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Example 6 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method getSortedMiniTilesByDescendingAltitude.

private List<Pair<WalkPosition, MiniTile>> getSortedMiniTilesByDescendingAltitude() {
    final List<Pair<WalkPosition, MiniTile>> miniTilesByDescendingAltitude = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int y = 0; y < getData().getMapData().getWalkSize().getY(); ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < getData().getMapData().getWalkSize().getX(); ++x) {
            final WalkPosition w = new WalkPosition(x, y);
            final MiniTile miniTile = getData().getMiniTile(w, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
            if (miniTile.isAreaIdMissing()) {
                miniTilesByDescendingAltitude.add(new Pair<>(w, miniTile));
    return miniTilesByDescendingAltitude;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) Pair(bwem.util.Pair)

Example 7 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method computeTempAreas.

private List<TempAreaInfo> computeTempAreas(final List<Pair<WalkPosition, MiniTile>> miniTilesByDescendingAltitude) {
    final List<TempAreaInfo> tempAreaList = new ArrayList<>();
    // tempAreaList[0] left unused, as AreaIds are > 0
    tempAreaList.add(new TempAreaInfo(asserter));
    for (final Pair<WalkPosition, MiniTile> current : miniTilesByDescendingAltitude) {
        final WalkPosition pos = new WalkPosition(current.getLeft().getX(), current.getLeft().getY());
        final MiniTile cur = current.getRight();
        final Pair<AreaId, AreaId> neighboringAreas = findNeighboringAreas(pos);
        if (neighboringAreas.getLeft() == null) {
            // no neighboring area : creates of a new area
            tempAreaList.add(new TempAreaInfo(new AreaId(tempAreaList.size()), cur, pos, asserter));
        } else if (neighboringAreas.getRight() == null) {
            // one neighboring area : adds cur to the existing area
        } else {
            // two neighboring areas : adds cur to one of them  &  possible merging
            AreaId smaller = neighboringAreas.getLeft();
            AreaId bigger = neighboringAreas.getRight();
            if (tempAreaList.get(smaller.intValue()).getSize() > tempAreaList.get(bigger.intValue()).getSize()) {
                AreaId smallerTmp = smaller;
                smaller = bigger;
                bigger = smallerTmp;
            // Condition for the neighboring areas to merge:
            // any_of(StartingLocations().begin(), StartingLocations().end(),
            // [&pos](const TilePosition & startingLoc)
            // { return dist(TilePosition(pos), startingLoc + TilePosition(2, 1)) <=
            // 3;})
            boolean cppAlgorithmStdAnyOf = getData().getMapData().getStartingLocations().stream().anyMatch(startingLoc -> BwemExt.dist(pos.toTilePosition(), startingLoc.add(new TilePosition(2, 1))) <= 3.0);
            final int curAltitude = cur.getAltitude().intValue();
            final int biggerHighestAltitude = tempAreaList.get(bigger.intValue()).getHighestAltitude().intValue();
            final int smallerHighestAltitude = tempAreaList.get(smaller.intValue()).getHighestAltitude().intValue();
            if ((tempAreaList.get(smaller.intValue()).getSize() < 80) || (smallerHighestAltitude < 80) || ((double) curAltitude / (double) biggerHighestAltitude >= 0.90) || ((double) curAltitude / (double) smallerHighestAltitude >= 0.90) || cppAlgorithmStdAnyOf) {
                // adds cur to the absorbing area:
                // merges the two neighboring areas:
                replaceAreaIds(tempAreaList.get(smaller.intValue()).getWalkPositionWithHighestAltitude(), bigger);
            } else {
                // no merge : cur starts or continues the frontier between the two neighboring
                // areas
                // adds cur to the chosen Area:
                tempAreaList.get(chooseNeighboringArea(smaller, bigger).intValue()).add(cur);
                super.rawFrontier.add(new Pair<>(neighboringAreas, pos));
    // Remove from the frontier obsolete positions
    rawFrontier.removeIf(f -> f.getLeft().getLeft().equals(f.getLeft().getRight()));
    return tempAreaList;
Also used : Utils(bwem.util.Utils) List(java.util.List) Unit(org.openbw.bwapi4j.unit.Unit) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) BW(org.openbw.bwapi4j.BW) BwemExt(bwem.util.BwemExt) Pair(bwem.util.Pair) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) Collections(java.util.Collections) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TilePosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) Pair(bwem.util.Pair)

Example 8 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method replaceAreaIds.

