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Example 16 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class TransformTestCase method testAxisRangeChange.

 * Tests a transformation where only the range of longitude axis is changed.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the operation.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming the envelope.
 * @since 0.8
public final void testAxisRangeChange() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
    final GeographicCRS sourceCRS = HardCodedCRS.WGS84;
    final GeographicCRS targetCRS = HardCodedCRS.WGS84.forConvention(AxesConvention.POSITIVE_RANGE);
    final G rectangle = createFromExtremums(sourceCRS, -178, -70, 165, 80);
    final G expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, 182, -70, 165, 80);
    final G actual = transform(CRS.findOperation(sourceCRS, targetCRS, null), rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, STRICT, STRICT);
Also used : GeographicCRS( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class TransformTestCase method testTransformNotOverPole.

 * Tests conversions of an envelope or rectangle which is <strong>not</strong> over a pole,
 * but was wrongly considered as over a pole before SIS-329 fix.
 * @throws FactoryException if an error occurred while creating the operation.
 * @throws TransformException if an error occurred while transforming the envelope.
 * @see <a href="">SIS-329</a>
public final void testTransformNotOverPole() throws FactoryException, TransformException {
    final ProjectedCRS sourceCRS = CommonCRS.WGS84.universal(10, -3.5);
    final GeographicCRS targetCRS = sourceCRS.getBaseCRS();
    final Conversion conversion = inverse(sourceCRS.getConversionFromBase());
    final G rectangle = createFromExtremums(sourceCRS, 199980, 4490220, 309780, 4600020);
    final G expected = createFromExtremums(targetCRS, // Computed by SIS (not validated by external authority).
    40.50846282536367, // Computed by SIS (not validated by external authority).
    -6.594124551832373, 41.52923550023067, -5.246186118392847);
    final G actual = transform(conversion, rectangle);
    assertGeometryEquals(expected, actual, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE, ANGULAR_TOLERANCE);
Also used : ProjectedCRS( GeographicCRS( DefaultConversion(org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultConversion) Conversion(org.opengis.referencing.operation.Conversion) Test(org.junit.Test) DependsOnMethod(org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)

Example 18 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class CommonAuthorityFactory method createAuto.

