use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class OrganizationValidationTest method testAddress.
void testAddress() {
final Organization organization = generateFakeOrganization();
final ValidationResult result = fhirValidator.validateWithResult(organization, new ValidationOptions().addProfile(OrganizationProfile.PROFILE_URI));
assertAll(() -> assertFalse(result.isSuccessful(), "Should have failed validation"), () -> assertEquals(1, result.getMessages().size(), "Should have a single failure"));
// Add a text based Address
organization.addAddress().setText("7500 Security Blvd").setType(Address.AddressType.PHYSICAL).setUse(Address.AddressUse.HOME);
final ValidationResult r2 = fhirValidator.validateWithResult(organization, new ValidationOptions().addProfile(OrganizationProfile.PROFILE_URI));
assertAll(() -> assertFalse(r2.isSuccessful(), "Should have failed validation"), () -> assertEquals(6, r2.getMessages().size(), "Should have multiple address failures"));
// Add valid address
final ValidationResult r3 = fhirValidator.validateWithResult(organization, new ValidationOptions().addProfile(OrganizationProfile.PROFILE_URI));
assertTrue(r3.isSuccessful(), "Should have passed");
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class PractitionerValidationTest method testHasName.
void testHasName() {
final Practitioner practitioner = generateFakePractitioner();
final ValidationResult result = fhirValidator.validateWithResult(practitioner);
assertTrue(result.isSuccessful(), "Should have passed");
// Add a bad name
final ValidationResult r2 = fhirValidator.validateWithResult(practitioner);
assertAll(() -> assertFalse(r2.isSuccessful(), "Should have failed validation"), () -> assertEquals(1, r2.getMessages().size(), "Should have a single failure"));
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult in project synthea by synthetichealth.
the class FHIRDSTU2ExporterTest method testFHIRDSTU2Export.
public void testFHIRDSTU2Export() throws Exception {
Generator.DEFAULT_STATE = Config.get("test_state.default", "Massachusetts");
Config.set("exporter.baseDirectory", tempFolder.newFolder().toString());
FhirContext ctx = FhirDstu2.getContext();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser().setPrettyPrint(true);
FhirValidator validator = ctx.newValidator();
List<String> errors = ParallelTestingService.runInParallel((person) -> {
List<String> validationErrors = new ArrayList<String>();
Config.set("exporter.fhir_dstu2.export", "true");
FhirDstu2.TRANSACTION_BUNDLE = person.randBoolean();
String fhirJson = FhirDstu2.convertToFHIRJson(person, System.currentTimeMillis());
// (these should have been converted into URIs)
if (fhirJson.contains("SNOMED-CT")) {
validationErrors.add("JSON contains unconverted references to 'SNOMED-CT' (should be URIs)");
// let's crack open the Bundle and validate
// each individual entry.resource to get context-sensitive error
// messages...
Bundle bundle = parser.parseResource(Bundle.class, fhirJson);
for (Entry entry : bundle.getEntry()) {
ValidationResult eresult = validator.validateWithResult(entry.getResource());
if (!eresult.isSuccessful()) {
for (SingleValidationMessage emessage : eresult.getMessages()) {
if (emessage.getMessage().contains("start SHALL have a lower value than end")) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + emessage.getMessage());
if (entry.getResource() instanceof DiagnosticReport) {
DiagnosticReport report = (DiagnosticReport) entry.getResource();
if (report.getPerformer().isEmpty()) {
validationErrors.add("Performer is a required field on DiagnosticReport!");
if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
Exporter.export(person, System.currentTimeMillis());
return validationErrors;
assertTrue("Validation of exported FHIR bundle failed: " + String.join("|", errors), errors.size() == 0);
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult in project synthea by synthetichealth.
the class FHIRR4ExporterTest method testFHIRR4Export.
public void testFHIRR4Export() throws Exception {
Generator.DEFAULT_STATE = Config.get("test_state.default", "Massachusetts");
Config.set("exporter.baseDirectory", tempFolder.newFolder().toString());
FhirContext ctx = FhirR4.getContext();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser().setPrettyPrint(true);
ValidationResources validator = new ValidationResources();
List<String> errors = ParallelTestingService.runInParallel((person) -> {
List<String> validationErrors = new ArrayList<String>();
FhirR4.TRANSACTION_BUNDLE = person.randBoolean();
FhirR4.USE_US_CORE_IG = person.randBoolean();
String fhirJson = FhirR4.convertToFHIRJson(person, System.currentTimeMillis());
// (these should have been converted into URIs)
if (fhirJson.contains("SNOMED-CT")) {
validationErrors.add("JSON contains unconverted references to 'SNOMED-CT' (should be URIs)");
// Let's crack open the Bundle and validate
// each individual entry.resource to get context-sensitive error
// messages...
// IMPORTANT: this approach significantly reduces memory usage when compared to
// validating the entire bundle at a time, but means that validating references
// is impossible.
