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Example 21 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class RemoteEntries method transferEntries.

 * Schedules a task to handle the transfer
 * @param userId    identifier of user making request
 * @param remoteId  local unique identifier for partner to transfer to
 * @param selection context for generating entries to transfer or list of entries
 * @throws PermissionException if user making request is not an administrator
public void transferEntries(String userId, long remoteId, EntrySelection selection) {
    AccountController accountController = new AccountController();
    if (!accountController.isAdministrator(userId))
        throw new PermissionException("Administrative privileges required to transfer entries");
    TransferTask task = new TransferTask(userId, remoteId, selection);
Also used : PermissionException( TransferTask( AccountController(

Example 22 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method updateAPIKey.

 * Refreshes the API key for the referenced partner
 * @param userId identifier for user making request. Must have administrative privileges
 * @param id     unique (local) identifier for remote partner whose API key is being refreshed
 * @return null if this instance is not in web of registries
 * @throws PermissionException      if user making request does not have administrative privileges
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the partner identifier is invalid (cannot be used to retrieve a valid
 *                                  partner)
public RegistryPartner updateAPIKey(String userId, long id) {
    if (!isInWebOfRegistries())
        return null;
    if (!accountController.isAdministrator(userId))
        throw new PermissionException(userId + " is not an admin");
    RemotePartner partner = dao.get(id);
    if (partner == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot retrieve partner with id " + id);
    RegistryPartner thisPartner = getThisInstanceWithNewApiKey();
    if (thisPartner == null) {
        Logger.error("Cannot exchange api token with remote host due to invalid local url");
        return null;
    // contact partner (with new key) to refresh its api key for this partner
    RegistryPartner remotePartner = remoteContact.refreshPartnerKey(thisPartner, partner.getUrl(), partner.getApiKey());
    if (remotePartner == null) {
        // contact failed (keeping existing key)
        Logger.error("Remote contact of partner " + partner.getUrl() + " to update api key failed");
        return null;
    // contact succeeded with return of api key, generate new salt
    String hash = tokenHash.encrypt(thisPartner.getApiKey() + remotePartner.getUrl(), partner.getSalt());
    // todo : check api key (validate?)
    partner = dao.update(partner);
    return partner.toDataTransferObject();
Also used : PermissionException( RemotePartner( RegistryPartner(

Example 23 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class WebPartners method removeRemotePartner.

 * Delete the partner information specified by the url in the param
 * @param id  unique local identifier of the partner making request.
 * @param url url of partner being deleted
 * @return true if specified partner is successfully removed, false otherwise
public boolean removeRemotePartner(long id, String url) {
    RemotePartner requester = dao.get(id);
    if (requester == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not retrieve partner with local id " + id);
    if (!requester.getUrl().equalsIgnoreCase(url)) {
        throw new PermissionException("Cannot delete another partner's record");
    return true;
Also used : PermissionException( RemotePartner(

Example 24 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class Experiments method deleteStudy.

 * Deletes a study associated with the specified part and with the specified unique identifier.
 * User making request must have created the study ({@see createOrUpdateStudy()}) or must have write
 * permissions for the part that the study is associated with
 * @param studyId id of study to be deleted
 * @return true if study is found and deleted successfully, false otherwise
public boolean deleteStudy(long studyId) {
    Experiment experiment = dao.get(studyId);
    if (experiment == null)
        return false;
    if (!userId.equalsIgnoreCase(experiment.getOwnerEmail()) && !entryAuthorization.canWrite(userId, entry)) {
        throw new PermissionException("Cannot delete experiment");
    return true;
Also used : PermissionException( Experiment(

Example 25 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class FolderContents method remotelyAddEntrySelection.

// adds a specified entry to a folder. The entry was transferred earlier so already exists
public boolean remotelyAddEntrySelection(String remoteUserId, long folderId, String remoteUserToken, EntrySelection selection, RegistryPartner requestingPartner) {
    // folder that the entry is contained in
    Folder folder = folderDAO.get(folderId);
    if (folder == null)
        return false;
    RemotePartner remotePartner = DAOFactory.getRemotePartnerDAO().getByUrl(requestingPartner.getUrl());
    // check that the remote user has the right token
    Permission shareModel = permissionDAO.get(remoteUserId, remotePartner, folder);
    if (shareModel == null) {
        Logger.error("Could not retrieve share model");
        return false;
    if (shareModel.getFolder().getId() != folderId || !shareModel.isCanWrite()) {
        throw new PermissionException("permission could not be verified");
    // validate access token
    TokenHash tokenHash = new TokenHash();
    String secret = tokenHash.encrypt(remotePartner.getUrl() + remoteUserId, remoteUserToken);
    if (!secret.equals(shareModel.getSecret())) {
        throw new PermissionException("Secret does not match");
    List<Long> entries = selection.getEntries();
    DAOFactory.getEntryDAO().setEntryVisibility(entries, Visibility.OK);
    // good to go?
    FolderDetails details = addEntriesToTransferredFolder(entries, folder);
    return details != null;
Also used : PermissionException( AccessPermission( FolderDetails( TokenHash(


PermissionException ( Account ( AccountController ( RemotePartner ( FolderDetails ( TokenHash ( Results ( UserGroup ( Configuration ( Group ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 AccountTransfer ( DNAFeature ( PartData ( RegistryPartner ( HasEntry ( Annotations ( ApiKey ( IOException ( InputStream (