use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class NetCDFCF_CLewis_Converter method run.
private void run(String fileNameIn, String fileNameOut) {
try {
NetcdfFile ncFileIn =;
ncFileIn.writeCDL(System.out, true);
NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut = NetcdfFileWriteable.createNew(fileNameOut);
// input dimensions
Dimension timeDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("time");
Dimension latDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("lat");
Dimension lonDim0 = ncFileIn.findDimension("lon");
// input variables
Variable time_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("time");
Array time_0_Data =;
Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
Variable lon_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("lon");
final int nLon = lon_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
Variable lat_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("lat");
final int nLat = lat_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
Array lat_0_Data =;
Index lat_0_Index = lat_0_Data.getIndex();
Array lon_0_Data =;
Index lon_0_Index = lon_0_Data.getIndex();
// Depth
Variable z_0 = ncFileIn.findVariable("z");
final int nLevels = z_0.getDimension(0).getLength();
Array z_0_Data =;
Index z_0_Index = z_0_Data.getIndex();
Dimension timeDim = ncFileOut.addDimension("time", timeDim0.getLength());
Dimension latDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, latDim0.getLength());
Dimension lonDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lonDim0.getLength());
Dimension depthDim = ncFileOut.addDimension(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, nLevels);
// writing file
this.computeMatrixExtremes(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), lat_0_Index, lon_0_Index);
NetCDFConverterUtilities.copyGlobalAttributes(ncFileOut, ncFileIn.getGlobalAttributes());
// //
// Time requires a special Management
// //
// time Variable
ncFileOut.addVariable("time", DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { timeDim });
// ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute("Time", "long_name", "Time");
final float referenceTime = setTimeVariableAttributes(time_0, ncFileOut);
// lat Variable
ArrayFloat lat_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength() });
Index lat_1_Index = lat_1_Data.getIndex();
ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { latDim });
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LATITUDE);
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, UNITS, lat_0.getUnitsString());
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
lat_1_Data.setFloat(lat_1_Index.set(yPos), new Float(this.ymax - (new Float(yPos).floatValue() * this.periodY)).floatValue());
// new Float(
// this.ymin
// + (new Float(yPos)
// .floatValue() * this.periodY))
// .floatValue());
// lon Variable
ArrayFloat lon_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { lonDim0.getLength() });
Index lon_1_Index = lon_1_Data.getIndex();
ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.LON, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { lonDim });
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.LONGITUDE);
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.LON, UNITS, lon_0.getUnitsString());
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
lon_1_Data.setFloat(lon_1_Index.set(xPos), new Float(this.xmin + (new Float(xPos).floatValue() * this.periodX)).floatValue());
// depth level Variable
ArrayFloat depthlevelDim_1_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { depthDim.getLength() });
Index depthlevelDim_1_Index = depthlevelDim_1_Data.getIndex();
ncFileOut.addVariable(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[] { depthDim });
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "long_name", NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH);
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, UNITS, z_0.getUnitsString());
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, "positive", "up");
for (int wPos = 0; wPos < depthDim.getLength(); wPos++) {
depthlevelDim_1_Data.setFloat(depthlevelDim_1_Index.set(wPos), z_0_Data.getFloat(depthlevelDim_1_Index));
// {} Variables
for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
String varName = variables.get(i);
Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
ncFileOut.addVariable(varName, var.getDataType(), new Dimension[] { timeDim, depthDim, latDim, lonDim });
NetCDFConverterUtilities.setVariableAttributes(var, ncFileOut, new String[] { "positions" });
// writing bin data ...
ArrayFloat timeData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { timeDim.getLength() });
Index timeIndex = timeData.getIndex();
for (int t = 0; t < timeDim.getLength(); t++) {
float julianTime = time_0_Data.getFloat(time_0_Index.set(t)) - referenceTime;
timeData.setFloat(timeIndex.set(t), julianTime);
ncFileOut.write("time", timeData);
Variable timeVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("time");
ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LAT, lat_1_Data);
ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.LON, lon_1_Data);
Variable depthVar = ncFileOut.findVariable("depth");
ncFileOut.write(NetCDFUtilities.DEPTH, depthlevelDim_1_Data);
// TODO: AutoApply MASK?
