use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class AbstractSpawner method findSpawnPosition.
* Tries to find a suitable spawning point based on {@link SurfaceHeightFacet} and {@link SeaLevelFacet}.
* @param searchRadius the radius within a suitable spawning point will be searched
* @param world the facet-based world
* @param pos the desired 2D position in that world
* @return a 3D position above the surface and sea level or <code>null</code> if none was found
* @throws IllegalStateException if no SurfaceHeightFacet can be created.
protected Vector3f findSpawnPosition(World world, Vector2i pos, int searchRadius) {
Vector3i ext = new Vector3i(searchRadius, 1, searchRadius);
Vector3i desiredPos = new Vector3i(pos.getX(), 1, pos.getY());
// try and find somewhere in this region a spot to land
Region3i spawnArea = Region3i.createFromCenterExtents(desiredPos, ext);
Region worldRegion = world.getWorldData(spawnArea);
// check if generation uses sea level and surface height facets
SurfaceHeightFacet surfaceHeightFacet = worldRegion.getFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
if (surfaceHeightFacet == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("surface height facet not found");
SeaLevelFacet seaLevelFacet = worldRegion.getFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
int seaLevel = (seaLevelFacet != null) ? seaLevelFacet.getSeaLevel() : 0;
int spiralRad = searchRadius / 2 - 1;
SpiralIterable spiral = SpiralIterable.clockwise(pos).maxRadius(spiralRad).scale(2).build();
for (BaseVector2i test : spiral) {
float val = surfaceHeightFacet.getWorld(test.getX(), test.getY());
int height = TeraMath.floorToInt(val);
if (height >= seaLevel) {
return new Vector3f(test.getX(), height, test.getY());
// nothing above sea level found
float y = surfaceHeightFacet.getWorld(pos.getX(), pos.getY());
return new Vector3f(pos.getX(), y, pos.getY());
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class DefaultTreeProvider method getFilters.
protected List<Predicate<Vector3i>> getFilters(GeneratingRegion region) {
List<Predicate<Vector3i>> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
SeaLevelFacet seaLevel = region.getRegionFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
filters.add(PositionFilters.probability(densityNoiseGen, configuration.density * 0.05f));
SurfaceHeightFacet surface = region.getRegionFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
filters.add(PositionFilters.flatness(surface, 1, 0));
return filters;
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class PerlinBaseSurfaceProvider method process.
public void process(GeneratingRegion region) {
Border3D border = region.getBorderForFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
SurfaceHeightFacet facet = new SurfaceHeightFacet(region.getRegion(), border);
SeaLevelFacet seaLevelFacet = region.getRegionFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
float seaLevel = seaLevelFacet.getSeaLevel();
Rect2i processRegion = facet.getWorldRegion();
float[] noise = surfaceNoise.noise(processRegion);
for (int i = 0; i < noise.length; ++i) {
noise[i] = seaLevel + seaLevel * ((noise[i] * 2.11f + 1f) / 2f);
region.setRegionFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class, facet);
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class SolidRasterizer method generateChunk.
public void generateChunk(CoreChunk chunk, Region chunkRegion) {
LiquidData waterLiquid = new LiquidData(LiquidType.WATER, LiquidData.MAX_LIQUID_DEPTH);
DensityFacet solidityFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(DensityFacet.class);
SurfaceHeightFacet surfaceFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
SurfaceDepthFacet surfaceDepthFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SurfaceDepthFacet.class);
BiomeFacet biomeFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(BiomeFacet.class);
SeaLevelFacet seaLevelFacet = chunkRegion.getFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
int seaLevel = seaLevelFacet.getSeaLevel();
Vector2i pos2d = new Vector2i();
for (Vector3i pos : ChunkConstants.CHUNK_REGION) {
pos2d.set(pos.x, pos.z);
int posY = pos.y + chunk.getChunkWorldOffsetY();
// Check for an optional depth for this layer - if defined stop generating below that level
if (surfaceDepthFacet != null && posY < surfaceDepthFacet.get(pos2d)) {
Biome biome = biomeFacet.get(pos2d);
chunk.setBiome(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, biome);
float density = solidityFacet.get(pos);
if (density >= 32) {
chunk.setBlock(pos, stone);
} else if (density >= 0) {
int depth = TeraMath.floorToInt(surfaceFacet.get(pos2d)) - posY;
Block block = getSurfaceBlock(depth, posY, biome, seaLevel);
chunk.setBlock(pos, block);
} else {
// fill up terrain up to sealevel height with water or ice
if (posY == seaLevel && CoreBiome.SNOW == biome) {
chunk.setBlock(pos, ice);
} else if (posY <= seaLevel) {
// either OCEAN or SNOW
chunk.setBlock(pos, water);
chunk.setLiquid(pos, waterLiquid);
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class BiomeProvider method process.
public void process(GeneratingRegion region) {
SeaLevelFacet seaLevelFacet = region.getRegionFacet(SeaLevelFacet.class);
SurfaceHeightFacet heightFacet = region.getRegionFacet(SurfaceHeightFacet.class);
SurfaceTemperatureFacet temperatureFacet = region.getRegionFacet(SurfaceTemperatureFacet.class);
SurfaceHumidityFacet humidityFacet = region.getRegionFacet(SurfaceHumidityFacet.class);
Border3D border = region.getBorderForFacet(BiomeFacet.class);
BiomeFacet biomeFacet = new BiomeFacet(region.getRegion(), border);
int seaLevel = seaLevelFacet.getSeaLevel();
for (BaseVector2i pos : biomeFacet.getRelativeRegion().contents()) {
float temp = temperatureFacet.get(pos);
float hum = temp * humidityFacet.get(pos);
float height = heightFacet.get(pos);
if (height <= seaLevel) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.OCEAN);
} else if (height <= seaLevel + 2) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.BEACH);
} else if (temp >= 0.5f && hum < 0.3f) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.DESERT);
} else if (hum >= 0.3f && hum <= 0.6f && temp >= 0.5f) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.PLAINS);
} else if (temp <= 0.3f && hum > 0.5f) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.SNOW);
} else if (hum >= 0.2f && hum <= 0.6f && temp < 0.5f) {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.MOUNTAINS);
} else {
biomeFacet.set(pos, CoreBiome.FOREST);
region.setRegionFacet(BiomeFacet.class, biomeFacet);