use of org.opensearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.cancel.CancelTasksRequest in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TransportSearchAction method cancelTask.
private void cancelTask(SearchTask task, Exception exc) {
String errorMsg = exc.getMessage() != null ? exc.getMessage() : "";
CancelTasksRequest req = new CancelTasksRequest().setTaskId(new TaskId(client.getLocalNodeId(), task.getId())).setReason("Fatal failure during search: " + errorMsg);
// force the origin to execute the cancellation as a system user
new OriginSettingClient(client, TASKS_ORIGIN).admin().cluster().cancelTasks(req, ActionListener.wrap(() -> {
use of org.opensearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.cancel.CancelTasksRequest in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class TimeoutTaskCancellationUtility method wrapWithCancellationListener.
* Wraps a listener with a timeout listener {@link TimeoutRunnableListener} to schedule the task cancellation for provided tasks on
* generic thread pool
* @param client - {@link NodeClient}
* @param taskToCancel - task to schedule cancellation for
* @param clusterSettings - {@link ClusterSettings}
* @param listener - original listener associated with the task
* @return wrapped listener
public static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrapWithCancellationListener(NodeClient client, CancellableTask taskToCancel, ClusterSettings clusterSettings, ActionListener<Response> listener) {
final TimeValue globalTimeout = clusterSettings.get(SEARCH_CANCEL_AFTER_TIME_INTERVAL_SETTING);
final TimeValue timeoutInterval = (taskToCancel.getCancellationTimeout() == null) ? globalTimeout : taskToCancel.getCancellationTimeout();
// Note: -1 (or no timeout) will help to turn off cancellation. The combinations will be request level set at -1 or request level
// set to null and cluster level set to -1.
ActionListener<Response> listenerToReturn = listener;
if (timeoutInterval.equals(SearchService.NO_TIMEOUT)) {
return listenerToReturn;
try {
final TimeoutRunnableListener<Response> wrappedListener = new TimeoutRunnableListener<>(timeoutInterval, listener, () -> {
final CancelTasksRequest cancelTasksRequest = new CancelTasksRequest();
cancelTasksRequest.setTaskId(new TaskId(client.getLocalNodeId(), taskToCancel.getId()));
cancelTasksRequest.setReason("Cancellation timeout of " + timeoutInterval + " is expired");
// force the origin to execute the cancellation as a system user
new OriginSettingClient(client, TASKS_ORIGIN).admin().cluster().cancelTasks(cancelTasksRequest, ActionListener.wrap(r -> logger.debug("Scheduled cancel task with timeout: {} for original task: {} is successfully completed", timeoutInterval, cancelTasksRequest.getTaskId()), e -> logger.error(new ParameterizedMessage("Scheduled cancel task with timeout: {} for original task: {} is failed", timeoutInterval, cancelTasksRequest.getTaskId()), e)));
wrappedListener.cancellable = client.threadPool().schedule(wrappedListener, timeoutInterval, ThreadPool.Names.GENERIC);
listenerToReturn = wrappedListener;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// if there is any exception in scheduling the cancellation task then continue without it
logger.warn("Failed to schedule the cancellation task for original task: {}, will continue without it", taskToCancel.getId());
return listenerToReturn;
use of org.opensearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.cancel.CancelTasksRequest in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class PersistentTasksService method sendCancelRequest.
* Cancels a locally running task using the Task Manager API
void sendCancelRequest(final long taskId, final String reason, final ActionListener<CancelTasksResponse> listener) {
CancelTasksRequest request = new CancelTasksRequest();
request.setTaskId(new TaskId(clusterService.localNode().getId(), taskId));
try {
client.admin().cluster().cancelTasks(request, listener);
} catch (Exception e) {
use of org.opensearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.cancel.CancelTasksRequest in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class CancellableTasksTests method testNonExistingTaskCancellation.
public void testNonExistingTaskCancellation() throws Exception {
// Cancel a task that doesn't exist
CancelTasksRequest request = new CancelTasksRequest();
request.setReason("Testing Cancellation");
request.setNodes(randomSubsetOf(randomIntBetween(1, testNodes.length - 1), testNodes).stream().map(TestNode::getNodeId).toArray(String[]::new));
// And send the cancellation request to a random node
CancelTasksResponse response = ActionTestUtils.executeBlocking(testNodes[randomIntBetween(1, testNodes.length - 1)].transportCancelTasksAction, request);
// Shouldn't have cancelled anything
assertThat(response.getTasks().size(), equalTo(0));
assertBusy(() -> {
// Make sure that main task is no longer running
ListTasksResponse listTasksResponse = ActionTestUtils.executeBlocking(testNodes[randomIntBetween(0, testNodes.length - 1)].transportListTasksAction, new ListTasksRequest().setActions(CancelTasksAction.NAME + "*"));
assertEquals(0, listTasksResponse.getTasks().size());
use of org.opensearch.action.admin.cluster.node.tasks.cancel.CancelTasksRequest in project OpenSearch by opensearch-project.
the class CancellableTasksTests method testChildTasksCancellation.
public void testChildTasksCancellation() throws Exception {
CountDownLatch responseLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicReference<NodesResponse> responseReference = new AtomicReference<>();
final AtomicReference<Throwable> throwableReference = new AtomicReference<>();
int runNodesCount = randomIntBetween(1, nodesCount);
int blockedNodesCount = randomIntBetween(0, runNodesCount);
Task mainTask = startCancellableTestNodesAction(true, runNodesCount, blockedNodesCount, new ActionListener<NodesResponse>() {
public void onResponse(NodesResponse listTasksResponse) {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
// Cancel all child tasks without cancelling the main task, which should quit on its own
CancelTasksRequest request = new CancelTasksRequest();
request.setReason("Testing Cancellation");
request.setParentTaskId(new TaskId(testNodes[0].getNodeId(), mainTask.getId()));
// And send the cancellation request to a random node
CancelTasksResponse response = ActionTestUtils.executeBlocking(testNodes[randomIntBetween(1, testNodes.length - 1)].transportCancelTasksAction, request);
// Awaiting for the main task to finish
// Should have cancelled tasks at least on all nodes where it was blocked
assertThat(response.getTasks().size(), lessThanOrEqualTo(runNodesCount));
// but may also encounter some nodes where it was still running
assertThat(response.getTasks().size(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(blockedNodesCount));
assertBusy(() -> {
// Make sure that main task is no longer running
ListTasksResponse listTasksResponse = ActionTestUtils.executeBlocking(testNodes[randomIntBetween(0, testNodes.length - 1)].transportListTasksAction, new ListTasksRequest().setTaskId(new TaskId(testNodes[0].getNodeId(), mainTask.getId())));
assertEquals(0, listTasksResponse.getTasks().size());