use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoNetworkAdapterImpl method createNetwork.
* This is the "Create Network" web service implementation. It will create a new Network of the requested type in
* the specified cloud and tenant. The tenant must exist at the time this service is called.
* If a network with the same name already exists, this can be considered a success or failure, depending on the
* value of the 'failIfExists' parameter.
* There will be a pre-defined set of network types defined in the MSO Catalog. All such networks will have a
* similar configuration, based on the allowable Openstack networking definitions. This includes basic networks,
* provider networks (with a single VLAN), and multi-provider networks (one or more VLANs)
* Initially, all provider networks must be "vlan" type, and multiple segments in a multi-provider network must be
* multiple VLANs on the same physical network.
* This service supports two modes of Network creation/update: - via Heat Templates - via Neutron API The network
* orchestration mode for each network type is declared in its catalog definition. All Heat-based templates must
* support some subset of the same input parameters: network_name, physical_network, vlan(s).
* The method returns the network ID and a NetworkRollback object. This latter object can be passed as-is to the
* rollbackNetwork operation to undo everything that was created. This is useful if a network is successfully
* created but the orchestration fails on a subsequent operation.
public void createNetwork(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkName, String physicalNetworkName, List<Integer> vlans, List<RouteTarget> routeTargets, String shared, String external, Boolean failIfExists, Boolean backout, List<Subnet> subnets, List<String> policyFqdns, List<String> routeTableFqdns, MsoRequest msoRequest, Holder<String> stackId, MutableBoolean isOs3Nw) throws NetworkException {
logger.debug("*** CREATE Network: {} of type {} in {}/{}", networkName, networkType, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
// Will capture execution time for metrics
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Optional<CloudSite> cloudSiteOpt = cloudConfig.getCloudSite(cloudSiteId);
if (!cloudSiteOpt.isPresent()) {
String error = String.format("Configuration Error. Stack %s in %s/%s: CloudSite does not exist in MSO Configuration", networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error);
// Set the detailed error as the Exception 'message'
throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA);
NetworkResource networkResource = networkCheck(startTime, networkType, modelCustomizationUuid, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, cloudSiteId, cloudSiteOpt.get());
NetworkType neutronNetworkType = NetworkType.valueOf(networkResource.getNeutronNetworkType());
HeatTemplate heatTemplate = networkResource.getHeatTemplate();
if (heatTemplate == null) {
String error = String.format("Network error - undefined Heat Template. Network Type = %s", networkType);
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_PARAM_NOT_FOUND, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error);
throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL);
logger.debug("Got HEAT Template from DB: {}", heatTemplate);
// "Fix" the template if it has CR/LF (getting this from Oracle)
String template = heatTemplate.getHeatTemplate();
template = template.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n");
boolean os3template = false;
String os3nw = environment.getProperty(OS3_NW_PROPERTY, OS3_NW);
if (template.contains(os3nw))
os3template = true;
// First, look up to see if the Network already exists (by name).
// For HEAT orchestration of networks, the stack name will always match the network name
StackInfo heatStack = null;
try {
heatStack = heat.queryStack(cloudSiteId, CLOUD_OWNER, tenantId, networkName);
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Create Network (heat): query network {} in {}/{}: ", MessageEnum.RA_QUERY_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
if (heatStack != null && (heatStack.getStatus() != HeatStatus.NOTFOUND)) {
// Stack exists. Return success or error depending on input directive
if (failIfExists != null && failIfExists) {
String error = String.format("CreateNetwork: Stack %s already exists in %s/%s as %s", networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, heatStack.getCanonicalName());
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error);
throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA);
} else {
logger.warn("{} {} Found Existing network stack, status={} networkName={} for {}/{}", MessageEnum.RA_NETWORK_ALREADY_EXIST, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), heatStack.getStatus(), networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
heat.updateResourceStatus(msoRequest.getRequestId(), NETWORK_EXIST_STATUS_MESSAGE);
// Ready to deploy the new Network
// Build the common set of HEAT template parameters
Map<String, Object> stackParams = populateNetworkParams(neutronNetworkType, networkName, physicalNetworkName, vlans, routeTargets, shared, external, os3template);
// and inputs were already validated.
try {
stackParams = heat.validateStackParams(stackParams, heatTemplate);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String error = "Create Network: Configuration Error: " + e.getMessage();
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_CONFIG_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error, e);
// Input parameters were not valid
throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.INTERNAL);
if (subnets != null) {
try {
if (os3template) {
template = mergeSubnetsAIC3(template, subnets, stackParams);
} else {
template = mergeSubnets(template, subnets);
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Exception Create Network, merging subnets for network (heat) type {} in {}/{} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
if (policyFqdns != null && !policyFqdns.isEmpty() && os3template) {
try {
mergePolicyRefs(policyFqdns, stackParams);
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Exception Create Network, merging policyRefs type {} in {}/{} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
if (routeTableFqdns != null && !routeTableFqdns.isEmpty() && os3template) {
try {
mergeRouteTableRefs(routeTableFqdns, stackParams);
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Exception Create Network, merging routeTableRefs type {} in {}/{} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), neutronNetworkType.toString(), cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
// Ignore MsoStackAlreadyExists exception because we already checked.
try {
if (backout == null)
backout = true;
heatStack = heat.createStack(cloudSiteId, CLOUD_OWNER, tenantId, networkName, null, template, stackParams, false, heatTemplate.getTimeoutMinutes(), null, null, null, backout.booleanValue(), failIfExists);
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Exception creating network type {} in {}/{} ", MessageEnum.RA_CREATE_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), networkName, cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
// Reach this point if createStack is successful.
stackId.value = heatStack.getCanonicalName();
try {
heat.updateResourceStatus(msoRequest.getRequestId(), NETWORK_CREATED_STATUS_MESSAGE);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while updating infra active request", e);
logger.debug("Network {} successfully created via HEAT", networkName);
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoNetworkAdapterImpl method deleteNetwork.
