use of org.hipparchus.random.RandomGenerator in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class NRLMSISE00Test method testgtd7SwitchesRandom.
public void testgtd7SwitchesRandom() throws OrekitException {
RandomGenerator random = new Well19937a(0xa12175ef0b689b04l);
NRLMSISE00 atm = new NRLMSISE00(null, null, null);
for (int i = 1; i <= 23; ++i) {
atm = atm.withSwitch(i, random.nextInt(3) - 2);
doTestVoidMethod(atm, random, "gtd7", 1.0e-50, 3.0e-14);
use of org.hipparchus.random.RandomGenerator in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class NRLMSISE00Test method testgtd7SwitchesOff.
public void testgtd7SwitchesOff() throws OrekitException {
RandomGenerator random = new Well19937a(0x3dc1f824e1033d1bl);
NRLMSISE00 atm = new NRLMSISE00(null, null, null);
for (int i = 1; i <= 23; ++i) {
atm = atm.withSwitch(i, 0);
doTestVoidMethod(atm, random, "gtd7", 1.0e-50, 3.0e-14);
use of org.hipparchus.random.RandomGenerator in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class RelativityTest method RealFieldTest.
*Testing if the propagation between the FieldPropagation and the propagation
* is equivalent.
* Also testing if propagating X+dX with the propagation is equivalent to
* propagation X with the FieldPropagation and then applying the taylor
* expansion of dX to the result.
public void RealFieldTest() throws OrekitException {
DSFactory factory = new DSFactory(6, 5);
DerivativeStructure a_0 = factory.variable(0, 7e7);
DerivativeStructure e_0 = factory.variable(1, 0.4);
DerivativeStructure i_0 = factory.variable(2, 85 * FastMath.PI / 180);
DerivativeStructure R_0 = factory.variable(3, 0.7);
DerivativeStructure O_0 = factory.variable(4, 0.5);
DerivativeStructure n_0 = factory.variable(5, 0.1);
Field<DerivativeStructure> field = a_0.getField();
DerivativeStructure zero = field.getZero();
FieldAbsoluteDate<DerivativeStructure> J2000 = new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field);
Frame EME = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
FieldKeplerianOrbit<DerivativeStructure> FKO = new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(a_0, e_0, i_0, R_0, O_0, n_0, PositionAngle.MEAN, EME, J2000, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
FieldSpacecraftState<DerivativeStructure> initialState = new FieldSpacecraftState<>(FKO);
SpacecraftState iSR = initialState.toSpacecraftState();
OrbitType type = OrbitType.KEPLERIAN;
double[][] tolerance = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(0.001, FKO.toOrbit(), type);
AdaptiveStepsizeFieldIntegrator<DerivativeStructure> integrator = new DormandPrince853FieldIntegrator<>(field, 0.001, 200, tolerance[0], tolerance[1]);
AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator RIntegrator = new DormandPrince853Integrator(0.001, 200, tolerance[0], tolerance[1]);
FieldNumericalPropagator<DerivativeStructure> FNP = new FieldNumericalPropagator<>(field, integrator);
NumericalPropagator NP = new NumericalPropagator(RIntegrator);
final Relativity forceModel = new Relativity(Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
FieldAbsoluteDate<DerivativeStructure> target = J2000.shiftedBy(1000.);
FieldSpacecraftState<DerivativeStructure> finalState_DS = FNP.propagate(target);
SpacecraftState finalState_R = NP.propagate(target.toAbsoluteDate());
FieldPVCoordinates<DerivativeStructure> finPVC_DS = finalState_DS.getPVCoordinates();
PVCoordinates finPVC_R = finalState_R.getPVCoordinates();
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getX(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getX()) * 1e-11);
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getY(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getY()) * 1e-11);
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getZ(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getZ()) * 1e-11);
long number = 23091991;
RandomGenerator RG = new Well19937a(number);
