use of org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.
the class OnStackReplacementEvent method process.
* This function will generate a controller plan and
* inserted in the recompilation queue.
public void process() {
CompiledMethod compiledMethod = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(CMID);
NormalMethod todoMethod = (NormalMethod) compiledMethod.getMethod();
double priority;
OptOptions options;
OptimizationPlanElement[] optimizationPlan;
ControllerPlan oldPlan = ControllerMemory.findLatestPlan(todoMethod);
if (oldPlan != null) {
CompilationPlan oldCompPlan = oldPlan.getCompPlan();
priority = oldPlan.getPriority();
options = oldCompPlan.options;
optimizationPlan = oldCompPlan.optimizationPlan;
} else {
priority = 5.0;
options = (OptOptions) RuntimeCompiler.options;
optimizationPlan = (OptimizationPlanElement[]) RuntimeCompiler.optimizationPlan;
CompilationPlan compPlan = new CompilationPlan(todoMethod, optimizationPlan, null, options);
OnStackReplacementPlan plan = new OnStackReplacementPlan(this.suspendedThread, compPlan, this.CMID, this.whereFrom, this.tsFromFPoff, this.ypTakenFPoff, priority);
Controller.compilationQueue.insert(priority, plan);
AOSLogging.logger.logOsrEvent("OSR inserts compilation plan successfully!");
// do not hold the reference anymore.
suspendedThread = null;
CMID = 0;
use of org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.
the class AssemblerDriver method perform.
public void perform(IR ir) {
OptOptions options = ir.options;
boolean shouldPrint = (options.PRINT_MACHINECODE) && (!ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() || ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString()));
ir.verify("right before machine codegen", true);
// ////////
// STEP 2: Generate the machinecode array.
// As part of the generation, the machinecode offset
// of every instruction will be set.
// ////////
int codeLength;
if (VM.BuildForIA32) {
org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32.AssemblerOpt asm = new org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ia32.AssemblerOpt(0, shouldPrint, ir);
codeLength = asm.generateCode();
} else {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ppc.AssemblerOpt asm = new org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.mir2mc.ppc.AssemblerOpt(0, shouldPrint, ir);
codeLength = asm.generateCode();
// ////////
// STEP 3: Generate all the mapping information
// associated with the machine code.
// ////////
// 3a: Create the exception table
// 3b: Create the primary machine code map
ir.compiledMethod.createFinalMCMap(ir, codeLength);
// 3c: Create OSR maps
// 3d: Create code patching maps
if (ir.options.guardWithCodePatch()) {
if (shouldPrint) {
// print exception tables (if any)
OptimizingCompiler.bottom("Final machine code", ir.method);
if (VM.runningVM) {
Memory.sync(Magic.objectAsAddress(ir.MIRInfo.machinecode), codeLength << ArchConstants.getLogInstructionWidth());
use of org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.
the class InlineTools method inlinedSizeEstimate.
* Given the currently available information at the call site,
* what's our best guess on the inlined size of the callee?
* @param callee the method to be inlined
* @param state the compilation state decribing the call site where it
* is to be inlined
* @return an inlined size estimate (number of machine code instructions)
public static int inlinedSizeEstimate(NormalMethod callee, CompilationState state) {
int sizeEstimate = callee.inlinedSizeEstimate();
// Adjust size estimate downward to account for optimizations
// that are typically enabled by constant parameters.
Instruction callInstr = state.getCallInstruction();
int numArgs = Call.getNumberOfParams(callInstr);
// no reduction.
double reductionFactor = 1.0;
OptOptions opts = state.getOptions();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
Operand op = Call.getParam(callInstr, i);
if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) {
RegisterOperand rop = (RegisterOperand) op;
TypeReference type = rop.getType();
if (type.isReferenceType()) {
if (type.isArrayType()) {
// Reductions only come from optimization of dynamic type checks; all virtual methods on arrays are defined on Object.
