Search in sources :

Example 1 with Access

use of org.osate.aadl2.Access in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class ThreatModelUtil method getTypes.

 * Build a map from type names to types. Traverses all files
 * in the current project looking for property declarations, which
 * are used to populate fields for the built-in types.
 * Built-in types are system, connection, and port (also portDirection).
 * This method is not very efficient, and it gets called several times
 * on every keystroke. Fortunately there still seems to be reasonably fast.
 * A crucial optimization will be caching the results because the set of
 * properties does not change that frequently.
 * @param obj an AST node context, used to get access to project files
 * @param indexProvider an index provider, may be obtained through Guice
 * @return the constructed type map
public static LinkedHashMap<String, VerdictType> getTypes(EObject obj, ResourceDescriptionsProvider indexProvider) {
    LinkedHashMap<String, VerdictType> types = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    // Three main built-in types
    BuiltInType connection = new BuiltInType("connection");
    BuiltInType port = new BuiltInType("port");
    BuiltInType system = new BuiltInType("system");
    addBuiltin(types, connection);
    addBuiltin(types, port);
    addBuiltin(types, system);
    // Connection fields
    connection.addField("inPort", port);
    connection.addField("outPort", port);
    connection.addField("source", system);
    connection.addField("dest", system);
    // Port direction
    BuiltInType portDir = new BuiltInType("portDirection");
    // Port fields
    port.addField("direction", portDir);
    port.addField("connections", connection.getListType());
    // System fields
    system.addField("subcomponents", system.getListType());
    system.addField("connections", connection.getListType());
    system.addField("ports", port.getListType());
    // Get the path to the current resource, used to get the project path
    String[] resSegments = obj.eResource().getURI().segments();
    // Iterate through all resources
    IResourceDescriptions index = indexProvider.getResourceDescriptions(obj.eResource());
    descLoop: for (IEObjectDescription desc : index.getExportedObjectsByType(Aadl2Package.eINSTANCE.getPropertySet())) {
        // Get the path to the resource we are examining
        String[] propsResSegments = desc.getEObjectURI().segments();
        // The project is determined by the first two URI segments
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(2, Math.min(resSegments.length, propsResSegments.length)); i++) {
            if (!resSegments[i].equals(propsResSegments[i])) {
                continue descLoop;
        // Load the resource into EMF-land; dynamically loads if necessary
        Resource res = obj.eResource().getResourceSet().getResource(desc.getEObjectURI(), true);
        if (res != null) {
            // Search the AST
            TreeIterator<EObject> it = res.getAllContents();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                EObject next =;
                if (next instanceof PropertySet) {
                    PropertySet props = (PropertySet) next;
                    // Iterate the declared properties
                    for (Element elem : props.getOwnedElements()) {
                        if (elem instanceof Property) {
                            Property prop = (Property) elem;
                            // Make sure type information is present
                            if (prop.getPropertyType() != null) {
                                // the types for which the property is a field
                                for (MetaclassReference meta : prop.getAppliesToMetaclasses()) {
                                    // Get type name, lowercase it because it is a class name
                                    String appliesToMetaclass = meta.getMetaclass().getName().toLowerCase();
                                    // Hopefully this is a type that we have accounted for
                                    if (types.containsKey(appliesToMetaclass)) {
                                        ((BuiltInType) types.get(appliesToMetaclass)).addField(prop.getName(), new AadlTypeWrapper(prop.getName(), prop.getPropertyType()));
                                    } else {
                                        // If we get this error message, then perhaps need to add
                                        // some built-in types
                                        System.err.println("could not find built in type: " + appliesToMetaclass);
                    // Discard all children of the property set
    // Prevent synchronization issues
    return types;
Also used : Element(org.osate.aadl2.Element) Resource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource) AadlTypeWrapper( BuiltInType( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IEObjectDescription(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IEObjectDescription) VerdictType( IResourceDescriptions(org.eclipse.xtext.resource.IResourceDescriptions) EObject(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) PropertySet(org.osate.aadl2.PropertySet) MetaclassReference(org.osate.aadl2.MetaclassReference) TreeIterator(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator) Property(org.osate.aadl2.Property)

Example 2 with Access

use of org.osate.aadl2.Access in project VERDICT by ge-high-assurance.

the class Aadl2Vdm method translateComponentImplObjects.

