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Example 1 with Point3d

use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class VectorString3D method mirror.

 * Where axis is any of VectorString.X_AXIS, .Y_AXIS or .Z_AXIS,
 *	    and the mirroring is done relative to the local 0,0 of this VectorString.
public void mirror(final int axis) {
    final Transform3D t = new Transform3D();
    switch(axis) {
        case VectorString.X_AXIS:
            t.setScale(new Vector3d(-1, 1, 1));
            tags ^= MIRROR_X;
        case VectorString.Y_AXIS:
            t.setScale(new Vector3d(1, -1, 1));
            tags ^= MIRROR_Y;
        case VectorString.Z_AXIS:
            t.setScale(new Vector3d(1, 1, -1));
            tags ^= MIRROR_Z;
    final Point3d p = new Point3d();
    transform(x, y, z, t, p);
    if (null != this.vx)
        transform(vx, vy, vz, t, p);
    if (null != this.rvx)
        transform(rvx, rvy, rvz, t, p);
Also used : Vector3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Vector3d) Point3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d) Transform3D(org.scijava.java3d.Transform3D)

Example 2 with Point3d

use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class VectorString3D method resample.

 * If argument with_source is true, then returns an ArrayList of ArrayList of Point3d, with lists of all points that contributed to each point.
private void resample(final boolean with_source) {
    // parameters
    final double MAX_DISTANCE = 2.5 * delta;
    final int MA = (int) (MAX_DISTANCE / getAverageDelta());
    final int MAX_AHEAD = MA < 6 ? 6 : MA;
    // convenient data carrier and editor
    final ResamplingData r = new ResamplingData(this.length, this.dep);
    final Vector vector = new Vector();
    // The source points that generate each point:
    if (with_source && null == this.source) {
        // add all original points to a new list of lists (so that many VectorString3D may be combined, while keeping all source points for each final point)
        this.source = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Point3d>>();
        for (int g = 0; g < length; g++) {
            final ArrayList<Point3d> ap = new ArrayList<Point3d>();
            ap.add(new Point3d(x[g], y[g], z[g]));
    final ArrayList<ArrayList<Point3d>> new_source = with_source ? new ArrayList<ArrayList<Point3d>>() : null;
    // first resampled point is the same as point zero
    r.setP(0, x[0], y[0], z[0]);
    r.setDeps(0, dep, new int[] { 0 }, new double[] { 1.0 }, 1);
    if (with_source)
        new_source.add(new ArrayList<Point3d>(this.source.get(0)));
    // index over x,y,z
    int i = 1;
    // index over rx,ry,rz (resampled points)
    int j = 1;
    // some vars
    int t, s, ii, u, iu, k;
    int prev_i = i;
    double dist_ahead, dist1, dist2, sum;
    final double[] w = new double[MAX_AHEAD];
    final double[] distances = new double[MAX_AHEAD];
    final Vector[] ve = new Vector[MAX_AHEAD];
    int next_ahead;
    for (next_ahead = 0; next_ahead < MAX_AHEAD; next_ahead++) ve[next_ahead] = new Vector();
    final int[] ahead = new int[MAX_AHEAD];
    try {
        // start infinite loop
        for (; prev_i <= i; ) {
            if (prev_i > i || (!isClosed() && i == this.length - 1))
            // get distances of MAX_POINTs ahead from the previous point
            next_ahead = 0;
            for (t = 0; t < MAX_AHEAD; t++) {
                s = i + t;
                // fix 's' if it goes over the end
                if (s >= this.length) {
                    if (isClosed())
                        s -= this.length;
                dist_ahead = r.distance(j - 1, x[s], y[s], z[s]);
                if (dist_ahead < MAX_DISTANCE) {
                    ahead[next_ahead] = s;
                    distances[next_ahead] = dist_ahead;
            if (0 == next_ahead) {
                // No points (ahead of the i point) are found within MAX_DISTANCE
                // Just use the next point as target towards which create a vector of length delta
                vector.set(x[i] - r.x(j - 1), y[i] - r.y(j - 1), z[i] - r.z(j - 1));
                dist1 = vector.length();
                vector.put(j, r);
                if (with_source) {
                    // shallow clone: shared Point3d instances (but no shared lists)
                    // the next point is 'i'
                    new_source.add(new ArrayList<Point3d>(this.source.get(i)));
                if (null != dep)
                    r.setDeps(j, dep, new int[] { i }, new double[] { 1.0 }, 1);
                // correct for point overtaking the not-close-enough point ahead in terms of 'delta_p' as it is represented in MAX_DISTANCE, but overtaken by the 'delta' used for subsampling:
                if (dist1 <= delta) {
                    // look for a point ahead that is over distance delta from the previous j, so that it will lay ahead of the current j
                    for (u = i; u < this.length; u++) {
                        dist2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x[u] - r.x(j - 1), 2) + Math.pow(y[u] - r.y(j - 1), 2) + Math.pow(z[u] - r.z(j - 1), 2));
