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Example 1 with Biome

use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class DebugOverlay method initialise.

public void initialise() {
    bindVisible(new ReadOnlyBinding<Boolean>() {

        public Boolean get() {
            return config.getSystem().isDebugEnabled();
    UILabel debugLine1 = find("debugLine1", UILabel.class);
    if (debugLine1 != null) {
        debugLine1.bindText(new ReadOnlyBinding<String>() {

            public String get() {
                double memoryUsage = ((double) Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - (double) Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()) / 1048576.0;
                return String.format("fps: %.2f, mem usage: %.2f MB, total mem: %.2f MB, max mem: %.2f MB", time.getFps(), memoryUsage, Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1048576.0, Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1048576.0);
    UILabel debugLine2 = find("debugLine2", UILabel.class);
    if (debugLine2 != null) {
        debugLine2.bindText(new ReadOnlyBinding<String>() {

            public String get() {
                return String.format("Active Entities: %s, Current Target: %s", entityManager.getActiveEntityCount(), cameraTarget.toString());
    UILabel debugLine3 = find("debugLine3", UILabel.class);
    if (debugLine3 != null) {
        debugLine3.bindText(new ReadOnlyBinding<String>() {

            public String get() {
                Vector3f pos = localPlayer.getPosition();
                Vector3i chunkPos = ChunkMath.calcChunkPos((int) pos.x, (int) pos.y, (int) pos.z);
                Vector3f rotation = localPlayer.getViewDirection();
                Vector3f cameraPos = localPlayer.getViewPosition();
                return String.format(Locale.US, "Pos (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), Chunk (%d, %d, %d), Eye (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), Rot (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, chunkPos.x, chunkPos.y, chunkPos.z, cameraPos.x, cameraPos.y, cameraPos.z, rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z);
    UILabel debugLine4 = find("debugLine4", UILabel.class);
    if (debugLine4 != null) {
        debugLine4.bindText(new ReadOnlyBinding<String>() {

            public String get() {
                String biomeId = "unavailable";
                Vector3i blockPos = new Vector3i(localPlayer.getPosition());
                if (worldProvider.isBlockRelevant(blockPos)) {
                    Biome biome = worldProvider.getBiome(blockPos);
                    biomeId = CoreRegistry.get(BiomeManager.class).getBiomeId(biome);
                return String.format("total vus: %s | worldTime: %.3f | tiDi: %.1f |  biome: %s", ChunkTessellator.getVertexArrayUpdateCount(), // use floor instead of rounding up
                worldProvider.getTime().getDays() - 0.0005f, time.getGameTimeDilation(), biomeId);
    UILabel saveStatusLabel = find("saveStatusLabel", UILabel.class);
    // clients do not have a storage manager
    if (saveStatusLabel != null && storageManager != null) {
        saveStatusLabel.bindText(new ReadOnlyBinding<String>() {

            public String get() {
                return "Saving... ";
        saveStatusLabel.bindVisible(new ReadOnlyBinding<Boolean>() {

            public Boolean get() {
                return storageManager.isSaving();
    metricsLabel = find("metrics", UILabel.class);
Also used : UILabel(org.terasology.rendering.nui.widgets.UILabel) BiomeManager( Biome( Vector3f(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3f) Vector3i(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3i)

Example 2 with Biome

use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class ReadWriteStorageManager method addGameManifestToSaveTransaction.

private void addGameManifestToSaveTransaction(SaveTransactionBuilder saveTransactionBuilder) {
    BlockManager blockManager = CoreRegistry.get(BlockManager.class);
    BiomeManager biomeManager = CoreRegistry.get(BiomeManager.class);
    WorldProvider worldProvider = CoreRegistry.get(WorldProvider.class);
    Time time = CoreRegistry.get(Time.class);
    Game game = CoreRegistry.get(Game.class);
    GameManifest gameManifest = new GameManifest(game.getName(), game.getSeed(), time.getGameTimeInMs());
    for (Module module : CoreRegistry.get(ModuleManager.class).getEnvironment()) {
        gameManifest.addModule(module.getId(), module.getVersion());
    List<String> registeredBlockFamilies = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (BlockFamily family : blockManager.listRegisteredBlockFamilies()) {
    List<Biome> biomes = biomeManager.getBiomes();
    Map<String, Short> biomeIdMap = new HashMap<>(biomes.size());
    for (Biome biome : biomes) {
        short shortId = biomeManager.getBiomeShortId(biome);
        String id = biomeManager.getBiomeId(biome);
        biomeIdMap.put(id, shortId);
Also used : BiomeManager( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Time(org.terasology.engine.Time) ModuleManager(org.terasology.engine.module.ModuleManager) Game( Biome( GameManifest( BlockManager( WorldProvider( BlockFamily( Module(org.terasology.module.Module)

