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Example 1 with DataColumnDomainCreator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class PMMLRuleEditorNodeModel method createRearranger.

 * Creates the {@link ColumnRearranger} that can compute the new column.
 * @param tableSpec The spec of the input table.
 * @param ruleSet The {@link RuleSet} xml object where the rules should be added.
 * @param parser The parser for the rules.
 * @return The {@link ColumnRearranger}.
 * @throws ParseException Problem during parsing.
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException if settings are invalid
private ColumnRearranger createRearranger(final DataTableSpec tableSpec, final RuleSet ruleSet, final PMMLRuleParser parser) throws ParseException, InvalidSettingsException {
    if (m_settings.isAppendColumn() && m_settings.getNewColName().isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("No name for prediction column provided");
    Set<String> outcomes = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    List<DataType> outcomeTypes = new ArrayList<DataType>();
    int line = 0;
    final List<Pair<PMMLPredicate, Expression>> rules = new ArrayList<Pair<PMMLPredicate, Expression>>();
    for (String ruleText : m_settings.rules()) {
        if (RuleSupport.isComment(ruleText)) {
        try {
            ParseState state = new ParseState(ruleText);
            PMMLPredicate expression = parser.parseBooleanExpression(state);
            SimpleRule simpleRule = ruleSet.addNewSimpleRule();
            setCondition(simpleRule, expression);
            Expression outcome = parser.parseOutcomeOperand(state, null);
            // Only constants are allowed in the outcomes.
            assert outcome.isConstant() : outcome;
            rules.add(new Pair<PMMLPredicate, Expression>(expression, outcome));
            // simpleRule.setConfidence(confidenceForRule(simpleRule, line, ruleText));
            simpleRule.setWeight(weightForRule(simpleRule, line, ruleText));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw Util.addContext(e, ruleText, line);
    DataType outcomeType = RuleEngineNodeModel.computeOutputType(outcomeTypes, true);
    ColumnRearranger rearranger = new ColumnRearranger(tableSpec);
    DataColumnSpecCreator specProto = new DataColumnSpecCreator(m_settings.isAppendColumn() ? DataTableSpec.getUniqueColumnName(tableSpec, m_settings.getNewColName()) : m_settings.getReplaceColumn(), outcomeType);
    specProto.setDomain(new DataColumnDomainCreator(toCells(outcomes, outcomeType)).createDomain());
    SingleCellFactory cellFactory = new SingleCellFactory(true, specProto.createSpec()) {

        public DataCell getCell(final DataRow row) {
            for (Pair<PMMLPredicate, Expression> pair : rules) {
                if (pair.getFirst().evaluate(row, tableSpec) == Boolean.TRUE) {
                    return pair.getSecond().evaluate(row, null).getValue();
            return DataType.getMissingCell();
    if (m_settings.isAppendColumn()) {
    } else {
        rearranger.replace(cellFactory, m_settings.getReplaceColumn());
    return rearranger;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) DataColumnSpecCreator( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataColumnDomainCreator( PMMLPredicate(org.knime.base.node.mine.decisiontree2.PMMLPredicate) ParseState(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.BaseRuleParser.ParseState) DataRow( SimpleRule(org.dmg.pmml.SimpleRuleDocument.SimpleRule) ColumnRearranger( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) Expression(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Expression) DataType( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) SingleCellFactory( Pair(org.knime.core.util.Pair)

Example 2 with DataColumnDomainCreator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class PMMLRuleSetPredictorNodeModel method createRearranger.

