmd.getName());
                                } else {
                                    otherMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                                if (otherMapping == null && previousMapping != null) {
                                    if (previousMapping instanceof EmbeddedMapping) {
                                        // Part of an embedded 1-1 object, so find the relevant member mapping
                                        EmbeddedMapping embMapping = (EmbeddedMapping) previousMapping;
                                        otherMapping = embMapping.getJavaTypeMapping(mmd.getName());
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, otherMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, true);
                        previousMapping = otherMapping;
                        tblIdMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                    } else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_MANY_BI) {
                        previousMapping = null;
                        if (mmd.hasCollection()) {
                            // Join across COLLECTION relation
                            cmd = mmd.getCollection().getElementClassMetaData(clr);
                            if (mmd.getCollection().isEmbeddedElement() && mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Embedded element stored in (collection) join table
                                CollectionTable relEmbTable = (CollectionTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                JavaTypeMapping relOwnerMapping = relEmbTable.getOwnerMapping();
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relEmbTable, aliasForJoin, relOwnerMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = relEmbTable.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr);
                                relMmd = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
                                if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || relMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                    // Join to join table, then to related table
                                    ElementContainerTable joinTbl = (ElementContainerTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                    SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                } else {
                                    // Join to related table FK
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getMemberMapping(relMmd), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblIdMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                        } else if (mmd.hasMap()) {
                            // Join across MAP relation
                            MapMetaData mapmd = mmd.getMap();
                            cmd = mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr);
                            tblMmd = mmd;
                            boolean embedded = mapKey ? (mapmd.isEmbeddedKey() || mapmd.isSerializedKey()) : (mapmd.isEmbeddedValue() || mapmd.isSerializedValue());
                            if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_JOIN) {
                                // Add join to join table, then to related table (value)
                                MapTable joinTbl = (MapTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                String aliasForMap = embedded ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, aliasForMap, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                if (embedded) {
                                    tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                    tblIdMapping = mapKey ? joinTbl.getKeyMapping() : joinTbl.getValueMapping();
                                } else {
                                    if (mapKey) {
                                        // Join to key table and use that
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, joinTbl.getKeyMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                    } else {
                                        // Join to value table and use that
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, joinTbl.getValueMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                    tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                    tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                            } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_KEY_IN_VALUE) {
                                // Join to value table
                                DatastoreClass valTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                JavaTypeMapping mapTblOwnerMapping;
                                if (mmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = valTable.getMemberMapping(mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr).getMetaDataForMember(mmd.getMappedBy()));
                                } else {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = valTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                String aliasForMap = (embedded || !mapKey) ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), valTable, aliasForMap, mapTblOwnerMapping, null, null, true);
                                if (!embedded) {
                                    if (mapKey) {
                                        // Join to key table
                                        JavaTypeMapping keyMapping = valTable.getMemberMapping(mmd.getKeyMetaData().getMappedBy());
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, keyMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                            } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_VALUE_IN_KEY) {
                                // Join to key table, and then to value table
                                DatastoreClass keyTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                JavaTypeMapping mapTblOwnerMapping;
                                if (mmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = keyTable.getMemberMapping(mapmd.getKeyClassMetaData(clr).getMetaDataForMember(mmd.getMappedBy()));
                                } else {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = keyTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                String aliasForMap = (embedded || mapKey) ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), keyTable, aliasForMap, mapTblOwnerMapping, null, null, true);
                                if (!embedded) {
                                    if (!mapKey) {
                                        // Join to value table
                                        JavaTypeMapping valueMapping = keyTable.getMemberMapping(mmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy());
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, valueMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        } else if (mmd.hasArray()) {
                            // Join across ARRAY relation
                            cmd = mmd.getArray().getElementClassMetaData(clr);
                            if (mmd.getArray().isEmbeddedElement() && mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Embedded element stored in (array) join table
                                ArrayTable relEmbTable = (ArrayTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                JavaTypeMapping relOwnerMapping = relEmbTable.getOwnerMapping();
