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Example 1 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoHeatUtils method createStack.

 * Create a new Stack in the specified cloud location and tenant. The Heat template and parameter map are passed in
 * as arguments, along with the cloud access credentials. It is expected that parameters have been validated and
 * contain at minimum the required parameters for the given template with no extra (undefined) parameters..
 * The Stack name supplied by the caller must be unique in the scope of this tenant. However, it should also be
 * globally unique, as it will be the identifier for the resource going forward in Inventory. This latter is managed
 * by the higher levels invoking this function.
 * The caller may choose to let this function poll Openstack for completion of the stack creation, or may handle
 * polling itself via separate calls to query the status. In either case, a StackInfo object will be returned
 * containing the current status. When polling is enabled, a status of CREATED is expected. When not polling, a
 * status of BUILDING is expected.
 * An error will be thrown if the requested Stack already exists in the specified Tenant and Cloud.
 * For 1510 - add "environment", "files" (nested templates), and "heatFiles" (get_files) as parameters for
 * createStack. If environment is non-null, it will be added to the stack. The nested templates and get_file entries
 * both end up being added to the "files" on the stack. We must combine them before we add them to the stack if
 * they're both non-null.
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud (may be a region) in which to create the stack.
 * @param cloudOwner the cloud owner of the cloud site in which to create the stack
 * @param tenantId The Openstack ID of the tenant in which to create the Stack
 * @param stackName The name of the stack to create
 * @param vduModel contains information about the vdu model (added for plugin adapter)
 * @param heatTemplate The Heat template
 * @param stackInputs A map of key/value inputs
 * @param pollForCompletion Indicator that polling should be handled in Java vs. in the client
 * @param environment An optional yaml-format string to specify environmental parameters
 * @param files a Map<String, Object> that lists the child template IDs (file is the string, object is an int of
 *        Template id)
 * @param heatFiles a Map<String, Object> that lists the get_file entries (fileName, fileBody)
 * @param backout Donot delete stack on create Failure - defaulted to True
 * @return A StackInfo object
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception.
public StackInfo createStack(String cloudSiteId, String cloudOwner, String tenantId, String stackName, VduModelInfo vduModel, String heatTemplate, Map<String, ?> stackInputs, boolean pollForCompletion, int timeoutMinutes, String environment, Map<String, Object> nestedTemplates, Map<String, Object> heatFiles, boolean backout, boolean failIfExists) throws MsoException {
    CreateStackParam createStack = createStackParam(stackName, heatTemplate, stackInputs, timeoutMinutes, environment, nestedTemplates, heatFiles);
    Stack currentStack = queryHeatStack(stackName, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
    boolean operationPerformed = false;
    if (currentStack != null) {
        logger.debug("Existing Stack found with Status: {} ", currentStack.getStackStatus());
        if (CREATE_COMPLETE.equals(currentStack.getStackStatus())) {
            new StackInfoMapper(currentStack).map();
        } else if (CREATE_IN_PROGRESS.equals(currentStack.getStackStatus())) {
            // TODO should check poll for completion right here
            currentStack = processCreateStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, timeoutMinutes, backout, currentStack, createStack, true);
        } else if (CREATE_FAILED.equals(currentStack.getStackStatus()) || DELETE_FAILED.equals(currentStack.getStackStatus())) {
            try {
                if (pollForCompletion) {
                    processCreateStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, timeoutMinutes, backout, currentStack, createStack, true);
            } catch (MsoException e) {
                if (e instanceof StackCreationException) {
                    logger.warn("Error during Stack will attempt to recreate stack");
                    currentStack = createStack(createStack, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
                    if (pollForCompletion) {
                        currentStack = processCreateStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, timeoutMinutes, backout, currentStack, createStack, true);
                } else {
                    throw e;
    } else {
        currentStack = createStack(createStack, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
        if (pollForCompletion) {
            currentStack = processCreateStack(cloudSiteId, tenantId, timeoutMinutes, backout, currentStack, createStack, true);
        operationPerformed = true;
    StackInfo stackInfo = new StackInfoMapper(currentStack).map();
    return stackInfo;
Also used : StackInfoMapper( MsoException( CreateStackParam(com.woorea.openstack.heat.model.CreateStackParam) StackInfo( Stack(com.woorea.openstack.heat.model.Stack)

Example 2 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoHeatUtils method queryStacks.

public Stacks queryStacks(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, int limit, String marker) throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound, HeatClientException {
    Heat heatClient;
    try {
        heatClient = getHeatClient(cloudSiteId, tenantId);
    } catch (MsoException e) {
        logger.error("Error Creating Heat Client", e);
        throw new HeatClientException("Error Creating Heat Client", e);
    OpenStackRequest<Stacks> request = heatClient.getStacks().list().queryParam("limit", limit).queryParam("marker", marker);
    return executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request, false);
Also used : Heat(com.woorea.openstack.heat.Heat) MsoException( Stacks(com.woorea.openstack.heat.model.Stacks)

Example 3 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoKeystoneUtils method createTenant.