 * Constructs the {@link ColumnRearranger} for computing the new columns.
 * @param obj The {@link PMMLPortObject} of the preprocessing model.
 * @param spec The {@link DataTableSpec} of the table.
 * @param replaceColumn Should replace the {@code outputColumnName}?
 * @param outputColumnName The output column name (which might be an existing).
 * @param addConfidence Should add the confidence values to a column?
 * @param confidenceColumnName The name of the confidence column.
 * @param validationColumnIdx Index of the validation column, {@code -1} if not specified.
 * @param processConcurrently Should be {@code false} when the statistics are to be computed.
 * @return The {@link ColumnRearranger} computing the result.
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException Problem with rules.
private static ColumnRearranger createRearranger(final PMMLPortObject obj, final DataTableSpec spec, final boolean replaceColumn, final String outputColumnName, final boolean addConfidence, final String confidenceColumnName, final int validationColumnIdx, final boolean processConcurrently) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    List<Node> models = obj.getPMMLValue().getModels(PMMLModelType.RuleSetModel);
    if (models.size() != 1) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Expected exactly on RuleSetModel, but got: " + models.size());
    final PMMLRuleTranslator translator = new PMMLRuleTranslator();
    if (!translator.isScorable()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The model is not scorable.");
    final List<PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule> rules = translator.getRules();
    ColumnRearranger ret = new ColumnRearranger(spec);
    final List<DataColumnSpec> targetCols = obj.getSpec().getTargetCols();
    final DataType dataType = targetCols.isEmpty() ? StringCell.TYPE : targetCols.get(0).getType();
    DataColumnSpecCreator specCreator = new DataColumnSpecCreator(outputColumnName, dataType);
    Set<DataCell> outcomes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (Rule rule : rules) {
        DataCell outcome;
        if (dataType.equals(BooleanCell.TYPE)) {
            outcome = BooleanCellFactory.create(rule.getOutcome());
        } else if (dataType.equals(StringCell.TYPE)) {
            outcome = new StringCell(rule.getOutcome());
        } else if (dataType.equals(DoubleCell.TYPE)) {
            try {
                outcome = new DoubleCell(Double.parseDouble(rule.getOutcome()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // ignore
        } else if (dataType.equals(IntCell.TYPE)) {
            try {
                outcome = new IntCell(Integer.parseInt(rule.getOutcome()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // ignore
        } else if (dataType.equals(LongCell.TYPE)) {
            try {
                outcome = new LongCell(Long.parseLong(rule.getOutcome()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                // ignore
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown outcome type: " + dataType);
    specCreator.setDomain(new DataColumnDomainCreator(outcomes).createDomain());
    DataColumnSpec colSpec = specCreator.createSpec();
    final RuleSelectionMethod ruleSelectionMethod = translator.getSelectionMethodList().get(0);
    final String defaultScore = translator.getDefaultScore();
    final Double defaultConfidence = translator.getDefaultConfidence();
    final DataColumnSpec[] specs;
    if (addConfidence) {
        specs = new DataColumnSpec[] { new DataColumnSpecCreator(DataTableSpec.getUniqueColumnName(ret.createSpec(), confidenceColumnName), DoubleCell.TYPE).createSpec(), colSpec };
    } else {
        specs = new DataColumnSpec[] { colSpec };
    final int oldColumnIndex = replaceColumn ? ret.indexOf(outputColumnName) : -1;
    ret.append(new AbstractCellFactory(processConcurrently, specs) {

        private final List<String> m_values;

            Map<String, List<String>> dd = translator.getDataDictionary();
            m_values = dd.get(targetCols.get(0).getName());

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public DataCell[] getCells(final DataRow row) {
            // See
            switch(ruleSelectionMethod.getCriterion().intValue()) {
                case RuleSelectionMethod.Criterion.INT_FIRST_HIT:
                        Pair<DataCell, Double> resultAndConfidence = selectFirstHit(row);
                        return toCells(resultAndConfidence);
                case RuleSelectionMethod.Criterion.INT_WEIGHTED_MAX:
                        Pair<DataCell, Double> resultAndConfidence = selectWeightedMax(row);
                        return toCells(resultAndConfidence);
                case RuleSelectionMethod.Criterion.INT_WEIGHTED_SUM:
                        Pair<DataCell, Double> resultAndConfidence = selectWeightedSum(row);
                        return toCells(resultAndConfidence);
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(ruleSelectionMethod.getCriterion().toString());

         * Converts the pair to a {@link DataCell} array.
         * @param resultAndConfidence The {@link Pair}.
         * @return The result and possibly the confidence.
        private DataCell[] toCells(final Pair<DataCell, Double> resultAndConfidence) {
            if (!addConfidence) {
                return new DataCell[] { resultAndConfidence.getFirst() };
            if (resultAndConfidence.getSecond() == null) {
                return new DataCell[] { DataType.getMissingCell(), resultAndConfidence.getFirst() };
            return new DataCell[] { new DoubleCell(resultAndConfidence.getSecond()), resultAndConfidence.getFirst() };