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relEmbTable, aliasForJoin, relOwnerMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = relEmbTable.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getArray().getElementType(), clr);
                                relMmd = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
                                if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || relMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                    // Join to join table, then to related table
                                    ElementContainerTable joinTbl = (ElementContainerTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                    SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                } else {
                                    // Join to related table FK
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getMemberMapping(relMmd), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblIdMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                    } else if (relationType == RelationType.ONE_TO_MANY_UNI) {
                        previousMapping = null;
                        if (mmd.hasCollection()) {
                            // Join across COLLECTION relation
                            cmd = mmd.getCollection().getElementClassMetaData(clr);
                            if (mmd.getCollection().isEmbeddedElement() && mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Embedded element stored in (collection) join table
                                CollectionTable relEmbTable = (CollectionTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                JavaTypeMapping relOwnerMapping = relEmbTable.getOwnerMapping();
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relEmbTable, aliasForJoin, relOwnerMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = relEmbTable.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr);
                                if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                    // Join to join table, then to related table
                                    ElementContainerTable joinTbl = (ElementContainerTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                    SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                } else {
                                    // Join to related table FK
                                    JavaTypeMapping relMapping = relTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        } else if (mmd.hasMap()) {
                            // Join across MAP relation
                            MapMetaData mapmd = mmd.getMap();
                            cmd = mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr);
                            tblMmd = mmd;
                            boolean embedded = mapKey ? (mapmd.isEmbeddedKey() || mapmd.isSerializedKey()) : (mapmd.isEmbeddedValue() || mapmd.isSerializedValue());
                            if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_JOIN) {
                                // Add join to join table, then to related table (value)
                                MapTable joinTbl = (MapTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                String aliasForMap = (embedded || mapKey) ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, aliasForMap, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                if (embedded) {
                                    tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                    tblIdMapping = mapKey ? joinTbl.getKeyMapping() : joinTbl.getValueMapping();
                                } else {
                                    if (mapKey) {
                                        // Join to key table and use that
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, joinTbl.getKeyMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                    } else {
                                        // Join to value table and use that
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, joinTbl.getValueMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                    tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                    tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                            } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_KEY_IN_VALUE) {
                                // Join to value table
                                DatastoreClass valTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                JavaTypeMapping mapTblOwnerMapping;
                                if (mmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = valTable.getMemberMapping(mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr).getMetaDataForMember(mmd.getMappedBy()));
                                } else {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = valTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                String aliasForMap = (embedded || !mapKey) ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), valTable, aliasForMap, mapTblOwnerMapping, null, null, true);
                                if (!embedded) {
                                    if (mapKey) {
                                        // Join to key table
                                        JavaTypeMapping keyMapping = valTable.getMemberMapping(mmd.getKeyMetaData().getMappedBy());
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, keyMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                            } else if (mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_VALUE_IN_KEY) {
                                // Join to key table, and then to value table
                                DatastoreClass keyTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getKeyType(), clr);
                                JavaTypeMapping mapTblOwnerMapping;
                                if (mmd.getMappedBy() != null) {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = keyTable.getMemberMapping(mapmd.getKeyClassMetaData(clr).getMetaDataForMember(mmd.getMappedBy()));
                                } else {
                                    mapTblOwnerMapping = keyTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                String aliasForMap = (embedded || mapKey) ? aliasForJoin : (aliasForJoin + "_MAP");
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), keyTable, aliasForMap, mapTblOwnerMapping, null, null, true);
                                if (!embedded) {
                                    if (!mapKey) {
                                        // Join to value table
                                        JavaTypeMapping valueMapping = keyTable.getMemberMapping(mmd.getValueMetaData().getMappedBy());
                                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mapmd.getValueType(), clr);
                                        sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, valueMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                    // TODO if there is an ON clause it needs to go on the correct join See [rdbms-177]
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                        } else if (mmd.hasArray()) {
                            // Join across ARRAY relation