if (rop.isPreciseType()) {
} else if (rop.isDeclaredType() && callee.hasArrayWrite() && type.getArrayElementType().isReferenceType()) {
// potential to optimize checkstore portion of aastore bytecode on parameter
} else {
// Reductions come from optimization of dynamic type checks and improved inlining of virtual/interface calls
if (rop.isPreciseType()) {
} else if (rop.isExtant()) {
reductionFactor -= opts.INLINE_EXTANT_REG_CLASS_ARG_BONUS;
} else if (op.isIntConstant()) {
reductionFactor -= opts.INLINE_INT_CONST_ARG_BONUS;
} else if (op.isNullConstant()) {
reductionFactor -= opts.INLINE_NULL_CONST_ARG_BONUS;
} else if (op.isObjectConstant()) {
reductionFactor -= opts.INLINE_OBJECT_CONST_ARG_BONUS;
reductionFactor = Math.max(reductionFactor, 1.0 - opts.INLINE_MAX_ARG_BONUS);
if (opts.INLINE_CALL_DEPTH_COST != 0.00) {
double depthCost = Math.pow(1.0 + opts.INLINE_CALL_DEPTH_COST, state.getInlineDepth() + 1);
return (int) (sizeEstimate * reductionFactor * depthCost);
} else {
return (int) (sizeEstimate * reductionFactor);
use of org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.
the class EscapeTransformations method getAggregateReplacer.
* Generate an object which will perform scalar replacement of
* an aggregate allocated by a given instruction
* <p> PRECONDITION: objects returned by this allocation site do NOT escape
* the current method
* @param inst the allocation site
* @param ir controlling ir
* @return an AggregateReplacer specialized to the allocation site,
* null if no legal transformation found
private AggregateReplacer getAggregateReplacer(Instruction inst, IR ir) {
OptOptions options = ir.options;
RVMType t = null;
if (inst.getOpcode() == NEW_opcode) {
t = New.getType(inst).getVMType();
} else if (inst.getOpcode() == NEWARRAY_opcode) {
t = NewArray.getType(inst).getVMType();
} else {
throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Logic Error in EscapeTransformations");
// first attempt to perform scalar replacement for an object
if (t.isClassType() && options.ESCAPE_SCALAR_REPLACE_AGGREGATES) {
return ObjectReplacer.getReplacer(inst, ir);
// attempt to perform scalar replacement on a short array
if (t.isArrayType() && options.ESCAPE_SCALAR_REPLACE_AGGREGATES) {
return ShortArrayReplacer.getReplacer(inst, ir);
return null;
use of org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.
the class GenerationContextTest method childContextsQueryOSRBarrierInformationViaOutermostParent.
public void childContextsQueryOSRBarrierInformationViaOutermostParent() throws Exception {
NormalMethod nm = getNormalMethodForTest("methodForInliningTests");
CompiledMethod cm = new OptCompiledMethod(-1, nm);
OptOptions opts = new OptOptions();
InlineOracle io = new DefaultInlineOracle();
GenerationContext outermost = new GenerationContext(nm, null, cm, opts, io);
Class<?>[] classArgs = { Object.class };
NormalMethod callee = getNormalMethodForTest("emptyStaticMethodWithObjectParamAndReturnValue", classArgs);
MethodOperand methOp = MethodOperand.STATIC(callee);
RegisterOperand result = createMockRegisterOperand(TypeReference.JavaLangObject);
Instruction callInstr = Call.create(CALL, result, null, methOp, 1);
RegisterOperand objectParam = createMockRegisterOperand(TypeReference.JavaLangObject);
Call.setParam(callInstr, 0, objectParam);
callInstr.setPosition(new InlineSequence(nm));
ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag ebag = getMockEbag();
GenerationContext child = outermost.createChildContext(ebag, callee, callInstr);
Instruction osrBarrier = createMockOSRBarrier();
Instruction call = createMockCall();
child.saveOSRBarrierForInst(osrBarrier, call);
assertThat(outermost.getOSRBarrierFromInst(call), is(osrBarrier));
assertThat(child.getOSRBarrierFromInst(call), is(osrBarrier));
GenerationContext child2 = outermost.createChildContext(ebag, callee, callInstr);
assertThat(child2.getOSRBarrierFromInst(call), is(osrBarrier));