use of in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.
the class LanternChunkManager method populateChunk.
private void populateChunk(LanternChunk chunk, Cause cause, Random random) {
chunk.populating = true;
// Populate
int chunkX = chunk.getX() * 16;
int chunkZ = chunk.getZ() * 16;
long worldSeed =;
long xSeed = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
long zSeed = random.nextLong() / 2 * 2 + 1;
long chunkSeed = xSeed * chunkX + zSeed * chunkZ ^ worldSeed;
// noinspection ConstantConditions
final ChunkBiomeBuffer biomeBuffer = this.genBuffers.get().chunkBiomeBuffer;
biomeBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunkX + 8, 0, chunkZ + 8));
// We ave to regenerate the biomes so that any
// virtual biomes can be passed to the populator.
final BiomeGenerator biomeGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeGenerator();
// Initialize the biomes into the chunk
final ImmutableBiomeVolume immutableBiomeVolume = biomeBuffer.getImmutableBiomeCopy();
// Using the biome at an arbitrary point within the chunk
// ({16, 0, 16} in the vanilla game)
final BiomeType biomeType = immutableBiomeVolume.getBiome(chunkX + 16, 0, chunkZ + 16);
// Get the generation settings
final BiomeGenerationSettings biomeGenSettings = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(biomeType);
final List<Populator> populators = new LinkedList<>(biomeGenSettings.getPopulators());
final EventManager eventManager = Sponge.getEventManager();
final Vector3i min = new Vector3i(chunkX + 8, 0, chunkZ + 8);
final Extent volume = new SoftBufferExtentViewDownsize(chunk.getWorld(), min, min.add(15, 0, 15), min.sub(8, 0, 8), min.add(23, 0, 23));
// Call the pre populate event, this allows
// modifications to the populators list
// Called before a chunk begins populating. (javadoc), populators, chunk));
// First populate the chunk with the biome populators
for (Populator populator : populators) {
// Called when a populator is about to run against a chunk. (javadoc), populator, chunk));
populator.populate(, volume, random);
// Called when a chunk finishes populating. (javadoc), ImmutableList.copyOf(populators), chunk));;
// We are done
chunk.populated = true;
chunk.populating = false;
use of in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.
the class LanternChunkManager method generate.
* Attempts to generate the chunk.
* @param chunk The chunk
* @param cause The cause
private void generate(LanternChunk chunk, Cause cause) {
final EventManager eventManager = Sponge.getEventManager();, chunk));
final GenerationBuffers buffers = this.genBuffers.get();
// noinspection ConstantConditions
final ChunkBiomeBuffer biomeBuffer = buffers.chunkBiomeBuffer;
biomeBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunk.getX() << 4, 0, chunk.getZ() << 4));
// Generate the biomes
final BiomeGenerator biomeGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeGenerator();
// Initialize the biomes into the chunk
final ImmutableBiomeVolume immutableBiomeVolume = biomeBuffer.getImmutableBiomeCopy();
final ChunkBlockBuffer blockBuffer = buffers.chunkBlockBuffer;
blockBuffer.reuse(new Vector3i(chunk.getX() << 4, 0, chunk.getZ() << 4));
// Apply the main world generator
final GenerationPopulator baseGenerator = this.worldGenerator.getBaseGenerationPopulator();
baseGenerator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
// Get all the used biome types
final Set<BiomeType> biomeTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(biomeBuffer.biomeTypes);
for (BiomeType biomeType : biomeTypes) {
final BiomeGenerationSettings settings = this.worldGenerator.getBiomeSettings(biomeType);
for (GenerationPopulator generator : settings.getGenerationPopulators()) {
generator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
// Apply the generator populators to complete the block buffer
for (GenerationPopulator generator : this.worldGenerator.getGenerationPopulators()) {
generator.populate(, blockBuffer, immutableBiomeVolume);
// Create the chunk sections
final ChunkSection[] sections = new ChunkSection[CHUNK_SECTIONS];
for (int sy = 0; sy < CHUNK_SECTIONS; sy++) {
final int nonAirCount = blockBuffer.nonAirCount[sy];
if (nonAirCount > 0) {
sections[sy] = new ChunkSection(blockBuffer.types[sy]);
// Initialize the chunk
chunk.initializeLight();, chunk));