GaussianRandomGenerator NGG = new GaussianRandomGenerator(RG);
UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator URVG = new UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, new double[] { 1e3, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 }, NGG);
double a_R = a_0.getReal();
double e_R = e_0.getReal();
double i_R = i_0.getReal();
double R_R = R_0.getReal();
double O_R = O_0.getReal();
double n_R = n_0.getReal();
for (int ii = 0; ii < 1; ii++) {
double[] rand_next = URVG.nextVector();
double a_shift = a_R + rand_next[0];
double e_shift = e_R + rand_next[1];
double i_shift = i_R + rand_next[2];
double R_shift = R_R + rand_next[3];
double O_shift = O_R + rand_next[4];
double n_shift = n_R + rand_next[5];
KeplerianOrbit shiftedOrb = new KeplerianOrbit(a_shift, e_shift, i_shift, R_shift, O_shift, n_shift, PositionAngle.MEAN, EME, J2000.toAbsoluteDate(), Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
SpacecraftState shift_iSR = new SpacecraftState(shiftedOrb);
NumericalPropagator shift_NP = new NumericalPropagator(RIntegrator);
SpacecraftState finalState_shift = shift_NP.propagate(target.toAbsoluteDate());
PVCoordinates finPVC_shift = finalState_shift.getPVCoordinates();
// position check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> pos_DS = finPVC_DS.getPosition();
double x_DS = pos_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double y_DS = pos_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double z_DS = pos_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
// System.out.println(pos_DS.getX().getPartialDerivative(1));
double x = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getX();
double y = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getY();
double z = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getZ();
Assert.assertEquals(x_DS, x, FastMath.abs(x - pos_DS.getX().getReal()) * 1e-8);
Assert.assertEquals(y_DS, y, FastMath.abs(y - pos_DS.getY().getReal()) * 1e-8);
Assert.assertEquals(z_DS, z, FastMath.abs(z - pos_DS.getZ().getReal()) * 1e-8);
// velocity check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> vel_DS = finPVC_DS.getVelocity();
double vx_DS = vel_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vy_DS = vel_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vz_DS = vel_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vx = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getX();
double vy = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getY();
double vz = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getZ();
Assert.assertEquals(vx_DS, vx, FastMath.abs(vx) * 1e-9);
Assert.assertEquals(vy_DS, vy, FastMath.abs(vy) * 1e-9);
Assert.assertEquals(vz_DS, vz, FastMath.abs(vz) * 1e-9);
// acceleration check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> acc_DS = finPVC_DS.getAcceleration();
double ax_DS = acc_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double ay_DS = acc_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double az_DS = acc_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double ax = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getX();
double ay = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getY();
double az = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getZ();
Assert.assertEquals(ax_DS, ax, FastMath.abs(ax) * 1e-8);
Assert.assertEquals(ay_DS, ay, FastMath.abs(ay) * 1e-8);
Assert.assertEquals(az_DS, az, FastMath.abs(az) * 1e-8);
use of org.hipparchus.random.RandomGenerator in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class ThirdBodyAttractionTest method RealFieldTest.
*Testing if the propagation between the FieldPropagation and the propagation
* is equivalent.
* Also testing if propagating X+dX with the propagation is equivalent to
* propagation X with the FieldPropagation and then applying the taylor
* expansion of dX to the result.