 * Creates a projected CRS from parameters in the {@code AUTO(2)} namespace.
 * @param  code        the user-specified code, used only for error reporting.
 * @param  projection  the projection code (e.g. 42001).
 * @param  isLegacy    {@code true} if the code was found in {@code "AUTO"} or {@code "AUTO1"} namespace.
 * @param  factor      the multiplication factor for the unit of measurement.
 * @param  longitude   a longitude in the desired projection zone.
 * @param  latitude    a latitude in the desired projection zone.
 * @return the projected CRS for the given projection and parameters.
private ProjectedCRS createAuto(final String code, final int projection, final boolean isLegacy, final double factor, final double longitude, final double latitude) throws FactoryException {
    Boolean isUTM = null;
    String method = null;
    String param = null;
    switch(projection) {
             * 42001: Universal Transverse Mercator   —   central meridian must be in the center of a UTM zone.
             * 42002: Transverse Mercator             —   like 42001 except that central meridian can be anywhere.
             * 42003: WGS 84 / Auto Orthographic      —   defined by "Central_Meridian" and "Latitude_of_Origin".
             * 42004: WGS 84 / Auto Equirectangular   —   defined by "Central_Meridian" and "Standard_Parallel_1".
             * 42005: WGS 84 / Auto Mollweide         —   defined by "Central_Meridian" only.
        case 42001:
            isUTM = true;
        case 42002:
            isUTM = (latitude == 0) && (Zoner.UTM.centralMeridian(, longitude)) == longitude);
        case 42003:
            method = "Orthographic";
            param = Constants.LATITUDE_OF_ORIGIN;
        case 42004:
            method = "Equirectangular";
            param = Constants.STANDARD_PARALLEL_1;
        case 42005:
            method = "Mollweide";
            throw noSuchAuthorityCode(String.valueOf(projection), code, null);
         * For the (Universal) Transverse Mercator case (AUTO:42001 and 42002), we delegate to the CommonCRS
         * enumeration if possible because CommonCRS will itself delegate to the EPSG factory if possible.
         * The Math.signum(latitude) instruction is for preventing "AUTO:42001" to handle the UTM special cases
         * (Norway and Svalbard) or to switch on the Universal Polar Stereographic projection for high latitudes,
         * because the WMS specification does not said that we should.
    final CommonCRS datum = CommonCRS.WGS84;
    // To be set, directly or indirectly, to WGS84.geographic().
    final GeographicCRS baseCRS;
    // Temporary UTM projection, for extracting other properties.
    final ProjectedCRS crs;
    // Coordinate system with (E,N) axes in metres.
    CartesianCS cs;
    try {
        if (isUTM != null && isUTM) {
            crs = datum.universal(Math.signum(latitude), longitude);
            if (factor == (isLegacy ? Constants.EPSG_METRE : 1)) {
                return crs;
            baseCRS = crs.getBaseCRS();
            cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
        } else {
            cs = projectedCS;
            if (cs == null) {
                crs = datum.universal(Math.signum(latitude), longitude);
                projectedCS = cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
                baseCRS = crs.getBaseCRS();
            } else {
                crs = null;
                baseCRS = datum.geographic();
             * At this point we got a coordinate system with axes in metres.
             * If the user asked for another unit of measurement, change the axes now.
        Unit<Length> unit;
        if (isLegacy) {
            unit = createUnitFromEPSG(factor).asType(Length.class);
        } else {
            unit = Units.METRE;
            if (factor != 1)
                unit = unit.multiply(factor);
        if (!Units.METRE.equals(unit)) {
            cs = (CartesianCS) CoordinateSystems.replaceLinearUnit(cs, unit);
             * Set the projection name, operation method and parameters. The parameters for the Transverse Mercator
             * projection are a little bit more tedious to set, so we use a convenience method for that.
        final GeodeticObjectBuilder builder = new GeodeticObjectBuilder();
        if (isUTM != null) {
            if (isUTM && crs != null) {
            // else default to the conversion name, which is "Transverse Mercator".
            builder.setTransverseMercator(isUTM ? Zoner.UTM : Zoner.ANY, latitude, longitude);
        } else {
            builder.setConversionMethod(method).addName(PROJECTION_NAMES[projection - FIRST_PROJECTION_CODE]).setParameter(Constants.CENTRAL_MERIDIAN, longitude, Units.DEGREE);
            if (param != null) {
                builder.setParameter(param, latitude, Units.DEGREE);
        return builder.createProjectedCRS(baseCRS, cs);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw noSuchAuthorityCode(String.valueOf(projection), code, e);
Also used : CartesianCS(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CartesianCS) ProjectedCRS( Length(javax.measure.quantity.Length) GeodeticObjectBuilder(org.apache.sis.internal.referencing.GeodeticObjectBuilder) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) SimpleInternationalString(org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString) CommonCRS(org.apache.sis.referencing.CommonCRS) GeographicCRS(

Example 19 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory method createSingleOperation.