private void replaceAreaIds(final WalkPosition p, final AreaId newAreaId) {
    final MiniTile origin = getData().getMiniTile(p, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
    final AreaId oldAreaId = origin.getAreaId();
    List<WalkPosition> toSearch = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!toSearch.isEmpty()) {
        final WalkPosition current = toSearch.remove(toSearch.size() - 1);
        final WalkPosition[] deltas = { new WalkPosition(0, -1), new WalkPosition(-1, 0), new WalkPosition(+1, 0), new WalkPosition(0, +1) };
        for (final WalkPosition delta : deltas) {
            final WalkPosition next = current.add(delta);
            if (getData().getMapData().isValid(next)) {
                final MiniTile miniTile = getData().getMiniTile(next, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
                if (miniTile.getAreaId().equals(oldAreaId)) {
    // also replaces references of oldAreaId by newAreaId in getRawFrontier:
    if (newAreaId.intValue() > 0) {
        for (final Pair<Pair<AreaId, AreaId>, WalkPosition> f : super.rawFrontier) {
            if (f.getLeft().getLeft().equals(oldAreaId)) {
            if (f.getLeft().getRight().equals(oldAreaId)) {
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Pair(bwem.util.Pair)

Example 9 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method setAltitudesAndGetUpdatedHighestAltitude.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3) Dijkstra's algorithm to set altitude for mini tiles.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private Altitude setAltitudesAndGetUpdatedHighestAltitude(final Altitude currentHighestAltitude, final TerrainData terrainData, final List<Pair<WalkPosition, Altitude>> deltasByAscendingAltitude, final List<Pair<WalkPosition, Altitude>> activeSeaSideList, final int altitudeScale) {
    Altitude updatedHighestAltitude = currentHighestAltitude;
    for (final Pair<WalkPosition, Altitude> deltaAltitude : deltasByAscendingAltitude) {
        final WalkPosition d = deltaAltitude.getLeft();
        final Altitude altitude = deltaAltitude.getRight();
        for (int i = 0; i < activeSeaSideList.size(); ++i) {
            final Pair<WalkPosition, Altitude> current = activeSeaSideList.get(i);
            if (altitude.intValue() - current.getRight().intValue() >= 2 * altitudeScale) {
                // optimization : once a seaside miniTile verifies this condition,
                // we can throw it away as it will not generate min altitudes anymore
                Utils.fastErase(activeSeaSideList, i--);
            } else {
                final WalkPosition[] deltas = { new WalkPosition(d.getX(), d.getY()), new WalkPosition(-d.getX(), d.getY()), new WalkPosition(d.getX(), -d.getY()), new WalkPosition(-d.getX(), -d.getY()), new WalkPosition(d.getY(), d.getX()), new WalkPosition(-d.getY(), d.getX()), new WalkPosition(d.getY(), -d.getX()), new WalkPosition(-d.getY(), -d.getX()) };
                for (final WalkPosition delta : deltas) {
                    final WalkPosition w = current.getLeft().add(delta);
                    if (terrainData.getMapData().isValid(w)) {
                        final MiniTile miniTile = terrainData.getMiniTile(w, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK);
                        if (miniTile.isAltitudeMissing()) {
                            if (updatedHighestAltitude != null && updatedHighestAltitude.intValue() > altitude.intValue()) {
                            updatedHighestAltitude = altitude;
    return updatedHighestAltitude;
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)

Example 10 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class Graph method getNearestArea.

public Area getNearestArea(final WalkPosition walkPosition) {
    final Area area = getArea(walkPosition);
    if (area != null) {
        return area;
    final WalkPosition w = getMap().breadthFirstSearch(walkPosition, // findCond
    (MiniTile miniTile, WalkPosition unused) -> (miniTile.getAreaId().intValue() > 0), // visitCond
    return getArea(w);
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)


WalkPosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 TilePosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition)7 ChokePoint (bwem.ChokePoint)5 MiniTile (bwem.tile.MiniTile)5 Area (bwem.area.Area)4 AreaId (bwem.area.typedef.AreaId)4 Pair (bwem.util.Pair)4 MutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair)4 AreaInitializerImpl (bwem.area.AreaInitializerImpl)3 Tile (bwem.tile.Tile)3 TileImpl (bwem.tile.TileImpl)3 Altitude (bwem.typedef.Altitude)3 CPPath (bwem.typedef.CPPath)3 Geyser (bwem.unit.Geyser)3 Mineral (bwem.unit.Mineral)3 StaticBuilding (bwem.unit.StaticBuilding)3 BwemExt (bwem.util.BwemExt)3 Utils (bwem.util.Utils)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3