use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class NetCDFConverterUtilities method writeData.
public static void writeData(NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut, final String varName, Variable var, final Array originalVarData, final Array destArray, final boolean findNewRange, final boolean updateFillValue, final int[] loopLengths, final boolean flipY) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
final int nestedLoops = loopLengths.length;
final boolean setDepth = nestedLoops > 3;
// timeDim
final int timePositions = loopLengths[0];
final int depthPositions;
final int latPositions;
final int lonPositions;
if (setDepth) {
depthPositions = loopLengths[1];
latPositions = loopLengths[2];
lonPositions = loopLengths[3];
} else {
depthPositions = -1;
latPositions = loopLengths[1];
lonPositions = loopLengths[2];
final DataType varDataType = var.getDataType();
Attribute fv = null;
if (updateFillValue)
fv = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.MISSING_VALUE);
fv = var.findAttribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE);
Index varIndex = originalVarData.getIndex();
Index destIndex = destArray.getIndex();
// //
if (varDataType == DataType.FLOAT) {
float min = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float max = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float fillValue = Float.MAX_VALUE;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).floatValue();
if (setDepth) {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
float sVal = originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
} else {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
float sVal = originalVarData.getFloat(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
// Flipping y
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setFloat(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
if (findNewRange) {
Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
Index index = range.getIndex();
range.setFloat(index.set(0), min);
range.setFloat(index.set(1), max);
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
if (updateFillValue) {
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Float(fillValue)));
// //
// //
} else if (varDataType == DataType.DOUBLE) {
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double fillValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).doubleValue();
if (setDepth) {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
double sVal = originalVarData.getDouble(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setDouble(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
} else {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
double sVal = originalVarData.getDouble(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
// Flipping y
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setDouble(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
if (findNewRange) {
Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
Index index = range.getIndex();
range.setDouble(index.set(0), min);
range.setDouble(index.set(1), max);
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
if (updateFillValue) {
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Double(fillValue)));
// //
// //
} else if (varDataType == DataType.BYTE) {
byte min = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
byte max = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
byte fillValue = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).byteValue();
if (setDepth) {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
byte sVal = originalVarData.getByte(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setByte(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
} else {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
byte sVal = originalVarData.getByte(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
// Flipping y
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setByte(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
if (findNewRange) {
Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
Index index = range.getIndex();
range.setByte(index.set(0), min);
range.setByte(index.set(1), max);
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
if (updateFillValue) {
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Byte(fillValue)));
// //
// //
} else if (varDataType == DataType.SHORT) {
short min = Short.MAX_VALUE;
short max = Short.MIN_VALUE;
short fillValue = Short.MAX_VALUE;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).shortValue();
if (setDepth) {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
short sVal = originalVarData.getShort(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setShort(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
} else {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
short sVal = originalVarData.getShort(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
// Flipping y
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setShort(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
if (findNewRange) {
Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
Index index = range.getIndex();
range.setShort(index.set(0), min);
range.setShort(index.set(1), max);
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
if (updateFillValue) {
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Short(fillValue)));
} else // //
if (varDataType == DataType.INT) {
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int fillValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (fv != null) {
fillValue = (fv.getNumericValue()).intValue();
if (setDepth) {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int levelPos = 0; levelPos < depthPositions; levelPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
int sVal = originalVarData.getInt(varIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setInt(destIndex.set(tPos, levelPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
} else {
for (int tPos = 0; tPos < timePositions; tPos++) {
for (int yPos = 0; yPos < latPositions; yPos++) {
for (int xPos = 0; xPos < lonPositions; xPos++) {
int sVal = originalVarData.getInt(varIndex.set(tPos, yPos, xPos));
if (findNewRange) {
if (sVal >= max && sVal != fillValue)
max = sVal;
if (sVal <= min && sVal != fillValue)
min = sVal;
// Flipping y
int newYpos = yPos;
// Flipping y
if (flipY) {
newYpos = latPositions - yPos - 1;
destArray.setInt(destIndex.set(tPos, newYpos, xPos), sVal);
ncFileOut.write(varName, destArray);
if (findNewRange) {
Array range = NetCDFConverterUtilities.getRangeArray(varDataType);
Index index = range.getIndex();
range.setInt(index.set(0), min);
range.setInt(index.set(1), max);
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.VALID_RANGE, range));
if (updateFillValue) {
ncFileOut.updateAttribute(ncFileOut.findVariable(varName), new Attribute(NetCDFUtilities.DatasetAttribs.FILL_VALUE, new Integer(fillValue)));
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported DataType");
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class NetCDFImageReader method read.
