use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoHeatUtils method postProcessStackUpdate.
public Stack postProcessStackUpdate(Stack updateStack) throws MsoOpenstackException {
if (!"UPDATE_COMPLETE".equals(updateStack.getStackStatus())) {
logger.error("{} Stack status: {} Stack status reason: {} {} Update Stack error", MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_STACK_ERR, updateStack.getStackStatus(), updateStack.getStackStatusReason(), ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
MsoOpenstackException me = null;
if ("UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS".equals(updateStack.getStackStatus())) {
me = new MsoOpenstackException(0, "", "Stack Update Timeout");
} else {
String error = "Stack error (" + updateStack.getStackStatus() + "): " + updateStack.getStackStatusReason();
me = new MsoOpenstackException(0, "", error);
throw me;
} else {
return updateStack;
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoKeystoneUtils method createTenant.
* Create a tenant with the specified name in the given cloud. If the tenant already exists, an Exception will be
* thrown. The MSO User will also be added to the "member" list of the new tenant to perform subsequent Nova/Heat
* commands in the tenant. If the MSO User association fails, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
* <p>
* For the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): it is not clear that cloudId is needed, as all admin requests go to the centralized
* identity service in DCP. However, if some artifact must exist in each local LCP instance as well, then it will be
* needed to access the correct region.
* <p>
* @param tenantName The tenant name to create
* @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to create the tenant.
* @return the tenant ID of the newly created tenant
* @throws MsoTenantAlreadyExists Thrown if the requested tenant already exists
* @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception
public String createTenant(String tenantName, String cloudSiteId, Map<String, String> metadata, boolean backout) throws MsoException {
// Obtain the cloud site information where we will create the tenant
Optional<CloudSite> cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId);
if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) {
LOGGER.error("{} MSOCloudSite {} not found {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
throw new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId);
Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSiteOpt.get());
Tenant tenant = null;
try {
// Check if the tenant already exists
tenant = findTenantByName(keystoneAdminClient, tenantName);
if (tenant != null) {
// Tenant already exists. Throw an exception
LOGGER.error("{} Tenant name {} already exists on Cloud site id {}, {}", MessageEnum.RA_TENANT_ALREADY_EXIST, tenantName, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
throw new MsoTenantAlreadyExists(tenantName, cloudSiteId);
// Does not exist, create a new one
tenant = new Tenant();
tenant.setDescription("SDN Tenant (via MSO)");
OpenStackRequest<Tenant> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().create(tenant);
tenant = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request);
} catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
// Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Catch-all
throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
// apply tenant metadata if supported by the cloud site
try {
CloudIdentity cloudIdentity = cloudSiteOpt.get().getIdentityService();
User msoUser = findUserByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMsoId());
Role memberRole = findRoleByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMemberRole());
if (msoUser != null && memberRole != null) {
OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().addUser(tenant.getId(), msoUser.getId(), memberRole.getId());
if (cloudIdentity.getTenantMetadata() && metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) {
Metadata tenantMetadata = new Metadata();
OpenStackRequest<Metadata> metaRequest = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().createOrUpdateMetadata(tenant.getId(), tenantMetadata);
} catch (Exception e) {
// so roll back the tenant.
if (!backout) {
LOGGER.warn("{} Create Tenant errored, Tenant deletion suppressed {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
} else {
try {
OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().delete(tenant.getId());
} catch (Exception e2) {
// Just log this one. We will report the original exception.
LOGGER.error("{} Nested exception rolling back tenant {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), e2);
// Propagate the original exception on user/role/tenant mapping
if (e instanceof OpenStackBaseException) {
// Convert Keystone Exception to MsoOpenstackException
throw keystoneErrorToMsoException((OpenStackBaseException) e, "CreateTenantUser");
} else {
MsoAdapterException me = new MsoAdapterException(e.getMessage(), e);
throw me;
return tenant.getId();
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoHeatUtilsWithUpdate method updateStack.
* Update a Stack in the specified cloud location and tenant. The Heat template and parameter map are passed in as
* arguments, along with the cloud access credentials. It is expected that parameters have been validated and
* contain at minimum the required parameters for the given template with no extra (undefined) parameters..
* The Stack name supplied by the caller must be unique in the scope of this tenant. However, it should also be
* globally unique, as it will be the identifier for the resource going forward in Inventory. This latter is managed
* by the higher levels invoking this function.
* The caller may choose to let this function poll Openstack for completion of the stack creation, or may handle
* polling itself via separate calls to query the status. In either case, a StackInfo object will be returned
* containing the current status. When polling is enabled, a status of CREATED is expected. When not polling, a
* status of BUILDING is expected.
* An error will be thrown if the requested Stack already exists in the specified Tenant and Cloud.