ArrayFloat maskMatrix = new ArrayFloat.D2(latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength());
Index maskIma = maskMatrix.getIndex();
Variable mask = ncFileIn.findVariable("mask");
Array maskData =;
Index maskIndex = maskData.getIndex();
ArrayFloat tempData = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength(), lonDim0.getLength() });
Index tempIndex = tempData.getIndex();
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
tempData.setFloat(tempIndex.set(yPos, xPos), maskData.getFloat(maskIndex.set(yPos, xPos)));
WritableRaster outData = this.Resampler(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), 2, tempData, -1);
for (int j = 0; j < latDim0.getLength(); j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < lonDim0.getLength(); k++) {
float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
maskMatrix.setFloat(maskIma.set(j, k), sample);
for (int i = 0; i < NUMVARS; i++) {
String varName = variables.get(i);
Variable var = ncFileIn.findVariable(varName);
Array originalVarData =;
Index varIndex = originalVarData.getIndex();
Attribute fv = var.findAttribute("_FillValue");
float fillValue = Float.NaN;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
ArrayFloat T_tmp_Data = new ArrayFloat(new int[] { latDim0.getLength(), lonDim0.getLength() });
Index T_tmp_Index = T_tmp_Data.getIndex();
ArrayFloat Tmatrix = new ArrayFloat.D4(timeDim.getLength(), depthDim.getLength(), latDim.getLength(), lonDim.getLength());
Index Tima = Tmatrix.getIndex();
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timeDim0.getLength(); tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthDim.getLength(); levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latDim0.getLength(); yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonDim0.getLength(); xPos++) {
T_tmp_Data.setFloat(T_tmp_Index.set(yPos, xPos), originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos, levelPos)));
WritableRaster outData = this.Resampler(lat_0_Data, lon_0_Data, lonDim0.getLength(), latDim0.getLength(), 2, T_tmp_Data, fillValue);
for (int j = 0; j < latDim0.getLength(); j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < lonDim0.getLength(); k++) {
float sample = outData.getSampleFloat(k, j, 0);
float maskValue = maskMatrix.getFloat(maskIma.set(j, k));
if (maskValue == 0)
sample = fillValue;
Tmatrix.setFloat(Tima.set(tPos, levelPos, j, k), sample);
ncFileOut.write(varName, Tmatrix);
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project risky by amsa-code.
the class NetcdfFixesWriter method writeFixes.
public static void writeFixes(List<HasFix> fixes, File file) {
if (fixes.size() == 0) {
try {
// TODO evaluate use of NetCdf structures
NetcdfFileWriter f = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(Version.netcdf3, file.getPath());
// add version attribute
f.addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("version", "0.1"));
// Create netCDF dimensions
Dimension dimTime = f.addUnlimitedDimension("time");
Dimension dimLat = f.addDimension(null, "latitude", fixes.size());
Dimension dimLon = f.addDimension(null, "longitude", fixes.size());
Dimension dimSource = f.addDimension(null, "source", fixes.size());
Dimension dimLatency = f.addDimension(null, "latency", fixes.size());
Dimension dimNavStatus = f.addDimension(null, "navigational_status", fixes.size());
Dimension dimRateOfTurn = f.addDimension(null, "rate_of_turn", fixes.size());
Dimension dimSpeedOverGround = f.addDimension(null, "speed_over_ground", fixes.size());
Dimension dimCourseOverGround = f.addDimension(null, "course_over_ground", fixes.size());
Dimension dimHeading = f.addDimension(null, "heading", fixes.size());
Dimension dimAisClass = f.addDimension(null, "ais_class", fixes.size());
Variable varLat = f.addVariable(null, "latitude", DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(dimLat));
varLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees_east"));
varLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "latitude"));
varLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "latitude of craft position"));
Variable varLon = f.addVariable(null, "longitude", DataType.FLOAT, Arrays.asList(dimLon));
varLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees_north"));
varLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "longitude"));
varLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "longitude of craft position"));
Variable varTime = f.addVariable(null, "time", DataType.DOUBLE, Arrays.asList(dimTime));
varTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"));
Variable varSource = f.addVariable(null, "source", DataType.SHORT, Arrays.asList(dimSource));
varSource.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "0=not present, 1=present, others TBA"));
Variable varLatency = f.addVariable(null, "latency", DataType.INT, Arrays.asList(dimLatency));
varLatency.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "s"));
varLatency.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "-1=not present"));
Variable varNavStatus = f.addVariable(null, "navigational_status", DataType.BYTE, Arrays.asList(dimNavStatus));
varNavStatus.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "127=not present"));
Variable varRateOfTurn = f.addVariable(null, "rate_of_turn", DataType.BYTE, Arrays.asList(dimRateOfTurn));
varRateOfTurn.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "-128=not present, others TBA"));
