use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class NetCDFExtractor method parseDataBlockTS.
private static ExtractionResult parseDataBlockTS(final NCFieldAnalyze analyze, final String procedureID, final List<String> acceptedSensorID, Set<org.opengis.observation.Phenomenon> phenomenons) throws NetCDFParsingException {
final ExtractionResult results = new ExtractionResult();
if (analyze.mainField == null) {
LOGGER.warning("No main field found");
return results;
}"parsing netCDF TS");
try {
final List<String> separators = parseSeparatorValues(analyze);
final boolean single = separators.isEmpty();
Array latArray = null;
Array lonArray = null;
if (analyze.hasSpatial()) {
latArray = analyze.getArrayFromField(analyze.latField);
lonArray = analyze.getArrayFromField(analyze.lonField);
final Variable timeVar = analyze.vars.get(;
final String timeUnits = analyze.mainField.uom;
final Array timeArray = analyze.file.readArrays(Arrays.asList(timeVar)).get(0);
final boolean constantT = analyze.mainField.dimension == 1;
final boolean timeFirst = analyze.mainField.mainVariableFirst;
final Map<String, Array> phenArrays = analyze.getPhenomenonArrayMap();
final AbstractDataRecord datarecord = OMUtils.getDataRecordTimeSeries("2.0.0", analyze.phenfields);
final Phenomenon phenomenon = OMUtils.getPhenomenon("2.0.0", analyze.phenfields, phenomenons);
if (single) {
if (acceptedSensorID == null || acceptedSensorID.contains(procedureID)) {
final Process proc = (Process) OMUtils.buildProcess(procedureID);
final ProcedureTree compo = new ProcedureTree(proc.getHref(), proc.getName(), proc.getDescription(), "Component", "timeseries");
final MeasureStringBuilder sb = new MeasureStringBuilder();
final int count = timeVar.getDimension(0).getLength();
final GeoSpatialBound gb = new GeoSpatialBound();
final String identifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// read geometry (assume point)
SamplingFeature sp = null;
if (analyze.hasSpatial()) {
final double latitude = getDoubleValue(latArray, analyze.latField.fillValue);
final double longitude = Longitude.normalize(getDoubleValue(lonArray, analyze.lonField.fillValue));
if (!Double.isNaN(latitude) && !Double.isNaN(longitude)) {
sp = OMUtils.buildSamplingPoint(identifier, latitude, longitude);
gb.addXYCoordinate(longitude, latitude);
gb.addGeometry((AbstractGeometry) sp.getGeometry());
// iterating over time
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final long millis = getTimeValue(timeUnits, timeArray, i);
if (millis == 0 || millis == LIMIT) {
for (NCField field : analyze.phenfields) {
final Array phenArray = phenArrays.get(;
final Double value = getDoubleValue(phenArray, i, field.fillValue);
results.observations.add(// id
OMUtils.buildObservation(// id
identifier, // foi
sp, // phenomenon
phenomenon, // procedure
proc, // result
count, // result
datarecord, // result
sb, // time
} else {
final Process proc = (Process) OMUtils.buildProcess(procedureID);
final ProcedureTree system = new ProcedureTree(proc.getHref(), proc.getName(), proc.getDescription(), "System", "timeseries");
for (int j = 0; j < separators.size(); j++) {
final String identifier = separators.get(j);
final MeasureStringBuilder sb = new MeasureStringBuilder();
final int count = getGoodTimeDimension(timeVar, analyze.dimensionSeparator).getLength();
final GeoSpatialBound gb = new GeoSpatialBound();
final String currentProcID = procedureID + '-' + identifier;
final Process currentProc = (Process) OMUtils.buildProcess(currentProcID);
final ProcedureTree compo = new ProcedureTree(currentProc.getHref(), currentProc.getName(), currentProc.getDescription(), "Component", "timeseries");
if (acceptedSensorID == null || acceptedSensorID.contains(currentProcID)) {
// read geometry (assume point)
SamplingFeature sp = null;
if (analyze.hasSpatial()) {
final double latitude = getDoubleValue(latArray, j, analyze.latField.fillValue);
final double longitude = Longitude.normalize(getDoubleValue(lonArray, j, analyze.lonField.fillValue));
if (!Double.isNaN(latitude) && !Double.isNaN(longitude)) {
sp = OMUtils.buildSamplingPoint(identifier, latitude, longitude);
gb.addXYCoordinate(longitude, latitude);
gb.addGeometry((AbstractGeometry) sp.getGeometry());