 * Creates a transformation or conversion from the given properties.
 * This method infers by itself if the operation to create is a
 * {@link Transformation}, a {@link Conversion} or a {@link Projection} sub-type
 * ({@link CylindricalProjection}, {@link ConicProjection} or {@link PlanarProjection})
 * using the {@linkplain DefaultOperationMethod#getOperationType() information provided by the given method}.
 * <p>The properties given in argument follow the same rules than for the
 * {@linkplain AbstractCoordinateOperation#AbstractCoordinateOperation(Map, CoordinateReferenceSystem,
 * CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, MathTransform) coordinate operation} constructor.
 * The following table is a reminder of main (not all) properties:</p>
 * <table class="sis">
 *   <caption>Recognized properties (non exhaustive list)</caption>
 *   <tr>
 *     <th>Property name</th>
 *     <th>Value type</th>
 *     <th>Returned by</th>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#NAME_KEY}</td>
 *     <td>{@link org.opengis.metadata.Identifier} or {@link String}</td>
 *     <td>{@link DefaultConversion#getName()}</td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@value org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject#IDENTIFIERS_KEY}</td>
 *     <td>{@link org.opengis.metadata.Identifier} (optionally as array)</td>
 *     <td>{@link DefaultConversion#getIdentifiers()}</td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr>
 *     <td>{@value org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation#DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY_KEY}</td>
 *     <td>{@link org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent}</td>
 *     <td>{@link DefaultConversion#getDomainOfValidity()}</td>
 *   </tr>
 * </table>
 * @param  properties        the properties to be given to the identified object.
 * @param  sourceCRS         the source CRS.
 * @param  targetCRS         the target CRS.
 * @param  interpolationCRS  the CRS of additional coordinates needed for the operation, or {@code null} if none.
 * @param  method            the coordinate operation method (mandatory in all cases).
 * @param  transform         transform from positions in the source CRS to positions in the target CRS.
 * @return the coordinate operation created from the given arguments.
 * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed.
 * @see DefaultOperationMethod#getOperationType()
 * @see DefaultTransformation
 * @see DefaultConversion
public SingleOperation createSingleOperation(final Map<String, ?> properties, final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS, final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS, final CoordinateReferenceSystem interpolationCRS, final OperationMethod method, MathTransform transform) throws FactoryException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("sourceCRS", sourceCRS);
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("targetCRS", targetCRS);
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("method", method);
         * Undocumented (for now) feature: if the 'transform' argument is null but parameters are
         * found in the given properties, create the MathTransform instance from those parameters.
         * This is needed for WKT parsing of CoordinateOperation[…] among others.
    if (transform == null) {
        final ParameterValueGroup parameters =, ReferencingServices.PARAMETERS_KEY, ParameterValueGroup.class);
        if (parameters == null) {
            throw new NullArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.NullArgument_1, "transform"));
        transform = getMathTransformFactory().createBaseToDerived(sourceCRS, parameters, targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem());
         * The "operationType" property is currently undocumented. The intent is to help this factory method in
         * situations where the given operation method is not an Apache SIS implementation or does not override
         * getOperationType(), or the method is ambiguous (e.g. "Affine" can be used for both a transformation
         * or a conversion).
         * If we have both a 'baseType' and a Method.getOperationType(), take the most specific type.
         * An exception will be thrown if the two types are incompatible.
    Class<?> baseType =, ReferencingServices.OPERATION_TYPE_KEY, Class.class);
    if (baseType == null) {
        baseType = SingleOperation.class;
    if (method instanceof DefaultOperationMethod) {
        final Class<? extends SingleOperation> c = ((DefaultOperationMethod) method).getOperationType();
