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Example 6 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class FolderController method delete.

 * Deletes either a user folder or bulk upload (which is represented as a folder to the user)
 * @param userId   unique identifier for user requesting delete action
 * @param folderId unique identifier for folder to be deleted
 * @param type     type of folder to be deleted (either "UPLOAD" or "PRIVATE")
 * @return delete folder details
public FolderDetails delete(String userId, long folderId, FolderType type) {
    switch(type) {
        case UPLOAD:
            BulkUploads controller = new BulkUploads();
            BulkUploadInfo info = controller.deleteDraftById(userId, folderId);
            if (info == null) {
                Logger.error("Could not locate bulk upload id " + folderId + " for deletion");
                return null;
            FolderDetails details = new FolderDetails();
            return details;
        case PRIVATE:
        case TRANSFERRED:
        case SHARED:
            Folder folder = dao.get(folderId);
            if (folder == null)
                return null;
            if (!accountController.isAdministrator(userId) && !folder.getOwnerEmail().equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) {
                String errorMsg = userId + ": insufficient permissions to delete folder " + folderId;
                throw new PermissionException(errorMsg);
            details = folder.toDataTransferObject();
            long folderSize = dao.getFolderSize(folderId, null, true);
            return details;
            Logger.error("Cannot delete folder of type " + type);
            return null;
Also used : PermissionException( BulkUploads( BulkUploadInfo( FolderDetails( Folder(

Example 7 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class Annotations method rebuild.

 * Rebuild the annotations blast database
 * @throws PermissionException if the specified user does not have administrator privileges
public void rebuild() {
    if (!isAdministrator())
        throw new PermissionException("Administrative privileges required to rebuild blast features");
    AutoAnnotationBlastDbBuildTask autoAnnotationBlastDbBuildTask = new AutoAnnotationBlastDbBuildTask(true);
Also used : PermissionException(

Example 8 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class AccountController method updatePassword.

 * Updates the specified user account's password
 * @param userId   email of user making change. If it is not the same as the email associated with the
 *                 <code>id</code>, then this account must have administrator privileges
 * @param id       unique (db) identifier for user whose password is to be changed.
 * @param transfer wrapper around new password
 * @return updated account object
 * @throws PermissionException if the account associated with <code>userId</code> and <code>id</code> are not
 *                             the same but the <code>userId</code> does not have administrative privileges
public AccountTransfer updatePassword(String userId, long id, AccountTransfer transfer) throws PermissionException {
    Account account = dao.get(id);
    if (account == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not retrieve account by id " + id);
    if (!isAdministrator(userId) && !account.getEmail().equalsIgnoreCase(userId)) {
        throw new PermissionException("User " + userId + " does not have permission to change " + transfer.getEmail() + "'s password");
    account.setPassword(AccountUtils.encryptNewUserPassword(transfer.getPassword(), account.getSalt()));
    return dao.update(account).toDataTransferObject();
Also used : PermissionException( Account(

Example 9 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class UserApiKeys method update.

public AccessKey update(long id, AccessKey apiKey) {
    ApiKey key = apiKeyDAO.get(id);
    if (key == null)
        return null;
    if (!apiKey.getSecret().equals(key.getSecret()))
        throw new PermissionException("Mismatched api secret. Cannot update");
    // must be admin or owner to update
    if (!this.userId.equalsIgnoreCase(key.getOwnerEmail()))
        if (!new AccountController().isAdministrator(userId))
            throw new PermissionException("Invalid privileges to update access key");
    return apiKeyDAO.update(key).toDataTransferObject();
Also used : PermissionException( ApiKey(

Example 10 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class UserApiKeys method getKeys.

 * Retrieves either list of available keys for current user or all keys.
 * If requesting all keys then user must be an administrator
 * @param limit        maximum number of keys to retrieve
 * @param offset       paging parameter start
 * @param sortField    field to sort on
 * @param asc          whether the retrieve order is in ascending order
 * @param getAvailable whether to retrieve all available keys or restrict by current user
 * @return wrapper around list of retrieved keys including number available
 * @throws PermissionException if <code>getAvailable</code> is true but user making the request does not have
 *                             administrative privileges
public Results<AccessKey> getKeys(int limit, int offset, String sortField, boolean asc, boolean getAvailable) {
    Results<AccessKey> accessKeyResults = new Results<>();
    List<ApiKey> results;
    AccountController accountController = new AccountController();
    boolean isAdmin = accountController.isAdministrator(this.userId);
    if (getAvailable) {
        if (!isAdmin)
            throw new PermissionException("Cannot retrieve all api keys without admin privileges");
        results = apiKeyDAO.getAllApiKeys(sortField, limit, offset, asc);
    } else {
        results = apiKeyDAO.getApiKeysForUser(userId, sortField, limit, offset, asc);
    for (ApiKey key : results) {
        AccessKey accessKey = key.toDataTransferObject();
        Account account = accountController.getByEmail(key.getOwnerEmail());
    // get count
    String user = getAvailable ? null : this.userId;
    long count = apiKeyDAO.getApiKeysCount(user);
    return accessKeyResults;
Also used : PermissionException( Account( ApiKey( Results( AccessKey(


PermissionException ( Account ( AccountController ( RemotePartner ( FolderDetails ( TokenHash ( Results ( UserGroup ( Configuration ( Group ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 AccountTransfer ( DNAFeature ( PartData ( RegistryPartner ( HasEntry ( Annotations ( ApiKey ( IOException ( InputStream (