// End of translateProcessorTypeObjects
 * Analyzing each component implementation
 * @param comImpls
 * @param m2
 * @return
public Model translateComponentImplObjects(List<ComponentImplementation> comImpls, Map<Property, String> componentPropertyToName, Map<Property, String> connPropertyToName, Model m2, HashSet<String> dataTypeDecl) {
    Map<String, String> connectionToBusMap = new HashMap<>();
    // creating an object for each implementation first as we will need it later
    for (ComponentImplementation aSystemImpl : comImpls) {
        // to pack the sysImpl as a VDM componentImpl
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl packCompImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl();
        // setting "name" field of packCompImpl, will need later
        // Note: Will skip "Nodebody" field for now
        // ISSUE: No "id" field in Component implementations
        // adding object to "componentImpl" field of m2
        // update map (connection-name -> bus-Instance-Name)
        for (PropertyAssociation propAssoc : aSystemImpl.getOwnedPropertyAssociations()) {
            if (!(propAssoc.getProperty().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Actual_Connection_Binding"))) {
                System.out.println("System Implementation contains property " + propAssoc.getProperty().getName() + " which is not currently handled.");
            if (propAssoc.getOwnedValues().size() != 1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of property owned values: " + propAssoc.getOwnedValues().size());
            if (!(propAssoc.getOwnedValues().get(0).getOwnedValue() instanceof ListValueImpl)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type of property owned value");
            } else {
                ListValueImpl listVal = (ListValueImpl) propAssoc.getOwnedValues().get(0).getOwnedValue();
                if (listVal.getOwnedListElements().size() != 1) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of list elements are associated with the property owned value");
                } else if (!(listVal.getOwnedListElements().get(0) instanceof ReferenceValueImpl)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected number of list elements are associated with the property owned value");
                } else {
                    ReferenceValueImpl refVal = (ReferenceValueImpl) listVal.getOwnedListElements().get(0);
                    ContainmentPathElement pathEle = refVal.getPath();
                    while (!(pathEle.getNamedElement() instanceof BusSubcomponent)) {
                        pathEle = pathEle.getPath();
                    String busInstanceName = pathEle.getNamedElement().getQualifiedName();
                    for (ContainedNamedElement connection : propAssoc.getAppliesTos()) {
                        // updating map (connection name -> bus name)
                        connectionToBusMap.put(connection.getPath().getNamedElement().getQualifiedName(), busInstanceName);
    // Getting the reference of the object previously created and populating
    for (ComponentImplementation aCompImpl : comImpls) {
        // variable to refer to previously created object
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl packCompImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl();
        // finding previously created object
        for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl anImplObj : m2.getComponentImpl()) {
            if (anImplObj.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(aCompImpl.getQualifiedName())) {
                packCompImpl = anImplObj;
        // setting "type" field of packCompImpl
        for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType cType : m2.getComponentType()) {
            if (aCompImpl.getType().getQualifiedName().equals(cType.getId())) {
        // End of setting "type"
        // a BlockImpl object to pack all info for packCompImpl.blockImpl
        verdict.vdm.vdm_model.BlockImpl packBlockImpl = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.BlockImpl();
        // adding all subcomponents to "subcomponent" field of packBlockImpl
        for (Subcomponent aSubComp : aCompImpl.getOwnedSubcomponents()) {
            // to pack all information of a subcomponent
            verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance packSubComp = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance();
            // ISSUE: No "id" field in subcomponents
            // setting "name" field of packSubComp
            // setting "specification" field of packSubComp
            for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentType cType : m2.getComponentType()) {
                if (aSubComp.getComponentType().getName().equals(cType.getName())) {
            // setting the "implementation" field of packSubComp
            for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentImpl cImpl : m2.getComponentImpl()) {
                // if(aSubComp.getSubcomponentType().getName().equals(cImpl.getName())){
                if (aSubComp.getSubcomponentType().getQualifiedName().equals(cImpl.getId())) {
            // setting "attribute" field of packSubComp
            // category of subComponent
            String aSubCompCatName = aSubComp.getCategory().getName().toLowerCase();
            // checking all collected properties in componentPropertyToName
            for (Property prop : componentPropertyToName.keySet()) {
                if (isApplicableToCat(prop, aSubCompCatName)) {
                    // create a GenericAttribute object to pack the property
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute anAttribute = new verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute();
                    String value = "";