* This is the "Delete Network" web service implementation. It will delete a Network in the specified cloud and
* tenant.
* If the network is not found, it is treated as a success.
* This service supports two modes of Network creation/update/delete: - via Heat Templates - via Neutron API The
* network orchestration mode for each network type is declared in its catalog definition.
* For Heat-based orchestration, the networkId should be the stack ID. For Neutron-based orchestration, the
* networkId should be the Neutron network UUID.
* The method returns nothing on success. Rollback is not possible for delete commands, so any failure on delete
* will require manual fallout in the client.
public void deleteNetwork(String cloudSiteId, String tenantId, String networkType, String modelCustomizationUuid, String networkId, MsoRequest msoRequest) throws NetworkException {
logger.debug("*** DELETE Network adapter with Network: {} in {}/{}", networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId);
if (commonUtils.isNullOrEmpty(cloudSiteId) || commonUtils.isNullOrEmpty(tenantId) || commonUtils.isNullOrEmpty(networkId)) {
String error = "Missing mandatory parameter cloudSiteId, tenantId or networkId";
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_MISSING_PARAM, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), error);
throw new NetworkException(error, MsoExceptionCategory.USERDATA);
int timeoutMinutes = heat.getNetworkHeatTimeoutValue(modelCustomizationUuid, networkType);
boolean networkDeleted = false;
try {
StackInfo stack = heat.deleteStack(tenantId, CLOUD_OWNER, cloudSiteId, networkId, false, timeoutMinutes);
networkDeleted = stack.isOperationPerformed();
} catch (MsoException me) {
logger.error("{} {} Delete Network (heat): {} in {}/{} ", MessageEnum.RA_DELETE_NETWORK_EXC, ErrorCode.DataError.getValue(), networkId, cloudSiteId, tenantId, me);
throw new NetworkException(me);
try {
heat.updateResourceStatus(msoRequest.getRequestId(), networkDeleted ? NETWORK_DELETED_STATUS_MESSAGE : NETWORK_NOT_EXIST_STATUS_MESSAGE);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("Exception while updating infra active request", e);
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoNetworkAdapterImpl method mergePolicyRefs.
* policyRef_list structure in stackParams [ { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence": {
* "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_major": "1", "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_minor": "0" } }, {
* "network_policy_refs_data_sequence": { "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_major": "2",
* "network_policy_refs_data_sequence_minor": "0" } } ]
private void mergePolicyRefs(List<String> pFqdns, Map<String, Object> stackParams) throws MsoException {
// Resource Property
List<ContrailPolicyRef> prlist = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 1;
if (pFqdns != null) {
for (String pf : pFqdns) {
if (!commonUtils.isNullOrEmpty(pf)) {
ContrailPolicyRef pr = new ContrailPolicyRef();
ContrailPolicyRefSeq refSeq = new ContrailPolicyRefSeq(String.valueOf(index), "0");
logger.debug("Contrail PolicyRefs Data:{}", pr);
} else {
String error = "Null pFqdns at start of mergePolicyRefs";
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_MARSHING_ERROR, ErrorCode.BusinessProcessError.getValue(), error);
throw new MsoAdapterException(error);
JsonNode node = null;
try {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
node = mapper.convertValue(prlist, JsonNode.class);
String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(prlist);
logger.debug("Json PolicyRefs Data:{}", jsonString);
} catch (Exception e) {
String error = "Error creating JsonNode for policyRefs Data";
logger.error(LoggingAnchor.THREE, MessageEnum.RA_MARSHING_ERROR, ErrorCode.BusinessProcessError.getValue(), error, e);
throw new MsoAdapterException(error);
// update parameters
if (pFqdns != null && node != null) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
for (String pf : pFqdns) {
if (!commonUtils.isNullOrEmpty(pf)) {
sep = ",";
String csl = buf.toString();
stackParams.put("policy_refs", csl);
stackParams.put("policy_refsdata", node);
logger.debug("StackParams updated with policy refs");
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoCommonUtilsTest method testKeystoneErrorToMsoException.
public final void testKeystoneErrorToMsoException() throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
OpenStackBaseException openStackConnectException = new OpenStackConnectException("connect");
OpenStackBaseException openStackResponseException = new OpenStackResponseException("response", 1);
MsoException me = commonUtils.keystoneErrorToMsoException(openStackConnectException, "ContextError");
assertTrue(me instanceof MsoIOException);
MsoException me2 = commonUtils.keystoneErrorToMsoException(openStackResponseException, "ContextError");
assertTrue(me2 instanceof MsoOpenstackException);
OpenStackResponse openStackResponse = Mockito.mock(OpenStackResponse.class);
Error error = mapper.readValue(new File(RESOURCE_PATH + "Error.json"), Error.class);
openStackResponseException = new OpenStackResponseException("response", 501, openStackResponse);
MsoException me3 = commonUtils.keystoneErrorToMsoException(openStackResponseException, "ContextError");
assertTrue(me3 instanceof MsoOpenstackException);
assertEquals("1 title: message", me3.toString());
use of in project so by onap.
the class MsoCommonUtilsTest method testIoExceptionToMsoException.
public void testIoExceptionToMsoException() {
IOException exception = new IOException("IOExceptionTestMessage");
MsoException msoException = commonUtils.ioExceptionToMsoException(exception, "ContextError");
assertTrue(msoException instanceof MsoAdapterException);
assertEquals("ContextError", msoException.getContext());