        if (c != null) {
            // Paranoiac check (above method should not return null).
            if (baseType.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
                baseType = c;
            } else if (!c.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.IncompatiblePropertyValue_1, ReferencingServices.OPERATION_TYPE_KEY));
         * If the base type is still abstract (probably because it was not specified neither in the given OperationMethod
         * or in the properties), then try to find a concrete type using the following rules derived from the definitions
         * given in ISO 19111:
         *   - If the two CRS uses the same datum (ignoring metadata), assume that we have a Conversion.
         *   - Otherwise we have a datum change, which implies that we have a Transformation.
         * In the case of Conversion, we can specialize one step more if the conversion is going from a geographic CRS
         * to a projected CRS. It may seems that we should check if ProjectedCRS.getBaseCRS() is equals (ignoring meta
         * data) to source CRS. But we already checked the datum, which is the important part. The axis order and unit
         * could be different, which we want to allow.
    if (baseType == SingleOperation.class) {
        if (isConversion(sourceCRS, targetCRS)) {
            if (interpolationCRS == null && sourceCRS instanceof GeographicCRS && targetCRS instanceof ProjectedCRS) {
                baseType = Projection.class;
            } else {
                baseType = Conversion.class;
        } else {
            baseType = Transformation.class;
         * Now create the coordinate operation of the requested type. If we can not find a concrete class for the
         * requested type, we will instantiate a SingleOperation in last resort.  The later action is a departure
         * from ISO 19111 since 'SingleOperation' is conceptually abstract.  But we do that as a way to said that
         * we are missing this important piece of information but still go ahead.
         * It is inconvenient to guarantee that the created operation is an instance of 'baseType' since the user
         * could have specified an implementation class or a custom sub-interface. We will perform the type check
         * only after object creation.
    final AbstractSingleOperation op;
    if (Transformation.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
        op = new DefaultTransformation(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, interpolationCRS, method, transform);
    } else if (Projection.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
        ArgumentChecks.ensureCanCast("sourceCRS", GeographicCRS.class, sourceCRS);
        ArgumentChecks.ensureCanCast("targetCRS", ProjectedCRS.class, targetCRS);
        if (interpolationCRS != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.ForbiddenAttribute_2, "interpolationCRS", baseType));
        final GeographicCRS baseCRS = (GeographicCRS) sourceCRS;
        final ProjectedCRS crs = (ProjectedCRS) targetCRS;
        if (CylindricalProjection.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
            op = new DefaultCylindricalProjection(properties, baseCRS, crs, method, transform);
        } else if (ConicProjection.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
            op = new DefaultConicProjection(properties, baseCRS, crs, method, transform);
        } else if (PlanarProjection.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
            op = new DefaultPlanarProjection(properties, baseCRS, crs, method, transform);
        } else {
            op = new DefaultProjection(properties, baseCRS, crs, method, transform);
    } else if (Conversion.class.isAssignableFrom(baseType)) {
        op = new DefaultConversion(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, interpolationCRS, method, transform);
    } else {
        // See above comment about this last-resort fallback.
        op = new AbstractSingleOperation(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS, interpolationCRS, method, transform);
    if (!baseType.isInstance(op)) {
        throw new FactoryException(Resources.format(Resources.Keys.CanNotCreateObjectAsInstanceOf_2, baseType, op.getName()));
    return pool.unique(op);
Also used : ParameterValueGroup(org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup) FactoryException(org.opengis.util.FactoryException) NullArgumentException(org.apache.sis.util.NullArgumentException) ProjectedCRS( GeographicCRS(