// As of 2021-01-05, validating the bundle didn't validate references anyway,
// but at some point we may want to do that.
Bundle bundle = parser.parseResource(Bundle.class, fhirJson);
for (Bundle.BundleEntryComponent entry : bundle.getEntry()) {
ValidationResult eresult = validator.validateR4(entry.getResource());
if (!eresult.isSuccessful()) {
for (SingleValidationMessage emessage : eresult.getMessages()) {
boolean valid = false;
if (emessage.getSeverity() == ResultSeverityEnum.INFORMATION || emessage.getSeverity() == ResultSeverityEnum.WARNING) {
* Ignore warnings.
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + emessage.getMessage());
if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
FailedExportHelper.dumpInfo("FHIRR4", fhirJson, validationErrors, person);
return validationErrors;
assertTrue("Validation of exported FHIR bundle failed: " + String.join("|", errors), errors.size() == 0);
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.context.IWorkerContext.ValidationResult in project synthea by synthetichealth.
the class FHIRSTU3ExporterTest method testFHIRSTU3Export.
public void testFHIRSTU3Export() throws Exception {
Generator.DEFAULT_STATE = Config.get("test_state.default", "Massachusetts");
Config.set("exporter.baseDirectory", tempFolder.newFolder().toString());
FhirContext ctx = FhirStu3.getContext();
IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser().setPrettyPrint(true);
FhirValidator validator = ctx.newValidator();
ValidationResources validationResources = new ValidationResources();
List<String> errors = ParallelTestingService.runInParallel((person) -> {
List<String> validationErrors = new ArrayList<String>();
Config.set("exporter.fhir_stu3.export", "true");
Config.set("exporter.fhir.use_shr_extensions", "true");
FhirStu3.TRANSACTION_BUNDLE = person.randBoolean();
String fhirJson = FhirStu3.convertToFHIRJson(person, System.currentTimeMillis());
// (these should have been converted into URIs)
if (fhirJson.contains("SNOMED-CT")) {
validationErrors.add("JSON contains unconverted references to 'SNOMED-CT' (should be URIs)");
// let's crack open the Bundle and validate
// each individual entry.resource to get context-sensitive error
// messages...
Bundle bundle = parser.parseResource(Bundle.class, fhirJson);
for (BundleEntryComponent entry : bundle.getEntry()) {
ValidationResult eresult = validator.validateWithResult(entry.getResource());
if (!eresult.isSuccessful()) {
for (SingleValidationMessage emessage : eresult.getMessages()) {
boolean valid = false;
if (emessage.getMessage().contains("@ Observation obs-7")) {
* The obs-7 invariant basically says that Observations should have values, unless
* they are made of components. This test replaces an invalid XPath expression
* that was causing correct instances to fail validation.
valid = validateObs7((Observation) entry.getResource());
} else if (emessage.getMessage().contains("@ Condition con-4")) {
* The con-4 invariant says "If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be
* either inactive, resolved, or remission" which is very clear and sensical.
* However, the XPath expression does not evaluate correctly for valid instances,
* so we must manually validate.
valid = validateCon4((Condition) entry.getResource());
} else if (emessage.getMessage().contains("@ MedicationRequest mps-1")) {
* The mps-1 invariant says MedicationRequest.requester.onBehalfOf can only be
* specified if MedicationRequest.requester.agent is practitioner or device.
* But the invariant is poorly written and does not correctly handle references
* starting with "urn:uuid"
// ignore this error
valid = true;
} else if (emessage.getMessage().contains("per-1: If present, start SHALL have a lower value than end")) {
* The per-1 invariant does not account for daylight savings time... so, if the
* daylight savings switch happens between the start and end, the validation
* fails, even if it is valid.
// ignore this error
valid = true;
if (!valid) {
System.out.println("ERROR: " + emessage.getMessage());
// Check ExplanationOfBenefit Resources against BlueButton
if (entry.getResource().fhirType().equals("ExplanationOfBenefit")) {
ValidationResult bbResult = validationResources.validateSTU3(entry.getResource());
for (SingleValidationMessage message : bbResult.getMessages()) {
if (message.getMessage().contains("extension")) {
* The instance validator complains about the BlueButton extensions, ignore
} else if (message.getSeverity() == ResultSeverityEnum.ERROR) {
if (!(message.getMessage().contains("Element '': minimum required = 1, but only found 0") || message.getMessage().contains("Could not verify slice for profile"))) {
// For some reason the validator is not detecting the IDs on the resources,
// even though they appear to be present while debugging and during normal
// operations.
System.out.println(message.getSeverity() + ": " + message.getMessage()); + ": " + message.getMessage());
if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) {
FailedExportHelper.dumpInfo("FHIRSTU3", fhirJson, validationErrors, person);
return validationErrors;
assertTrue("Validation of exported FHIR bundle failed: " + String.join("|", errors), errors.size() == 0);