* @see javax.imageio.ImageReader#read(int, javax.imageio.ImageReadParam)
public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param) throws IOException {
Variable variable = null;
Range indexRange = null;
NetCDFVariableWrapper wrapper = null;
Map<Range, ?> indexMap = reader.getIndexMap();
for (Range range : indexMap.keySet()) {
if (range.contains(imageIndex) && range.first() <= imageIndex && imageIndex < range.last()) {
wrapper = (NetCDFVariableWrapper) indexMap.get(range);
indexRange = range;
variable = wrapper.getVariable();
* Fetches the parameters that are not already processed by utility
* methods like 'getDestination' or 'computeRegions' (invoked below).
final int strideX, strideY;
final int[] srcBands, dstBands;
if (param != null) {
strideX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
strideY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
srcBands = param.getSourceBands();
dstBands = param.getDestinationBands();
} else {
strideX = 1;
strideY = 1;
srcBands = null;
dstBands = null;
final int rank = wrapper.getRank();
final int bandDimension = rank - NetCDFUtilities.Z_DIMENSION;
* Gets the destination image of appropriate size. We create it now
* since it is a convenient way to get the number of destination bands.
final int width = wrapper.getWidth();
final int height = wrapper.getHeight();
* Computes the source region (in the NetCDF file) and the destination
* region (in the buffered image). Copies those informations into UCAR
* Range structure.
final Rectangle srcRegion = new Rectangle();
final Rectangle destRegion = new Rectangle();
computeRegions(param, width, height, null, srcRegion, destRegion);
// flipVertically(param, height, srcRegion);
int destWidth = destRegion.x + destRegion.width;
int destHeight = destRegion.y + destRegion.height;
final List<Range> ranges = new LinkedList<Range>();
for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
final int first, length, stride;
switch(rank - i) {
case NetCDFUtilities.X_DIMENSION:
first = srcRegion.x;
length = srcRegion.width;
stride = strideX;
case NetCDFUtilities.Y_DIMENSION:
first = srcRegion.y;
length = srcRegion.height;
stride = strideY;
if (i == bandDimension) {
first = NetCDFUtilities.getZIndex(variable, indexRange, imageIndex);
} else {
first = NetCDFUtilities.getTIndex(variable, indexRange, imageIndex);
length = 1;
stride = 1;
try {
ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw netcdfFailure(e);
final Section sections = new Section(ranges);
* Setting SampleModel and ColorModel.
final SampleModel sampleModel = wrapper.getSampleModel().createCompatibleSampleModel(destWidth, destHeight);
final ColorModel colorModel = ImageIOUtilities.createColorModel(sampleModel);
final WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, new Point(0, 0));
final BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, colorModel.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
* Reads the requested sub-region only.
final int numDstBands = 1;
final float toPercent = 100f / numDstBands;
final int type = raster.getSampleModel().getDataType();
final int xmin = destRegion.x;
final int ymin = destRegion.y;
final int xmax = destRegion.width + xmin;
final int ymax = destRegion.height + ymin;
for (int zi = 0; zi < numDstBands; zi++) {
// final int srcBand = (srcBands == null) ? zi : srcBands[zi];
final int dstBand = (dstBands == null) ? zi : dstBands[zi];
final Array array;
try {
array =;
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
throw netcdfFailure(e);
final IndexIterator it = array.getIndexIterator();
// for (int y = ymax; --y >= ymin;) {
for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) {
for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) {
switch(type) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getDoubleNext());
case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getFloatNext());
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
byte b = it.getByteNext();
// int myByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) b));
// short anUnsignedByte = (short) myByte;
// raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, anUnsignedByte);
raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, b);
raster.setSample(x, y, dstBand, it.getIntNext());
* Checks for abort requests after reading. It would be a waste of a
* potentially good image (maybe the abort request occurred after we
* just finished the reading) if we didn't implemented the
* 'isCancel()' method. But because of the later, which is checked
* by the NetCDF library, we can't assume that the image is
* complete.
if (abortRequested()) {
return image;
* Reports progress here, not in the deeper loop, because the costly
* part is the call to '' which can't report
* progress. The loop that copy pixel values is fast, so reporting
* progress there would be pointless.
processImageProgress(zi * toPercent);
if (lastError != null) {
throw new IIOException(lastError);
return image;
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class GRIB1Utilities method getValuesAsString.
public static String getValuesAsString(Variable variable, int[] indexes) {
final int dataType = NetCDFUtilities.getRawDataType(variable);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
try {
final int size = indexes.length;
final Array values =;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
switch(dataType) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
final short val1s = values.getShort(indexes[i]);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
final int val1 = values.getInt(indexes[i]);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
final float val1f = values.getFloat(indexes[i]);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
final double val1d = values.getDouble(indexes[i]);
if (size > 1 && i != size - 1)
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return sb.toString();
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class BaseHDF4ImageReader method read2DVariable.
