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Example 1 with CloudSite

use of in project so by onap.

the class CloudSiteCatalogUtilsTest method testGetCloudSiteGetVersion25Test.

public void testGetCloudSiteGetVersion25Test() throws Exception {
    CloudSite cloudSite = new CloudSite();
    String testCloudSiteId = "testCloudSiteId";
    doReturn(cloudSite).when(catalogDbClient).getCloudSiteByClliAndAicVersion(testCloudSiteId, "2.5");
    Optional<CloudSite> actualCloudSite = cloudSiteCatalogUtils.getCloudSite(testCloudSiteId);
    assertEquals(actualCloudSite.get().getClli(), testCloudSiteId);
Also used : CloudSite( BaseTaskTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with CloudSite

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoKeystoneUtils method queryTenant.

 * Query for a tenant by ID in the given cloud. If the tenant exists, return an MsoTenant object. If not, return
 * null.
 * <p>
 * For the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): it is not clear that cloudId is needed, as all admin requests go to the centralized
 * identity service in DCP. However, if some artifact must exist in each local LCP instance as well, then it will be
 * needed to access the correct region.
 * <p>
 * @param tenantId The Openstack ID of the tenant to query
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to query the tenant.
 * @return the tenant properties of the queried tenant, or null if not found
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception
public MsoTenant queryTenant(String tenantId, String cloudSiteId) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will query the tenant
    CloudSite cloudSite = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId).orElseThrow(() -> new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId));
    Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSite);
    // Check if the tenant exists and return its Tenant Id
    try {
        Tenant tenant = findTenantById(keystoneAdminClient, tenantId);
        if (tenant == null) {
            return null;
        Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
        if (cloudSite.getIdentityService().getTenantMetadata()) {
            OpenStackRequest<Metadata> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().showMetadata(tenant.getId());
            Metadata tenantMetadata = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request);
            if (tenantMetadata != null) {
                metadata = tenantMetadata.getMetadata();
        return new MsoTenant(tenant.getId(), tenant.getName(), metadata);
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
        throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "QueryTenant");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "QueryTenant");
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( MsoTenant( Tenant(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant) Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudSite( Metadata(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Metadata) MsoTenant(

Example 3 with CloudSite

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoKeystoneUtils method queryTenantByName.

 * Query for a tenant with the specified name in the given cloud. If the tenant exists, return an MsoTenant object.
 * If not, return null. This query is useful if the client knows it has the tenant name, skipping an initial lookup
 * by ID that would always fail.
 * <p>
 * For the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): it is not clear that cloudId is needed, as all admin requests go to the centralized
 * identity service in DCP. However, if some artifact must exist in each local LCP instance as well, then it will be
 * needed to access the correct region.
 * <p>
 * @param tenantName The name of the tenant to query
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to query the tenant.
 * @return the tenant properties of the queried tenant, or null if not found
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception
public MsoTenant queryTenantByName(String tenantName, String cloudSiteId) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will query the tenant
    CloudSite cloudSite = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId).orElseThrow(() -> new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId));
    Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSite);
    try {
        Tenant tenant = findTenantByName(keystoneAdminClient, tenantName);
        if (tenant == null) {
            return null;
        Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>();
        if (cloudSite.getIdentityService().getTenantMetadata()) {
            OpenStackRequest<Metadata> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().showMetadata(tenant.getId());
            Metadata tenantMetadata = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request);
            if (tenantMetadata != null) {
                metadata = tenantMetadata.getMetadata();
        return new MsoTenant(tenant.getId(), tenant.getName(), metadata);
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
        throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "QueryTenantName");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "QueryTenantName");
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( MsoTenant( Tenant(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant) Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudSite( Metadata(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Metadata) MsoTenant(

Example 4 with CloudSite

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoKeystoneUtils method deleteTenantByName.

 * Delete the specified Tenant (by Name) in the given cloud. This method returns true or false, depending on whether
 * the tenant existed and was successfully deleted, or if the tenant already did not exist. Both cases are treated
 * as success (no Exceptions).
 * <p>
 * Note for the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): all admin requests go to the centralized identity service in DCP. So deleting a
 * tenant from one cloudSiteId will remove it from all sites managed by that identity service.
 * <p>
 * @param tenantName The name of the tenant to delete
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier from which to delete the tenant.
 * @return true if the tenant was deleted, false if the tenant did not exist.
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException If the Openstack API call returns an exception.
public boolean deleteTenantByName(String tenantName, String cloudSiteId) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will query the tenant
    Optional<CloudSite> cloudSite = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId);
    if (!cloudSite.isPresent()) {
        throw new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId);
    Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSite.get());
    try {
        // Need the Tenant ID to delete (can't directly delete by name)
        Tenant tenant = findTenantByName(keystoneAdminClient, tenantName);
        if (tenant == null) {
            // OK if tenant already doesn't exist.
            LOGGER.error("{} Tenant {} not found on Cloud site id {}, {}", MessageEnum.RA_TENANT_NOT_FOUND, tenantName, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
            return false;
        // Execute the Delete. It has no return value.
        OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().delete(tenant.getId());
        LOGGER.debug("Deleted Tenant {} ({})", tenant.getId(), tenant.getName());
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
        throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, DELETE_TENANT);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, DELETE_TENANT);
    return true;
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( MsoTenant( Tenant(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant) Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudSite(

