use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.comparison.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method compareBindings.
private boolean compareBindings(ProfileComparison comp, StructuralMatch<ElementDefinitionNode> res, ElementDefinition subset, ElementDefinition superset, String path, ElementDefinition lDef, ElementDefinition rDef) throws FHIRFormatError, DefinitionException, IOException {
assert (lDef.hasBinding() || rDef.hasBinding());
if (!lDef.hasBinding()) {
// technically, the super set is unbound, but that's not very useful - so we use the provided on as an example
return true;
if (!rDef.hasBinding()) {
return true;
ElementDefinitionBindingComponent left = lDef.getBinding();
ElementDefinitionBindingComponent right = rDef.getBinding();
if (Base.compareDeep(left, right, false)) {
// superset:
if (isPreferredOrExample(left) && isPreferredOrExample(right)) {
if (right.getStrength() == BindingStrength.PREFERRED && left.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXAMPLE && !Base.compareDeep(left.getValueSet(), right.getValueSet(), false)) {
vm(IssueSeverity.INFORMATION, "Example/preferred bindings differ at " + path + " using binding from " + comp.getRight().getName(), path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
superset.setBinding(unionBindings(comp, res, path, left, right));
} else {
if ((right.getStrength() != BindingStrength.EXAMPLE || left.getStrength() != BindingStrength.EXAMPLE) && !Base.compareDeep(left.getValueSet(), right.getValueSet(), false)) {
vm(IssueSeverity.INFORMATION, "Example/preferred bindings differ at " + path + " using binding from " + comp.getLeft().getName(), path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
superset.setBinding(unionBindings(comp, res, path, left, right));
return true;
// if either of them are extensible/required, then it wins
if (isPreferredOrExample(left)) {
superset.setBinding(unionBindings(comp, res, path, left, right));
return true;
if (isPreferredOrExample(right)) {
superset.setBinding(unionBindings(comp, res, path, left, right));
return true;
// ok, both are extensible or required.
ElementDefinitionBindingComponent subBinding = new ElementDefinitionBindingComponent();
ElementDefinitionBindingComponent superBinding = new ElementDefinitionBindingComponent();
subBinding.setDescription(mergeText(comp, res, path, "description", left.getDescription(), right.getDescription(), false));
superBinding.setDescription(mergeText(comp, res, path, "description", left.getDescription(), right.getDescription(), false));
if (left.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED || right.getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED)
if (left.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE || right.getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE)
if (Base.compareDeep(left.getValueSet(), right.getValueSet(), false)) {
return true;
} else if (!left.hasValueSet()) {
vm(IssueSeverity.ERROR, "No left Value set at " + path, path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
return true;
} else if (!right.hasValueSet()) {
vm(IssueSeverity.ERROR, "No right Value set at " + path, path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
return true;
} else {
// ok, now we compare the value sets. This may be unresolvable.
ValueSet lvs = resolveVS(comp.getLeft(), left.getValueSet(), session.getContextLeft());
ValueSet rvs = resolveVS(comp.getRight(), right.getValueSet(), session.getContextRight());
if (lvs == null) {
vm(IssueSeverity.ERROR, "Unable to resolve left value set " + left.getValueSet().toString() + " at " + path, path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
return true;
} else if (rvs == null) {
vm(IssueSeverity.ERROR, "Unable to resolve right value set " + right.getValueSet().toString() + " at " + path, path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
return true;
} else if (sameValueSets(lvs, rvs)) {
} else {
ValueSetComparison compP = (ValueSetComparison), rvs);
if (compP != null) {
return false;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.comparison.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method compare.
public ProfileComparison compare(StructureDefinition left, StructureDefinition right) throws DefinitionException, FHIRFormatError, IOException {
check(left, "left");
check(right, "right");
ProfileComparison res = new ProfileComparison(left, right);
StructureDefinition sd = new StructureDefinition();
sd.setName("Union" + left.getName() + "And" + right.getName());
sd.setTitle("Union of " + left.getTitle() + " And " + right.getTitle());
sd.setDate(new Date());
StructureDefinition sd1 = new StructureDefinition();
sd1.setName("Intersection" + left.getName() + "And" + right.getName());
sd1.setTitle("Intersection of " + left.getTitle() + " And " + right.getTitle());
sd1.setDate(new Date());
compareMetadata(left, right, res.getMetadata(), res);
comparePrimitives("fhirVersion", left.getFhirVersionElement(), right.getFhirVersionElement(), res.getMetadata(), IssueSeverity.WARNING, res);
comparePrimitives("kind", left.getKindElement(), right.getKindElement(), res.getMetadata(), IssueSeverity.WARNING, res);
comparePrimitives("abstract", left.getAbstractElement(), right.getAbstractElement(), res.getMetadata(), IssueSeverity.WARNING, res);
comparePrimitives("type", left.getTypeElement(), right.getTypeElement(), res.getMetadata(), IssueSeverity.ERROR, res);
comparePrimitives("baseDefinition", left.getBaseDefinitionElement(), right.getBaseDefinitionElement(), res.getMetadata(), IssueSeverity.ERROR, res);
if (left.getType().equals(right.getType())) {
DefinitionNavigator ln = new DefinitionNavigator(session.getContextLeft(), left);
DefinitionNavigator rn = new DefinitionNavigator(session.getContextRight(), right);
StructuralMatch<ElementDefinitionNode> sm = new StructuralMatch<ElementDefinitionNode>(new ElementDefinitionNode(left, ln.current()), new ElementDefinitionNode(right, rn.current()));
compareElements(res, sm, ln.path(), null, ln, rn);
res.combined = sm;
return res;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.comparison.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method compareChildren.