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final long millis = getTimeValue(timeUnits, timeFirst, constantT, timeArray, i, j);
if (millis == 0 || millis == LIMIT) {
for (NCField field : analyze.phenfields) {
final Array phenArray = phenArrays.get(;
final boolean mainFirst = field.mainVariableFirst;
final Double value = getDoubleValue(mainFirst, phenArray, i, j, field.fillValue);
// remove the last token separator
final String obsid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
results.observations.add(// id
OMUtils.buildObservation(// id
obsid, // foi
sp, // phenomenon
phenomenon, // procedure
currentProc, // result
count, // result
datarecord, // result
sb, // time
} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new NetCDFParsingException("error while parsing netcdf timeserie", ex);
}"datablock parsed");
return results;
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project seadas-toolbox by seadas.
the class BathymetryOp method computeTile.
public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException {
final String targetBandName = targetBand.getName();
final Rectangle rectangle = targetTile.getRectangle();
// not sure if this is really needed but just in case
if (!targetBandName.equals(BATHYMETRY_BAND_NAME) && !targetBandName.equals(TOPOGRAPHY_BAND_NAME) && !targetBandName.equals(ELEVATION_BAND_NAME)) {
for (int y = rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.height; y++) {
for (int x = rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.width; x++) {
int dataValue = 0;
targetTile.setSample(x, y, dataValue);
try {
final GeoCoding geoCoding = sourceProduct.getSceneGeoCoding();
final PixelPos pixelPos = new PixelPos();
final GeoPos geoPos = new GeoPos();
// loop through tile, adding each pixel geolocation to it's appropriate earthBox via motherEarthBox
// at this point the earthBoxes will adjust their mins and maxes based on the given lats and lons.
MotherEarthBox motherEarthBox = new MotherEarthBox();
for (int y = rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.height; y++) {
for (int x = rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.width; x++) {
pixelPos.setLocation(x, y);
geoCoding.getGeoPos(pixelPos, geoPos);
for (EarthBox earthBox : motherEarthBox.getFilledEarthBoxes()) {
// add dimensions to the earthBox
int minLatIndex = bathymetryReader.getLatIndex(earthBox.getMinLat());
int maxLatIndex = bathymetryReader.getLatIndex(earthBox.getMaxLat());
int minLonIndex = bathymetryReader.getLonIndex(earthBox.getMinLon());
int maxLonIndex = bathymetryReader.getLonIndex(earthBox.getMaxLon());
if (minLatIndex > 0) {
if (maxLatIndex < bathymetryReader.dimensionLat - 1) {
if (minLonIndex > 0) {
if (maxLonIndex < bathymetryReader.dimensionLon - 1) {
// determine length of each dimension for the chunk array to be pulled out of the netcdf source
int latDimensionLength = maxLatIndex - minLatIndex + 1;
int lonDimensionLength = maxLonIndex - minLonIndex + 1;
// get the bathymetry height array from the netcdf source
int[] origin = new int[] { minLatIndex, minLonIndex };
int[] shape = new int[] { latDimensionLength, lonDimensionLength };
// retrieve the bathymetry height array from netcdf
Array heightArray = bathymetryReader.getHeightArray(origin, shape);
Array waterSurfaceheightArray = bathymetryReader.getWaterSurfaceHeightArray(origin, shape);
// convert heightArray from ucar.ma2.Array format to regular java array
short[][] heights = (short[][]) heightArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
short[][] waterSurfaceHeights = (short[][]) waterSurfaceheightArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
// add the value array to the earthBox
float minLat = bathymetryReader.getLat(minLatIndex);
float maxLat = bathymetryReader.getLat(maxLatIndex);
float minLon = bathymetryReader.getLon(minLonIndex);
float maxLon = bathymetryReader.getLon(maxLonIndex);
short missingValue = bathymetryReader.getMissingValue();
earthBox.setValues(minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon, heights, waterSurfaceHeights, missingValue);
// loop through all the tile pixels, geolocate them, and get their bathymetry height from motherEarthBox.