Example 20 with GeographicCRS

use of in project sis by apache.

the class LocationFormat method format.

 * Writes a textual representation of the given location in the given stream or buffer.
 * <div class="warning"><b>Upcoming API change — generalization</b><br>
 * in a future SIS version, the type of {@code location} parameter may be generalized
 * to the {@code org.opengis.referencing.gazetteer.Location} interface.
 * This change is pending GeoAPI revision.</div>
 * @param  location    the location to format.
 * @param  toAppendTo  where to format the location.
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred while writing to the given appendable.
@SuppressWarnings({ "fallthrough", "null" })
public void format(final AbstractLocation location, final Appendable toAppendTo) throws IOException {
    ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("location", location);
    final Locale locale = getLocale(Locale.Category.DISPLAY);
    final Vocabulary vocabulary = Vocabulary.getResources(locale);
    final TableAppender table = new TableAppender(toAppendTo, "│ ", columnSeparator, " │");
         * Location type.
    final AbstractLocationType type = location.type();
    if (type != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.LocationType, toString(type.getName(), locale));
         * Geographic identifier and alternative identifiers, if any.
    append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.GeographicIdentifier, toString(location.getGeographicIdentifier(), locale));
    final Collection<? extends InternationalString> alt = location.getAlternativeGeographicIdentifiers();
    if (alt != null && !alt.isEmpty()) {
        boolean isFirst = true;
        vocabulary.appendLabel(Vocabulary.Keys.AlternativeIdentifiers, table);
        for (final InternationalString id : alt) {
            if (!isFirst) {
                isFirst = false;
         * Extents (temporal and geographic). If an envelope exists and the CRS is not geographic,
         * then the envelope bounds will be appended on the same lines than the geographic bounds.
         * But before writing the bounding box and/or the envelope, check if they are redundant.
         * We may also need to change axis order (but not unit) of the envelope in order to match
         * the axis order of the geographic bounding box.
    final Extent extent = new DefaultExtent(null, location.getGeographicExtent(), null, location.getTemporalExtent());
    final Range<Date> time = Extents.getTimeRange(extent);
    if (time != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.StartDate, toString(time.getMinValue()));
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.EndDate, toString(time.getMaxValue()));
    GeographicBoundingBox bbox = Extents.getGeographicBoundingBox(extent);
    Envelope envelope = location.getEnvelope();
    DirectPosition position = position(location.getPosition());
    // Position in geographic CRS.
    DirectPosition geopos = null;
    // Envelope Coordinate Reference System.
    CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = null;
    // CRS in conventional (x,y) axis order.
    CoordinateReferenceSystem normCRS = null;
    // If failed to transform envelope.
    Exception warning = null;
    try {
        if (envelope != null) {
            normCRS = normalize(crs = envelope.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
            if (normCRS != crs) {
                // Should only change order and sign.
                envelope = Envelopes.transform(envelope, normCRS);
        if (position != null) {
                 * If only one of the envelope or the position objects specify a CRS, assume that the other object
                 * use the same CRS. If both the envelope and the position objects specify a CRS, the envelope CRS
                 * will have precedence and the "representative position" will be projected to that CRS.
            final CoordinateReferenceSystem posCRS = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
            if (normCRS == null) {
                normCRS = normalize(crs = posCRS);
                if (normCRS != crs) {
                    // Should only change order and sign.
                    envelope = Envelopes.transform(envelope, normCRS);
            if (bbox != null) {
                // Compute geographic position only if there is a geographic bounding box.
                GeographicCRS geogCRS = ReferencingUtilities.toNormalizedGeographicCRS(posCRS);
                if (geogCRS != null) {
                    geopos = transform(position, posCRS, geogCRS);
            position = transform(position, posCRS, normCRS);
    } catch (FactoryException | TransformException e) {
        envelope = null;
        position = null;
        warning = e;
         * At this point we got the final geographic bounding box and/or envelope to write.
         * Since we will write the projected and geographic coordinates side-by-side in the same cells,
         * we need to format them in advance so we can compute their width for internal right-alignment.
         * We do the alignment ourselves instead than using TableAppender.setCellAlignment(ALIGN_RIGHT)
         * because we do not want (projected geographic) tuple to appear far on the right side if other
         * cells have long texts.
    if (bbox != null || envelope != null) {
        final CoordinateSystem cs = (crs != null) ? crs.getCoordinateSystem() : null;
        String[] geographic = null;
        String[] projected = null;
        String[] unitSymbol = null;
        AngleFormat geogFormat = null;
        NumberFormat projFormat = null;
        UnitFormat unitFormat = null;
        int maxGeogLength = 0;
        int maxProjLength = 0;
        int maxUnitLength = 0;
        boolean showProj = false;
        if (bbox != null || geopos != null) {
            geogFormat = (AngleFormat) getFormat(Angle.class);
            geographic = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            Arrays.fill(geographic, "");
        if (envelope != null || position != null) {
            projFormat = (NumberFormat) getFormat(Number.class);
            unitFormat = (UnitFormat) getFormat(Unit.class);
            projected = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            unitSymbol = new String[BOUND_KEY.length];
            Arrays.fill(projected, "");
            Arrays.fill(unitSymbol, "");
        for (int i = 0; i < BOUND_KEY.length; i++) {
            RoundingMode rounding = RoundingMode.FLOOR;
            double g = Double.NaN;