* @param tenantId The Openstack ID of the tenant in which to create the Stack
* @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to create the tenant.
* @param stackName The name of the stack to update
* @param heatTemplate The Heat template
* @param stackInputs A map of key/value inputs
* @param pollForCompletion Indicator that polling should be handled in Java vs. in the client
* @param environment An optional yaml-format string to specify environmental parameters
* @param files a Map<String, Object> for listing child template IDs
* @param heatFiles a Map<String, Object> for listing get_file entries (fileName, fileBody)
* @return A StackInfo object
* @throws MsoException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception.
public StackInfo updateStack(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String stackName, String heatTemplate, Map<String, Object> stackInputs, boolean pollForCompletion, int timeoutMinutes, String environment, Map<String, Object> files, Map<String, Object> heatFiles) throws MsoException {
boolean heatEnvtVariable = true;
if (environment == null || "".equalsIgnoreCase(environment.trim())) {
heatEnvtVariable = false;
boolean haveFiles = true;
if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) {
haveFiles = false;
boolean haveHeatFiles = true;
if (heatFiles == null || heatFiles.isEmpty()) {
haveHeatFiles = false;
Heat heatClient = getHeatClient(cloudSiteId, tenantId);
// Perform a query first to get the current status
Stack heatStack = queryHeatStack(heatClient, stackName);
if (heatStack == null || "DELETE_COMPLETE".equals(heatStack.getStackStatus())) {
// Not found. Return a StackInfo with status NOTFOUND
throw new MsoStackNotFound(stackName, tenantId, cloudSiteId);
// Use canonical name "<stack name>/<stack-id>" to update the stack.
// Otherwise, update by name returns a 302 redirect.
// NOTE: This is specific to the v1 Orchestration API.
String canonicalName = heatStack.getStackName() + "/" + heatStack.getId();
logger.debug("Ready to Update Stack ({}) with input params: {}", canonicalName, stackInputs);
// force entire stackInput object to generic Map<String, Object> for openstack compatibility
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> normalized = new HashMap<>();
try {
normalized = mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(stackInputs), new TypeReference<HashMap<String, Object>>() {
} catch (IOException e1) {
logger.debug("could not map json", e1);
// Build up the stack update parameters
// Disable auto-rollback, because error reason is lost. Always rollback in the code.
UpdateStackParam stack = new UpdateStackParam();
// TJM add envt to stack
if (heatEnvtVariable) {
// and then add to stack (both are part of "files:" being added to stack)
if (haveFiles && haveHeatFiles) {
// Let's do this here - not in the bean
logger.debug("Found files AND heatFiles - combine and add!");
Map<String, Object> combinedFiles = new HashMap<>();
for (String keyString : files.keySet()) {
combinedFiles.put(keyString, files.get(keyString));
for (String keyString : heatFiles.keySet()) {
combinedFiles.put(keyString, heatFiles.get(keyString));
} else {
// Handle case where we have one or neither
if (haveFiles) {
if (haveHeatFiles) {
// setFiles method modified to handle adding a map.
try {
// Execute the actual Openstack command to update the Heat stack
OpenStackRequest<Void> request = heatClient.getStacks().update(canonicalName, stack);
} catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
// in the cloud. Rethrow the error as an MSO exception.
throw heatExceptionToMsoException(e, UPDATE_STACK);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Catch-all
throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, UPDATE_STACK);
// If client has requested a final response, poll for stack completion
Stack updateStack = null;
if (pollForCompletion) {
// Set a time limit on overall polling.
// Use the resource (template) timeout for Openstack (expressed in minutes)
// and add one poll interval to give Openstack a chance to fail on its own.
int createPollInterval = Integer.parseInt(this.environment.getProperty(createPollIntervalProp, CREATE_POLL_INTERVAL_DEFAULT));
int pollTimeout = (timeoutMinutes * 60) + createPollInterval;
boolean loopAgain = true;
while (loopAgain) {
try {
updateStack = queryHeatStack(heatClient, canonicalName);
logger.debug("{} ({}) ", updateStack.getStackStatus(), canonicalName);
try {
logger.debug("Current stack {}" + this.getOutputsAsStringBuilderWithUpdate(heatStack).toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("an error occurred trying to print out the current outputs of the stack", e);
if ("UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS".equals(updateStack.getStackStatus())) {
// Sleep and try again unless timeout has been reached
if (pollTimeout <= 0) {
// Note that this should not occur, since there is a timeout specified
// in the Openstack call.
logger.error("{} Cloud site: {} Tenant: {} Stack: {} Stack status: {} {} Update stack timeout", MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_STACK_TIMEOUT, cloudSiteId, tenantId, stackName, updateStack.getStackStatus(), ErrorCode.AvailabilityError.getValue());
loopAgain = false;
} else {
try {
Thread.sleep(createPollInterval * 1000L);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// If we are interrupted, we should stop ASAP.
loopAgain = false;
// Set again the interrupted flag
pollTimeout -= createPollInterval;
logger.debug("pollTimeout remaining: {}", pollTimeout);
} else {
loopAgain = false;
} catch (MsoException e) {
// Cannot query the stack. Something is wrong.