for (int y = rectangle.y; y < rectangle.y + rectangle.height; y++) {
for (int x = rectangle.x; x < rectangle.x + rectangle.width; x++) {
pixelPos.setLocation(x, y);
geoCoding.getGeoPos(pixelPos, geoPos);
int value;
int waterSurfaceHeight;
int height;
if (geoPos.isValid()) {
height = motherEarthBox.getValue(geoPos);
waterSurfaceHeight = motherEarthBox.getWaterSurfaceValue(geoPos);
if (targetBandName.equals(ELEVATION_BAND_NAME)) {
value = height;
} else if (targetBandName.equals(TOPOGRAPHY_BAND_NAME)) {
int valueSurface = height - waterSurfaceHeight;
if (valueSurface > 0) {
value = motherEarthBox.getValue(geoPos);
} else {
value = bathymetryReader.getMissingValue();
} else if (targetBandName.equals(BATHYMETRY_BAND_NAME)) {
int valueSurface = height - waterSurfaceHeight;
if (valueSurface <= 0) {
value = valueSurface;
} else {
value = bathymetryReader.getMissingValue();
// convert to positive if not NaN
if (value > -32000) {
value = -value;
} else {
value = bathymetryReader.getMissingValue();
} else {
value = bathymetryReader.getMissingValue();
targetTile.setSample(x, y, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new OperatorException("Error computing tile '" + targetTile.getRectangle().toString() + "'.", e);
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project SOS by 52North.
the class AbstractNetcdfEncoder method initHeightDephtArray.
private Array initHeightDephtArray(List<Dimension> zDims) {
Array array = getArray(zDims);
initArrayWithFillValue(array, getNetcdfHelper().getFillValue());
return array;
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project SOS by 52North.
the class AbstractNetcdfEncoder method getLatitudeArray.
protected Array getLatitudeArray(AbstractSensorDataset sensorDataset) throws EncodingException {
if (sensorDataset instanceof StaticLocationDataset) {
StaticLocationDataset locationDataset = (StaticLocationDataset) sensorDataset;
if (locationDataset.getLat() != null) {
Array array = getArray();
initArrayWithFillValue(array, getNetcdfHelper().getFillValue());
Index index = array.getIndex();
array.setDouble(index, locationDataset.getLat());
} else {
// TODO support varying lat
throw new EncodingException("Varying lat are not yet supported.");
return null;
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project rosetta by Unidata.
the class TestTagUniversalFileFormatOneLocManyOb method testMatchup.
public void testMatchup() throws IOException {
// for this date and ob:
// "2005-04-16 00:00:00",6,21.50,"temperature","Celsius"
// there is a lat/lon matchup
CalendarDate findTimeCd = CalendarDate.parseISOformat("gregorian", "2005-04-16 00:00:00");
long findTime = findTimeCd.toDate().getTime() / 1000;
Variable time = ncd.findVariable("time");
Array timeVals =;
int foundIndex = 0;
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < timeVals.getSize(); i++) {
long checkTime = timeVals.getLong(i);
if (checkTime == findTime) {
found = true;
foundIndex = i;
// check that temperature value is as expected
Variable temp = ncd.findVariable("temperature");
Array tempVals =;
assertEquals(21.50, tempVals.getFloat(foundIndex), 0.001);