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Example 1 with RemotePartner

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method get.

 * Retrieve a partner based on partner token and unique identifier
 * This is mostly intended to validate the token associated with url
 * @param token partner token generated by this ICE instance and sent to other instance
 * @param url   unique identifier for partner instance
 * @return found partner
public RegistryPartner get(String token, String url) {
    String urlToken = AccessTokens.getUrlToken(url);
    if (urlToken == null || token == null || !token.equalsIgnoreCase(urlToken))
        return null;
    RemotePartner remotePartner = dao.getByUrl(url);
    if (remotePartner == null) {
        // likely scenario
        RegistryPartner partner = new RegistryPartner();
        return partner;
    return remotePartner.toDataTransferObject();
Also used : RemotePartner( RegistryPartner(

Example 2 with RemotePartner

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method updateAPIKey.

 * Refreshes the API key for the referenced partner
 * @param userId identifier for user making request. Must have administrative privileges
 * @param id     unique (local) identifier for remote partner whose API key is being refreshed
 * @return null if this instance is not in web of registries
 * @throws PermissionException      if user making request does not have administrative privileges
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the partner identifier is invalid (cannot be used to retrieve a valid
 *                                  partner)
public RegistryPartner updateAPIKey(String userId, long id) {
    if (!isInWebOfRegistries())
        return null;
    if (!accountController.isAdministrator(userId))
        throw new PermissionException(userId + " is not an admin");
    RemotePartner partner = dao.get(id);
    if (partner == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot retrieve partner with id " + id);
    RegistryPartner thisPartner = getThisInstanceWithNewApiKey();
    if (thisPartner == null) {
        Logger.error("Cannot exchange api token with remote host due to invalid local url");
        return null;
    // contact partner (with new key) to refresh its api key for this partner
    RegistryPartner remotePartner = remoteContact.refreshPartnerKey(thisPartner, partner.getUrl(), partner.getApiKey());
    if (remotePartner == null) {
        // contact failed (keeping existing key)
        Logger.error("Remote contact of partner " + partner.getUrl() + " to update api key failed");
        return null;
    // contact succeeded with return of api key, generate new salt
    String hash = tokenHash.encrypt(thisPartner.getApiKey() + remotePartner.getUrl(), partner.getSalt());
    // todo : check api key (validate?)
    partner = dao.update(partner);
    return partner.toDataTransferObject();
Also used : PermissionException( RemotePartner( RegistryPartner(

Example 3 with RemotePartner

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method removeRemotePartner.

 * Delete the partner information specified by the url in the param
 * @param id  unique local identifier of the partner making request.
 * @param url url of partner being deleted
 * @return true if specified partner is successfully removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeRemotePartner(long id, String url) {
    RemotePartner requester = dao.get(id);
    if (requester == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not retrieve partner with local id " + id);
    if (!requester.getUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(url)) {
        throw new PermissionException("Cannot delete another partner's record");
    return true;
Also used : PermissionException( RemotePartner(

Example 4 with RemotePartner

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method updateRemoteAPIKey.

 * Updates the api token of a remote partner using information sent by that partner
 * @param url           URL of partner making request. This is obtained from the old api key
 * @param remotePartner information sent by remote partner
 * @return information about this partner including a new api token
public RegistryPartner updateRemoteAPIKey(String url, RegistryPartner remotePartner) {
    RemotePartner remotePartnerModel = dao.getByUrl(url);
    if (remotePartnerModel == null) {
        Logger.error("Could not find a local record of partner with url " + url);
        // todo : so create a new one?
        return null;
    }"Refreshing local api key for " + url);
    RegistryPartner thisInstance = getThisInstanceWithNewApiKey();
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(remotePartner.getName()))
    // todo : no need to validate since url is authenticated
    String salt = tokenHash.generateSalt();
    String hash = tokenHash.encrypt(thisInstance.getApiKey() + remotePartner.getUrl(), salt);
    return thisInstance;
Also used : RemotePartner( RegistryPartner(

Example 5 with RemotePartner

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method handleRemoteAddRequest.

 * Handles requests from remote ice instances that will like to be in a WoR config with this instance
 * Serves the dual purpose of:
 * <ul>
 * <li>please add me as a partner to your list with token</li>
 * <li>add accepted; use this as the authorization token</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * Note that the request is rejected if this ICE instance has not opted to be a member of web of
 * registries
 * @param request partner request object containing all information needed with a validated url
 * @return information about this instance to be sent to the remote
protected RegistryPartner handleRemoteAddRequest(RegistryPartner request) {
    if (request == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(request.getApiKey())) {
        Logger.error("Received invalid partner add request");
        return null;
    }"Processing request to connect by " + request.getUrl());
    String myURL = getThisUri();
    if (request.getUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(myURL))
        return null;
    boolean apiKeyValidates = remoteContact.apiKeyValidates(myURL, request);
    if (!apiKeyValidates) {
        Logger.error("Received api token could not be validated");
        return null;
    // request should contain api key for use to contact third party
    RemotePartner partner = dao.getByUrl(request.getUrl());
    RegistryPartner thisInstance = getThisInstanceWithNewApiKey();
    // create new partner object or update existing with new token hash
    if (partner != null) {"Updating authentication for existing");
        // validated. update the authorization token
        partner.setAuthenticationToken(tokenHash.encrypt(thisInstance.getApiKey() + request.getUrl(), partner.getSalt()));
    } else {
        // save in db
        createRemotePartnerObject(request, thisInstance.getApiKey());
    }"Successfully added remote partner " + request.getUrl());
    // send information about this instance (with token) as response
    return thisInstance;
Also used : RemotePartner( RegistryPartner(


RemotePartner ( RegistryPartner ( Account ( PermissionException ( AccountTransfer ( RemoteUser ( Folder ( RemoteAccessModel ( Test (org.junit.Test)4 PartData ( FolderDetails ( UserGroup ( Entry ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Date (java.util.Date)2 HibernateException (org.hibernate.HibernateException)2 AccountController ( IceRestClient ( DAOException ( RemoteClientModel (