// TODO: No way to roll back the stack at this point. What to do?
throw e;
if (!"UPDATE_COMPLETE".equals(updateStack.getStackStatus())) {
logger.error("{} Stack status: {} Stack status reason: {} {} Update Stack error", MessageEnum.RA_UPDATE_STACK_ERR, updateStack.getStackStatus(), updateStack.getStackStatusReason(), ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
// TODO: No way to roll back the stack at this point. What to do?
// Throw a 'special case' of MsoOpenstackException to report the Heat status
MsoOpenstackException me = null;
if ("UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS".equals(updateStack.getStackStatus())) {
me = new MsoOpenstackException(0, "", "Stack Update Timeout");
} else {
String error = "Stack error (" + updateStack.getStackStatus() + "): " + updateStack.getStackStatusReason();
me = new MsoOpenstackException(0, "", error);
throw me;
} else {
// Return the current status.
updateStack = queryHeatStack(heatClient, canonicalName);
if (updateStack != null) {
logger.debug("UpdateStack, status = {}", updateStack.getStackStatus());
} else {
logger.debug("UpdateStack, stack not found");
return new StackInfoMapper(updateStack).map();
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoCommonUtils method neutronExceptionToMsoException.
* Convert an Openstack Exception on a Neutron call to an MsoOpenstackException. This method supports both
* OpenstackResponseException and OpenStackConnectException.
protected MsoException neutronExceptionToMsoException(OpenStackBaseException e, String context) {
MsoException me = null;
if (e instanceof OpenStackResponseException) {
OpenStackResponseException re = (OpenStackResponseException) e;
try {
// Failed Neutron calls return an NeutronError entity body
NeutronError error = re.getResponse().getErrorEntity(NeutronError.class);
logger.error("{} {} Openstack Neutron Error on {} {}", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), context, error);
me = new MsoOpenstackException(re.getStatus(), error.getType(), error.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e2) {
// Couldn't parse body as a NeutronError. Report the HTTP error.
logger.error("{} {} Openstack HTTP Error on {}: {}, {}", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), context, re.getStatus(), e.getMessage(), e2);
me = new MsoOpenstackException(re.getStatus(), re.getMessage(), null);
// Add the context of the error
// Generate an alarm for 5XX and higher errors.
if (re.getStatus() >= 500) {
logger.error("{} {} OpenStackBaseException with response code {} on {}: ", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), re.getStatus(), context, e);
} else if (e instanceof OpenStackConnectException) {
OpenStackConnectException ce = (OpenStackConnectException) e;
me = new MsoIOException(ce.getMessage());
// Generate an alarm for all connection errors.
logger.error("{} {} Openstack Neutron Connection error on {}: ", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), context, e);
return me;
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoCommonUtils method heatExceptionToMsoException.
* Convert an Openstack Exception on a Heat call to an MsoOpenstackException. This method supports both
* OpenstackResponseException and OpenStackConnectException.
protected MsoException heatExceptionToMsoException(OpenStackBaseException e, String context) {
MsoException me = null;
if (e instanceof OpenStackResponseException) {
OpenStackResponseException re = (OpenStackResponseException) e;
try {
// Failed Heat calls return an Explanation entity body.
Explanation explanation = re.getResponse().getErrorEntity(Explanation.class);
logger.error("Exception - Openstack Error on {} : {}", context, explanation);
String fullError = explanation.getExplanation() + ", error.type=" + explanation.getError().getType() + ", error.message=" + explanation.getError().getMessage();
me = new MsoOpenstackException(explanation.getCode(), explanation.getTitle(), fullError);
} catch (Exception e2) {
// Couldn't parse the body as an "Explanation". Report the original HTTP error.
logger.error("{} {} Exception - HTTP Error on {}: {}, ", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), context, re.getStatus(), e.getMessage(), e2);
me = new MsoOpenstackException(re.getStatus(), re.getMessage(), re.getMessage());
// Add the context of the error
} else if (e instanceof OpenStackConnectException) {
OpenStackConnectException ce = (OpenStackConnectException) e;
me = new MsoIOException(ce.getMessage());
// Generate an alarm for all connection errors.
logger.error("{} {} Openstack Heat connection error on {}: ", MessageEnum.RA_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), context, e);
return me;