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Example 21 with BasicBlock

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class LoopUnrolling method copyAndLinkBlock.

BasicBlock copyAndLinkBlock(IR ir, BasicBlock seqLast, BasicBlock block) {
    BasicBlock copy = block.copyWithoutLinks(ir);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(seqLast, copy);
    copiedBlocks.put(block, copy);
    return copy;
Also used : ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock( BasicBlock(

Example 22 with BasicBlock

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class LoopUnrolling method unrollLeaf.

boolean unrollLeaf(LSTNode t, IR ir) {
    int instructionsInLoop = 0;
    BasicBlock exitBlock = null, backEdgeBlock = null, succBlock = null, predBlock = null;
    BitVector nloop = t.getLoop();
    BasicBlock header = t.header;
    Instruction tmp;
    if (ir.hasReachableExceptionHandlers()) {
        report("0 IR may have exception handlers");
        return false;
    // determine loop structure by looking at its blocks
    Enumeration<BasicBlock> loopBlocks = ir.getBasicBlocks(nloop);
    int blocks = 0;
    while (loopBlocks.hasMoreElements()) {
        BasicBlock b = loopBlocks.nextElement();
        // check for size
        instructionsInLoop += b.getNumberOfRealInstructions();
        if (instructionsInLoop > MaxInstructions) {
            report("1 is too big");
            return false;
        // look at the in edges. We want the header to be the only
        // block with out of loop incoming edges.
        Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = b.getIn();
        if (b != header) {
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                BasicBlock o = e.nextElement();
                if (!CFGTransformations.inLoop(o, nloop)) {
                    report("2 interior pointers.");
                    return true;
        } else {
            // check the headers predecessors: there should be
            // one out of loop input and one backedge.
            // We can extend this for loops with several backedges,
            // if they all have the same conditions.
            int inEdges = 0;
            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
                BasicBlock o = e.nextElement();
                if (!CFGTransformations.inLoop(o, nloop)) {
                    if (predBlock == null) {
                        predBlock = o;
                    } else {
                        report("3 multi entry header.");
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (backEdgeBlock == null) {
                        backEdgeBlock = o;
                    } else {
                        report("4 multiple back edges.");
                        return true;
        // look at the out edges to find loop exits
        e = b.getOut();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            BasicBlock out = e.nextElement();
            if (!CFGTransformations.inLoop(out, nloop)) {
                if (exitBlock == null) {
                    exitBlock = b;
                } else {
                    report("5 multiple exit blocks.");
                    return true;
    // exitBlock must equal backEdgeBlock
    if (exitBlock == null) {
        report("6 no exit block found...infinite loop?");
        return true;
    if (exitBlock != backEdgeBlock) {
        report("7 exit block is not immediate predecessor of loop head");
        return true;
    // exitBlock must exit (skip over pads in critical edges)
    while (exitBlock.getNumberOfOut() == 1 && exitBlock.getNumberOfIn() == 1) {
        exitBlock = exitBlock.getIn().nextElement();
    if (exitBlock == header && blocks > 1) {
        report("6 while loop? (" + blocks + ")");
        return true;
    // So far, so good. Examine the exit test.
    Instruction origBranch = exitBlock.firstBranchInstruction();
    if (origBranch != exitBlock.lastRealInstruction()) {
        Instruction aGoto = origBranch.nextInstructionInCodeOrder();
        if (aGoto.getOpcode() != GOTO_opcode) {