protected BufferedImage read2DVariable(final int imageIndex, final ImageReadParam param) throws IOException {
BufferedImage image = null;
final HDF4DatasetWrapper wrapper = getDatasetWrapper(imageIndex);
final Variable variable = wrapper.getVariable();
* Fetches the parameters that are not already processed by utility
* methods like 'getDestination' or 'computeRegions' (invoked below).
final int strideX, strideY;
final int[] srcBands, dstBands;
if (param != null) {
strideX = param.getSourceXSubsampling();
strideY = param.getSourceYSubsampling();
srcBands = param.getSourceBands();
dstBands = param.getDestinationBands();
} else {
strideX = 1;
strideY = 1;
srcBands = null;
dstBands = null;
final int rank = variable.getRank();
* Gets the destination image of appropriate size. We create it now
* since it is a convenient way to get the number of destination bands.
final int width = wrapper.getWidth();
final int height = wrapper.getHeight();
final int numBands = wrapper.getNumBands();
* Computes the source region (in the NetCDF file) and the destination
* region (in the buffered image). Copies those informations into UCAR
* Range structure.
final Rectangle srcRegion = new Rectangle();
final Rectangle destRegion = new Rectangle();
computeRegions(param, width, height, null, srcRegion, destRegion);
// flipVertically(param, height, srcRegion);
int destWidth = destRegion.x + destRegion.width;
int destHeight = destRegion.y + destRegion.height;
final List<Range> ranges = new LinkedList<Range>();
for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
final int first, length, stride;
switch(i) {
case 1:
first = srcRegion.x;
length = srcRegion.width;
stride = strideX;
case 0:
first = srcRegion.y;
length = srcRegion.height;
stride = strideY;
first = 0;
length = numBands;
stride = 1;
try {
ranges.add(new Range(first, first + length - 1, stride));
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
final Section sections = new Section(ranges);
* Setting SampleModel and ColorModel.
final SampleModel sampleModel = wrapper.getSampleModel().createCompatibleSampleModel(destWidth, destHeight);
final ColorModel colorModel = ImageIOUtilities.createColorModel(sampleModel);
* Reads the requested sub-region only.
final int size = destHeight * destWidth * numBands;
Array array = null;
try {
array =;
DataBuffer dataBuffer = null;
if (array instanceof ArrayByte) {
dataBuffer = new DataBufferByte((byte[]) array.get1DJavaArray(byte.class), size);
} else if (array instanceof ArrayShort) {
dataBuffer = new DataBufferShort((short[]) array.get1DJavaArray(short.class), size);
} else if (array instanceof ArrayInt) {
dataBuffer = new DataBufferInt((int[]) array.get1DJavaArray(int.class), size);
} else if (array instanceof ArrayFloat) {
dataBuffer = new DataBufferFloat((float[]) array.get1DJavaArray(float.class), size);
} else if (array instanceof ArrayDouble) {
dataBuffer = new DataBufferDouble((double[]) array.get1DJavaArray(double.class), size);
WritableRaster raster = Raster.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, dataBuffer, new Point(0, 0));
image = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster, colorModel.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null);
} catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
return image;
use of org.openmuc.openiec61850.Array in project imageio-ext by geosolutions-it.
the class NetCDFCF_CLewis_Converter method setTimeVariableAttributes.
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// HELPERS !!!
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private float setTimeVariableAttributes(Variable time_0, NetcdfFileWriteable ncFileOut) throws IOException {
Array time_0_Data =;
Index time_0_Index = time_0_Data.getIndex();
final String name = time_0.getName();
final float referenceTime = time_0_Data.getFloat(time_0_Index.set(0));
float fTime = referenceTime;
Attribute offset = time_0.findAttribute("add_offset");
if (offset != null)
fTime += offset.getNumericValue().floatValue();
GregorianCalendar calendar = null;
if (time_0.getDescription().toLowerCase().contains("modified julian")) {
calendar = NetCDFConverterUtilities.fromModifiedJulian(fTime, time_0.getDescription(), time_0.getUnitsString());
} else {
calendar = NetCDFConverterUtilities.fromJulian(fTime);
final String year = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
final String month = Integer.toString((calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
final String day = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
String hour = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR));
if (hour.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
hour += "0";
String minute = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
if (minute.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
minute += "0";
String second = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
if (second.equalsIgnoreCase("0"))
second += "0";
final String millisecond = Integer.toString(calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
final StringBuffer sbTime = new StringBuffer(year).append("-").append(month).append("-").append(day).append(" ").append(hour).append(":").append(minute).append(":").append(second).append(".").append(millisecond);
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(name, "units", "days since " + sbTime.toString());
ncFileOut.addVariableAttribute(name, "long_name", "time");
return referenceTime;