         * Computes the result and the confidence using the weighted sum method.
         * @param row A {@link DataRow}
         * @return The result and the confidence.
        private Pair<DataCell, Double> selectWeightedSum(final DataRow row) {
            final Map<String, Double> scoreToSumWeight = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
            for (String val : m_values) {
                scoreToSumWeight.put(val, 0.0);
            int matchedRuleCount = 0;
            for (final PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule rule : rules) {
                if (rule.getCondition().evaluate(row, spec) == Boolean.TRUE) {
                    Double sumWeight = scoreToSumWeight.get(rule.getOutcome());
                    if (sumWeight == null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("The score value: " + rule.getOutcome() + " is not in the data dictionary.");
                    final Double wRaw = rule.getWeight();
                    final double w = wRaw == null ? 0.0 : wRaw.doubleValue();
                    scoreToSumWeight.put(rule.getOutcome(), sumWeight + w);
            double maxSumWeight = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            String bestScore = null;
            for (Entry<String, Double> entry : scoreToSumWeight.entrySet()) {
                final double d = entry.getValue().doubleValue();
                if (d > maxSumWeight) {
                    maxSumWeight = d;
                    bestScore = entry.getKey();
            if (bestScore == null || matchedRuleCount == 0) {
                return pair(result(defaultScore), defaultConfidence);
            return pair(result(bestScore), maxSumWeight / matchedRuleCount);

         * Helper method to create {@link Pair}s.
         * @param f The first element.
         * @param s The second element.
         * @return The new pair.
        private <F, S> Pair<F, S> pair(final F f, final S s) {
            return new Pair<F, S>(f, s);

         * Computes the result and the confidence using the weighted max method.
         * @param row A {@link DataRow}
         * @return The result and the confidence.
        private Pair<DataCell, Double> selectWeightedMax(final DataRow row) {
            double maxWeight = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule bestRule = null;
            for (final PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule rule : rules) {
                if (rule.getCondition().evaluate(row, spec) == Boolean.TRUE) {
                    if (rule.getWeight() > maxWeight) {
                        maxWeight = rule.getWeight();
                        bestRule = rule;
            if (bestRule == null) {
                return pair(result(defaultScore), defaultConfidence);
            bestRule.setRecordCount(bestRule.getRecordCount() + 1);
            DataCell result = result(bestRule);
            if (validationColumnIdx >= 0) {
                if (row.getCell(validationColumnIdx).equals(result)) {
                    bestRule.setNbCorrect(bestRule.getNbCorrect() + 1);
            Double confidence = bestRule.getConfidence();
            return pair(result, confidence == null ? defaultConfidence : confidence);

         * Selects the outcome of the rule and converts it to the proper outcome type.
         * @param rule A {@link Rule}.
         * @return The {@link DataCell} representing the result. (May be missing.)
        private DataCell result(final PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule rule) {
            String outcome = rule.getOutcome();
            return result(outcome);

         * Constructs the {@link DataCell} from its {@link String} representation ({@code outcome}) and its type.
         * @param dataType The expected {@link DataType}
         * @param outcome The {@link String} representation.
         * @return The {@link DataCell}.
        private DataCell result(final String outcome) {
            if (outcome == null) {
                return DataType.getMissingCell();
            try {
                if (dataType.isCompatible(BooleanValue.class)) {
                    return BooleanCellFactory.create(outcome);
                if (IntCell.TYPE.isASuperTypeOf(dataType)) {
                    return new IntCell(Integer.parseInt(outcome));
                if (LongCell.TYPE.isASuperTypeOf(dataType)) {
                    return new LongCell(Long.parseLong(outcome));
                if (DoubleCell.TYPE.isASuperTypeOf(dataType)) {
                    return new DoubleCell(Double.parseDouble(outcome));
                return new StringCell(outcome);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return new MissingCell(outcome + "\n" + e.getMessage());

