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Example 36 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class Groups method update.

public boolean update(long groupId, UserGroup userGroup) {
    Group group = dao.get(groupId);
    if (group == null) {
        return false;
    if (group.getType() == GroupType.PUBLIC && !accountController.isAdministrator(userId)) {
        String errMsg = "Non admin " + userId + " attempting to update public group";
        throw new PermissionException(errMsg);
    group = dao.update(group);
    setGroupMembers(group, userGroup.getMembers(), userGroup.getRemoteMembers());
    return true;
Also used : PermissionException( Group( UserGroup(

Example 37 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class Groups method getGroupMembers.

 * Retrieves both local and remote members of the specified group if the user making the request
 * has the appropriate permissions
 * @param groupId unique local identifier of group
 * @return information about specified group including remote and local members
 * @throws PermissionException if the user does not have read permissions
public UserGroup getGroupMembers(long groupId) {
    Group group = dao.get(groupId);
    if (group == null)
        return null;
    if (group.getType() == GroupType.PUBLIC) {
        if (!accountController.isAdministrator(userId))
            throw new PermissionException("Administrative privileges required");
    } else if (!userId.equalsIgnoreCase(group.getOwner().getEmail())) {
        Account account = accountDAO.getByEmail(this.userId);
        if (account.getType() != AccountType.ADMIN)
            throw new PermissionException("Missing required permissions");
    UserGroup userGroup = group.toDataTransferObject();
    for (Account account : group.getMembers()) {
    // get remote members
    List<RemoteClientModel> clients = remoteClientModelDAO.getClientsForGroup(group);
    for (RemoteClientModel clientModel : clients) {
    return userGroup;
Also used : PermissionException( Group( UserGroup( Account( RemoteClientModel( UserGroup(

Example 38 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class AnnotationResource method getFeatures.

 * Retrieve list of annotations available.
 * Administrative privileges required
 * @param offset paging start
 * @param limit  maximum number of results to return
 * @param sort   sort field
 * @param asc    sort order
public Response getFeatures(@DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("offset") final int offset, @DefaultValue("15") @QueryParam("limit") final int limit, @DefaultValue("created") @QueryParam("sort") final String sort, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("asc") final boolean asc, @QueryParam("filter") String filter) {
    String userId = requireUserId();
    Annotations annotations = new Annotations(userId);
    try {
        if (filter != null && !filter.isEmpty())
            return super.respond(annotations.filter(offset, limit, filter));
        return super.respond(annotations.get(offset, limit, sort));
    } catch (PermissionException pe) {
        throw new WebApplicationException(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN);
Also used : PermissionException( Annotations(

Example 39 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class Sequences method getRequestedSequence.

// responds to remote requested entry sequence
public FeaturedDNASequence getRequestedSequence(RegistryPartner requestingPartner, String remoteUserId, String token, String entryId, long folderId) {
    Entry entry = hasEntry.getEntry(entryId);
    if (entry == null)
        return null;
    // see folderContents.getRemotelySharedContents
    // todo : fold this into folder authorization and/or entry authorization
    // folder that the entry is contained in
    Folder folder = DAOFactory.getFolderDAO().get(folderId);
    RemotePartner remotePartner = DAOFactory.getRemotePartnerDAO().getByUrl(requestingPartner.getUrl());
    // check that the remote user has the right token
    Permission shareModel = DAOFactory.getPermissionDAO().get(remoteUserId, remotePartner, folder);
    if (shareModel == null) {
        Logger.error("Could not retrieve share model");
        return null;
    if (shareModel.getFolder().getId() != folderId) {
        String msg = "Shared folder does not match folder being requested";
        throw new PermissionException(msg);
    // validate access token
    TokenHash tokenHash = new TokenHash();
    String secret = tokenHash.encrypt(folderId + remotePartner.getUrl() + remoteUserId, token);
    if (!secret.equals(shareModel.getSecret())) {
        throw new PermissionException("Secret does not match");
    // check that entry id is contained in folder
    return getFeaturedSequence(entry, shareModel.isCanWrite());
Also used : PermissionException( ZipEntry( HasEntry( TokenHash(

Example 40 with PermissionException

use of in project ice by JBEI.

the class FolderContents method removeFolderContents.

 * Removes the specified contents of a folder, optionally adding them to another folder
 * @param userId    unique identifier for user making request
 * @param folderId  unique identifier for folder whose (specified) entries are being removed
 * @param selection wrapper around the selection context for the contents
 * @param move      true, if the contents are to be added to another (set of) folder(s) (which should be specified in
 *                  <code>selection</code> parameter)
 * @return true, if action completed successfully; false otherwise
public boolean removeFolderContents(String userId, long folderId, EntrySelection selection, boolean move) {
    // remove entries from specified folder
    boolean isAdministrator = accountController.isAdministrator(userId);
    Folder folder = folderDAO.get(folderId);
    if (folder.getType() == FolderType.PUBLIC && !isAdministrator) {
        String errMsg = userId + ": cannot modify folder " + folder.getName();
        throw new PermissionException(errMsg);
    Entries entries = new Entries(userId);
    List<Long> entryIds = entries.getEntriesFromSelectionContext(selection);
    boolean successRemove = folderDAO.removeFolderEntries(folder, entryIds) != null;
    if (!move)
        return successRemove;
    // add to specified folder
    List<FolderDetails> details = addEntrySelection(userId, selection);
    return !details.isEmpty();
Also used : PermissionException( FolderDetails( Entries(


PermissionException ( Account ( AccountController ( RemotePartner ( FolderDetails ( TokenHash ( Results ( UserGroup ( Configuration ( Group ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 AccountTransfer ( DNAFeature ( PartData ( RegistryPartner ( HasEntry ( Annotations ( ApiKey ( IOException ( InputStream (