                        if (dist2 > delta) {
                            prev_i = i;
                            i = u;
            } else {
                // Compose a point ahead out of the found ones.
                // First, adjust weights for the points ahead
                w[0] = distances[0] / MAX_DISTANCE;
                double largest = w[0];
                for (u = 1; u < next_ahead; u++) {
                    w[u] = 1 - (distances[u] / MAX_DISTANCE);
                    if (w[u] > largest) {
                        largest = w[u];
                // normalize weights: divide by largest
                sum = 0;
                for (u = 0; u < next_ahead; u++) {
                    w[u] = w[u] / largest;
                    sum += w[u];
                // correct error. The closest point gets the extra
                if (sum < 1.0) {
                    w[0] += 1.0 - sum;
                } else {
                    recalculate(w, next_ahead, sum);
                // Now, make a vector for each point with the corresponding weight
                vector.set(0, 0, 0);
                final ArrayList<Point3d> ap = with_source ? new ArrayList<Point3d>() : null;
                for (u = 0; u < next_ahead; u++) {
                    iu = i + u;
                    if (iu >= this.length)
                        iu -= this.length;
                    ve[u].set(x[iu] - r.x(j - 1), y[iu] - r.y(j - 1), z[iu] - r.z(j - 1));
                    ve[u].setLength(w[u] * delta);
                    // compute the length only on the last iteration
                    vector.add(ve[u], u == next_ahead - 1);
                    if (with_source) {
                if (with_source)
                // correct potential errors
                if (Math.abs(vector.length() - delta) > 0.00000001) {
                // set
                vector.put(j, r);
                if (null != dep)
                    r.setDeps(j, dep, ahead, w, next_ahead);
                // System.out.println("j: " + j + "  (" + next_ahead + ")   " + vector.computeLength() + "  " + vector.length());
                // find the first point that is right ahead of the newly added point
                // so: loop through points that lay within MAX_DISTANCE, and find the first one that is right past delta.
                ii = i;
                for (k = 0; k < next_ahead; k++) {
                    if (distances[k] > delta) {
                        ii = ahead[k];
                // correct for the case of unseen point (because all MAX_POINTS ahead lay under delta):
                prev_i = i;
                if (i == ii) {
                    // the one after the last.
                    i = ahead[next_ahead - 1] + 1;
                    if (i >= this.length) {
                        if (// this.length is the length of the x,y,z, the original points
                            // this.length is the length of the x,y,z, the original points
                            i = i - this.length;
                            i = this.length - 1;
                } else {
                    i = ii;
            // advance index in the new points
            j += 1;
    // end of for loop
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Some data: x,y,z .length = " + x.length + "," + y.length + "," + z.length + "\nj=" + j + ", i=" + i + ", prev_i=" + prev_i);
    dist_ahead = r.distance(j - 1, x[this.length - 1], y[this.length - 1], z[this.length - 1]);
    // System.out.println("delta: " + delta + "\nlast point: " + x[x.length-1] + ", " + y[y.length-1] + ", " + z[z.length-1]);
    // System.out.println("last resampled point: x,y,z " + r.x(j-1) + ", " + r.y(j-1) + ", " + r.z(j-1));
    // System.out.println("distance: " + dist_ahead);
    // see whether the subsampling terminated too early, and fill with a line of points.
    final int last_i = isClosed() ? 0 : this.length - 1;
    if (dist_ahead > delta * 1.2) {
        // TODO//System.out.println("resampling terminated too early. Why?");
        while (dist_ahead > delta * 1.2) {
            // make a vector from the last resampled point to the last point
            vector.set(x[last_i] - r.x(j - 1), y[last_i] - r.y(j - 1), z[last_i] - r.z(j - 1));
            // resize it to length delta
            vector.put(j, r);
            if (with_source)
                new_source.add(new ArrayList<Point3d>(this.source.get(last_i)));
            dist_ahead = r.distance(j - 1, x[last_i], y[last_i], z[last_i]);
    // done!
    // j acts as length of resampled points and vectors
    r.put(this, j);
    if (with_source)
        this.source = new_source;
// System.out.println("resampling with_source: " + with_source + "    n_sources = " + n_sources);
// debug:
// if (with_source && j != new_source.size()) System.out.println("WARNING: len: " + j + ", sources length: " + new_source.size());
// if (with_source && n_sources > 1) System.out.println("n_sources=" + n_sources + " lengths: " + j + ", " + new_source.size());
Also used : Point3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 3 with Point3d

use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class VectorString3D method getStdDevAtEachPoint.