private boolean compareChildren(ElementDefinition ed, ProfileComparison outcome, String path, DefinitionNavigator left, DefinitionNavigator right) throws DefinitionException, IOException {
List<DefinitionNavigator> lc = left.children();
List<DefinitionNavigator> rc = right.children();
// walk into it
if (lc.isEmpty() && !rc.isEmpty() && right.current().getType().size() == 1 && left.hasTypeChildren(right.current().getType().get(0)))
lc = left.childrenFromType(right.current().getType().get(0));
if (rc.isEmpty() && !lc.isEmpty() && left.current().getType().size() == 1 && right.hasTypeChildren(left.current().getType().get(0)))
rc = right.childrenFromType(left.current().getType().get(0));
if (lc.size() != rc.size()) {
outcome.messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.STRUCTURE, path, "Different number of children at " + path + " (" + Integer.toString(lc.size()) + "/" + Integer.toString(rc.size()) + ")", IssueSeverity.ERROR));
status(ed, ProfileUtilities.STATUS_ERROR);
return false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < lc.size(); i++) {
DefinitionNavigator l = lc.get(i);
DefinitionNavigator r = rc.get(i);
String cpath = comparePaths(l.path(), r.path(), path, l.nameTail(), r.nameTail());
if (cpath != null) {
if (!compareElements(outcome, cpath, l, r))
return false;
} else {
outcome.messages.add(new ValidationMessage(Source.ProfileComparer, IssueType.STRUCTURE, path, "Different path at " + path + "[" + Integer.toString(i) + "] (" + l.path() + "/" + r.path() + ")", IssueSeverity.ERROR));
status(ed, ProfileUtilities.STATUS_ERROR);
return false;
return true;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.comparison.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method intersectTypes.
private Collection<? extends TypeRefComponent> intersectTypes(ElementDefinition ed, ProfileComparison outcome, String path, List<TypeRefComponent> left, List<TypeRefComponent> right) throws DefinitionException, IOException {
List<TypeRefComponent> result = new ArrayList<TypeRefComponent>();
for (TypeRefComponent l : left) {
if (l.getProfile().size() > 1)
throw new DefinitionException("Multiple profiles not supported: " + path + ": " + listProfiles(l.getProfile()));
if (l.hasAggregation())
throw new DefinitionException("Aggregation not supported: " + path);
boolean found = false;
TypeRefComponent c = l.copy();
for (TypeRefComponent r : right) {
if (r.getProfile().size() > 1)
throw new DefinitionException("Multiple profiles not supported: " + path + ": " + listProfiles(l.getProfile()));
if (r.hasAggregation())
throw new DefinitionException("Aggregation not supported: " + path);
if (!l.hasProfile() && !r.hasProfile()) {
found = true;
} else if (!r.hasProfile()) {
found = true;
} else if (!l.hasProfile()) {
found = true;
} else {
StructureDefinition sdl = resolveProfile(ed, outcome, path, l.getProfile().get(0).getValueAsString(), outcome.leftName());
StructureDefinition sdr = resolveProfile(ed, outcome, path, r.getProfile().get(0).getValueAsString(), outcome.rightName());
if (sdl != null && sdr != null) {
if (sdl == sdr) {
found = true;
} else if (derivesFrom(sdl, sdr)) {
found = true;
} else if (derivesFrom(sdr, sdl)) {
found = true;
} else if (sdl.hasConstrainedType() && sdr.hasConstrainedType() && sdl.getConstrainedType().equals(sdr.getConstrainedType())) {
ProfileComparison comp = compareProfiles(sdl, sdr);
if (comp.getSubset() != null) {
found = true;
c.addProfile("#" +;
if (found)
return result;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.comparison.ProfileComparer.ProfileComparison in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.
the class ProfileComparer method unionConstraints.
// we can't really know about constraints. We create warnings, and collate them
private List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> unionConstraints(ProfileComparison comp, StructuralMatch<ElementDefinitionNode> res, String path, List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> left, List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> right) {
List<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent> result = new ArrayList<ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent>();
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent l : left) {
boolean found = false;
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent r : right) if (Utilities.equals(r.getId(), l.getId()) || (Utilities.equals(r.getXpath(), l.getXpath()) && r.getSeverity() == l.getSeverity()))
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (!Utilities.existsInList(l.getExpression(), "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())", "extension.exists() != value.exists()")) {
vm(IssueSeverity.INFORMATION, "StructureDefinition " + comp.getLeft().getName() + " has a constraint that is removed in " + comp.getRight().getName() + " and it is uncertain whether they are compatible (" + l.getExpression() + ")", path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent r : right) {
boolean found = false;
for (ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent l : left) if (Utilities.equals(r.getId(), l.getId()) || (Utilities.equals(r.getXpath(), l.getXpath()) && r.getSeverity() == l.getSeverity()))
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (!Utilities.existsInList(r.getExpression(), "hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())", "extension.exists() != value.exists()")) {
vm(IssueSeverity.INFORMATION, "StructureDefinition " + comp.getRight().getName() + " has added constraint that is not found in " + comp.getLeft().getName() + " and it is uncertain whether they are compatible (" + r.getExpression() + ")", path, comp.getMessages(), res.getMessages());
return result;