use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.PrimitiveType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileDrivenRenderer method renderLeaf.
private void renderLeaf(ResourceWrapper res, BaseWrapper ew, ElementDefinition defn, XhtmlNode parent, XhtmlNode x, boolean title, boolean showCodeDetails, Map<String, String> displayHints, String path, int indent) throws FHIRException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, EOperationOutcome {
if (ew == null)
Base e = ew.getBase();
if (e instanceof StringType)
x.addText(((StringType) e).getValue());
else if (e instanceof CodeType)
x.addText(((CodeType) e).getValue());
else if (e instanceof IdType)
x.addText(((IdType) e).getValue());
else if (e instanceof Extension)
else if (e instanceof InstantType)
x.addText(((InstantType) e).toHumanDisplay());
else if (e instanceof DateTimeType) {
renderDateTime(x, e);
} else if (e instanceof Base64BinaryType)
x.addText(new Base64().encodeAsString(((Base64BinaryType) e).getValue()));
else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) {
org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType dt = ((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) e);
if (((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) e).hasValue()) {
x.addText(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DateType) e).toHumanDisplay());
} else if (e instanceof Enumeration) {
Object ev = ((Enumeration<?>) e).getValue();
// todo: look up a display name if there is one
x.addText(ev == null ? "" : ev.toString());
} else if (e instanceof BooleanType) {
x.addText(((BooleanType) e).getValue().toString());
} else if (e instanceof CodeableConcept) {
renderCodeableConcept(x, (CodeableConcept) e, showCodeDetails);
} else if (e instanceof Coding) {
renderCoding(x, (Coding) e, showCodeDetails);
} else if (e instanceof CodeableReference) {
renderCodeableReference(x, (CodeableReference) e, showCodeDetails);
} else if (e instanceof Annotation) {
renderAnnotation(x, (Annotation) e);
} else if (e instanceof Identifier) {
renderIdentifier(x, (Identifier) e);
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType) {
if (((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType) e).hasValue()) {
x.addText(Integer.toString(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.IntegerType) e).getValue()));
} else {
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Integer64Type) {
if (((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Integer64Type) e).hasValue()) {
x.addText(Long.toString(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.Integer64Type) e).getValue()));
} else {
} else if (e instanceof org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DecimalType) {
x.addText(((org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.DecimalType) e).getValue().toString());
} else if (e instanceof HumanName) {
renderHumanName(x, (HumanName) e);
} else if (e instanceof SampledData) {
renderSampledData(x, (SampledData) e);
} else if (e instanceof Address) {
renderAddress(x, (Address) e);
} else if (e instanceof ContactPoint) {
renderContactPoint(x, (ContactPoint) e);
} else if (e instanceof Expression) {
renderExpression(x, (Expression) e);
} else if (e instanceof Money) {
renderMoney(x, (Money) e);
} else if (e instanceof ContactDetail) {
ContactDetail cd = (ContactDetail) e;
if (cd.hasName()) {
x.tx(cd.getName() + ": ");
boolean first = true;
for (ContactPoint c : cd.getTelecom()) {
if (first)
first = false;
renderContactPoint(x, c);
} else if (e instanceof UriType) {
renderUri(x, (UriType) e, defn.getPath(), rcontext != null && rcontext.getResourceResource() != null ? rcontext.getResourceResource().getId() : null);
} else if (e instanceof Timing) {
renderTiming(x, (Timing) e);
} else if (e instanceof Range) {
renderRange(x, (Range) e);
} else if (e instanceof Quantity) {
renderQuantity(x, (Quantity) e, showCodeDetails);
} else if (e instanceof Ratio) {
renderQuantity(x, ((Ratio) e).getNumerator(), showCodeDetails);
renderQuantity(x, ((Ratio) e).getDenominator(), showCodeDetails);
} else if (e instanceof Period) {
Period p = (Period) e;
renderPeriod(x, p);
} else if (e instanceof Reference) {
Reference r = (Reference) e;
if (r.getReference() != null && r.getReference().contains("#")) {
if (containedIds.contains(r.getReference().substring(1))) {
x.ah(r.getReference()).tx("See " + r.getReference());
} else {
// in this case, we render the resource in line
ResourceWrapper rw = null;
for (ResourceWrapper t : res.getContained()) {
if (r.getReference().substring(1).equals(t.getId())) {
rw = t;
if (rw == null) {
renderReference(res, x, r);
} else {;
ResourceRenderer rr = RendererFactory.factory(rw, context.copy().setAddGeneratedNarrativeHeader(false));
rr.render(parent.blockquote(), rw);
} else {
renderReference(res, x, r);
} else if (e instanceof Resource) {
} else if (e instanceof DataRequirement) {
DataRequirement p = (DataRequirement) e;
renderDataRequirement(x, p);
} else if (e instanceof PrimitiveType) {
x.tx(((PrimitiveType) e).primitiveValue());
} else if (e instanceof ElementDefinition) {
} else if (e != null && !(e instanceof Attachment) && !(e instanceof Narrative) && !(e instanceof Meta)) {
throw new NotImplementedException("type " + e.getClass().getName() + " not handled - should not be here");
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.PrimitiveType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class CapabilityStatementComparer method addPrimitiveTypeRow.