Example 3 with Biome

use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class ServerImpl method processBiomeChanges.

private void processBiomeChanges(NetData.NetMessage message) {
    for (NetData.BiomeChangeMessage biomeChange : message.getBiomeChangeList()) {
        logger.debug("Received block change to {}", blockManager.getBlock((short) biomeChange.getNewBiome()));
        // TODO: Store changes to blocks that aren't ready to be modified (the surrounding chunks aren't available)
        WorldProvider worldProvider = CoreRegistry.get(WorldProvider.class);
        Vector3i pos = NetMessageUtil.convert(biomeChange.getPos());
        if (worldProvider.isBlockRelevant(pos)) {
            Biome newBiome = biomeManager.getBiomeByShortId((short) biomeChange.getNewBiome());
            worldProvider.setBiome(pos, newBiome);
        } else {
            awaitingChunkReadyBiomeUpdates.put(ChunkMath.calcChunkPos(pos), biomeChange);
Also used : Biome( NetData(org.terasology.protobuf.NetData) WorldProvider( Vector3i(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3i)

Example 4 with Biome

use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class SolidRasterizer method generateChunk.

public void generateChunk(CoreChunk chunk, Region chunkRegion) {
    LiquidData waterLiquid = new LiquidData(LiquidType.WATER, LiquidData.MAX_LIQUID_DEPTH);
    DensityFacet solidityFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(DensityFacet.class);
    SurfaceHeightFacet surfaceFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
    SurfaceDepthFacet surfaceDepthFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SurfaceDepthFacet.class);
    BiomeFacet biomeFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(BiomeFacet.class);
    SeaLevelFacet seaLevelFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
    int seaLevel = seaLevelFacet.getSeaLevel();
    Vector2i pos2d = new Vector2i();
    for (Vector3i pos : ChunkConstants.CHUNK_REGION) {
        pos2d.set(pos.x, pos.z);
        int posY = pos.y + chunk.getChunkWorldOffsetY();
        // Check for an optional depth for this layer - if defined stop generating below that level
        if (surfaceDepthFacet != null && posY < surfaceDepthFacet.get(pos2d)) {
        Biome biome = biomeFacet.get(pos2d);
        chunk.setBiome(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, biome);
        float density = solidityFacet.get(pos);
        if (density >= 32) {
            chunk.setBlock(pos, stone);
        } else if (density >= 0) {
            int depth = TeraMath.floorToInt(surfaceFacet.get(pos2d)) - posY;
            Block block = getSurfaceBlock(depth, posY, biome, seaLevel);
            chunk.setBlock(pos, block);
        } else {
            // fill up terrain up to sealevel height with water or ice
            if (posY == seaLevel && CoreBiome.SNOW == biome) {
                chunk.setBlock(pos, ice);
            } else if (posY <= seaLevel) {
                // either OCEAN or SNOW
                chunk.setBlock(pos, water);
                chunk.setLiquid(pos, waterLiquid);
Also used : SurfaceHeightFacet( Biome( CoreBiome( DensityFacet( Vector3i(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3i) Block( SeaLevelFacet( Vector2i(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector2i) BiomeFacet( LiquidData( SurfaceDepthFacet(

Example 5 with Biome

use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.

the class BlockMeshGeneratorSingleShape method generateChunkMesh.