                    PropertyAcc propAcc = aSubComp.getPropertyValue(prop);
                    PropertyExpression defPropExpr = prop.getDefaultValue();
                    if (propAcc != null && !propAcc.getAssociations().isEmpty()) {
                        value = getStrRepofPropVal(aSubComp.getPropertyValue(prop));
                    } else if (defPropExpr != null) {
                        value = getStrRepofExpr(defPropExpr)[0];
                    if (!value.equals("")) {
                        // setting the "name" and "value" field of anAttribute
                        // get the property type
                        PropertyType propType = prop.getPropertyType();
                        QName type = new QName("String");
                        if (propType instanceof AadlBooleanImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Bool");
                        } else if (propType instanceof AadlIntegerImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Int");
                        } else if (propType instanceof EnumerationTypeImpl) {
                            type = new QName("String");
                        } else {
                            if (!(propType instanceof AadlStringImpl)) {
                                type = new QName(propType.toString());
                        // parse propertyType fetched using prop.getOwnedPropertyType() and map it to "Bool", "Int", or "String"
                        // adding asAttribute to packSubComp
                } else {
                    // for outer if
            // adding packSubComp to packBlockImpl
        // adding all connections to "connections" field of packBlockImpl
        if (aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections() != null && !aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections().isEmpty()) {
            for (Connection aConn : aCompImpl.getOwnedConnections()) {
                // to pack all information of a connection
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection packConn = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection();
                // populate connectionKind
                // variables to unpack information from AADL object
                String srcCompInstName = "";
                String destCompInstName = "";
                Context srcConnContext = aConn.getAllSourceContext();
                Context destConnContext = aConn.getAllDestinationContext();
                ConnectionEnd srcConnectionEnd = aConn.getAllSource();
                ConnectionEnd destConnectionEnd = aConn.getAllDestination();
                if (srcConnContext != null) {
                    srcCompInstName = srcConnContext.getName();
                if (destConnContext != null) {
                    destCompInstName = destConnContext.getName();
                String srcPortTypeName = "";
                String destPortTypeName = "";
                String srcPortName = srcConnectionEnd.getName();
                String destPortName = destConnectionEnd.getName();
                // variables to capture data type information
                DataSubcomponentType srcDataSubCompType = null;
                DataSubcomponentType destDataSubCompType = null;
                if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataPort) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventDataPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((EventDataPort) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataAccess) {
                    AccessType type = ((DataAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    if (type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                        srcPortTypeName = "providesDataAccess";
                    } else if (type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                        srcPortTypeName = "requiresDataAccess";
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof DataSubcomponent) {
                    srcDataSubCompType = ((DataSubcomponent) srcConnectionEnd).getDataSubcomponentType();
                    srcPortTypeName = "data";
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof BusAccess) {
                    // AccessType type = ((BusAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    // if(type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                    // srcPortTypeName = "providesBusAccess";
                    // } else if(type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                    // srcPortTypeName = "requiresBusAccess";
                    // } else {
                    // throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    // }
                    // BusFeatureClassifier busfeatureClassifier = ((BusAccess) srcConnectionEnd).getBusFeatureClassifier();
                    // if(busfeatureClassifier instanceof BusImplementation) {
                    // srcBusImpl = (BusImplementation)busfeatureClassifier;
                    // }
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd);
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof BusSubcomponent) {
                    // srcBusSubCompType = ((BusSubcomponent)srcConnectionEnd).getBusSubcomponentType();
                    // srcPortTypeName = "bus";
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd);
                } else if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    srcPortTypeName = ((EventPort) srcConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventPort) srcConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported AADL component element type: " + srcConnectionEnd + "encountered while processing connections");
                if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataPort) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventDataPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((EventDataPort) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataAccess) {
