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Example 21 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method setLowestAltitudeInTile.

// Renamed from "BWMap::SetAltitudeInTile"
private void setLowestAltitudeInTile(final TilePosition t) {
    Altitude lowestAltitude = new Altitude(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    for (int dy = 0; dy < 4; ++dy) {
        for (int dx = 0; dx < 4; ++dx) {
            final Altitude altitude = getData().getMiniTile(((t.toPosition()).toWalkPosition()).add(new WalkPosition(dx, dy)), bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK).getAltitude();
            if (altitude.intValue() < lowestAltitude.intValue()) {
                lowestAltitude = altitude;
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)

Example 22 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method getDoors.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * 2) Find the doors in border: one door for each connected set of walkable, neighboring
 * miniTiles. The searched connected miniTiles all have to be next to some lake or some static
 * building, though they can't be part of one.
private List<WalkPosition> getDoors(final List<WalkPosition> border) {
    final List<WalkPosition> doors = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!border.isEmpty()) {
        final WalkPosition door = border.remove(border.size() - 1);
        final List<WalkPosition> toVisit = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<WalkPosition> visited = new ArrayList<>();
        while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
            final WalkPosition current = toVisit.remove(toVisit.size() - 1);
            final WalkPosition[] deltas = { new WalkPosition(0, -1), new WalkPosition(-1, 0), new WalkPosition(+1, 0), new WalkPosition(0, +1) };
            for (final WalkPosition delta : deltas) {
                final WalkPosition next = current.add(delta);
                if (getData().getMapData().isValid(next) && !visited.contains(next)) {
                    if (getData().getMiniTile(next, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK).isWalkable()) {
                        if (getData().getTile((next.toPosition()).toTilePosition(), bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK).getNeutral() == null) {
                            if (BwemExt.adjoins8SomeLakeOrNeutral(next, this)) {
    return doors;
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 23 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class BWMapInitializer method getTrueDoors.

 * 3) If at least 2 doors, find the true doors in Border: a true door is a door that gives onto an
 * area big enough
private List<WalkPosition> getTrueDoors(final List<WalkPosition> doors, final Neutral pCandidate) {
    final List<WalkPosition> trueDoors = new ArrayList<>();
    if (doors.size() >= 2) {
        for (final WalkPosition door : doors) {
            final List<WalkPosition> toVisit = new ArrayList<>();
            final List<WalkPosition> visited = new ArrayList<>();
            final int limit = // TODO: Description for 10 and 400?
            (pCandidate instanceof StaticBuilding) ? 10 : 400;
            while (!toVisit.isEmpty() && (visited.size() < limit)) {
                final WalkPosition current = toVisit.remove(toVisit.size() - 1);
                final WalkPosition[] deltas = { new WalkPosition(0, -1), new WalkPosition(-1, 0), new WalkPosition(+1, 0), new WalkPosition(0, +1) };
                for (final WalkPosition delta : deltas) {
                    final WalkPosition next = current.add(delta);
                    if (getData().getMapData().isValid(next) && !visited.contains(next)) {
                        if (getData().getMiniTile(next, bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK).isWalkable()) {
                            if (getData().getTile(next.toTilePosition(), bwem.util.CheckMode.NO_CHECK).getNeutral() == null) {
            if (visited.size() >= limit) {
    return trueDoors;
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 24 with WalkPosition

use of org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition in project Ecgberht by Jabbo16.