            report("7 too complex exit");
            return true;
        succBlock = Label.getBlock(Goto.getTarget(aGoto).target).block;
        if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
            VM._assert(aGoto == exitBlock.lastRealInstruction());
    } else {
        succBlock = exitBlock.getFallThroughBlock();
    if (origBranch.getOpcode() != INT_IFCMP_opcode) {
        report("8 branch isn't int_ifcmp: " + origBranch.operator() + ".");
        return true;
    // examine operands:
    Operand op1 = follow(IfCmp.getVal1(origBranch));
    Operand op2 = follow(IfCmp.getVal2(origBranch));
    ConditionOperand cond = (ConditionOperand) IfCmp.getCond(origBranch).copy();
    RegisterOperand ifcmpGuard = IfCmp.getGuardResult(origBranch);
    float backBranchProbability = IfCmp.getBranchProfile(origBranch).takenProbability;
    if (!loopInvariant(op2, nloop, 4)) {
        if (loopInvariant(op1, nloop, 4)) {
            Operand op = op1;
            op1 = op2;
            op2 = op;
        } else {
            if (DEBUG) {
                printDefs(op1, nloop, 4);
                printDefs(op2, nloop, 4);
            report("8a op1 and op2 may not be loop invariant");
            return true;
    BasicBlock target = Label.getBlock(IfCmp.getTarget(origBranch).target).block;
    if (!(op1 instanceof RegisterOperand)) {
        report("9 op1 of ifcmp isn't a register");
        return true;
    RegisterOperand rop1 = (RegisterOperand) op1;
    Register reg = rop1.getRegister();
    if (reg.isPhysical()) {
        report("10 loops over physical register");
        return false;
    if (succBlock == header && !CFGTransformations.inLoop(target, nloop)) {
        succBlock = target;
        target = header;
    if (target != header) {
        report("11 ifcmp doesn't jump to header");
        return true;
    Instruction iterator = null;
    Enumeration<Operand> defs = new RealDefs(rop1);
    while (defs.hasMoreElements()) {
        Operand def = defs.nextElement();
        Instruction inst = def.instruction;
        BasicBlock block = inst.getBasicBlock();
        // VM.sysWriteln(block + ": " + inst);
        if (CFGTransformations.inLoop(block, nloop)) {
            if (iterator == null) {
                iterator = inst;
            } else {
                report("12 iterator not unique.");
                return true;
    if (iterator == null) {
        report("15 iterator not found.");
        return true;
    if (iterator.getOpcode() != INT_ADD_opcode) {
        // dumpIR (ir, "malformed");
        report("16 iterator is no addition: " + iterator.operator());
        return true;
    if (!rop1.similar(follow(Binary.getVal1(iterator)))) {
        // dumpIR (ir, "malformed");
        report("17 malformed iterator.\n" + iterator);
        return true;
    Operand strideOp = follow(Binary.getVal2(iterator));
    if (!(strideOp instanceof IntConstantOperand)) {
        report("18 stride not constant");
        return true;
    int stride = ((IntConstantOperand) strideOp).value;
    if (stride != 1 && stride != -1) {
        report("18b stride != +/-1 (" + stride + ")");
        return true;
    if ((stride == 1 && ((cond.value != ConditionOperand.LESS) && cond.value != ConditionOperand.LESS_EQUAL && cond.value != ConditionOperand.NOT_EQUAL)) || (stride == -1 && ((cond.value != ConditionOperand.GREATER) && cond.value != ConditionOperand.GREATER_EQUAL && cond.value != ConditionOperand.NOT_EQUAL))) {
        report("19 unexpected condition: " + cond + "\n" + iterator + "\n" + origBranch);
        return true;
    RegisterOperand outerGuard;
    BasicBlock outer = predBlock;
    while (outer.getNumberOfOut() == 1 && outer.getNumberOfIn() == 1) {
        outer = outer.getIn().nextElement();
    if (outer.getNumberOfIn() > 0 && outer.getNumberOfOut() < 2) {
        report("23 no suitable outer guard found.");
        return true;
    tmp = outer.firstBranchInstruction();
    if (tmp != null && GuardResultCarrier.conforms(tmp)) {
        outerGuard = GuardResultCarrier.getGuardResult(tmp);
    } else {