 * Create a tenant with the specified name in the given cloud. If the tenant already exists, an Exception will be
 * thrown. The MSO User will also be added to the "member" list of the new tenant to perform subsequent Nova/Heat
 * commands in the tenant. If the MSO User association fails, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
 * <p>
 * For the AIC Cloud (DCP/LCP): it is not clear that cloudId is needed, as all admin requests go to the centralized
 * identity service in DCP. However, if some artifact must exist in each local LCP instance as well, then it will be
 * needed to access the correct region.
 * <p>
 * @param tenantName The tenant name to create
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) in which to create the tenant.
 * @return the tenant ID of the newly created tenant
 * @throws MsoTenantAlreadyExists Thrown if the requested tenant already exists
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException Thrown if the Openstack API call returns an exception
public String createTenant(String tenantName, String cloudSiteId, Map<String, String> metadata, boolean backout) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will create the tenant
    Optional<CloudSite> cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId);
    if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) {
        LOGGER.error("{} MSOCloudSite {} not found {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
        throw new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId);
    Keystone keystoneAdminClient = getKeystoneAdminClient(cloudSiteOpt.get());
    Tenant tenant = null;
    try {
        // Check if the tenant already exists
        tenant = findTenantByName(keystoneAdminClient, tenantName);
        if (tenant != null) {
            // Tenant already exists. Throw an exception
            LOGGER.error("{} Tenant name {} already exists on Cloud site id {}, {}", MessageEnum.RA_TENANT_ALREADY_EXIST, tenantName, cloudSiteId, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
            throw new MsoTenantAlreadyExists(tenantName, cloudSiteId);
        // Does not exist, create a new one
        tenant = new Tenant();
        tenant.setDescription("SDN Tenant (via MSO)");
        OpenStackRequest<Tenant> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().create(tenant);
        tenant = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request);
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Keystone OpenStackResponseException to MsoOpenstackException
        throw keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        throw runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "CreateTenant");
    // apply tenant metadata if supported by the cloud site
    try {
        CloudIdentity cloudIdentity = cloudSiteOpt.get().getIdentityService();
        User msoUser = findUserByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMsoId());
        Role memberRole = findRoleByNameOrId(keystoneAdminClient, cloudIdentity.getMemberRole());
        if (msoUser != null && memberRole != null) {
            OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().addUser(tenant.getId(), msoUser.getId(), memberRole.getId());
        if (cloudIdentity.getTenantMetadata() && metadata != null && !metadata.isEmpty()) {
            Metadata tenantMetadata = new Metadata();
            OpenStackRequest<Metadata> metaRequest = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().createOrUpdateMetadata(tenant.getId(), tenantMetadata);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // so roll back the tenant.
        if (!backout) {
            LOGGER.warn("{} Create Tenant errored, Tenant deletion suppressed {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue());
        } else {
            try {
                OpenStackRequest<Void> request = keystoneAdminClient.tenants().delete(tenant.getId());
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                // Just log this one. We will report the original exception.
                LOGGER.error("{} Nested exception rolling back tenant {} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_TENANT_ERR, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), e2);
        // Propagate the original exception on user/role/tenant mapping
        if (e instanceof OpenStackBaseException) {
            // Convert Keystone Exception to MsoOpenstackException
            throw keystoneErrorToMsoException((OpenStackBaseException) e, "CreateTenantUser");
        } else {
            MsoAdapterException me = new MsoAdapterException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw me;
    return tenant.getId();
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( MsoTenantAlreadyExists( User(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.User) OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudIdentity( Metadata(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Metadata) OpenStackRequest(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackRequest) MsoAdapterException( OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) MsoOpenstackException( OpenStackConnectException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackConnectException) OpenStackResponseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackResponseException) MsoException( Role(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Role) MsoTenant( Tenant(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Tenant) MsoAdapterException( Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) CloudSite(

Example 4 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoNeutronUtils method deleteNetwork.

 * Delete the specified Network (by ID) in the given cloud. If the network does not exist, success is returned.
 * <p>
 * @param networkId Openstack ID of the network to delete
 * @param tenantId The Openstack tenant.
 * @param cloudSiteId The cloud identifier (may be a region) from which to delete the network.
 * @return true if the network was deleted, false if the network did not exist
 * @throws MsoOpenstackException If the Openstack API call returns an exception, this local exception will be
 *         thrown.
 * @throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound
public boolean deleteNetwork(String networkId, String tenantId, String cloudSiteId) throws MsoException {
    // Obtain the cloud site information where we will create the stack
    CloudSite cloudSite = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId).orElseThrow(() -> new MsoCloudSiteNotFound(cloudSiteId));
    Quantum neutronClient = getNeutronClient(cloudSite, tenantId);
    try {
        // Check that the network exists.
        Network network = findNetworkById(neutronClient, networkId);
        if (network == null) {
  "{} Network not found! Network id: {} Cloud site: {} Tenant: {} ", MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
            return false;
        OpenStackRequest<Void> request = neutronClient.networks().delete(network.getId());
        logger.debug("Deleted Network {} ({})", network.getId(), network.getName());
    } catch (OpenStackBaseException e) {
        // Convert Neutron exception to an MsoOpenstackException
        MsoException me = neutronExceptionToMsoException(e, "Delete Network");
        throw me;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        MsoException me = runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "DeleteNetwork");
        throw me;
    return true;
Also used : MsoCloudSiteNotFound( Quantum(com.woorea.openstack.quantum.Quantum) MsoException( OpenStackBaseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException) CloudSite( Network(com.woorea.openstack.quantum.model.Network)