                    AccessType type = ((DataAccess) destConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    if (type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                        destPortTypeName = "providesDataAccess";
                    } else if (type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                        destPortTypeName = "requiresDataAccess";
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataAccess) destConnectionEnd).getDataFeatureClassifier();
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof DataSubcomponent) {
                    destDataSubCompType = ((DataSubcomponent) destConnectionEnd).getDataSubcomponentType();
                    destPortTypeName = "data";
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof BusAccess) {
                    // AccessType type = ((BusAccess) destConnectionEnd).getKind();
                    // if(type == AccessType.PROVIDES) {
                    // destPortTypeName = "providesBusAccess";
                    // } else if(type == AccessType.REQUIRES) {
                    // destPortTypeName = "requiresBusAccess";
                    // } else {
                    // throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected access type: " + type);
                    // }
                    // BusFeatureClassifier busfeatureClassifier = ((BusAccess) destConnectionEnd).getBusFeatureClassifier();
                    // if(busfeatureClassifier instanceof BusImplementation) {
                    // destBusImpl = (BusImplementation)busfeatureClassifier;
                    // }
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd);
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof BusSubcomponent) {
                    // destBusSubCompType = ((BusSubcomponent)destConnectionEnd).getBusSubcomponentType();
                    // destPortTypeName = "bus";
                    System.out.println("Warning: Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd);
                } else if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    destPortTypeName = ((EventPort) destConnectionEnd).isIn() ? (((EventPort) destConnectionEnd).isOut() ? "inOut" : "in") : "out";
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported AADL component element type: " + destConnectionEnd + "encountered while processing connections");
                // setting name
                if (connectionToBusMap.containsKey(aConn.getQualifiedName())) {
                // --- Populate packConn below ---
                // to pack source
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd packSrcEnd = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd();
                // to pack "componentPort"  of packSrcEnd
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port packSrcEndPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port();
                // } else
                if (srcConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    packSrcEndPort = createVdmConnectionEventPort(srcPortName, srcPortTypeName, srcConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName());
                } else {
                    // if not a bus access port or bus implementation port or event port
                    packSrcEndPort = createVdmConnectionPort(srcPortName, srcPortTypeName, srcConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName(), srcDataSubCompType, m2, dataTypeDecl);
                // If source port is independent of a component instance
                if (srcCompInstName.equals("")) {
                } else {
                    // to pack "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort packSrcEndCompInstPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort();
                    // putting a reference to appropriate "subcomponent" from packBlockImpl in "subcomponent" of packSrcEndCompInstPort
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance checkCompInst : packBlockImpl.getSubcomponent()) {
                        if (checkCompInst.getName().equals(srcCompInstName)) {
                        } else {
                    // setting "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                // adding to "source" of packConn
                // to pack destination
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd packDestEnd = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ConnectionEnd();
                // to pack "componentPort"  of packDestEnd
                verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port packDestEndPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port();
                // } else
                if (destConnectionEnd instanceof EventPort) {
                    packDestEndPort = createVdmConnectionEventPort(destPortName, destPortTypeName, destConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName());
                } else {
                    // if not a bus access port or bus implementation port or eventport
                    packDestEndPort = createVdmConnectionPort(destPortName, destPortTypeName, destConnectionEnd.getQualifiedName(), destDataSubCompType, m2, dataTypeDecl);
                // If source port is independent of a component instance
                if (destCompInstName.equals("")) {
                } else {
                    // to pack "subcomponentPort" of packSrcEnd
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort packDestEndCompInstPort = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.CompInstancePort();
                    // putting a reference to appropriate "subcomponent" from packBlockImpl in "subcomponent" of packSrcEndCompInstPort