        outerGuard = ir.regpool.makeTempValidation();
    // //////////
    // transfom
    // transform this:
    // Orig:
    // B
    // if i CC b goto Orig
    // else goto exit
    // exit:
    // into this:
    // stride == 1:           common:                      stride == -1:
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // guard0:
    // limit = b;
    // if a > b goto Orig                                  if b > a goto Orig
    // else guard1
    // guard 1:
    // remainder = b - a;                                  remainder = a - b;
    // if cond == '<='                                    if cond == '>='
    // remainder++;                                         remainder++;
    // remainder = remainder & 3
    // limit = a + remainder                               limit = a - remainder
    // if cond == '<='                                    if cond == '>='
    // limit--;                                            limit++;
    // if remainder == 0 goto mllp
    // goto Orig
    // Orig:
    // LOOP;
    // if i CC limit goto Orig
    // else guard2
    // guard2: if i CC b goto mllp
    // else exit
    // mllp: // landing pad
    // goto ml
    // ml:
    // if i CC b goto ml
    // else exit
    // exit:
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (DEBUG && ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() && ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString())) {
        dumpIR(ir, "before unroll");
    CFGTransformations.killFallThroughs(ir, nloop);
    BasicBlock[] handles = makeSomeCopies(unrollFactor, ir, nloop, blocks, header, exitBlock, exitBlock);
    BasicBlock mainHeader = handles[0];
    BasicBlock mainExit = handles[1];
    // test block for well formed bounds
    BasicBlock guardBlock0 = header.createSubBlock(header.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir);
    predBlock.redirectOuts(header, guardBlock0, ir);
    // test block for iteration alignemnt
    BasicBlock guardBlock1 = header.createSubBlock(header.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir);
    // landing pad for orig loop
    BasicBlock olp = header.createSubBlock(header.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir);
    BasicBlock predSucc = predBlock.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
    if (predSucc != null) {
        ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(predBlock, predSucc);
        ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(olp, predSucc);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(predBlock, guardBlock0);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(guardBlock0, guardBlock1);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(guardBlock1, olp);
    // guard block for main loop
    BasicBlock guardBlock2 = header.createSubBlock(header.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir);
    // landing pad for main loop
    BasicBlock landingPad = header.createSubBlock(header.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir);
    BasicBlock mainLoop = exitBlock.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
    ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(exitBlock, mainLoop);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(exitBlock, guardBlock2);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(guardBlock2, landingPad);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(landingPad, mainLoop);
    RegisterOperand remainder = ir.regpool.makeTemp(rop1.getType());
    RegisterOperand limit = ir.regpool.makeTemp(rop1.getType());
    // test whether a <= b for stride == 1 and a >= b for stride == -1
    tmp = guardBlock0.lastInstruction();
    tmp.insertBefore(Move.create(INT_MOVE, limit, op2.copy()));
    ConditionOperand g0cond = ConditionOperand.GREATER_EQUAL();
    if (stride == -1)
        g0cond = ConditionOperand.LESS_EQUAL();
    tmp.insertBefore(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, outerGuard.copyD2D(), rop1.copyD2U(), op2.copy(), g0cond, olp.makeJumpTarget(), BranchProfileOperand.unlikely()));