         * Selects the first rule that matches and computes the confidence and result for the {@code row}.
         * @param row A {@link DataRow}.
         * @return The result and the confidence.
        private Pair<DataCell, Double> selectFirstHit(final DataRow row) {
            for (final PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule rule : rules) {
                Boolean eval = rule.getCondition().evaluate(row, spec);
                if (eval == Boolean.TRUE) {
                    rule.setRecordCount(rule.getRecordCount() + 1);
                    DataCell result = result(rule);
                    if (validationColumnIdx >= 0) {
                        if (row.getCell(validationColumnIdx).equals(result)) {
                            rule.setNbCorrect(rule.getNbCorrect() + 1);
                    Double confidence = rule.getConfidence();
                    return pair(result, confidence == null ? defaultConfidence : confidence);
            return pair(result(defaultScore), defaultConfidence);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void afterProcessing() {
            RuleSetModel ruleSet = translator.getOriginalRuleSetModel();
            assert rules.size() == ruleSet.getRuleSet().getSimpleRuleList().size() + ruleSet.getRuleSet().getCompoundRuleList().size();
            if (ruleSet.getRuleSet().getSimpleRuleList().size() == rules.size()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i) {
                    Rule rule = rules.get(i);
                    final SimpleRule simpleRuleArray = ruleSet.getRuleSet().getSimpleRuleArray(i);
                    synchronized (simpleRuleArray) /*synchronized fixes AP-6766 */
                        if (validationColumnIdx >= 0) {
                        } else if (simpleRuleArray.isSetNbCorrect()) {
    if (replaceColumn) {
        ret.move(ret.getColumnCount() - 1 - (addConfidence ? 1 : 0), oldColumnIndex);
    return ret;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) RuleSetModel(org.dmg.pmml.RuleSetModelDocument.RuleSetModel) DataColumnSpecCreator( DoubleCell( Node(org.w3c.dom.Node) SettingsModelString(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString) DataRow( IntCell( Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) SimpleRule(org.dmg.pmml.SimpleRuleDocument.SimpleRule) ColumnRearranger( DataColumnSpec( BooleanValue( DataType( SettingsModelBoolean(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelBoolean) Pair(org.knime.core.util.Pair) AbstractCellFactory( DataColumnDomainCreator( RuleSelectionMethod(org.dmg.pmml.RuleSelectionMethodDocument.RuleSelectionMethod) Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule) LongCell( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) StringCell( MissingCell( DataCell( SimpleRule(org.dmg.pmml.SimpleRuleDocument.SimpleRule) Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule) Map(java.util.Map) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 3 with DataColumnDomainCreator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class StatisticsTable method calculateAllMoments.