                            cmd = mmd.getArray().getElementClassMetaData(clr);
                            if (mmd.getArray().isEmbeddedElement() && mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Embedded element stored in (array) join table
                                ArrayTable relEmbTable = (ArrayTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                JavaTypeMapping relOwnerMapping = relEmbTable.getOwnerMapping();
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relEmbTable, aliasForJoin, relOwnerMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = relEmbTable.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getArray().getElementType(), clr);
                                if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                    // Join to join table, then to related table
                                    ElementContainerTable joinTbl = (ElementContainerTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                    SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                } else {
                                    // Join to related table FK
                                    JavaTypeMapping relMapping = relTable.getExternalMapping(mmd, MappingType.EXTERNAL_FK);
                                    sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relMapping, null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                    } else if (relationType == RelationType.MANY_TO_MANY_BI) {
                        previousMapping = null;
                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getCollection().getElementType(), clr);
                        cmd = mmd.getCollection().getElementClassMetaData(clr);
                        relMmd = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
                        // Join to join table, then to related table
                        if (mmd.hasCollection()) {
                            CollectionTable joinTbl = (CollectionTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                            SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                            sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), null, joinTableGroupName, true);
                        } else if (mmd.hasMap()) {
                            NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("We do not support joining across a M-N MAP field : " + mmd.getFullFieldName());
                        } else if (mmd.hasArray()) {
                            NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("We do not support joining across a M-N ARRAY field : " + mmd.getFullFieldName());
                        tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                        tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                    } else if (relationType == RelationType.MANY_TO_ONE_BI) {
                        previousMapping = null;
                        relTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(mmd.getTypeName(), clr);
                        Object[] castDiscrimValues = null;
                        if (castCls != null && lastComponent) {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(castCls, clr);
                            if (cmd.hasDiscriminatorStrategy()) {
                                // Restrict discriminator on cast type to be the type+subclasses
                                castDiscrimValues = getDiscriminatorValuesForCastClass(cmd);
                        } else {
                            cmd = mmgr.getMetaDataForClass(mmd.getType(), clr);
                        relMmd = mmd.getRelatedMemberMetaData(clr)[0];
                        if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null || relMmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                            // Join to join table, then to related table
                            if (mmd.hasCollection()) {
                                CollectionTable joinTbl = (CollectionTable) storeMgr.getTable(relMmd);
                                SQLTable joinSqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, null, joinTbl.getElementMapping(), null, null, true);
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, joinSqlTbl, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, true);
                            } else if (mmd.hasMap()) {
                                NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("We do not support joining across a N-1 MAP field : " + mmd.getFullFieldName());
                            } else if (mmd.hasArray()) {
                                NucleusLogger.QUERY.warn("We do not support joining across a N-1 ARRAY field : " + mmd.getFullFieldName());
                        } else {
                            // Join to owner table
                            JavaTypeMapping fkMapping = sqlTbl.getTable().getMemberMapping(mmd);
                            sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, fkMapping, relTable, aliasForJoin, relTable.getIdMapping(), castDiscrimValues, joinTableGroupName, true);
                        tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                        tblIdMapping = tblMappingSqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping();
                    } else {
                        // NO RELATION, but cater for join table cases
                        previousMapping = null;
                        if (mmd.hasCollection()) {
                            cmd = null;
                            if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Join to join table
                                CollectionTable joinTbl = (CollectionTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, aliasForJoin, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = joinTbl.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                throw new NucleusUserException("FROM clause contains join to Collection field at " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " yet this has no join table");
                        } else if (mmd.hasMap()) {
                            MapMetaData mapmd = mmd.getMap();
                            cmd = mapmd.getValueClassMetaData(clr);
                            tblMmd = mmd;
                            if (// Should be the only type when relationType is NONE
                            mapmd.getMapType() == MapType.MAP_TYPE_JOIN) {
                                // Add join to join table
                                MapTable joinTbl = (MapTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                String aliasForMap = aliasForJoin;
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, aliasForMap, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = joinTbl.getValueMapping();
                            } else {
                                throw new NucleusUserException("FROM clause contains join to Map field at " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " yet this has no join table");
                        } else if (mmd.hasArray()) {
                            cmd = null;
                            if (mmd.getJoinMetaData() != null) {
                                // Join to join table
                                ArrayTable joinTbl = (ArrayTable) storeMgr.getTable(mmd);
                                sqlTbl = stmt.join(joinType, sqlTbl, sqlTbl.getTable().getIdMapping(), joinTbl, aliasForJoin, joinTbl.getOwnerMapping(), null, null, true);