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, guardBlock1.makeJumpTarget()));
    // align the loop iterations
    tmp = guardBlock1.lastInstruction();
    if (stride == 1) {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_SUB, remainder, op2.copy(), rop1.copyD2U()));
    } else {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_SUB, remainder, rop1.copyD2U(), op2.copy()));
    if (cond.isGREATER_EQUAL() || cond.isLESS_EQUAL()) {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, remainder.copyD2D(), remainder.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(1)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, remainder.copyD2D(), remainder.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(-1)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_AND, remainder.copyD2D(), remainder.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(unrollFactor - 1)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, remainder.copyD2D(), remainder.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(1)));
    if (stride == 1) {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, limit.copyD2U(), op1.copy(), remainder.copyD2U()));
    } else {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_SUB, limit.copyD2U(), op1.copy(), remainder.copyD2U()));
    if (cond.isLESS_EQUAL()) {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, limit.copyD2D(), limit.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(-1)));
    if (cond.isGREATER_EQUAL()) {
        tmp.insertBefore(Binary.create(INT_ADD, limit.copyD2D(), limit.copyD2U(), new IntConstantOperand(1)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, olp.makeJumpTarget()));
    // build landing pad for original loop
    tmp = olp.lastInstruction();
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, header.makeJumpTarget()));
    // change the back branch in the original loop
    tmp = exitBlock.lastInstruction();
    tmp.insertBefore(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, outerGuard.copyD2D(), rop1.copyU2U(), limit.copyD2U(), (ConditionOperand) cond.copy(), header.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand(1.0f - 1.0f / (unrollFactor / 2))));
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, guardBlock2.makeJumpTarget()));
    // only enter main loop if iterations left
    tmp = guardBlock2.lastInstruction();
    tmp.insertBefore(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, outerGuard.copyD2D(), rop1.copyU2U(), op2.copy(), (ConditionOperand) cond.copy(), landingPad.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand(backBranchProbability)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, succBlock.makeJumpTarget()));
    // landing pad jumps to mainHeader
    tmp = landingPad.lastInstruction();
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, mainHeader.makeJumpTarget()));
    // repair back edge in mainExit
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
        VM._assert(mainExit != null);
    tmp = mainExit.lastInstruction();
    if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
        VM._assert((mainExit.lastRealInstruction() == null) || !mainExit.lastRealInstruction().isBranch());
    tmp.insertBefore(IfCmp.create(INT_IFCMP, ifcmpGuard.copyU2U(), rop1.copyU2U(), op2.copy(), (ConditionOperand) cond.copy(), mainHeader.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand(1.0f - (1.0f - backBranchProbability) * unrollFactor)));
    tmp.insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, succBlock.makeJumpTarget()));
    // recompute normal outs
    if (DEBUG && ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() && ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString())) {
        dumpIR(ir, "after unroll");
    return false;
Also used : BitVector(org.jikesrvm.util.BitVector) IntConstantOperand( BranchProfileOperand( RegisterOperand( ConditionOperand( Operand( IntConstantOperand( ConstantOperand( ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock( BasicBlock( ConditionOperand( Instruction( RegisterOperand( Register( BranchProfileOperand(

