use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DashboardController method unassignDashboardFromPublicCustomer.
@ApiOperation(value = "Unassign the Dashboard from Public Customer (unassignDashboardFromPublicCustomer)", notes = "Unassigns the dashboard from a special, auto-generated 'Public' Customer. Once unassigned, unauthenticated users may no longer browse the dashboard. " + "Returns the Dashboard object." + TENANT_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "/customer/public/dashboard/{dashboardId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public Dashboard unassignDashboardFromPublicCustomer(@ApiParam(value = DASHBOARD_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable(DASHBOARD_ID) String strDashboardId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(DASHBOARD_ID, strDashboardId);
try {
DashboardId dashboardId = new DashboardId(toUUID(strDashboardId));
Dashboard dashboard = checkDashboardId(dashboardId, Operation.UNASSIGN_FROM_CUSTOMER);
Customer publicCustomer = customerService.findOrCreatePublicCustomer(dashboard.getTenantId());
Dashboard savedDashboard = checkNotNull(dashboardService.unassignDashboardFromCustomer(getCurrentUser().getTenantId(), dashboardId, publicCustomer.getId()));
logEntityAction(dashboardId, dashboard, publicCustomer.getId(), ActionType.UNASSIGNED_FROM_CUSTOMER, null, strDashboardId, publicCustomer.getId().toString(), publicCustomer.getName());
return savedDashboard;
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.DASHBOARD), null, null, ActionType.UNASSIGNED_FROM_CUSTOMER, e, strDashboardId);
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DashboardController method getEdgeDashboards.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Edge Dashboards (getEdgeDashboards)", notes = "Returns a page of dashboard info objects assigned to the specified edge. " + DASHBOARD_INFO_DEFINITION + " " + PAGE_DATA_PARAMETERS + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/edge/{edgeId}/dashboards", params = { "pageSize", "page" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public PageData<DashboardInfo> getEdgeDashboards(@ApiParam(value = EDGE_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @PathVariable(EDGE_ID) String strEdgeId, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int pageSize, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int page, @ApiParam(value = DASHBOARD_TEXT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String textSearch, @ApiParam(value = SORT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = DASHBOARD_SORT_PROPERTY_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortProperty, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortOrder) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter("edgeId", strEdgeId);
try {
TenantId tenantId = getCurrentUser().getTenantId();
EdgeId edgeId = new EdgeId(toUUID(strEdgeId));
checkEdgeId(edgeId, Operation.READ);
PageLink pageLink = createPageLink(pageSize, page, textSearch, sortProperty, sortOrder);
PageData<DashboardInfo> nonFilteredResult = dashboardService.findDashboardsByTenantIdAndEdgeId(tenantId, edgeId, pageLink);
List<DashboardInfo> filteredDashboards = nonFilteredResult.getData().stream().filter(dashboardInfo -> {
try {
accessControlService.checkPermission(getCurrentUser(), Resource.DASHBOARD, Operation.READ, dashboardInfo.getId(), dashboardInfo);
return true;
} catch (ThingsboardException e) {
return false;
PageData<DashboardInfo> filteredResult = new PageData<>(filteredDashboards, nonFilteredResult.getTotalPages(), nonFilteredResult.getTotalElements(), nonFilteredResult.hasNext());
return checkNotNull(filteredResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DashboardController method getHomeDashboard.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Home Dashboard (getHomeDashboard)", notes = "Returns the home dashboard object that is configured as 'homeDashboardId' parameter in the 'additionalInfo' of the User. " + "If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User level and the User has authority 'CUSTOMER_USER', check the same parameter for the corresponding Customer. " + "If 'homeDashboardId' parameter is not set on the User and Customer levels then checks the same parameter for the Tenant that owns the user. " + DASHBOARD_DEFINITION + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@RequestMapping(value = "/dashboard/home", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public HomeDashboard getHomeDashboard() throws ThingsboardException {