                                tblMappingSqlTbl = sqlTbl;
                                tblIdMapping = joinTbl.getElementMapping();
                            } else {
                                throw new NucleusUserException("FROM clause contains join to array field at " + mmd.getFullFieldName() + " yet this has no join table");
            if (joinAlias != null) {
                if (explicitJoinPrimaryByAlias == null) {
                    explicitJoinPrimaryByAlias = new HashMap<>();
                explicitJoinPrimaryByAlias.put(joinAlias, joinPrimExpr.getId());
                SQLTableMapping tblMapping = null;
                if (tblMmd != null) {
                    // Maps store the member so we can more easily navigate to the key/value
                    tblMapping = new SQLTableMapping(tblMappingSqlTbl, cmd, tblMmd, tblIdMapping);
                } else {
                    tblMapping = new SQLTableMapping(tblMappingSqlTbl, cmd, tblIdMapping);
                setSQLTableMappingForAlias(joinAlias, tblMapping);
            if (joinOnExpr != null) {
                // Convert the ON expression to a BooleanExpression
                processingOnClause = true;
                BooleanExpression joinOnSqlExpr = (BooleanExpression) stack.pop();
                processingOnClause = false;
                // Add the ON expression to the most recent SQLTable at the end of this chain
                // TODO Allow for SQL JOIN "grouping" [rdbms-177]. This applies to all cases where we join to a join table then to an element/value table and
                // need to apply the ON clause across both
                SQLJoin join = stmt.getJoinForTable(sqlTbl);
        } else {
            previousMapping = null;
        // Move on to next join in the chain
        rightExpr = rightExpr.getRight();
Also used : FetchGroupManager(org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) JavaTypeMapping( Symbol(org.datanucleus.query.compiler.Symbol) SQLJoin( SQLStatement( AbstractClassMetaData(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData) MapTable( SelectStatement( BooleanExpression( CollectionTable( SQLTable( TemporalLiteral( SQLLiteral( ParameterLiteral( BooleanLiteral( IntegerLiteral( Literal(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Literal) NullLiteral( RelationType(org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType) JoinExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.JoinExpression) ElementContainerTable( NucleusUserException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException) MetaDataManager(org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager) JoinType( MapMetaData(org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData) DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) CaseExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.CaseExpression) BooleanSubqueryExpression( StringExpression( JoinExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.JoinExpression) NumericSubqueryExpression( StringSubqueryExpression( ClassExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ClassExpression) InvokeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.InvokeExpression) MapExpression( SubqueryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.SubqueryExpression) NewObjectExpression( TemporalSubqueryExpression( BooleanExpression( OrderExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.OrderExpression) PrimaryExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.PrimaryExpression) SQLExpression( UnboundExpression( TemporalExpression( ArrayExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ArrayExpression) ResultAliasExpression( CreatorExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.CreatorExpression) Expression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.Expression) TypeExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.TypeExpression) NumericExpression( CollectionExpression( DyadicExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.DyadicExpression) ParameterExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.ParameterExpression) ColumnExpression( VariableExpression(org.datanucleus.query.expression.VariableExpression) EmbeddedMapping( SQLTableGroup( FetchGroup(org.datanucleus.FetchGroup) DatastoreClass( FetchPlanForClass(org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass) DatastoreClass( NucleusException(org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException) ArrayTable( AbstractMemberMetaData(org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData)

Example 3 with FetchGroup

use of org.datanucleus.FetchGroup in project datanucleus-api-jdo by datanucleus.

the class JDOPersistenceManager method getFetchGroup.

// -------------------------------------- FetchGroup methods ----------------------------------------
 * Method to return a fetch group for the specified class, with the specified name.
 * @param cls The class
 * @param name The name of the fetch group
 * @return FetchGroup
public javax.jdo.FetchGroup getFetchGroup(Class cls, String name) {
    if (jdoFetchGroups == null) {
        jdoFetchGroups = new HashSet();
    // Check our local (dynamic) groups
    Iterator<JDOFetchGroup> iter = jdoFetchGroups.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        JDOFetchGroup jdoGrp =;
        if (jdoGrp.getName().equals(name) && jdoGrp.getType() == cls && !jdoGrp.isUnmodifiable()) {
            // Modifiable group for this name and class already exists for this PM scope
            return jdoGrp;
    // Check the PMF. This will create one if none present
    JDOFetchGroup jdoGrp = (JDOFetchGroup) getPersistenceManagerFactory().getFetchGroup(cls, name);
    // PMF returned us a group (maybe newly created) so put a copy in scope here
    // We actually copy the internal group to the EC, and have our own JDOFetchGroup here
    FetchGroup internalGrp = (jdoGrp).getInternalFetchGroup();
    FetchGroup internalCopy = new FetchGroup(internalGrp);
    jdoGrp = new JDOFetchGroup(internalCopy);
    return jdoGrp;
Also used : FetchGroup(org.datanucleus.FetchGroup) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)


FetchGroup (org.datanucleus.FetchGroup)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 AttributeNode (javax.persistence.AttributeNode)1 Subgraph (javax.persistence.Subgraph)1 FetchGroupManager (org.datanucleus.FetchGroupManager)1 FetchPlanForClass (org.datanucleus.FetchPlanForClass)1 PersistenceNucleusContext (org.datanucleus.PersistenceNucleusContext)1 JPAEntityGraph (org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityGraph)1 JPAEntityManagerFactory (org.datanucleus.api.jpa.JPAEntityManagerFactory)1 NucleusException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusException)1 NucleusUserException (org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException)1 AbstractClassMetaData (org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData)1 AbstractMemberMetaData (org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData)1 MapMetaData (org.datanucleus.metadata.MapMetaData)1 MetaDataManager (org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager)1 RelationType (org.datanucleus.metadata.RelationType)1 Symbol (org.datanucleus.query.compiler.Symbol)1 ArrayExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.ArrayExpression)1 CaseExpression (org.datanucleus.query.expression.CaseExpression)1