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_model.ComponentInstance checkCompInst : packBlockImpl.getSubcomponent()) {
                        if (checkCompInst.getName().equals(destCompInstName)) {
                        } else {
                    // setting "subcomponentPort" of packDestEnd
                // adding to "source" of packConn
                // adding connection properties from connProperty.ToName
                for (Property prop : connPropertyToName.keySet()) {
                    // create a GenericAttribute object to pack the property
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute aConnAttribute = new verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute();
                    String value = "";
                    PropertyAcc propAcc = aConn.getPropertyValue(prop);
                    PropertyExpression defPropExpr = prop.getDefaultValue();
                    if (propAcc != null && !propAcc.getAssociations().isEmpty()) {
                        value = getStrRepofPropVal(propAcc);
                    } else if (defPropExpr != null) {
                        value = getStrRepofExpr(defPropExpr)[0];
                    if (!value.equals("")) {
                        // setting the "name" and "value" field of anAttribute
                        PropertyType propType = prop.getPropertyType();
                        QName type = new QName("String");
                        if (propType instanceof AadlBooleanImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Bool");
                        } else if (propType instanceof AadlIntegerImpl) {
                            type = new QName("Int");
                        } else if (propType instanceof EnumerationTypeImpl) {
                            type = new QName("String");
                        } else {
                            if (!(propType instanceof AadlStringImpl)) {
                                type = new QName(propType.toString());
                        // parse propertyType fetched using prop.getOwnedPropertyType() and map it to "Bool", "Int", or "String"
                        // adding asAttribute to packSubComp
                if (aConn.isBidirectional()) {
                    // to pack reverse connection
                    verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection packReverseConn = new verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Connection();
                    packReverseConn.setName(packConn.getName() + "_reverse");
                    for (verdict.vdm.vdm_data.GenericAttribute anAttribute : packConn.getAttribute()) {
                    // add packReverseConn to packBlockImpl
                } else {
                // add packConn to packBlockImpl
    // End of adding all connections
    // setting "blackImpl" field of packCompImpl
    // packCompImpl.setBlockImpl(packBlockImpl);
    // return populated Model
    return m2;
Also used : LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SLPort( LPort( EventPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventPort) DataPort(org.osate.aadl2.DataPort) Port(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) PropertyType(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyType) Port(verdict.vdm.vdm_model.Port) DataAccess(org.osate.aadl2.DataAccess) DataPort(org.osate.aadl2.DataPort) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) ThreadSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ThreadSubcomponent) BusSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.BusSubcomponent) Subcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.Subcomponent) MemorySubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.MemorySubcomponent) ThreadGroupSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ThreadGroupSubcomponent) SubprogramSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramSubcomponent) DeviceSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DeviceSubcomponent) ProcessSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.ProcessSubcomponent) SystemSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.SystemSubcomponent) AbstractSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.AbstractSubcomponent) DataSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent) VirtualProcessorSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.VirtualProcessorSubcomponent) PropertyAcc( ListValueImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.ListValueImpl) EventDataPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventDataPort) AccessType(org.osate.aadl2.AccessType) EnumerationTypeImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.EnumerationTypeImpl) BusSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.BusSubcomponent) ReferenceValueImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.ReferenceValueImpl) DataSubcomponentType(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponentType) ContainedNamedElement(org.osate.aadl2.ContainedNamedElement) ComponentImplementation(org.osate.aadl2.ComponentImplementation) PropertyAssociation(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyAssociation) EventPort(org.osate.aadl2.EventPort) PropertyExpression(org.osate.aadl2.PropertyExpression) Property(org.osate.aadl2.Property) Context(org.osate.aadl2.Context) BusAccess(org.osate.aadl2.BusAccess) AadlBooleanImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlBooleanImpl) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) AadlStringImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlStringImpl) ContainmentPathElement(org.osate.aadl2.ContainmentPathElement) Connection(org.osate.aadl2.Connection) AadlIntegerImpl(org.osate.aadl2.impl.AadlIntegerImpl) DataSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent) ConnectionEnd(org.osate.aadl2.ConnectionEnd)