Example 5 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoNeutronUtils method getNeutronClient.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Get a Neutron (Quantum) client for the Openstack Network service. This requires a 'member'-level userId +
 * password, which will be retrieved from properties based on the specified cloud Id. The tenant in which to operate
 * must also be provided.
 * <p>
 * On successful authentication, the Quantum object will be cached for the tenantID + cloudId so that it can be
 * reused without reauthenticating with Openstack every time.
 * @param cloudSite - a cloud site definition
 * @param tenantId - Openstack tenant ID
 * @return an authenticated Quantum object
private Quantum getNeutronClient(CloudSite cloudSite, String tenantId) throws MsoException {
    String cloudId = cloudSite.getId();
    String region = cloudSite.getRegionId();
    // Obtain an MSO token for the tenant from the identity service
    CloudIdentity cloudIdentity = cloudSite.getIdentityService();
    MsoTenantUtils tenantUtils = tenantUtilsFactory.getTenantUtilsByServerType(cloudIdentity.getIdentityServerType());
    final String keystoneUrl = tenantUtils.getKeystoneUrl(cloudId, cloudIdentity);
    String neutronUrl = null;
    String tokenId = null;
    try {
        if (ServerType.KEYSTONE.equals(cloudIdentity.getIdentityServerType())) {
            Keystone keystoneTenantClient = new Keystone(keystoneUrl);
            Access access = null;
            Authentication credentials = authenticationMethodFactory.getAuthenticationFor(cloudIdentity);
            OpenStackRequest<Access> request = keystoneTenantClient.tokens().authenticate(credentials).withTenantId(tenantId);
            access = executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request, true);
            try {
                neutronUrl = KeystoneUtils.findEndpointURL(access.getServiceCatalog(), "network", region, "public");
                if (!neutronUrl.endsWith("/")) {
                    neutronUrl += "/v2.0/";
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                // This comes back for not found (probably an incorrect region ID)
                String error = "Network service not found: region=" + region + ",cloud=" + cloudIdentity.getId();
                throw new MsoAdapterException(error, e);
            tokenId = access.getToken().getId();
        } else if (ServerType.KEYSTONE_V3.equals(cloudIdentity.getIdentityServerType())) {
            try {
                KeystoneAuthHolder holder = keystoneV3Authentication.getToken(cloudSite, tenantId, "network");
                tokenId = holder.getId();
                neutronUrl = holder.getServiceUrl();
                if (!neutronUrl.endsWith("/")) {
                    neutronUrl += "/v2.0/";
            } catch (ServiceEndpointNotFoundException e) {
                // This comes back for not found (probably an incorrect region ID)
                String error = "Network service not found: region=" + region + ",cloud=" + cloudIdentity.getId();
                throw new MsoAdapterException(error, e);
    } catch (OpenStackResponseException e) {
        if (e.getStatus() == 401) {
            // Authentication error.
            String error = "Authentication Failure: tenant=" + tenantId + ",cloud=" + cloudIdentity.getId();
            throw new MsoAdapterException(error);
        } else {
            MsoException me = keystoneErrorToMsoException(e, "TokenAuth");
            throw me;
    } catch (OpenStackConnectException e) {
        // Connection to Openstack failed
        MsoIOException me = new MsoIOException(e.getMessage(), e);
        throw me;
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // Catch-all
        MsoException me = runtimeExceptionToMsoException(e, "TokenAuth");
        throw me;
    Quantum neutronClient = new Quantum(neutronUrl);
    return neutronClient;
Also used : MsoException( CloudIdentity( Access(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Access) KeystoneAuthHolder( Quantum(com.woorea.openstack.quantum.Quantum) MsoAdapterException( ServiceEndpointNotFoundException( Keystone(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.Keystone) OpenStackResponseException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackResponseException) KeystoneV3Authentication( Authentication(com.woorea.openstack.keystone.model.Authentication) MsoIOException( OpenStackConnectException(com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackConnectException)


MsoException ( OpenStackBaseException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException)12 CloudSite ( MsoAdapterException ( Nova (com.woorea.openstack.nova.Nova)10 StackInfo ( Quantum (com.woorea.openstack.quantum.Quantum)9 MsoOpenstackException ( OpenStackConnectException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackConnectException)8 OpenStackResponseException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackResponseException)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 BaseTest ( MsoIOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 VnfException ( MsoCloudSiteNotFound ( IOException ( NetworkException ( HeatTemplate (