private Row addPrimitiveTypeRow(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Row> rows, StructuralMatch<Element> t, CapabilityStatementComparison comparison) {
Row r = Row();
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, t.getName(), null, null));
PrimitiveType left = t.hasLeft() ? (PrimitiveType) t.getLeft() : null;
PrimitiveType right = t.hasRight() ? (PrimitiveType) t.getRight() : null;
CanonicalResource crL = left == null ? null : (CanonicalResource) session.getContextLeft().fetchResource(Resource.class, left.primitiveValue());
CanonicalResource crR = right == null ? null : (CanonicalResource) session.getContextRight().fetchResource(Resource.class, right.primitiveValue());
String refL = crL != null && crL.hasUserData("path") ? crL.getUserString("path") : null;
String dispL = crL != null && refL != null ? crL.present() : left == null ? "" : left.primitiveValue();
String refR = crR != null && crR.hasUserData("path") ? crR.getUserString("path") : null;
String dispR = crR != null && refR != null ? crR.present() : right == null ? "" : right.primitiveValue();
r.getCells().add(style( Cell(null, refL, dispL, null, null), left != null ? left.primitiveValue() : null, right != null ? right.primitiveValue() : null, true));
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
r.getCells().add(style( Cell(null, refR, dispR, null, null), left != null ? left.primitiveValue() : null, right != null ? right.primitiveValue() : null, false));
r.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
r.getCells().add(cellForMessages(gen, t.getMessages()));
return r;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.PrimitiveType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class PrimitiveType method equalsShallow.
public boolean equalsShallow(Base obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (!(obj.getClass() == getClass())) {
return false;
PrimitiveType<?> o = (PrimitiveType<?>) obj;
EqualsBuilder b = new EqualsBuilder();
b.append(getValue(), o.getValue());
return b.isEquals();
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.PrimitiveType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class FHIRToolingClient method operateType.
public <T extends Resource> Parameters operateType(Class<T> resourceClass, String name, Parameters params) {
boolean complex = false;
for (ParametersParameterComponent p : params.getParameter()) complex = complex || !(p.getValue() instanceof PrimitiveType);
String ps = "";
try {
if (!complex)
for (ParametersParameterComponent p : params.getParameter()) if (p.getValue() instanceof PrimitiveType)
ps += p.getName() + "=" + Utilities.encodeUri(((PrimitiveType) p.getValue()).asStringValue()) + "&";
ResourceRequest<T> result;
URI url = resourceAddress.resolveOperationURLFromClass(resourceClass, name, ps);
if (complex) {
byte[] body = ByteUtils.resourceToByteArray(params, false, isJson(getPreferredResourceFormat()));
result = client.issuePostRequest(url, body, getPreferredResourceFormat(), generateHeaders(), "POST " + resourceClass.getName() + "/$" + name, TIMEOUT_OPERATION_LONG);
} else {
result = client.issueGetResourceRequest(url, getPreferredResourceFormat(), generateHeaders(), "GET " + resourceClass.getName() + "/$" + name, TIMEOUT_OPERATION_LONG);
if (result.isUnsuccessfulRequest()) {
throw new EFhirClientException("Server returned error code " + result.getHttpStatus(), (OperationOutcome) result.getPayload());
if (result.getPayload() instanceof Parameters) {
return (Parameters) result.getPayload();
} else {
Parameters p_out = new Parameters();
return p_out;
} catch (Exception e) {
handleException("Error performing tx5 operation '" + name + ": " + e.getMessage() + "' (parameters = \"" + ps + "\")", e);
return null;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.PrimitiveType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class NarrativeGenerator method generateVersionNotice.
private void generateVersionNotice(XhtmlNode x, ValueSetExpansionComponent expansion) {
Map<String, String> versions = new HashMap<String, String>();
boolean firstVersion = true;
for (ValueSetExpansionParameterComponent p : expansion.getParameter()) {
if (p.getName().equals("version")) {
String[] parts = ((PrimitiveType) p.getValue()).asStringValue().split("\\|");
if (parts.length == 2)
versions.put(parts[0], parts[1]);
if (!versions.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (firstVersion) {
// the first version
// set the <p> tag and style attribute
x.para().setAttribute("style", "border: black 1px dotted; background-color: #EEEEEE; padding: 8px");
firstVersion = false;
} else {
// the second (or greater) version
// add line break before the version text;
b.append("Expansion based on ");
boolean firstPart = true;
for (String s : versions.keySet()) {
if (firstPart)
firstPart = false;
b.append(", ");
if (!s.equals(""))
b.append(describeSystem(s) + " version " + versions.get(s));
else {
parts = versions.get(s).split("\\/");
if (parts.length >= 5) {
String m = describeModule(parts[4]);
if (parts.length == 7)
b.append("SNOMED CT " + m + " edition " + formatSCTDate(parts[6]));
b.append("SNOMED CT " + m + " edition");
} else
b.append(describeSystem(s) + " version " + versions.get(s));
// add the version text