use of org.spongepowered.common.bridge.commands.CommandSourceProviderBridge in project SpongeCommon by SpongePowered.
the class SpongeCommandCauseFactory method create.
public CommandCause create() {
try (final CauseStackManager.StackFrame frame = PhaseTracker.getCauseStackManager().pushCauseFrame()) {
final Cause cause = frame.currentCause();
final CommandSource iCommandSource = cause.first(CommandSource.class).orElseGet(() ->;
final CommandSourceStack commandSource;
if (iCommandSource instanceof CommandSourceProviderBridge) {
// We know about this one so we can create it using the factory method on the source.
commandSource = ((CommandSourceProviderBridge) iCommandSource).bridge$getCommandSource(cause);
} else {
// try to create a command cause from the given ICommandSource, but as Mojang did not see fit to
// put any identifying characteristics on the object, we have to go it alone...
final EventContext context = cause.context();
@Nullable final Locatable locatable = iCommandSource instanceof Locatable ? (Locatable) iCommandSource : null;
final Component displayName;
if (iCommandSource instanceof Entity) {
displayName = ((Entity) iCommandSource).get(Keys.DISPLAY_NAME).map(SpongeAdventure::asVanilla).orElseGet(() -> new TextComponent(iCommandSource instanceof Nameable ? ((Nameable) iCommandSource).name() : iCommandSource.getClass().getSimpleName()));
} else {
displayName = new TextComponent(iCommandSource instanceof Nameable ? ((Nameable) iCommandSource).name() : iCommandSource.getClass().getSimpleName());
final String name = displayName.getString();
commandSource = new CommandSourceStack(iCommandSource, context.get(EventContextKeys.LOCATION).map(x -> VecHelper.toVanillaVector3d(x.position())).orElseGet(() -> locatable == null ? Vec3.ZERO : VecHelper.toVanillaVector3d(locatable.location().position())), context.get(EventContextKeys.ROTATION).map(rot -> new Vec2((float) rot.x(), (float) rot.y())).orElse(Vec2.ZERO), context.get(EventContextKeys.LOCATION).map(x -> (ServerLevel) -> locatable == null ? SpongeCommon.server().getLevel(Level.OVERWORLD) : (ServerLevel) locatable.serverLocation().world()), 4, name, displayName, SpongeCommon.server(), iCommandSource instanceof Entity ? ( iCommandSource : null);
// We don't want the command source to have altered the cause here (unless there is the special case of the
// server), so we reset it back to what it was (in the ctor of CommandSource, it will add the current source
// to the cause - that's for if the source is created elsewhere, not here)
((CommandSourceStackBridge) commandSource).bridge$setCause(frame.currentCause());
return (CommandCause) commandSource;