 * Calculates <b>all the statistical moments in one pass </b>. After the
 * call of this operation, the statistical moments can be obtained very fast
 * from all the other methods.
 * @param rowCount Row count of table for progress, may be NaN if unknown.
 * @param exec object to check with if user canceled the operation
 * @throws CanceledExecutionException if user canceled
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if rowCount argument < 0
protected void calculateAllMoments(final double rowCount, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
    if (rowCount < 0.0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowCount argument must not < 0: " + rowCount);
    DataTableSpec origSpec = m_table.getDataTableSpec();
    int numOfCols = origSpec.getNumColumns();
    // the number of non-missing cells in each column
    int[] validCount = new int[numOfCols];
    double[] sumsquare = new double[numOfCols];
    final DataValueComparator[] comp = new DataValueComparator[numOfCols];
    for (int i = 0; i < numOfCols; i++) {
        sumsquare[i] = 0.0;
        validCount[i] = 0;
        comp[i] = origSpec.getColumnSpec(i).getType().getComparator();
        assert comp[i] != null;
    int nrRows = 0;
    for (RowIterator rowIt = m_table.iterator(); rowIt.hasNext(); nrRows++) {
        DataRow row =;
        if (exec != null) {
            double prog = Double.isNaN(rowCount) ? 0.0 : nrRows / rowCount;
            exec.setProgress(prog, "Calculating statistics, processing row " + (nrRows + 1) + " (\"" + row.getKey() + "\")");
            // throws exception if user canceled
        for (int c = 0; c < numOfCols; c++) {
            final DataCell cell = row.getCell(c);
            if (!(cell.isMissing())) {
                // keep the min and max for each column
                if ((m_minValues[c] == null) || (comp[c].compare(cell, m_minValues[c]) < 0)) {
                    m_minValues[c] = cell;
                if ((m_maxValues[c] == null) || (comp[c].compare(m_maxValues[c], cell) < 0)) {
                    m_maxValues[c] = cell;
                // for double columns we calc the sum (for the mean calc)
                DataType type = origSpec.getColumnSpec(c).getType();
                if (type.isCompatible(DoubleValue.class)) {
                    double d = ((DoubleValue) cell).getDoubleValue();
                    if (Double.isNaN(m_sum[c])) {
                        m_sum[c] = d;
                    } else {
                        m_sum[c] += d;
                    sumsquare[c] += d * d;
            } else {
    m_nrRows = nrRows;
    for (int j = 0; j < numOfCols; j++) {
        // missing values
        if (validCount[j] == 0 || m_minValues[j] == null) {
            DataCell mc = DataType.getMissingCell();
            m_minValues[j] = mc;
            m_maxValues[j] = mc;
            m_meanValues[j] = Double.NaN;
            m_varianceValues[j] = Double.NaN;
        } else {
            m_meanValues[j] = m_sum[j] / validCount[j];
            if (validCount[j] > 1) {
                m_varianceValues[j] = (sumsquare[j] - ((m_sum[j] * m_sum[j]) / validCount[j])) / (validCount[j] - 1);
            } else {
                m_varianceValues[j] = 0.0;
            // round-off errors resulting in negative variance values
            if (m_varianceValues[j] < 0.0 && m_varianceValues[j] > -1.0E8) {
                m_varianceValues[j] = 0.0;
            assert m_varianceValues[j] >= 0.0 : "Variance cannot be negative (column \"" + origSpec.getColumnSpec(j).getName() + "\": " + m_varianceValues[j];
    // compute resulting table spec
    int nrCols = m_table.getDataTableSpec().getNumColumns();
    DataColumnSpec[] cSpec = new DataColumnSpec[nrCols];
    for (int c = 0; c < nrCols; c++) {
        DataColumnSpec s = m_table.getDataTableSpec().getColumnSpec(c);
        // we create domains with our bounds.
        Set<DataCell> values = (s.getDomain() == null ? null : s.getDomain().getValues());
        DataColumnDomain newDomain = new DataColumnDomainCreator(values, (m_minValues[c] == null || m_minValues[c].isMissing()) ? null : m_minValues[c], (m_maxValues[c] == null || m_maxValues[c].isMissing()) ? null : m_maxValues[c]).createDomain();
        DataColumnSpecCreator creator = new DataColumnSpecCreator(s);
        cSpec[c] = creator.createSpec();
    m_tSpec = new DataTableSpec(cSpec);
Also used : DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpecCreator( DataColumnDomainCreator( DataValueComparator( DataRow( DataColumnSpec( DataColumnDomain( DoubleValue( RowIterator( DataCell( DataType(

Example 4 with DataColumnDomainCreator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class DecTreePredictorNodeModel method createOutTableSpec.

private DataTableSpec createOutTableSpec(final PortObjectSpec[] inSpecs) {
    LinkedList<DataCell> predValues = null;
    if (m_showDistribution.getBooleanValue()) {
        predValues = getPredictionValues((PMMLPortObjectSpec) inSpecs[INMODELPORT]);
        if (predValues == null) {
            // no out spec can be determined
            return null;
    int numCols = (predValues == null ? 0 : predValues.size()) + 1;
    DataTableSpec inSpec = (DataTableSpec) inSpecs[INDATAPORT];
    UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator = new UniqueNameGenerator(inSpec);
    DataColumnSpec[] newCols = new DataColumnSpec[numCols];
    /* Set bar renderer and domain [0,1] as default for the double cells
         * containing the distribution */
    // DataColumnProperties propsRendering = new DataColumnProperties(
    // Collections.singletonMap(
    // DoubleBarRenderer.DESCRIPTION));
    DataColumnDomain domain = new DataColumnDomainCreator(new DoubleCell(0.0), new DoubleCell(1.0)).createDomain();
    // add all distribution columns
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols - 1; i++) {
        DataColumnSpecCreator colSpecCreator = nameGenerator.newCreator(predValues.get(i).toString(), DoubleCell.TYPE);
        // colSpecCreator.setProperties(propsRendering);
        newCols[i] = colSpecCreator.createSpec();
    // add the prediction column
    newCols[numCols - 1] = nameGenerator.newColumn("Prediction (DecTree)", StringCell.TYPE);
    DataTableSpec newColSpec = new DataTableSpec(newCols);
    return new DataTableSpec(inSpec, newColSpec);
Also used : PMMLPortObjectSpec(org.knime.core.node.port.pmml.PMMLPortObjectSpec) DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpec( DataColumnDomain( DataColumnSpecCreator( DoubleCell( DataCell( DataColumnDomainCreator( UniqueNameGenerator(org.knime.core.util.UniqueNameGenerator)

