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the class OtaPackageController method saveOtaPackageInfo.
@ApiOperation(value = "Create Or Update OTA Package Info (saveOtaPackageInfo)", notes = "Create or update the OTA Package Info. When creating OTA Package Info, platform generates OTA Package id as " + UUID_WIKI_LINK + "The newly created OTA Package id will be present in the response. " + "Specify existing OTA Package id to update the OTA Package Info. " + "Referencing non-existing OTA Package Id will cause 'Not Found' error. " + "\n\nOTA Package combination of the title with the version is unique in the scope of tenant. " + TENANT_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = "application/json", consumes = "application/json")
@RequestMapping(value = "/otaPackage", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public OtaPackageInfo saveOtaPackageInfo(@ApiParam(value = "A JSON value representing the OTA Package.") @RequestBody SaveOtaPackageInfoRequest otaPackageInfo) throws ThingsboardException {
boolean created = otaPackageInfo.getId() == null;
try {
checkEntity(otaPackageInfo.getId(), otaPackageInfo, Resource.OTA_PACKAGE);
OtaPackageInfo savedOtaPackageInfo = otaPackageService.saveOtaPackageInfo(new OtaPackageInfo(otaPackageInfo), otaPackageInfo.isUsesUrl());
logEntityAction(savedOtaPackageInfo.getId(), savedOtaPackageInfo, null, created ? ActionType.ADDED : ActionType.UPDATED, null);
return savedOtaPackageInfo;
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.OTA_PACKAGE), otaPackageInfo, null, created ? ActionType.ADDED : ActionType.UPDATED, e);
throw handleException(e);
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the class OtaPackageController method deleteOtaPackage.
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete OTA Package (deleteOtaPackage)", notes = "Deletes the OTA Package. Referencing non-existing OTA Package Id will cause an error. " + "Can't delete the OTA Package if it is referenced by existing devices or device profile." + TENANT_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = "application/json")
@RequestMapping(value = "/otaPackage/{otaPackageId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public void deleteOtaPackage(@ApiParam(value = OTA_PACKAGE_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable("otaPackageId") String strOtaPackageId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(OTA_PACKAGE_ID, strOtaPackageId);
try {
OtaPackageId otaPackageId = new OtaPackageId(toUUID(strOtaPackageId));
OtaPackageInfo info = checkOtaPackageInfoId(otaPackageId, Operation.DELETE);
otaPackageService.deleteOtaPackage(getTenantId(), otaPackageId);
logEntityAction(otaPackageId, info, null, ActionType.DELETED, null, strOtaPackageId);
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.OTA_PACKAGE), null, null, ActionType.DELETED, e, strOtaPackageId);
throw handleException(e);
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the class AssetController method assignAssetToPublicCustomer.
@ApiOperation(value = "Make asset publicly available (assignAssetToPublicCustomer)", notes = "Asset will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. " + "This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. " + "However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the asset." + TENANT_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "/customer/public/asset/{assetId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Asset assignAssetToPublicCustomer(@ApiParam(value = ASSET_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable(ASSET_ID) String strAssetId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(ASSET_ID, strAssetId);
try {
AssetId assetId = new AssetId(toUUID(strAssetId));
Asset asset = checkAssetId(assetId, Operation.ASSIGN_TO_CUSTOMER);
Customer publicCustomer = customerService.findOrCreatePublicCustomer(asset.getTenantId());
Asset savedAsset = checkNotNull(assetService.assignAssetToCustomer(getTenantId(), assetId, publicCustomer.getId()));
logEntityAction(assetId, savedAsset, savedAsset.getCustomerId(), ActionType.ASSIGNED_TO_CUSTOMER, null, strAssetId, publicCustomer.getId().toString(), publicCustomer.getName());
return savedAsset;
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.ASSET), null, null, ActionType.ASSIGNED_TO_CUSTOMER, e, strAssetId);
throw handleException(e);
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the class AssetController method getCustomerAssetInfos.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Customer Asset Infos (getCustomerAssetInfos)", notes = "Returns a page of assets info objects assigned to customer. " + PAGE_DATA_PARAMETERS + ASSET_INFO_DESCRIPTION, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/customer/{customerId}/assetInfos", params = { "pageSize", "page" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public PageData<AssetInfo> getCustomerAssetInfos(@ApiParam(value = CUSTOMER_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable("customerId") String strCustomerId, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_SIZE_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam int pageSize, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam int page, @ApiParam(value = ASSET_TYPE_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String type, @ApiParam(value = ASSET_TEXT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String textSearch, @ApiParam(value = SORT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = ASSET_SORT_PROPERTY_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortProperty, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortOrder) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter("customerId", strCustomerId);
try {
TenantId tenantId = getCurrentUser().getTenantId();
CustomerId customerId = new CustomerId(toUUID(strCustomerId));
checkCustomerId(customerId, Operation.READ);
PageLink pageLink = createPageLink(pageSize, page, textSearch, sortProperty, sortOrder);
if (type != null && type.trim().length() > 0) {
return checkNotNull(assetService.findAssetInfosByTenantIdAndCustomerIdAndType(tenantId, customerId, type, pageLink));
} else {
return checkNotNull(assetService.findAssetInfosByTenantIdAndCustomerId(tenantId, customerId, pageLink));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
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the class AuthController method activateUser.
@ApiOperation(value = "Activate User", notes = "Checks the activation token and updates corresponding user password in the database. " + "Now the user may start using his password to login. " + "The response already contains the [JWT]( activation and refresh tokens, " + "to simplify the user activation flow and avoid asking user to input password again after activation. " + "If token is valid, returns the object that contains [JWT]( access and refresh tokens. " + "If token is not valid, returns '404 Bad Request'.")
@RequestMapping(value = "/noauth/activate", method = RequestMethod.POST)
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
public JwtTokenPair activateUser(@ApiParam(value = "Activate user request.") @RequestBody ActivateUserRequest activateRequest, @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "true") boolean sendActivationMail, HttpServletRequest request) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
String activateToken = activateRequest.getActivateToken();
String password = activateRequest.getPassword();
systemSecurityService.validatePassword(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, password, null);
String encodedPassword = passwordEncoder.encode(password);
UserCredentials credentials = userService.activateUserCredentials(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, activateToken, encodedPassword);
User user = userService.findUserById(TenantId.SYS_TENANT_ID, credentials.getUserId());
UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(UserPrincipal.Type.USER_NAME, user.getEmail());
SecurityUser securityUser = new SecurityUser(user, credentials.isEnabled(), principal);
userService.setUserCredentialsEnabled(user.getTenantId(), user.getId(), true);
String baseUrl = systemSecurityService.getBaseUrl(user.getTenantId(), user.getCustomerId(), request);
String loginUrl = String.format("%s/login", baseUrl);
String email = user.getEmail();
if (sendActivationMail) {
try {
mailService.sendAccountActivatedEmail(loginUrl, email);
} catch (Exception e) {"Unable to send account activation email [{}]", e.getMessage());
sendEntityNotificationMsg(user.getTenantId(), user.getId(), EdgeEventActionType.CREDENTIALS_UPDATED);
JwtToken accessToken = tokenFactory.createAccessJwtToken(securityUser);
JwtToken refreshToken = refreshTokenRepository.requestRefreshToken(securityUser);
return new JwtTokenPair(accessToken.getToken(), refreshToken.getToken());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);