Variable varSpeedOverGround = f.addVariable(null, "speed_over_ground", DataType.SHORT, Arrays.asList(dimSpeedOverGround));
varSpeedOverGround.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "1/10 knot"));
varSpeedOverGround.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "1023=not present"));
Variable varCourseOverGround = f.addVariable(null, "course_over_ground", DataType.SHORT, Arrays.asList(dimCourseOverGround));
varCourseOverGround.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "1/10 degree"));
varCourseOverGround.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "3600=not present"));
Variable varHeading = f.addVariable(null, "heading", DataType.SHORT, Arrays.asList(dimHeading));
varHeading.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees"));
varHeading.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "360=not present"));
Variable varAisClass = f.addVariable(null, "ais_class", DataType.BYTE, Arrays.asList(dimAisClass));
varAisClass.addAttribute(new Attribute("encoding", "0=A,1=B"));
// create the file
int[] shape = new int[] { fixes.size() };
Array dataLat = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, shape);
Array dataLon = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, shape);
Array dataTime = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, shape);
Array dataSource = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT, shape);
Array dataLatency = Array.factory(DataType.INT, shape);
Array dataNavStatus = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE, shape);
Array dataRateOfTurn = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE, shape);
Array dataSpeedOverGround = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT, shape);
Array dataCourseOverGround = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT, shape);
Array dataHeading = Array.factory(DataType.SHORT, shape);
Array dataAisClass = Array.factory(DataType.BYTE, shape);
for (int i = 0; i < fixes.size(); i++) {
Fix fix = fixes.get(i).fix();
// latitude
// longitude
dataLon.setFloat(i, fix.lon());
// time
double days = (double) fix.time() / TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);
dataTime.setDouble(i, days);
// source
dataSource.setShort(i, fix.source().orElse(BinaryFixes.SOURCE_ABSENT));
// latency
dataLatency.setInt(i, fix.latencySeconds().orElse(BinaryFixes.LATENCY_ABSENT));
// navigational status
int navStatus;
if (fix.navigationalStatus().isPresent())
navStatus = fix.navigationalStatus().get().ordinal();
navStatus = BinaryFixes.NAV_STATUS_ABSENT;
dataNavStatus.setByte(i, (byte) navStatus);
// rate of turn
dataRateOfTurn.setByte(i, BinaryFixes.RATE_OF_TURN_ABSENT);
// SOG
final short sog;
if (fix.speedOverGroundKnots().isPresent())
sog = (short) Math.round(fix.speedOverGroundKnots().get() * 10);
sog = 1023;
dataSpeedOverGround.setShort(i, sog);
// COG
final short cog;
if (fix.courseOverGroundDegrees().isPresent())
cog = (short) Math.round(fix.courseOverGroundDegrees().get() * 10);
cog = 3600;
dataCourseOverGround.setShort(i, cog);
// heading
final short heading;
if (fix.headingDegrees().isPresent())
heading = (short) Math.floor(fix.headingDegrees().get() + 0.01f);
heading = (short) 360;
dataHeading.setShort(i, heading);
// ais class
byte aisClass;
if (fix.aisClass() == AisClass.A)
aisClass = (byte) 0;
aisClass = (byte) 1;
dataAisClass.setByte(i, aisClass);
f.write(varLat, dataLat);
f.write(varLon, dataLon);
f.write(varTime, dataTime);
f.write(varSource, dataSource);
f.write(varLatency, dataLatency);
f.write(varNavStatus, dataNavStatus);
f.write(varRateOfTurn, dataRateOfTurn);
f.write(varSpeedOverGround, dataSpeedOverGround);
f.write(varCourseOverGround, dataCourseOverGround);
f.write(varHeading, dataHeading);
f.write(varAisClass, dataAisClass);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project open-smart-grid-platform by OSGP.
the class NodeContainer method writeFloatArray.
public void writeFloatArray(final SubDataAttribute child, final Float[] values) throws NodeWriteException {
final Array array = (Array) this.parent.getChild(child.getDescription());
if (array.size() != values.length) {
throw new NodeWriteException(String.format("Invalid array size %d. Size on device is %d", values.length, array.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final BdaFloat32 bdaFloat = (BdaFloat32) array.getChild(i);
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project open-smart-grid-platform by OSGP.
the class NodeContainer method writeDateArray.
public void writeDateArray(final SubDataAttribute child, final Date[] values) throws NodeWriteException {
final Array array = (Array) this.parent.getChild(child.getDescription());
if (array.size() != values.length) {
throw new NodeWriteException(String.format("Invalid array size %d. Size on device is %d", values.length, array.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
final BdaTimestamp bdaTimestamp = (BdaTimestamp) array.getChild(i);
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project open-smart-grid-platform by OSGP.
the class NodeContainer method getFloatArray.
public Float[] getFloatArray(final SubDataAttribute child) {
final Array array = (Array) this.parent.getChild(child.getDescription());
final int size = array.size();
final Float[] result = new Float[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result[i] = ((BdaFloat32) array.getChild(i)).getFloat();
return result;