            double p = Double.NaN;
            int dimension = 0;
            switch(i) {
                case 0:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getWestBoundLongitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMinimum(0);
                case 2:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getEastBoundLongitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMaximum(0);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.CEILING;
                case 3:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getSouthBoundLatitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMinimum(1);
                    dimension = 1;
                case 5:
                    if (bbox != null)
                        g = bbox.getNorthBoundLatitude();
                    if (envelope != null)
                        p = envelope.getMaximum(1);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.CEILING;
                    dimension = 1;
                // Fall through
                case 4:
                    dimension = 1;
                case 1:
                    if (geopos != null)
                        g = geopos.getOrdinate(dimension);
                    if (position != null)
                        p = position.getOrdinate(dimension);
                    rounding = RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN;
            if (!Double.isNaN(p)) {
                showProj |= (g != p);
                if (cs != null) {
                    final Unit<?> unit = cs.getAxis(dimension).getUnit();
                    if (unit != null) {
                        final int length = (unitSymbol[i] = unitFormat.format(unit)).length();
                        if (length > maxUnitLength) {
                            maxUnitLength = length;
                try {
                } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
                // Ignore.
                final int length = (projected[i] = projFormat.format(p)).length();
                if (length > maxProjLength) {
                    maxProjLength = length;
            if (!Double.isNaN(g)) {
                final Angle angle = (dimension == 0) ? new Longitude(g) : new Latitude(g);
                final int length = (geographic[i] = geogFormat.format(angle)).length();
                if (length > maxGeogLength) {
                    maxGeogLength = length;
        if (!showProj) {
            // All projected coordinates are identical to geographic ones.
            projected = null;
            unitSymbol = null;
            maxProjLength = 0;
            maxUnitLength = 0;
        } else if (maxProjLength != 0) {
            if (maxUnitLength != 0) {
            // Arbitrary space between projected and geographic coordinates.
            maxGeogLength += 4;
             * At this point all coordinates have been formatted in advance.
        final String separator = (projected != null && geographic != null) ? "    —" : "";
        for (int i = 0; i < BOUND_KEY.length; i++) {
            final String p = (projected != null) ? projected[i] : "";
            final String u = (unitSymbol != null) ? unitSymbol[i] : "";
            final String g = (geographic != null) ? geographic[i] : "";
            if (!p.isEmpty() || !g.isEmpty()) {
                vocabulary.appendLabel(BOUND_KEY[i], table);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxProjLength - p.length())).append(p);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxUnitLength - u.length())).append(u).append(separator);
                table.append(CharSequences.spaces(maxGeogLength - g.length())).append(g);
    if (crs != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.CoordinateRefSys, IdentifiedObjects.getName(crs, null));
         * Organization responsible for defining the characteristics of the location instance.
    final AbstractParty administrator = location.getAdministrator();
    if (administrator != null) {
        append(table, vocabulary, Vocabulary.Keys.Administrator, toString(administrator.getName(), locale));
    if (warning != null) {
        vocabulary.appendLabel(Vocabulary.Keys.Warnings, toAppendTo);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) Vocabulary(org.apache.sis.util.resources.Vocabulary) DirectPosition(org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition) DefaultExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent) Extent(org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent) FactoryException(org.opengis.util.FactoryException) CoordinateSystem(org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem) UnitFormat(org.apache.sis.measure.UnitFormat) RoundingMode(java.math.RoundingMode) TableAppender( Latitude(org.apache.sis.measure.Latitude) GeographicBoundingBox(org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) AngleFormat(org.apache.sis.measure.AngleFormat) Envelope(org.opengis.geometry.Envelope) DefaultExtent(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent) CoordinateReferenceSystem( GeographicCRS( AbstractParty(org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.AbstractParty) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) Longitude(org.apache.sis.measure.Longitude) Date(java.util.Date) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) TransformException(org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException) IOException( FactoryException(org.opengis.util.FactoryException) Angle(org.apache.sis.measure.Angle) InternationalString(org.opengis.util.InternationalString) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)


GeographicCRS ( Test (org.junit.Test)27 DependsOnMethod (org.apache.sis.test.DependsOnMethod)15 ProjectedCRS ( CoordinateReferenceSystem ( Conversion (org.opengis.referencing.operation.Conversion)6 CoordinateOperation (org.opengis.referencing.operation.CoordinateOperation)6 CoordinateSystem (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystem)5 DefaultConversion (org.apache.sis.referencing.operation.DefaultConversion)4 GeographicBoundingBox (org.opengis.metadata.extent.GeographicBoundingBox)4 CartesianCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.CartesianCS)4 DefaultGeographicBoundingBox (org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox)3 DefaultGeographicCRS ( ParameterValueGroup (org.opengis.parameter.ParameterValueGroup)3 VerticalCRS ( EllipsoidalCS (org.opengis.referencing.cs.EllipsoidalCS)3 TransformException (org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 Angle (javax.measure.quantity.Angle)2 Length (javax.measure.quantity.Length)2