public void generateChunkMesh(ChunkView view, ChunkMesh chunkMesh, int x, int y, int z) {
    Biome selfBiome = view.getBiome(x, y, z);
    Block selfBlock = view.getBlock(x, y, z);
    // TODO: Needs review - too much hardcoded special cases and corner cases resulting from this.
    ChunkVertexFlag vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.NORMAL;
    if (selfBlock.isWater()) {
        if (view.getBlock(x, y + 1, z).isWater()) {
            vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.WATER;
        } else {
            vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.WATER_SURFACE;
    } else if (selfBlock.isLava()) {
        vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.LAVA;
    } else if (selfBlock.isWaving() && selfBlock.isDoubleSided()) {
        vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.WAVING;
    } else if (selfBlock.isWaving()) {
        vertexFlag = ChunkVertexFlag.WAVING_BLOCK;
    // Gather adjacent blocks
    Map<Side, Block> adjacentBlocks = Maps.newEnumMap(Side.class);
    for (Side side : Side.values()) {
        Vector3i offset = side.getVector3i();
        Block blockToCheck = view.getBlock(x + offset.x, y + offset.y, z + offset.z);
        adjacentBlocks.put(side, blockToCheck);
    BlockAppearance blockAppearance = selfBlock.getAppearance(adjacentBlocks);
         * Determine the render process.
    ChunkMesh.RenderType renderType = ChunkMesh.RenderType.TRANSLUCENT;
    if (!selfBlock.isTranslucent()) {
        renderType = ChunkMesh.RenderType.OPAQUE;
    // TODO: Review special case, or alternatively compare uris.
    if (selfBlock.isWater() || selfBlock.isIce()) {
        renderType = ChunkMesh.RenderType.WATER_AND_ICE;
    if (selfBlock.isDoubleSided()) {
        renderType = ChunkMesh.RenderType.BILLBOARD;
    if (blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.CENTER) != null) {
        Vector4f colorOffset = selfBlock.calcColorOffsetFor(BlockPart.CENTER, selfBiome);
        blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.CENTER).appendTo(chunkMesh, x, y, z, colorOffset, renderType, vertexFlag);
    boolean[] drawDir = new boolean[6];
    for (Side side : Side.values()) {
        drawDir[side.ordinal()] = blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.fromSide(side)) != null && isSideVisibleForBlockTypes(adjacentBlocks.get(side), selfBlock, side);
    // If the selfBlock is lowered, some more faces may have to be drawn
    if (selfBlock.isLiquid()) {
        Block bottomBlock = adjacentBlocks.get(Side.BOTTOM);
        // Draw horizontal sides if visible from below
        for (Side side : Side.horizontalSides()) {
            Vector3i offset = side.getVector3i();
            Block adjacentBelow = view.getBlock(x + offset.x, y - 1, z + offset.z);
            Block adjacent = adjacentBlocks.get(side);
            boolean visible = (blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.fromSide(side)) != null && isSideVisibleForBlockTypes(adjacentBelow, selfBlock, side) && !isSideVisibleForBlockTypes(bottomBlock, adjacent, side.reverse()));
            drawDir[side.ordinal()] |= visible;
        // Draw the top if below a non-lowered selfBlock
        // TODO: Don't need to render the top if each side and the selfBlock above each side are either liquid or opaque solids.
        Block blockToCheck = adjacentBlocks.get(Side.TOP);
        drawDir[Side.TOP.ordinal()] |= !blockToCheck.isLiquid();
        if (bottomBlock.isLiquid() || bottomBlock.getMeshGenerator() == null) {
            for (Side dir : Side.values()) {
                if (drawDir[dir.ordinal()]) {
                    Vector4f colorOffset = selfBlock.calcColorOffsetFor(BlockPart.fromSide(dir), selfBiome);
                    selfBlock.getLoweredLiquidMesh(dir).appendTo(chunkMesh, x, y, z, colorOffset, renderType, vertexFlag);
    for (Side dir : Side.values()) {
        if (drawDir[dir.ordinal()]) {
            Vector4f colorOffset = selfBlock.calcColorOffsetFor(BlockPart.fromSide(dir), selfBiome);
            // TODO: Needs review since the new per-vertex flags introduce a lot of special scenarios - probably a per-side setting?
            if (selfBlock.isGrass() && dir != Side.TOP && dir != Side.BOTTOM) {
                blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.fromSide(dir)).appendTo(chunkMesh, x, y, z, colorOffset, renderType, ChunkVertexFlag.COLOR_MASK);
            } else {
                if (blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.fromSide(dir)) == null) {
                    // TODO: This would catch something like water blocks attempting to render with a "fixed" trimmedLoweredCube shape
                    // That shape has its top trimmed down a bit to let water sit slightly lower than land, however, underwater this shouldn't show
                    // Normally we would configure that shape with CENTER instead of TOP, that way the trimmed part wouldn't occlude in a stack
                    // But with that handling you don't get water blocks occluding tops underwater... and there's no TOP to retrieve below -> NPE
                    logger.debug("Cannot render side '{}' for a block - no stored block appearance for it. renderType {}, vertexFlag {}", dir, renderType, vertexFlag);
                } else {
                    blockAppearance.getPart(BlockPart.fromSide(dir)).appendTo(chunkMesh, x, y, z, colorOffset, renderType, vertexFlag);
Also used : Side(org.terasology.math.Side) Biome( BlockAppearance( Vector4f(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector4f) Vector3i(org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3i) Block(


Biome ( Vector3i (org.terasology.math.geom.Vector3i)7 WorldProvider ( Block ( ModuleManager (org.terasology.engine.module.ModuleManager)2 Module (org.terasology.module.Module)2 NetData (org.terasology.protobuf.NetData)2 BiomeManager ( BlockFamily ( ByteString ( TIntLongMap ( TIntLongHashMap ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 CoreBiome ( BiomeFacet ( Time (org.terasology.engine.Time)1 Game ( GameManifest ( OnEnterBiomeEvent (