Example 23 with BasicBlock

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class LoopUnrolling method naiveUnroller.

private void naiveUnroller(LSTNode t, IR ir) {
    BitVector nloop = t.getLoop();
    BasicBlock seqStart = null;
    Enumeration<BasicBlock> bs;
    if (t.getLoop().populationCount() > MAX_BLOCKS_FOR_NAIVE_UNROLLING) {
        report("1 is too big");
    report("Naively unrolling");
    CFGTransformations.killFallThroughs(ir, nloop);
    // first, capture the blocks in the loop body.
    int bodyBlocks = nloop.populationCount();
    BasicBlock[] body = new BasicBlock[bodyBlocks];
        int i = 0;
        bs = ir.getBasicBlocks(nloop);
        while (bs.hasMoreElements()) {
            BasicBlock b = bs.nextElement();
            if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
                VM._assert(!(b instanceof ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock));
            body[i++] = b;
            BasicBlock next = b.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
            if (next == null || !CFGTransformations.inLoop(next, nloop)) {
                // end of loop in code order
                seqStart = b;
    BasicBlock seqEnd = seqStart.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
    if (seqEnd != null)
        ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(seqStart, seqEnd);
    BasicBlock seqLast = seqStart;
    BasicBlock firstHeaderCopy = null;
    BasicBlock currentBlock = seqLast;
    for (int i = 1; i <= unrollFactor; ++i) {
        // copy body
        for (BasicBlock bb : body) {
            seqLast = copyAndLinkBlock(ir, seqLast, bb);
            if (bb == t.header) {
                if (firstHeaderCopy == null) {
                    firstHeaderCopy = seqLast;
        // redirect internal branches
        currentBlock = seqLast;
        for (int j = 0; j < bodyBlocks; ++j) {
            Enumeration<BasicBlock> be = currentBlock.getOut();
            while (be.hasMoreElements()) {
                BasicBlock out = be.nextElement();
                if (out != t.header && CFGTransformations.inLoop(out, nloop)) {
                    BasicBlock outCopy = copiedBlocks.get(out);
                    currentBlock.redirectOuts(out, outCopy, ir);
            currentBlock = currentBlock.prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
        if (i != 1) {
            // redirect the branches to the header in the (i-1)th copy
            for (int j = 0; j < bodyBlocks; ++j) {
                Enumeration<BasicBlock> be = currentBlock.getOut();
                while (be.hasMoreElements()) {
                    BasicBlock out = be.nextElement();
                    if (out == t.header) {
                        BasicBlock headerCopy;
                        headerCopy = copiedBlocks.get(t.header);
                        currentBlock.redirectOuts(t.header, headerCopy, ir);
                currentBlock = currentBlock.prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
    if (seqEnd != null)
        ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(seqLast, seqEnd);
    for (int j = 0; j < bodyBlocks; ++j) {
        Enumeration<BasicBlock> be = body[j].getOut();
        while (be.hasMoreElements()) {
            BasicBlock out = be.nextElement();
            if (out == t.header) {
                body[j].redirectOuts(t.header, firstHeaderCopy, ir);
    // the following loop redirects backedges that start in the last
    // copy to point to the first copy instead and not to the original
    // header.
    // |                    |
    // Thus we get   [ ]     instead of   [ ]<-.
    // |                    |   |
    // [ ]<-.               [ ]  |
    // |   |                |   |
    // [ ]  |               [ ]  |
    // |   |                |   |
    // [ ]  |               [ ]  |
    // |\_/                 |\_/
    // Instead of 2^(unroll_log) we only have 2^(unroll_log-1) bodies
    // in the unrolled loop, but there is one copy of the loop's body
    // that dominates the unrolled version. Peeling of this first
    // version should have benefits for global code placement.
    currentBlock = seqLast;
    for (int j = 0; j < bodyBlocks; ++j) {
        Enumeration<BasicBlock> be = currentBlock.getOut();
        while (be.hasMoreElements()) {
            BasicBlock out = be.nextElement();
            if (out == t.header) {
                currentBlock.redirectOuts(t.header, firstHeaderCopy, ir);
        currentBlock = currentBlock.prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder();
Also used : BitVector(org.jikesrvm.util.BitVector) ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock( BasicBlock( ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock(

Example 24 with BasicBlock

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class MIRBranchOptimizations method processGoto.