 * If null != source, compute the StdDev at each point in this VectorString3D, by comparing it with its associated source points. Returns null if there is no source.
 * What is meant for stdDev is the stdDev of the points from which any given point in this VectorString3D was generated, returned as a distance to use as radius around that point.
public double[] getStdDevAtEachPoint() {
    if (null == source)
        return null;
    final double[] stdDev = new double[length];
    int i = 0;
    System.out.println("len x: " + length + "  len source: " + source.size());
    for (final ArrayList<Point3d> ap : source) {
        // 1 - Expected: the current position
        final Point3d expected = new Point3d(x[i], y[i], z[i]);
        // 2 - Sum of squares of differences of the distances to the expected position
        double sd = 0;
        for (final Point3d p : ap) sd += Math.pow(p.distance(expected), 2);
        // 3 - stdDev
        stdDev[i] = Math.sqrt(sd / ap.size());
        // Test separately for each dimension : it's the same
			double sdx = 0,
			       sdy = 0,
			       sdz = 0;
			for (Point3d p : ap) {
				sdx += Math.pow(p.x - expected.x, 2);
				sdy += Math.pow(p.y - expected.y, 2);
				sdz += Math.pow(p.z - expected.z, 2);
			sdx = Math.sqrt(sdx / ap.size());
			sdy = Math.sqrt(sdy / ap.size());
			sdz = Math.sqrt(sdz / ap.size());

			sd = stdDev[i]; // from above

			// stdDev as radial distance:
			stdDev[i] = Math.sqrt(sdx*sdx + sdy*sdy + sdz*sdz);

			System.out.println("check: sd =       " + sd +
				   "       sd indep = " + stdDev[i]);
    return stdDev;
Also used : Point3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d)

Example 4 with Point3d

use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class Compare method makeEnvelope.

 * From a condensed VectorString3D, create the radius at each point.
 *  The maximum provides the maximum radius from the condensed VectorString3D
 *  at @param c point-wise to the source points that generated it.
 *  Realize that the thickness of source VectorString3Ds is not considered,
 *  only their points.
public static double[] makeEnvelope(final CATAParameters cp, final VectorString3D c) {
    if (cp.envelope_type <= 0) {
        // one std dev
        return c.getStdDevAtEachPoint();
    final double[] width = new double[c.length()];
    if (cp.envelope_type < 3) {
        // 1 == 2std, 2 == 3std
        // two or three std dev
        final double[] std = c.getStdDevAtEachPoint();
        // so: 2 or 3
        final int f = cp.envelope_type + 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < std.length; i++) {
            width[i] = f * std[i];
    } else if (3 == cp.envelope_type) {
        // average distance from condensed to all sources
        int i = 0;
        for (final ArrayList<Point3d> ap : c.getSource()) {
            double sum = 0;
            for (final Point3d p : ap) sum += c.distance(i, p);
            width[i] = sum / ap.size();
    } else if (4 == cp.envelope_type) {
        // max distance from condensed to all sources
        int i = 0;
        for (final ArrayList<Point3d> ap : c.getSource()) {
            double max = 0;
            for (final Point3d p : ap) max = Math.max(max, c.distance(i, p));
            width[i] = max;
    return width;
Also used : Point3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 5 with Point3d

use of org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d in project TrakEM2 by trakem2.

the class Compare method extractPoints.

 * Extracts the list of fiduciary points from the fiducial parent and, if their name is different than "ball", adds their title as key and their first ball as a fiduciary point value of the returned map. The map is never null but could be empty.
 * The values are calibrated.
public static Map<String, Tuple3d> extractPoints(final ProjectThing fiducial) {
    if (!fiducial.getType().equals("fiducial_points")) {
        Utils.log("Can only extract points from 'fiducial_points' type.");
        return null;
    final ArrayList<ProjectThing> fiducials = fiducial.getChildren();
    if (null == fiducials || 0 == fiducials.size()) {
        Utils.log("No fiducial points can be extracted from " + fiducial);
        return null;
    final Map<String, Tuple3d> fide = new HashMap<String, Tuple3d>();
    for (final ProjectThing child : fiducials) {
        final Ball ball;
        final String title;
        if (child.getType().equals("ball")) {
            // Method 1: use the ball title as the fiducial type
            ball = (Ball) child.getObject();
            title = ball.getTitle();
        } else {
            // Method 2: use the ball's parent type as the fiducial type
            final ArrayList<ProjectThing> balls = child.findChildrenOfType("ball");
            if (null == balls || 0 == balls.size()) {
                Utils.log2("Ignoring empty fiducial " + child);
            // pick the first one only
            ball = (Ball) balls.get(0).getObject();
            title = child.getType();
        // calibrated
        final double[][] b = ball.getWorldBalls();
        if (b.length > 0) {
            // get the first one only
            fide.put(title.toLowerCase(), new Point3d(b[0][0], b[0][1], b[0][2]));
            Utils.log2("Found fiducial point " + title.toLowerCase());
    return fide;
Also used : Ball(ini.trakem2.display.Ball) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Tuple3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Tuple3d) Point3d(org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d) ProjectThing(ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing)


Point3d (org.scijava.vecmath.Point3d)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Vector3d (org.scijava.vecmath.Vector3d)2 Calibration (ij.measure.Calibration)1 Content (ij3d.Content)1 Picker (ij3d.behaviors.Picker)1 Ball (ini.trakem2.display.Ball)1 Coordinate (ini.trakem2.display.Coordinate)1 Display (ini.trakem2.display.Display)1 Layer (ini.trakem2.display.Layer)1 ProjectThing (ini.trakem2.tree.ProjectThing)1 VectorString3D (ini.trakem2.vector.VectorString3D)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Transform3D (org.scijava.java3d.Transform3D)1 Tuple3d (org.scijava.vecmath.Tuple3d)1