use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.IParser in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class OrganizationRegistration method run.
public void run(Bootstrap<?> bootstrap, Namespace namespace) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Registering Organization");
// Read the file and parse it
final Path filePath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(namespace.getString(ORG_FILE)).normalize().toAbsolutePath();
Bundle organization;
try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath.toUri()))) {
final IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
organization = (Bundle) parser.parseResource(fileInputStream);
final boolean noToken = Boolean.parseBoolean(namespace.getString("no-token"));
final String apiService = namespace.getString("api-service");
registerOrganization(organization, namespace.getString(ATTR_HOSTNAME), noToken, apiService);
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.IParser in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class ParamResourceFactoryTest method testUnnamedResource.
void testUnnamedResource() throws IOException {
final Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
final Patient dummyPatient = new Patient();
final HttpServletRequest mock = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
final ServletInputStream mockStream = Mockito.mock(ServletInputStream.class);
final IParser parser = Mockito.mock(IParser.class);
Mockito.when(parser.parseResource(Mockito.eq(Parameters.class), Mockito.any(InputStream.class))).thenReturn(parameters);
final Injector mockInjector = Mockito.mock(Injector.class);
final Parameter parameter = Mockito.mock(Parameter.class);
final FHIRParameter annotation = Mockito.mock(FHIRParameter.class);
Mockito.when(parameter.getRawType()).thenAnswer(answer -> Patient.class);
final ParamResourceFactory factory = new ParamResourceFactory(mockInjector, parameter, parser);
assertTrue(dummyPatient.equalsDeep((Patient) factory.provide()), "Should have returned dummy patient");
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.IParser in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class ParamResourceFactoryTest method testMismatchedParameterType.
void testMismatchedParameterType() throws IOException {
final Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
final Patient dummyPatient = new Patient();
final HttpServletRequest mock = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
final ServletInputStream mockStream = Mockito.mock(ServletInputStream.class);
final IParser parser = Mockito.mock(IParser.class);
Mockito.when(parser.parseResource(Mockito.eq(Parameters.class), Mockito.any(InputStream.class))).thenReturn(parameters);
final Injector mockInjector = Mockito.mock(Injector.class);
final Parameter parameter = Mockito.mock(Parameter.class);
final FHIRParameter annotation = Mockito.mock(FHIRParameter.class);
Mockito.when(parameter.getRawType()).thenAnswer(answer -> Practitioner.class);
final ParamResourceFactory factory = new ParamResourceFactory(mockInjector, parameter, parser);
final WebApplicationException exception = assertThrows(WebApplicationException.class, factory::provide, "Should throw an exception");
assertAll(() -> assertEquals(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST_400, exception.getResponse().getStatus(), "Should be a bad request"), () -> assertEquals("Provided resource must be: `Practitioner`, not `Patient`", exception.getMessage(), "Should have useful message"));
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.IParser in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class FHIRHelpers method registerOrganization.
* Register an organization with the Attribution Service
* Organizations are pulled from the `organization_bundle.json` file and filtered based on the provided resource ID
* @param client - {@link IGenericClient} client to communicate to attribution service
* @param parser - {@link IParser} to use for reading {@link Bundle} JSON
* @param organizationID - {@link String} organization ID to filter for
* @param adminURL - {@link String} Base url for executing admin tasks
* @return - {@link String} Access token generated for the {@link Organization}
* @throws IOException - Throws if HTTP client fails
public static String registerOrganization(IGenericClient client, IParser parser, String organizationID, String organizationNPI, String adminURL) throws IOException {
// Random number generator for Org NPI
// Register an organization, and a token
// Read in the test file
String macaroon;
try (InputStream inputStream = FHIRHelpers.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("organization.tmpl.json")) {
final Bundle orgBundle = (Bundle) parser.parseResource(inputStream);
// Update the Organization resource and set a random NPI
final Organization origOrg = (Organization) orgBundle.getEntryFirstRep().getResource();
final Parameters parameters = new Parameters();
try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
final URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(String.format("%s/generate-token", adminURL));
uriBuilder.setParameter("organization", organizationID);
// Now, create a Macaroon
final HttpPost tokenPost = new HttpPost(;
try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(tokenPost)) {
if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK_200) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Unable to generate token: %s", response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()));
macaroon = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot parse URI", e);
return macaroon;
use of org.hl7.fhir.r5.formats.IParser in project dpc-app by CMSgov.
the class PractitionerResourceTest method ensurePractitionersExist.
void ensurePractitionersExist() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, GeneralSecurityException {
final IParser parser = ctx.newJsonParser();
final IGenericClient attrClient = APITestHelpers.buildAttributionClient(ctx);
IGenericClient client = APIAuthHelpers.buildAuthenticatedClient(ctx, getBaseURL(), ORGANIZATION_TOKEN, PUBLIC_KEY_ID, PRIVATE_KEY);
APITestHelpers.setupPractitionerTest(client, parser);
// Find everything attributed
final Bundle practitioners =;
assertEquals(4, practitioners.getTotal(), "Should have all the providers");
final Bundle specificSearch ="1232131239")).returnBundle(Bundle.class).encodedJson().execute();
assertEquals(1, specificSearch.getTotal(), "Should have a specific provider");
// Fetch the provider directly
final Practitioner foundProvider = (Practitioner) specificSearch.getEntryFirstRep().getResource();
final IReadExecutable<Practitioner> clientQuery =;
final Practitioner queriedProvider = clientQuery.execute();
assertTrue(foundProvider.equalsDeep(queriedProvider), "Search and GET should be identical");
// Try to delete the practitioner
// Try again, should be not found
assertThrows(AuthenticationException.class, clientQuery::execute, "Should not have practitioner");
// Create a new org and make sure it has no providers
final String m2 = FHIRHelpers.registerOrganization(attrClient, parser, OTHER_ORG_ID, "1112111111", getAdminURL());
// Submit a new public key to use for JWT flow
final String keyLabel = "new-key";
final Pair<UUID, PrivateKey> uuidPrivateKeyPair = APIAuthHelpers.generateAndUploadKey(keyLabel, OTHER_ORG_ID, GOLDEN_MACAROON, getBaseURL());
// Update the authenticated client to use the new organization
client = APIAuthHelpers.buildAuthenticatedClient(ctx, getBaseURL(), m2, uuidPrivateKeyPair.getLeft(), uuidPrivateKeyPair.getRight());
final Bundle otherPractitioners =;
assertEquals(0, otherPractitioners.getTotal(), "Should not have any practitioners");
// Try to look for one of the other practitioners
final Bundle otherSpecificSearch =;
assertEquals(0, otherSpecificSearch.getTotal(), "Should not have a specific provider");
// Try to search for our fund provider