Example 3 with Access

use of org.osate.aadl2.Access in project AMASE by loonwerks.

the class AddFaultsToNodeVisitor method changeAsymConnections.

 * Method will remove the previous connections in the main lustre node from
 * sender to receivers and add in the new connections from sender to commNode
 * and from commNode to receiver. Ex: What used to be: Sender_out =
 * Sender_out = Sender_out = Is now: Sender_out =
 * Sender_out = Sender_out = asym0.out =
 * asym1.out = asym2.out =
 * @param nb NodeBuilder for the main lustre node.
private void changeAsymConnections(AgreeNodeBuilder nb) {
    // Insert connections sender_output = commNode_input
    for (String output : mapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn.keySet()) {
        for (String nodeName : mapAsymCompOutputToCommNodeIn.get(output)) {
            Expr eq = new BinaryExpr(new IdExpr(output), BinaryOp.EQUAL, new IdExpr(nodeName));
            nb.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", eq, this.topNode.reference));
    // Insert connections commNode_output = receiver_input.
    for (String output : mapCommNodeOutputToConnections.keySet()) {
        String featureName = "";
        String componentName = "";
        // First access name of receiving component and its input
        if (mapCommNodeOutputToConnections.get(output).eContainer() instanceof SystemInstanceImpl) {
            FeatureInstanceImpl fi = (FeatureInstanceImpl) mapCommNodeOutputToConnections.get(output);
            componentName = "";
            featureName = fi.getName();
        } else if (mapCommNodeOutputToConnections.get(output) instanceof FeatureInstanceImpl) {
            FeatureInstanceImpl fi = (FeatureInstanceImpl) mapCommNodeOutputToConnections.get(output);
            featureName = fi.getName();
            if (fi.eContainer() instanceof ComponentInstanceImpl) {
                ComponentInstanceImpl ci = (ComponentInstanceImpl) fi.eContainer();
                componentName = ci.getName() + "__";
            } else {
                new SafetyException("Asymmetric fault must be connected to a component instance.");
        } else {
            new SafetyException("Asymmetric fault must have an allowable connection.");
        // Create lustre connection name, add to builder.
        IdExpr connectionName = new IdExpr(componentName + featureName);
        Expr eq = new BinaryExpr(new IdExpr(output), BinaryOp.EQUAL, connectionName);
        nb.addAssertion(new AgreeStatement("", eq, this.topNode.reference));
Also used : ComponentInstanceImpl(org.osate.aadl2.instance.impl.ComponentInstanceImpl) AgreeStatement(com.rockwellcollins.atc.agree.analysis.ast.AgreeStatement) RecordAccessExpr(jkind.lustre.RecordAccessExpr) UnaryExpr(jkind.lustre.UnaryExpr) Expr(jkind.lustre.Expr) IntExpr(jkind.lustre.IntExpr) NodeCallExpr(jkind.lustre.NodeCallExpr) BoolExpr(jkind.lustre.BoolExpr) BinaryExpr(jkind.lustre.BinaryExpr) ArrayAccessExpr(jkind.lustre.ArrayAccessExpr) IdExpr(jkind.lustre.IdExpr) IfThenElseExpr(jkind.lustre.IfThenElseExpr) IdExpr(jkind.lustre.IdExpr) SystemInstanceImpl(org.osate.aadl2.instance.impl.SystemInstanceImpl) BinaryExpr(jkind.lustre.BinaryExpr) SafetyException( FeatureInstanceImpl(org.osate.aadl2.instance.impl.FeatureInstanceImpl)

Example 4 with Access

use of org.osate.aadl2.Access in project osate2 by osate.

the class AccessPropertySection method refresh.

