use of org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraftTest method testLiftVsNoLift.
public void testLiftVsNoLift() throws OrekitException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
CelestialBody sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
// older implementation did not consider lift, so it really worked
// only for symmetrical shapes. For testing purposes, we will use a
// basic cubic shape without solar arrays and a relative atmosphere
// velocity either *exactly* facing a side or *exactly* along a main diagonal
BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet[] facets = new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet[] { new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.MINUS_I, 3.0), new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.PLUS_I, 3.0), new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.MINUS_J, 3.0), new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.PLUS_J, 3.0), new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.MINUS_K, 3.0), new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft.Facet(Vector3D.PLUS_K, 3.0) };
BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft cube = new BoxAndSolarArraySpacecraft(facets, sun, 0.0, Vector3D.PLUS_J, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
AbsoluteDate date = AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH;
Frame frame = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
Vector3D position = new Vector3D(1234567.8, 9876543.21, 121212.3434);
double mass = 1000.0;
double density = 0.001;
Rotation rotation = Rotation.IDENTITY;
// head-on, there acceleration with lift should be twice acceleration without lift
Vector3D headOnVelocity = new Vector3D(2000, 0.0, 0.0);
Vector3D newHeadOnDrag = cube.dragAcceleration(date, frame, position, rotation, mass, density, headOnVelocity, getDragParameters(cube));
Vector3D oldHeadOnDrag = oldDragAcceleration(cube, date, frame, position, rotation, mass, density, headOnVelocity);
Assert.assertThat(newHeadOnDrag, OrekitMatchers.vectorCloseTo(oldHeadOnDrag.scalarMultiply(2), 1));
// on an angle, the no lift implementation applies drag to the velocity direction
// instead of to the facet normal direction. In the symmetrical case, this implies
// it applied a single cos(θ) coefficient (projected surface reduction) instead
// of using cos²(θ) (projected surface reduction *and* normal component projection)
// and since molecule is reflected backward with the same velocity, this implies a
// factor 2 in linear momentum differences
Vector3D diagonalVelocity = new Vector3D(2000, 2000, 2000);
Vector3D newDiagDrag = cube.dragAcceleration(date, frame, position, rotation, mass, density, diagonalVelocity, getDragParameters(cube));
Vector3D oldDiagDrag = oldDragAcceleration(cube, date, frame, position, rotation, mass, density, diagonalVelocity);
double oldMissingCoeff = 2.0 / FastMath.sqrt(3.0);
Vector3D fixedOldDrag = new Vector3D(oldMissingCoeff, oldDiagDrag);
Assert.assertThat(newDiagDrag, OrekitMatchers.vectorCloseTo(fixedOldDrag, 1));
use of org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class HarmonicParametricAccelerationTest method testEquivalentInertialManeuver.
public void testEquivalentInertialManeuver() throws OrekitException {
final double delta = FastMath.toRadians(-7.4978);
final double alpha = FastMath.toRadians(351);
final Vector3D direction = new Vector3D(alpha, delta);
final double mass = 2500;
final double isp = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final double duration = 4000;
final double f = 400;
final AttitudeProvider maneuverLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_I));
ConstantThrustManeuver maneuver = new ConstantThrustManeuver(initialOrbit.getDate().shiftedBy(-10.0), duration, f, isp, Vector3D.PLUS_I);
final AttitudeProvider accelerationLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_K));
final HarmonicParametricAcceleration inertialAcceleration = new HarmonicParametricAcceleration(direction, true, "", AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1);
inertialAcceleration.getParametersDrivers()[0].setValue(f / mass);
inertialAcceleration.getParametersDrivers()[1].setValue(0.5 * FastMath.PI);
doTestEquivalentManeuver(mass, maneuverLaw, maneuver, accelerationLaw, inertialAcceleration, 1.0e-15);
use of org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class HarmonicParametricAccelerationTest method testEquivalentInertialManeuverField.
public void testEquivalentInertialManeuverField() throws OrekitException {
final double delta = FastMath.toRadians(-7.4978);
final double alpha = FastMath.toRadians(351);
final Vector3D direction = new Vector3D(alpha, delta);
final double mass = 2500;
final double isp = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final double duration = 4000;
final double f = 400;
final AttitudeProvider maneuverLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_I));
ConstantThrustManeuver maneuver = new ConstantThrustManeuver(initialOrbit.getDate().shiftedBy(-10.0), duration, f, isp, Vector3D.PLUS_I);
final AttitudeProvider accelerationLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_K));
final HarmonicParametricAcceleration inertialAcceleration = new HarmonicParametricAcceleration(direction, true, "", AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1);
inertialAcceleration.getParametersDrivers()[0].setValue(f / mass);
inertialAcceleration.getParametersDrivers()[1].setValue(0.5 * FastMath.PI);
doTestEquivalentManeuver(Decimal64Field.getInstance(), mass, maneuverLaw, maneuver, accelerationLaw, inertialAcceleration, 3.0e-9);
use of org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class PolynomialParametricAccelerationTest method testEquivalentInertialManeuverField.
public void testEquivalentInertialManeuverField() throws OrekitException {
final double delta = FastMath.toRadians(-7.4978);
final double alpha = FastMath.toRadians(351);
final Vector3D direction = new Vector3D(alpha, delta);
final double mass = 2500;
final double isp = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
final double duration = 4000;
final double f = 400;
final AttitudeProvider maneuverLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_I));
ConstantThrustManeuver maneuver = new ConstantThrustManeuver(initialOrbit.getDate().shiftedBy(-10.0), duration, f, isp, Vector3D.PLUS_I);
final AttitudeProvider accelerationLaw = new InertialProvider(new Rotation(direction, Vector3D.PLUS_K));
final PolynomialParametricAcceleration inertialAcceleration = new PolynomialParametricAcceleration(direction, true, "", AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH, 0);
inertialAcceleration.getParametersDrivers()[0].setValue(f / mass);
doTestEquivalentManeuver(Decimal64Field.getInstance(), mass, maneuverLaw, maneuver, accelerationLaw, inertialAcceleration, 3.0e-9);
use of org.hipparchus.geometry.euclidean.threed.Rotation in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class DTM2000Test method testNonEarthRotationAxisAlignedFrame.
public void testNonEarthRotationAxisAlignedFrame() throws OrekitException {
// setup
AbsoluteDate date = AbsoluteDate.J2000_EPOCH;
Frame ecef = FramesFactory.getITRF(IERSConventions.IERS_2010, true);
Rotation rotation = new Rotation(Vector3D.PLUS_I, FastMath.PI / 2, RotationConvention.VECTOR_OPERATOR);
Frame frame = new Frame(ecef, new Transform(date, rotation), "other");
Vector3D pEcef = new Vector3D(6378137 + 300e3, 0, 0);
Vector3D pFrame = ecef.getTransformTo(frame, date).transformPosition(pEcef);
PVCoordinatesProvider sun = CelestialBodyFactory.getSun();
OneAxisEllipsoid earth = new OneAxisEllipsoid(6378136.460, 1.0 / 298.257222101, ecef);
SolarInputs97to05 in = SolarInputs97to05.getInstance();
DTM2000 atm = new DTM2000(in, sun, earth);
// action
final double actual = atm.getDensity(date, pFrame, frame);
// verify
Assert.assertEquals(atm.getDensity(date, pEcef, ecef), actual, 0.0);