public void RealFieldTest() throws OrekitException {
DSFactory factory = new DSFactory(6, 5);
DerivativeStructure a_0 = factory.variable(0, 7e7);
DerivativeStructure e_0 = factory.variable(1, 0.4);
DerivativeStructure i_0 = factory.variable(2, 85 * FastMath.PI / 180);
DerivativeStructure R_0 = factory.variable(3, 0.7);
DerivativeStructure O_0 = factory.variable(4, 0.5);
DerivativeStructure n_0 = factory.variable(5, 0.1);
Field<DerivativeStructure> field = a_0.getField();
DerivativeStructure zero = field.getZero();
FieldAbsoluteDate<DerivativeStructure> J2000 = new FieldAbsoluteDate<>(field);
Frame EME = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
FieldKeplerianOrbit<DerivativeStructure> FKO = new FieldKeplerianOrbit<>(a_0, e_0, i_0, R_0, O_0, n_0, PositionAngle.MEAN, EME, J2000, Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
FieldSpacecraftState<DerivativeStructure> initialState = new FieldSpacecraftState<>(FKO);
SpacecraftState iSR = initialState.toSpacecraftState();
OrbitType type = OrbitType.KEPLERIAN;
double[][] tolerance = NumericalPropagator.tolerances(10.0, FKO.toOrbit(), type);
AdaptiveStepsizeFieldIntegrator<DerivativeStructure> integrator = new DormandPrince853FieldIntegrator<>(field, 0.001, 200, tolerance[0], tolerance[1]);
AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator RIntegrator = new DormandPrince853Integrator(0.001, 200, tolerance[0], tolerance[1]);
FieldNumericalPropagator<DerivativeStructure> FNP = new FieldNumericalPropagator<>(field, integrator);
NumericalPropagator NP = new NumericalPropagator(RIntegrator);
final ThirdBodyAttraction forceModel = new ThirdBodyAttraction(CelestialBodyFactory.getSun());
FieldAbsoluteDate<DerivativeStructure> target = J2000.shiftedBy(1000.);
FieldSpacecraftState<DerivativeStructure> finalState_DS = FNP.propagate(target);
SpacecraftState finalState_R = NP.propagate(target.toAbsoluteDate());
FieldPVCoordinates<DerivativeStructure> finPVC_DS = finalState_DS.getPVCoordinates();
PVCoordinates finPVC_R = finalState_R.getPVCoordinates();
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getX(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getX()) * 1e-11);
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getY(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getY()) * 1e-11);
Assert.assertEquals(finPVC_DS.toPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), finPVC_R.getPosition().getZ(), FastMath.abs(finPVC_R.getPosition().getZ()) * 1e-11);
long number = 23091991;
RandomGenerator RG = new Well19937a(number);
GaussianRandomGenerator NGG = new GaussianRandomGenerator(RG);
UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator URVG = new UncorrelatedRandomVectorGenerator(new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, new double[] { 1e3, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 }, NGG);
double a_R = a_0.getReal();
double e_R = e_0.getReal();
double i_R = i_0.getReal();
double R_R = R_0.getReal();
double O_R = O_0.getReal();
double n_R = n_0.getReal();
double maxP = 0;
double maxV = 0;
double maxA = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 1; ii++) {
double[] rand_next = URVG.nextVector();
double a_shift = a_R + rand_next[0];
double e_shift = e_R + rand_next[1];
double i_shift = i_R + rand_next[2];
double R_shift = R_R + rand_next[3];
double O_shift = O_R + rand_next[4];
double n_shift = n_R + rand_next[5];
KeplerianOrbit shiftedOrb = new KeplerianOrbit(a_shift, e_shift, i_shift, R_shift, O_shift, n_shift, PositionAngle.MEAN, EME, J2000.toAbsoluteDate(), Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
SpacecraftState shift_iSR = new SpacecraftState(shiftedOrb);
NumericalPropagator shift_NP = new NumericalPropagator(RIntegrator);
SpacecraftState finalState_shift = shift_NP.propagate(target.toAbsoluteDate());
PVCoordinates finPVC_shift = finalState_shift.getPVCoordinates();
// position check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> pos_DS = finPVC_DS.getPosition();
double x_DS = pos_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double y_DS = pos_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double z_DS = pos_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double x = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getX();
double y = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getY();
double z = finPVC_shift.getPosition().getZ();
maxP = FastMath.max(maxP, FastMath.abs((x_DS - x) / (x - pos_DS.getX().getReal())));