public void refresh() {
    final Set<Access> selectedAccesses = selectedBos.boStream(Access.class).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    // Get initial value for buttons
    final AccessType accessType = getAccessType(selectedAccesses);
    // Set selection
    providesBtn.setSelection(accessType == AccessType.PROVIDES);
    requiresBtn.setSelection(accessType == AccessType.REQUIRES);
Also used : Access(org.osate.aadl2.Access) AccessType(org.osate.aadl2.AccessType)

Example 5 with Access

use of org.osate.aadl2.Access in project osate2 by osate.

the class CreateAadlConnectionPaletteCommand method buildCreateOperation.

public Operation buildCreateOperation(final BusinessObjectContext ownerBoc, final BusinessObjectContext srcBoc, final BusinessObjectContext dstBoc) {
    return Operation.createWithBuilder(createOp -> {
        // Create the subcomponent
        getClassifierOpBuilder().buildOperation(createOp, ownerBoc.getBusinessObject()).modifyPreviousResult(owner -> {
            // Create the appropriate type of connection object
            final org.osate.aadl2.Connection newAadlConnection = AadlConnectionUtil.createConnection(owner, connectionType);
            if (newAadlConnection == null) {
                return null;
            // Reset the no connections flag
            // Set the source and destination
            final ConnectedElement src = getConnectedElementForBusinessObjectContext(srcBoc, connectionType, false, ownerBoc);
            final ConnectedElement dst = getConnectedElementForBusinessObjectContext(dstBoc, connectionType, !(src.getContext() instanceof Subcomponent), ownerBoc);
            // Determine the name for the new connection
            final String newConnectionName = AadlNamingUtil.buildUniqueIdentifier(owner, "new_connection");
            // Set type of access connection
            if (newAadlConnection instanceof AccessConnection) {
                final AccessConnection ac = (AccessConnection) newAadlConnection;
                if (src.getConnectionEnd() instanceof SubprogramAccess || dst.getConnectionEnd() instanceof SubprogramAccess) {
                } else if (src.getConnectionEnd() instanceof SubprogramGroupAccess || dst.getConnectionEnd() instanceof SubprogramGroupAccess) {
                } else if (src.getConnectionEnd() instanceof BusAccess || dst.getConnectionEnd() instanceof BusAccess) {
                } else if (src.getConnectionEnd() instanceof DataAccess || dst.getConnectionEnd() instanceof DataAccess) {
            return StepResultBuilder.create().showNewBusinessObject(ownerBoc, newAadlConnection).build();
Also used : BusAccess(org.osate.aadl2.BusAccess) SubprogramAccess(org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramAccess) SubprogramSubcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramSubcomponent) Subcomponent(org.osate.aadl2.Subcomponent) ConnectedElement(org.osate.aadl2.ConnectedElement) AccessConnection(org.osate.aadl2.AccessConnection) SubprogramGroupAccess(org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramGroupAccess) DataAccess(org.osate.aadl2.DataAccess)


Subcomponent (org.osate.aadl2.Subcomponent)12 Classifier (org.osate.aadl2.Classifier)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Feature (org.osate.aadl2.Feature)9 ComponentInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ComponentInstance)9 FeatureInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.FeatureInstance)9 Connection (org.osate.aadl2.Connection)8 SubprogramSubcomponent (org.osate.aadl2.SubprogramSubcomponent)8 ConnectionInstanceEnd (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstanceEnd)8 Access (org.osate.aadl2.Access)7 AccessType (org.osate.aadl2.AccessType)7 ComponentClassifier (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentClassifier)7 ComponentImplementation (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentImplementation)7 NamedElement (org.osate.aadl2.NamedElement)7 EObject (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)6 DataSubcomponent (org.osate.aadl2.DataSubcomponent)6 FeatureGroup (org.osate.aadl2.FeatureGroup)6 ConnectionInstance (org.osate.aadl2.instance.ConnectionInstance)6 ComponentCategory (org.osate.aadl2.ComponentCategory)5 ConnectionEnd (org.osate.aadl2.ConnectionEnd)5