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Example 11 with GeographicCRS

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the class CoordinateOperationFinderTest method testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic3D.

 * Tests a transformation with a three-dimensional geographic source CRS.
 * This method verifies with both a three-dimensional and a two-dimensional target CRS.
 * @throws ParseException if a CRS used in this test can not be parsed.
 * @throws FactoryException if the operation can not be created.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while converting the test points.
public void testGeocentricTranslationInGeographic3D() throws ParseException, FactoryException, TransformException {
    final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = (GeographicCRS) parse("GeodeticCRS[“NAD27”,\n" + "  Datum[“North American Datum 1927”,\n" + "    Ellipsoid[“Clarke 1866”, 6378206.4, 294.9786982138982],\n" + // See comment in above test.
    "    ToWGS84[-8, 160, 176]]," + "  CS[ellipsoidal, 3],\n" + "    Axis[“Latitude (φ)”, NORTH, Unit[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" + "    Axis[“Longitude (λ)”, EAST, Unit[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" + "    Axis[“Height (h)”, UP, Unit[“m”, 1]]]");
    testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)", sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic3D());
    // Because lost of height values changes (φ,λ) results.
    isInverseTransformSupported = false;
    testGeocentricTranslationInGeographicDomain("Geocentric translations (geog3D domain)", sourceCRS, CommonCRS.WGS84.geographic());
Also used : GeographicCRS( Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)

Example 12 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class CommonAuthorityFactoryTest method testWKT.

 * Tests the WKT formatting. The main purpose of this test is to ensure that
 * the authority name is "CRS" and not "Web Map Service CRS".
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the CRS.
public void testWKT() throws FactoryException {
    GeographicCRS crs = factory.createGeographicCRS("CRS:84");
    assertWktEquals(Convention.WKT1, "GEOGCS[“WGS 84”,\n" + "  DATUM[“World Geodetic System 1984”,\n" + "    SPHEROID[“WGS 84”, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],\n" + "    PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0],\n" + "  UNIT[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295],\n" + "  AXIS[“Longitude”, EAST],\n" + "  AXIS[“Latitude”, NORTH],\n" + "  AUTHORITY[“CRS”, “84”]]", crs);
    assertWktEqualsRegex(Convention.WKT2, "(?m)\\Q" + "GEODCRS[“WGS 84”,\n" + "  DATUM[“World Geodetic System 1984”,\n" + "    ELLIPSOID[“WGS 84”, 6378137.0, 298.257223563, LENGTHUNIT[“metre”, 1]]],\n" + "    PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0, ANGLEUNIT[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" + "  CS[ellipsoidal, 2],\n" + "    AXIS[“Longitude (L)”, east, ORDER[1]],\n" + "    AXIS[“Latitude (B)”, north, ORDER[2]],\n" + "    ANGLEUNIT[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295],\n" + "  SCOPE[“Horizontal component of 3D system.\\E.*\\Q”],\n" + "  AREA[“World\\E.*\\Q”],\n" + "  BBOX[-90.00, -180.00, 90.00, 180.00],\n" + "  ID[“CRS”, 84, CITATION[“OGC:WMS”], URI[“urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84”]]]\\E", crs);
         * Note: the WKT specification defines the ID element as:
         *     ID[authority, code, (version), (authority citation), (URI)]
         * where everything after the code is optional. The difference between "authority" and "authority citation"
         * is unclear. The only example found in OGC 12-063r5 uses CITATION[…] as the source of an EPSG definition
         * (so we could almost said "the authority of the authority").
Also used : GeographicCRS( Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)

Example 13 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class ServicesForMetadata method setBounds.

 * Sets a geographic bounding box from the specified envelope.
 * If the envelope contains a CRS which is not geographic, then the bounding box will be transformed
 * to a geographic CRS (without datum shift if possible). Otherwise, the envelope is assumed already
 * in a geographic CRS using (<var>longitude</var>, <var>latitude</var>) axis order.
 * @param  envelope  the source envelope.
 * @param  target    the target bounding box where to store envelope information.
 * @throws TransformException if the given envelope can not be transformed.
public void setBounds(Envelope envelope, final DefaultGeographicBoundingBox target) throws TransformException {
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    GeographicCRS normalizedCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(crs);
    if (normalizedCRS == null) {
        if (crs != null) {
            normalizedCRS = CommonCRS.defaultGeographic();
        } else if (envelope.getDimension() != 2) {
            throw new TransformException(dimensionNotFound(Resources.Keys.MissingHorizontalDimension_1, crs));
    setGeographicExtent(envelope, target, crs, normalizedCRS);
Also used : TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) CoordinateReferenceSystem( GeographicCRS(

Example 14 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class ServicesForMetadata method setBounds.