 * Perform optimizations for an unconditonal branch.
 * <p> Patterns:
 * <pre>
 *    1)      GOTO A       replaced by  GOTO B
 *         A: GOTO B
 *    2)   GOTO next instruction eliminated
 *    3)      GOTO A       replaced by  GOTO B
 *         A: LABEL
 *            BBEND
 *         B:
 * </pre>
 * <p> Precondition: MIR_Branch.conforms(g)
 * @param ir governing IR
 * @param g the instruction to optimize
 * @param bb the basic block holding g
 * @return {@code true} if made a transformation
private boolean processGoto(IR ir, Instruction g, BasicBlock bb) {
    BasicBlock targetBlock = g.getBranchTarget();
    Instruction targetLabel = targetBlock.firstInstruction();
    // get the first real instruction at the g target
    // NOTE: this instruction is not necessarily in targetBlock,
    // iff targetBlock has no real instructions
    Instruction targetInst = firstRealInstructionFollowing(targetLabel);
    if (targetInst == null || targetInst == g) {
        return false;
    Instruction nextLabel = firstLabelFollowing(g);
    if (targetLabel == nextLabel) {
        // found a GOTO to the next instruction.  just remove it.
        return true;
    if (isMIR_Branch(targetInst)) {
        // unconditional branch to unconditional branch.
        // replace g with goto to targetInst's target
        Instruction target2 = firstRealInstructionFollowing(targetInst.getBranchTarget().firstInstruction());
        if (target2 == targetInst) {
            // This happens in jByteMark.EmFloatPnt.denormalize() due to a while(true) {}
            return false;
        BranchOperand top = (BranchOperand) (MIR_Branch_getTarget(targetInst).copy());
        MIR_Branch_setTarget(g, top);
        // fix the CFG
        return true;
    if (targetBlock.isEmpty()) {
        // GOTO an empty block.  Change target to the next block.
        BasicBlock nextBlock = targetBlock.getFallThroughBlock();
        MIR_Branch_setTarget(g, nextBlock.makeJumpTarget());
        // fix the CFG
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : BasicBlock( Instruction( BranchOperand(

Example 25 with BasicBlock

use of in project JikesRVM by JikesRVM.

the class ComplexLIR2MIRExpansion method boolean_cmp.

private static void boolean_cmp(Instruction s, IR ir, boolean cmp32Bit) {
    // undo the optimization because it cannot efficiently be generated
    Register res = BooleanCmp.getClearResult(s).getRegister();
    RegisterOperand one = (RegisterOperand) BooleanCmp.getClearVal1(s);
    Operand two = BooleanCmp.getClearVal2(s);
    ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getClearCond(s);
    BasicBlock BB1 = s.getBasicBlock();
    BasicBlock BB4 = BB1.splitNodeAt(s, ir);
    s = s.remove();
    BasicBlock BB2 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    BasicBlock BB3 = BB1.createSubBlock(0, ir);
    RegisterOperand t = ir.regpool.makeTempInt();
    Operator op;
    if (VM.BuildFor64Addr && !cmp32Bit) {
        if (two instanceof IntConstantOperand) {
            op = cond.isUNSIGNED() ? PPC64_CMPLI : PPC64_CMPI;
        } else {
            op = cond.isUNSIGNED() ? PPC64_CMPL : PPC64_CMP;
    } else if (two instanceof IntConstantOperand) {
        op = cond.isUNSIGNED() ? PPC_CMPLI : PPC_CMPI;
    } else {
        op = cond.isUNSIGNED() ? PPC_CMPL : PPC_CMP;
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_Binary.create(op, t, one, two));
    BB1.appendInstruction(MIR_CondBranch.create(PPC_BCOND, t.copyD2U(), PowerPCConditionOperand.get(cond), BB3.makeJumpTarget(), new BranchProfileOperand()));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(0)));
    BB2.appendInstruction(MIR_Branch.create(PPC_B, BB4.makeJumpTarget()));
    BB3.appendInstruction(MIR_Unary.create(PPC_LDI, I(res), IC(1)));
    // fix CFG
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB1, BB2);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB2, BB3);
    ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB3, BB4);
Also used : Operator( RegisterOperand( IntConstantOperand( Register( BranchProfileOperand( PowerPCConditionOperand( RegisterOperand( LocationOperand( ConditionOperand( Operand( IntConstantOperand( BasicBlock( BranchProfileOperand( PowerPCConditionOperand( ConditionOperand(


BasicBlock ( Instruction ( RegisterOperand ( Operand ( ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock ( Register ( BranchProfileOperand ( IntConstantOperand ( ConditionOperand ( MethodOperand ( LocationOperand ( HeapOperand ( BasicBlockOperand ( TrueGuardOperand ( TypeReference (org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference)18 NullConstantOperand ( Test (org.junit.Test)17 BranchOperand ( InlineSequence (org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining.InlineSequence)14 MemoryOperand (