Example 5 with CloudSite

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoKeystoneUtils method createTenant.

 * Create a tenant with the specified name in the given cloud. If the tenant already exists, an Exception will be
 * thrown. The MSO User will also be added to the "member" list of the new tenant to perform subsequent Nova/Heat
 * commands in the tenant. If the MSO User association fails, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
 * <p>
 * For the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): it is not clear that cloudId is needed, as all admin requests go to the centralized
 * identity service in DCP. However, if some artifact must exist in each local LCP instance as well, then it will be
 * needed to access the correct region.
 * <p>
 * @param tenantName The tenant name to create
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to create the tenant.
 * @return the tenant ID of the newly created tenant
 * @throws MsoTenantAlreadyExists Thrown if the requested tenant already exists
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception
public String createTenant(String tenantName, String cloudSiteId, Map<String, String> metadata, boolean backout) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will create the tenant
    Optional<CloudSite> cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId);
    if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) {
        LOGGER.error("{} MSOCloudSite {} not found {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
        throw new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId);
    Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSiteOpt.get());
    Tenant tenant = null;
    try {
        // Check if the tenant already exists
        tenant = findTenantByName(keystoneAdminClient, tenantName);
        if (tenant != null) {
            // Tenant already exists. Throw an exception
            LOGGER.error("{} Tenant name {} already exists on Cloud site id {}, {}", MessageEnum.RA_TENANT_ALREADY_EXIST, tenantName, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
            throw new MsoTenantAlreadyExists(tenantName, cloudSiteId);
        // Does not exist, create a new one
        tenant = new Tenant();
        tenant.setDescription("SDN Tenant (via MSO)");
        OpenStackRequest<Tenant> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().create(tenant);
        tenant = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request);
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
        throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
    // apply tenant metadata if supported by the cloud site
    try {
        CloudIdentity cloudIdentity = cloudSiteOpt.get().getIdentityService();
        User msoUser = findUserByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMsoId());
        Role memberRole = findRoleByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMemberRole());
        if (msoUser != null && memberRole != null) {
            OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().addUser(tenant.getId(), msoUser.getId(), memberRole.getId());
        if (cloudIdentity.getTenantMetadata() && metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) {
            Metadata tenantMetadata = new Metadata();
            OpenStackRequest<Metadata> metaRequest = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().createOrUpdateMetadata(tenant.getId(), tenantMetadata);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // so roll back the tenant.
        if (!backout) {
            LOGGER.warn("{} Create Tenant errored, Tenant deletion suppressed {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
        } else {
            try {
                OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().delete(tenant.getId());
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // Just log this one. We will report the original exception.
                LOGGER.error("{} Nested exception rolling back tenant {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), e2);
        // Propagate the original exception on user/role/tenant mapping
        if (e instanceof OpenStackBaseException) {
            // Convert Keystone Exception to MsoOpenstackException
            throw keystoneErrorToMsoException((OpenStackBaseException) e, "CreateTenantUser");
        } else {
            MsoAdapterException me = new MsoAdapterException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw me;
    return tenant.getId();
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( MsoTenantAlreadyExists( User(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.User) OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudIdentity( Metadata(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Metadata) OpenStackRequest(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackRequest) MsoAdapterException( OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) MsoOpenstackException( OpenStackConnectException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackConnectException) OpenStackResponseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackResponseException) MsoException( Role(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Role) MsoTenant( Tenant(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant) MsoAdapterException( Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) CloudSite(


CloudSite ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 MsoCloudSiteNotFound ( CloudIdentity ( MsoException ( OpenStackBaseException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException)9 StackInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 BaseTest ( CatalogDbAdapterBaseTest ( Keystone (com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone)5 Quantum (com.woorea.openstack.quantum.Quantum)5 HeatTemplate ( OpenStackRequest (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackRequest)4 Heat (com.woorea.openstack.heat.Heat)4 Tenant (com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant)4 Network (com.woorea.openstack.quantum.model.Network)4 MsoTenant ( JsonParseException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException)3