 * Sets the geographic, vertical and temporal extents with the values inferred from the given envelope.
 * If the given {@code target} has more geographic or vertical extents than needed (0 or 1), then the
 * extraneous extents are removed.
 * @param  envelope  the source envelope.
 * @param  target    the target spatiotemporal extent where to store envelope information.
 * @throws TransformException if no temporal component can be extracted from the given envelope.
public void setBounds(final Envelope envelope, final DefaultSpatialTemporalExtent target) throws TransformException {
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    final SingleCRS horizontalCRS = CRS.getHorizontalComponent(crs);
    final VerticalCRS verticalCRS = CRS.getVerticalComponent(crs, true);
    final TemporalCRS temporalCRS = CRS.getTemporalComponent(crs);
    if (horizontalCRS == null && verticalCRS == null && temporalCRS == null) {
        throw new TransformException(dimensionNotFound(Resources.Keys.MissingSpatioTemporalDimension_1, crs));
         * Try to set the geographic bounding box first, because this operation may fail with a
         * TransformException while the other operations (vertical and temporal) should not fail.
         * So doing the geographic part first help us to get a "all or nothing" behavior.
    DefaultGeographicBoundingBox box = null;
    boolean useExistingBox = (horizontalCRS != null);
    final Collection<GeographicExtent> spatialExtents = target.getSpatialExtent();
    final Iterator<GeographicExtent> it = spatialExtents.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final GeographicExtent extent =;
        if (extent instanceof GeographicBoundingBox) {
            if (useExistingBox && (extent instanceof DefaultGeographicBoundingBox)) {
                box = (DefaultGeographicBoundingBox) extent;
                useExistingBox = false;
            } else {
    if (horizontalCRS != null) {
        if (box == null) {
            box = new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox();
        GeographicCRS normalizedCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(crs);
        if (normalizedCRS == null) {
            normalizedCRS = CommonCRS.defaultGeographic();
        setGeographicExtent(envelope, box, crs, normalizedCRS);
         * Other dimensions (vertical and temporal).
    if (verticalCRS != null) {
        VerticalExtent e = target.getVerticalExtent();
        if (!(e instanceof DefaultVerticalExtent)) {
            e = new DefaultVerticalExtent();
        setVerticalExtent(envelope, (DefaultVerticalExtent) e, crs, verticalCRS);
    } else {
    if (temporalCRS != null) {
        setTemporalExtent(envelope, target, crs, temporalCRS);
    } else {
Also used : SingleCRS( DefaultVerticalExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultVerticalExtent) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) DefaultVerticalExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultVerticalExtent) VerticalExtent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.VerticalExtent) GeographicBoundingBox(org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox) DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox) GeographicExtent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicExtent) DefaultTemporalCRS( TemporalCRS( DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox) VerticalCRS( CoordinateReferenceSystem( GeographicCRS(

Example 15 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class TransformTestCase method testTransformOverPole.

 * Tests conversions of an envelope or rectangle over a pole using a coordinate operation.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the operation.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming the envelope.
public final void testTransformOverPole() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
    final ProjectedCRS sourceCRS = (ProjectedCRS) CRS.fromWKT("PROJCS[“WGS 84 / Antarctic Polar Stereographic”,\n" + "  GEOGCS[“WGS 84”,\n" + "    DATUM[“World Geodetic System 1984”,\n" + "      SPHEROID[“WGS 84”, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],\n" + "    PRIMEM[“Greenwich”, 0.0],\n" + "    UNIT[“degree”, 0.017453292519943295]],\n" + "  PROJECTION[“Polar Stereographic (variant B)”],\n" + "  PARAMETER[“standard_parallel_1”, -71.0],\n" + "  UNIT[“m”, 1.0]]");
    final GeographicCRS targetCRS = sourceCRS.getBaseCRS();
    final Conversion conversion = inverse(sourceCRS.getConversionFromBase());
    final MathTransform2D transform = (MathTransform2D) conversion.getMathTransform();
         * The rectangle to test, which contains the South pole.
    G rectangle = createFromExtremums(sourceCRS, -3943612.4042124213, -4078471.954436003, 3729092.5890516187, 4033483.085688618);
         * This is what we get without special handling of singularity point.
         * Note that is does not include the South pole as we would expect.
         * The commented out values are what we get by projecting an arbitrary
         * larger amount of points.
    G expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, // anti-regression values
    -179.8650137390031, // anti-regression values
    -88.99136583196396, // 178.8122742080059  -40.90577500420587]         // empirical values
    137.9769431693009, // anti-regression values
         * Tests what we actually get. First, test using the method working on MathTransform.
         * Next, test again the same transform, but using the API on Envelope objects.
    G actual = transform(targetCRS, transform, rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
         * Using the transform(CoordinateOperation, …) method,
         * the singularity at South pole is taken in account.
    expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, -180, -90, 180, -40.905775004205864);
    actual = transform(conversion, rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
         * Another rectangle containing the South pole, but this time the south
         * pole is almost in a corner of the rectangle
    rectangle = createFromExtremums(sourceCRS, -4000000, -4000000, 300000, 30000);
    expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, -180, -90, 180, -41.03163170198091);
    actual = transform(conversion, rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
         * Another rectangle with the South pole close to the border.
         * This test should execute the step #3 in the transform method code.
    rectangle = createFromExtremums(sourceCRS, -2000000, -1000000, 200000, 2000000);
    expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, -180, -90, 180, -64.3861643256928);
    actual = transform(conversion, rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
Also used : ProjectedCRS( GeographicCRS( MathTransform2D(org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform2D) DefaultConversion(org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultConversion) Conversion(org.opengis.referencing.operation.Conversion) Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)


GeographicCRS ( Test (org.junit.Test)27 DependsOnMethod (org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)15 ProjectedCRS ( CoordinateReferenceSystem ( Conversion (org.opengis.referencing.operation.Conversion)6 CoordinateOperation (org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation)6 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)5 DefaultConversion (org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultConversion)4 GeographicBoundingBox (org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox)4 CartesianCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CartesianCS)4 DefaultGeographicBoundingBox (org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox)3 DefaultGeographicCRS ( ParameterValueGroup (org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup)3 VerticalCRS ( EllipsoidalCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.EllipsoidalCS)3 TransformException (org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Angle (javax.measure.quantity.Angle)2 Length (javax.measure.quantity.Length)2