try {
SecurityUser securityUser = getCurrentUser();
if (securityUser.isSystemAdmin()) {
return null;
User user = userService.findUserById(securityUser.getTenantId(), securityUser.getId());
JsonNode additionalInfo = user.getAdditionalInfo();
HomeDashboard homeDashboard;
homeDashboard = extractHomeDashboardFromAdditionalInfo(additionalInfo);
if (homeDashboard == null) {
if (securityUser.isCustomerUser()) {
Customer customer = customerService.findCustomerById(securityUser.getTenantId(), securityUser.getCustomerId());
additionalInfo = customer.getAdditionalInfo();
homeDashboard = extractHomeDashboardFromAdditionalInfo(additionalInfo);
if (homeDashboard == null) {
Tenant tenant = tenantService.findTenantById(securityUser.getTenantId());
additionalInfo = tenant.getAdditionalInfo();
homeDashboard = extractHomeDashboardFromAdditionalInfo(additionalInfo);
return homeDashboard;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class OAuth2Controller method getOAuth2Clients.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get OAuth2 clients (getOAuth2Clients)", notes = "Get the list of OAuth2 clients " + "to log in with, available for such domain scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) (if x-forwarded-proto request header is present - " + "the scheme is known from it) and domain name and port (port may be known from x-forwarded-port header)")
@RequestMapping(value = "/noauth/oauth2Clients", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public List<OAuth2ClientInfo> getOAuth2Clients(HttpServletRequest request, @ApiParam(value = "Mobile application package name, to find OAuth2 clients " + "where there is configured mobile application with such package name") @RequestParam(required = false) String pkgName, @ApiParam(value = "Platform type to search OAuth2 clients for which " + "the usage with this platform type is allowed in the settings. " + "If platform type is not one of allowable values - it will just be ignored", allowableValues = "WEB, ANDROID, IOS") @RequestParam(required = false) String platform) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Executing getOAuth2Clients: [{}][{}][{}]", request.getScheme(), request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort());
Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String header = headerNames.nextElement();
log.debug("Header: {} {}", header, request.getHeader(header));
PlatformType platformType = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(platform)) {
try {
platformType = PlatformType.valueOf(platform);
} catch (Exception e) {
return oAuth2Service.getOAuth2Clients(MiscUtils.getScheme(request), MiscUtils.getDomainNameAndPort(request), pkgName, platformType);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DeviceController method assignDeviceToPublicCustomer.
@ApiOperation(value = "Make device publicly available (assignDeviceToPublicCustomer)", notes = "Device will be available for non-authorized (not logged-in) users. " + "This is useful to create dashboards that you plan to share/embed on a publicly available website. " + "However, users that are logged-in and belong to different tenant will not be able to access the device." + TENANT_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH)
@RequestMapping(value = "/customer/public/device/{deviceId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Device assignDeviceToPublicCustomer(@ApiParam(value = DEVICE_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION) @PathVariable(DEVICE_ID) String strDeviceId) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(DEVICE_ID, strDeviceId);
try {
DeviceId deviceId = new DeviceId(toUUID(strDeviceId));
Device device = checkDeviceId(deviceId, Operation.ASSIGN_TO_CUSTOMER);
Customer publicCustomer = customerService.findOrCreatePublicCustomer(device.getTenantId());
Device savedDevice = checkNotNull(deviceService.assignDeviceToCustomer(getCurrentUser().getTenantId(), deviceId, publicCustomer.getId()));
logEntityAction(deviceId, savedDevice, savedDevice.getCustomerId(), ActionType.ASSIGNED_TO_CUSTOMER, null, strDeviceId, publicCustomer.getId().toString(), publicCustomer.getName());
return savedDevice;
} catch (Exception e) {
logEntityAction(emptyId(EntityType.DEVICE), null, null, ActionType.ASSIGNED_TO_CUSTOMER, e, strDeviceId);
throw handleException(e);