maxP = FastMath.max(maxP, FastMath.abs((y_DS - y) / (y - pos_DS.getY().getReal())));
maxP = FastMath.max(maxP, FastMath.abs((z_DS - z) / (z - pos_DS.getZ().getReal())));
// velocity check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> vel_DS = finPVC_DS.getVelocity();
double vx_DS = vel_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vy_DS = vel_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vz_DS = vel_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double vx = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getX();
double vy = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getY();
double vz = finPVC_shift.getVelocity().getZ();
maxV = FastMath.max(maxV, FastMath.abs((vx_DS - vx) / vx));
maxV = FastMath.max(maxV, FastMath.abs((vy_DS - vy) / vy));
maxV = FastMath.max(maxV, FastMath.abs((vz_DS - vz) / vz));
// acceleration check
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> acc_DS = finPVC_DS.getAcceleration();
double ax_DS = acc_DS.getX().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double ay_DS = acc_DS.getY().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double az_DS = acc_DS.getZ().taylor(rand_next[0], rand_next[1], rand_next[2], rand_next[3], rand_next[4], rand_next[5]);
double ax = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getX();
double ay = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getY();
double az = finPVC_shift.getAcceleration().getZ();
maxA = FastMath.max(maxA, FastMath.abs((ax_DS - ax) / ax));
maxA = FastMath.max(maxA, FastMath.abs((ay_DS - ay) / ay));
maxA = FastMath.max(maxA, FastMath.abs((az_DS - az) / az));
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxP, 5.0e-9);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxV, 3.0e-10);
Assert.assertEquals(0, maxA, 8.0e-8);
use of org.hipparchus.random.RandomGenerator in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class BiasTest method testEstimateBias.
public void testEstimateBias() throws OrekitException {
Context context = EstimationTestUtils.eccentricContext("regular-data:potential:tides");
final NumericalPropagatorBuilder propagatorBuilder = context.createBuilder(OrbitType.KEPLERIAN, PositionAngle.TRUE, true, 1.0e-6, 60.0, 0.001);
// create perfect range measurements
final Propagator propagator = EstimationTestUtils.createPropagator(context.initialOrbit, propagatorBuilder);
final List<ObservedMeasurement<?>> measurements = EstimationTestUtils.createMeasurements(propagator, new RangeMeasurementCreator(context), 1.0, 3.0, 300.0);
// create range biases: one bias for each station
final RandomGenerator random = new Well19937a(0x0c4b69da5d64b35al);
final Bias<?>[] stationsRangeBiases = new Bias<?>[context.stations.size()];
final double[] realStationsBiases = new double[context.stations.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < context.stations.size(); ++i) {
final TopocentricFrame base = context.stations.get(i).getBaseFrame();
stationsRangeBiases[i] = new Bias<Range>(new String[] { base.getName() + " range bias" }, new double[] { 0.0 }, new double[] { 1.0 }, new double[] { Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }, new double[] { Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY });
realStationsBiases[i] = 2 * random.nextDouble() - 1;
// create orbit estimator
final BatchLSEstimator estimator = new BatchLSEstimator(new LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(), propagatorBuilder);
// add the measurements, with both spacecraft and stations biases
for (final ObservedMeasurement<?> measurement : measurements) {
final Range range = (Range) measurement;
for (int i = 0; i < context.stations.size(); ++i) {
if (range.getStation() == context.stations.get(i)) {
double biasedRange = range.getObservedValue()[0] + realStationsBiases[i];
final Range m = new Range(range.getStation(), range.getDate(), biasedRange, range.getTheoreticalStandardDeviation()[0], range.getBaseWeight()[0]);
m.addModifier((Bias<Range>) stationsRangeBiases[i]);
// we want to estimate the biases
for (Bias<?> bias : stationsRangeBiases) {
for (final ParameterDriver driver : bias.getParametersDrivers()) {
EstimationTestUtils.checkFit(context, estimator, 2, 3, 0.0, 7.2e-7, 0.0, 2.1e-6, 0.0, 3.7e-7, 0.0, 1.7e-10);
for (int i = 0; i < stationsRangeBiases.length; ++i) {
Assert.assertEquals(realStationsBiases[i], stationsRangeBiases[i].getParametersDrivers().get(0).getValue(), 3.3e-6);