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Example 11 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class NovaClientImpl method queryOSQuotaSet.

 * Query OS Quota Set
 * @param cloudSiteId the cloud site id
 * @param tenantId the tenant id
 * @param limit limits the number of records returned
 * @param marker the last viewed record
 * @return a host aggregate
 * @throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound the mso cloud site not found
 * @throws NeutronClientException if the client cannot be built this is thrown
public QuotaSet queryOSQuotaSet(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId) throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound, NovaClientException {
    try {
        Nova novaClient = client.getNovaClient(cloudSiteId, tenantId);
        OpenStackRequest<QuotaSet> request = novaClient.quotaSets().showQuota(tenantId);
        return executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request, false);
    } catch (MsoException e) {
        logger.error("Error building Nova Client", e);
        throw new NovaClientException("Error building Nova Client", e);
Also used : MsoException( QuotaSet(com.woorea.openstack.nova.model.QuotaSet) Nova(com.woorea.openstack.nova.Nova)

Example 12 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class NovaClientImpl method deleteKeyPair.

 * Deletes a keypair inside openstack
 * @param cloudSiteId the cloud site id
 * @param tenantId the tenant id
 * @param keyPairName name of the keypair to be deleted
 * @throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound the mso cloud site not found
 * @throws NeutronClientException if the client cannot be built this is thrown
public void deleteKeyPair(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String keyPairName) throws MsoCloudSiteNotFound, NovaClientException {
    try {
        Nova novaClient = client.getNovaClient(cloudSiteId, tenantId);
        OpenStackRequest<Void> request = novaClient.keyPairs().delete(keyPairName);
        executeAndRecordOpenstackRequest(request, false);
    } catch (MsoException e) {
        logger.error("Error building Nova Client", e);
        throw new NovaClientException("Error building Nova Client", e);
Also used : MsoException( Nova(com.woorea.openstack.nova.Nova)

Example 13 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoCommonUtilsTest method testRuntimeExceptionToMsoException.

public final void testRuntimeExceptionToMsoException() {
    RuntimeException re = new RuntimeException("runtime");
    MsoException me = commonUtils.runtimeExceptionToMsoException(re, "ContextError");
    assertTrue(me instanceof MsoAdapterException);
Also used : MsoException( MsoAdapterException( Test(org.junit.Test) BaseTest(

Example 14 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoMulticloudUtilsTest method createStackMulticloudClientIsNull.

public void createStackMulticloudClientIsNull() {
    try {
        multicloudUtilsMock.cloudConfig = cloudConfigMock;
        CloudSite cloudSite = new CloudSite();
        cloudSite.setIdentityService(new CloudIdentity());
        multicloudUtilsMock.createStack("MNT14", "CloudOwner", "TEST-tenant", "TEST-stack", new VduModelInfo(), "TEST-heat", new HashMap<>(), false, 200, "TEST-env", new HashMap<>(), new HashMap<>(), false, false);
    } catch (MsoException e) {
        assertEquals("0 : Multicloud client could not be initialized", e.toString());
    fail("MsoOpenstackException expected!");
Also used : MsoException( CloudSite( CloudIdentity( VduModelInfo( Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test) BaseTest(

Example 15 with MsoException

use of in project so by onap.

the class MsoMulticloudUtilsTest method createStackBadRequest.

public void createStackBadRequest() {
    try {
        wireMockServer.stubFor(post(urlPathEqualTo(MULTICLOUD_CREATE_PATH)).willReturn(aResponse().withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").withStatus(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST)));
        multicloudUtils.createStack("MTN14", "CloudOwner", "TEST-tenant", "TEST-stack", new VduModelInfo(), "TEST-heat", new HashMap<>(), false, 200, "TEST-env", new HashMap<>(), new HashMap<>(), false, false);
    } catch (MsoException e) {
        assertEquals("0 : Bad Request", e.toString());
    fail("MsoOpenstackException expected!");
Also used : MsoException( VduModelInfo( Test(org.junit.Test) BaseTest(


MsoException ( OpenStackBaseException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackBaseException)12 CloudSite ( MsoAdapterException ( Nova (com.woorea.openstack.nova.Nova)10 StackInfo ( Quantum (com.woorea.openstack.quantum.Quantum)9 MsoOpenstackException ( OpenStackConnectException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackConnectException)8 OpenStackResponseException (com.woorea.openstack.base.client.OpenStackResponseException)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 BaseTest ( MsoIOException ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 VnfException ( MsoCloudSiteNotFound ( IOException ( NetworkException ( HeatTemplate (