the class Graph method createChokePoints.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Creates a new Area for each pair (top, miniTiles) in AreasList (See Area::top() and
// Area::miniTiles())
public void createChokePoints(final List<StaticBuilding> staticBuildings, final List<Mineral> minerals, final List<Pair<Pair<AreaId, AreaId>, WalkPosition>> rawFrontier) {
    int newIndex = 0;
    final List<Neutral> blockingNeutrals = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final StaticBuilding s : staticBuildings) {
        if (s.isBlocking()) {
    for (final Mineral m : minerals) {
        if (m.isBlocking()) {
    // Note: pseudoChokePointsToCreate is only used for pre-allocating the GetChokePoints array
    // size.
    // This number will highly likely be very small. There is no reason to set a minimum size.
    // int pseudoChokePointsToCreate = 0;
    // for (final Neutral blockingNeutral : blockingNeutrals) {
    // if (blockingNeutral.getNextStacked() == null) {
    // ++pseudoChokePointsToCreate;
    // }
    // }
    // 1) size the matrix
    // 2) Dispatch the global raw frontier between all the relevant pairs of areas:
    final Map<Pair<AreaId, AreaId>, List<WalkPosition>> rawFrontierByAreaPair = createRawFrontierByAreaPairMap(rawFrontier);
    // 3) For each pair of areas (A, B):
    for (final Map.Entry<Pair<AreaId, AreaId>, List<WalkPosition>> entry : rawFrontierByAreaPair.entrySet()) {
        Pair<AreaId, AreaId> rawleft = entry.getKey();
        final List<WalkPosition> rawFrontierAB = entry.getValue();
        // Because our dispatching preserved order,
        // and because BWMap::m_RawFrontier was populated in descending order of the altitude (see
        // BWMap::computeAreas),
        // we know that rawFrontierAB is also ordered the same way, but let's check it:
            final List<Altitude> altitudes = new ArrayList<>();
            for (final WalkPosition w : rawFrontierAB) {
            // Check if the altitudes array is sorted in descending order.
            for (int i = 1; i < altitudes.size(); ++i) {
                final int prev = altitudes.get(i - 1).intValue();
                final int curr = altitudes.get(i).intValue();
                if (prev < curr) {
        // 3.1) Use that information to efficiently cluster rawFrontierAB in one or several
        // chokepoints.
        // Each cluster will be populated starting with the center of a chokepoint (max altitude)
        // and finishing with the ends (min altitude).
        final int clusterMinDist = (int) Math.sqrt(BwemExt.LAKE_MAX_MINI_TILES);
        final List<List<WalkPosition>> clusters = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final WalkPosition w : rawFrontierAB) {
            boolean added = false;
            for (final List<WalkPosition> cluster : clusters) {
                final int distToFront = BwemExt.queenWiseDist(cluster.get(0), w);
                final int distToBack = BwemExt.queenWiseDist(cluster.get(cluster.size() - 1), w);
                if (Math.min(distToFront, distToBack) <= clusterMinDist) {
                    if (distToFront < distToBack) {
                        cluster.add(0, w);
                    } else {
                    added = true;
            if (!added) {
                final List<WalkPosition> list = new ArrayList<>();
        // 3.2) Create one Chokepoint for each cluster:
        final AreaId a = rawleft.getLeft();
        final AreaId b = rawleft.getRight();
        for (final List<WalkPosition> cluster : clusters) {
            getChokePoints(a, b).add(new ChokePoint(this, newIndex, getArea(a), getArea(b), cluster));
    // 4) Create one Chokepoint for each pair of blocked areas, for each blocking Neutral:
    for (final Neutral blockingNeutral : blockingNeutrals) {
        if (blockingNeutral.getNextStacked() == null) {
            // in the case where several neutrals are stacked, we only consider the top
            final List<Area> blockedAreas = blockingNeutral.getBlockedAreas();
            for (final Area blockedAreaA : blockedAreas) for (final Area blockedAreaB : blockedAreas) {
                if (blockedAreaB.equals(blockedAreaA)) {
                    // breaks symmetry
                final WalkPosition center = getMap().breadthFirstSearch(blockingNeutral.getCenter().toWalkPosition(), // findCond
                (MiniTile miniTile, WalkPosition unused) -> miniTile.isWalkable(), // visitCond
                final List<WalkPosition> list = new ArrayList<>();
                getChokePoints(blockedAreaA, blockedAreaB).add(new ChokePoint(this, newIndex, blockedAreaA, blockedAreaB, list, blockingNeutral));
    // 5) Set the references to the freshly created Chokepoints:
    for (int loopA = 1; loopA <= getAreaCount(); ++loopA) for (int loopB = 1; loopB < loopA; ++loopB) {
        final AreaId a = new AreaId(loopA);
        final AreaId b = new AreaId(loopB);
        if (!getChokePoints(a, b).isEmpty()) {
            ((AreaInitializer) getArea(a)).addChokePoints(getArea(b), getChokePoints(a, b));
            ((AreaInitializer) getArea(b)).addChokePoints(getArea(a), getChokePoints(a, b));
            this.chokePoints.addAll(getChokePoints(a, b));
Also used : WalkPosition(org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition) Pair(bwem.util.Pair)


WalkPosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.WalkPosition)24 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 TilePosition (org.openbw.bwapi4j.TilePosition)7 ChokePoint (bwem.ChokePoint)5 MiniTile (bwem.tile.MiniTile)5 Area (bwem.area.Area)4 AreaId (bwem.area.typedef.AreaId)4 Pair (bwem.util.Pair)4 MutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair)4 AreaInitializerImpl (bwem.area.AreaInitializerImpl)3 Tile (bwem.tile.Tile)3 TileImpl (bwem.tile.TileImpl)3 Altitude (bwem.typedef.Altitude)3 CPPath (bwem.typedef.CPPath)3 Geyser (bwem.unit.Geyser)3 Mineral (bwem.unit.Mineral)3 StaticBuilding (bwem.unit.StaticBuilding)3 BwemExt (bwem.util.BwemExt)3 Utils (bwem.util.Utils)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3