Example 5 with DataColumnDomainCreator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class AutoBinner method calcDomainBoundsIfNeccessary.

 * Determines the per column min/max values of the given data if not already
 * present in the domain.
 * @param data the data
 * @param exec the execution context
 * @param recalcValuesFor The columns
 * @return The data with extended domain information
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException
 * @throws CanceledExecutionException
public BufferedDataTable calcDomainBoundsIfNeccessary(final BufferedDataTable data, final ExecutionContext exec, final List<String> recalcValuesFor) throws InvalidSettingsException, CanceledExecutionException {
    if (null == recalcValuesFor || recalcValuesFor.isEmpty()) {
        return data;
    List<Integer> valuesI = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (String colName : recalcValuesFor) {
        DataColumnSpec colSpec = data.getDataTableSpec().getColumnSpec(colName);
        if (!colSpec.getType().isCompatible(DoubleValue.class)) {
            throw new InvalidSettingsException("Can only process numeric " + "data. The column \"" + colSpec.getName() + "\" is not numeric.");
        if (recalcValuesFor.contains(colName) && !colSpec.getDomain().hasBounds()) {
    if (valuesI.isEmpty()) {
        return data;
    Map<Integer, Double> min = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
    Map<Integer, Double> max = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
    for (int col : valuesI) {
        min.put(col, Double.MAX_VALUE);
        max.put(col, Double.MIN_VALUE);
    int c = 0;
    for (DataRow row : data) {
        exec.setProgress(c / (double) data.getRowCount());
        for (int col : valuesI) {
            double val = ((DoubleValue) row.getCell(col)).getDoubleValue();
            if (min.get(col) > val) {
                min.put(col, val);
            if (max.get(col) < val) {
                min.put(col, val);
    List<DataColumnSpec> newColSpecList = new ArrayList<DataColumnSpec>();
    int cc = 0;
    for (DataColumnSpec columnSpec : data.getDataTableSpec()) {
        if (recalcValuesFor.contains(columnSpec.getName())) {
            DataColumnSpecCreator specCreator = new DataColumnSpecCreator(columnSpec);
            DataColumnDomainCreator domainCreator = new DataColumnDomainCreator(new DoubleCell(min.get(cc)), new DoubleCell(max.get(cc)));
            DataColumnSpec newColSpec = specCreator.createSpec();
        } else {
    DataTableSpec spec = new DataTableSpec(newColSpecList.toArray(new DataColumnSpec[0]));
    BufferedDataTable newDataTable = exec.createSpecReplacerTable(data, spec);
    return newDataTable;
Also used : DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpecCreator( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) DoubleCell( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataColumnDomainCreator( DataRow( DataColumnSpec( DoubleValue( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) BufferedDataTable(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable)


DataColumnDomainCreator ( DataColumnSpecCreator ( DataColumnSpec ( DoubleCell ( DataCell ( DataTableSpec ( InvalidSettingsException (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 DataColumnDomain ( DataRow ( DataType ( DoubleValue ( StringCell ( BufferedDataTable (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable)7 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)6 Coordinate (org.knime.base.util.coordinate.Coordinate)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)5 NumericCoordinate (org.knime.base.util.coordinate.NumericCoordinate)5