use of org.thingsboard.server.controller.ControllerConstants.TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class TelemetryController method getTimeseries.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get time-series data (getTimeseries)", notes = "Returns a range of time-series values for specified entity. " + "Returns not aggregated data by default. " + "Use aggregation function ('agg') and aggregation interval ('interval') to enable aggregation of the results on the database / server side. " + "The aggregation is generally more efficient then fetching all records. \n\n" + MARKDOWN_CODE_BLOCK_START + TS_STRICT_DATA_EXAMPLE + MARKDOWN_CODE_BLOCK_END + "\n\n" + INVALID_ENTITY_ID_OR_ENTITY_TYPE_DESCRIPTION + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('SYS_ADMIN', 'TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/{entityType}/{entityId}/values/timeseries", method = RequestMethod.GET, params = { "keys", "startTs", "endTs" })
public DeferredResult<ResponseEntity> getTimeseries(@ApiParam(value = ENTITY_TYPE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true, defaultValue = "DEVICE") @PathVariable("entityType") String entityType, @ApiParam(value = ENTITY_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @PathVariable("entityId") String entityIdStr, @ApiParam(value = TELEMETRY_KEYS_BASE_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam(name = "keys") String keys, @ApiParam(value = "A long value representing the start timestamp of the time range in milliseconds, UTC.") @RequestParam(name = "startTs") Long startTs, @ApiParam(value = "A long value representing the end timestamp of the time range in milliseconds, UTC.") @RequestParam(name = "endTs") Long endTs, @ApiParam(value = "A long value representing the aggregation interval range in milliseconds.") @RequestParam(name = "interval", defaultValue = "0") Long interval, @ApiParam(value = "An integer value that represents a max number of timeseries data points to fetch." + " This parameter is used only in the case if 'agg' parameter is set to 'NONE'.", defaultValue = "100") @RequestParam(name = "limit", defaultValue = "100") Integer limit, @ApiParam(value = "A string value representing the aggregation function. " + "If the interval is not specified, 'agg' parameter will use 'NONE' value.", allowableValues = "MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, COUNT, NONE") @RequestParam(name = "agg", defaultValue = "NONE") String aggStr, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(name = "orderBy", defaultValue = "DESC") String orderBy, @ApiParam(value = STRICT_DATA_TYPES_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(name = "useStrictDataTypes", required = false, defaultValue = "false") Boolean useStrictDataTypes) throws ThingsboardException {
try {
return accessValidator.validateEntityAndCallback(getCurrentUser(), Operation.READ_TELEMETRY, entityType, entityIdStr, (result, tenantId, entityId) -> {
// If interval is 0, convert this to a NONE aggregation, which is probably what the user really wanted
Aggregation agg = interval == 0L ? Aggregation.valueOf( : Aggregation.valueOf(aggStr);
List<ReadTsKvQuery> queries = toKeysList(keys).stream().map(key -> new BaseReadTsKvQuery(key, startTs, endTs, interval, limit, agg, orderBy)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Futures.addCallback(tsService.findAll(tenantId, entityId, queries), getTsKvListCallback(result, useStrictDataTypes), MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of org.thingsboard.server.controller.ControllerConstants.TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DashboardController method getEdgeDashboards.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get Edge Dashboards (getEdgeDashboards)", notes = "Returns a page of dashboard info objects assigned to the specified edge. " + DASHBOARD_INFO_DEFINITION + " " + PAGE_DATA_PARAMETERS + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/edge/{edgeId}/dashboards", params = { "pageSize", "page" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public PageData<DashboardInfo> getEdgeDashboards(@ApiParam(value = EDGE_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @PathVariable(EDGE_ID) String strEdgeId, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int pageSize, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int page, @ApiParam(value = DASHBOARD_TEXT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String textSearch, @ApiParam(value = SORT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = DASHBOARD_SORT_PROPERTY_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortProperty, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortOrder) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter("edgeId", strEdgeId);
try {
TenantId tenantId = getCurrentUser().getTenantId();
EdgeId edgeId = new EdgeId(toUUID(strEdgeId));
checkEdgeId(edgeId, Operation.READ);
PageLink pageLink = createPageLink(pageSize, page, textSearch, sortProperty, sortOrder);
PageData<DashboardInfo> nonFilteredResult = dashboardService.findDashboardsByTenantIdAndEdgeId(tenantId, edgeId, pageLink);
List<DashboardInfo> filteredDashboards = nonFilteredResult.getData().stream().filter(dashboardInfo -> {
try {
accessControlService.checkPermission(getCurrentUser(), Resource.DASHBOARD, Operation.READ, dashboardInfo.getId(), dashboardInfo);
return true;
} catch (ThingsboardException e) {
return false;
PageData<DashboardInfo> filteredResult = new PageData<>(filteredDashboards, nonFilteredResult.getTotalPages(), nonFilteredResult.getTotalElements(), nonFilteredResult.hasNext());
return checkNotNull(filteredResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);
use of org.thingsboard.server.controller.ControllerConstants.TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH in project thingsboard by thingsboard.
the class DeviceController method getEdgeDevices.
@ApiOperation(value = "Get devices assigned to edge (getEdgeDevices)", notes = "Returns a page of devices assigned to edge. " + PAGE_DATA_PARAMETERS + TENANT_OR_CUSTOMER_AUTHORITY_PARAGRAPH)
@PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('TENANT_ADMIN', 'CUSTOMER_USER')")
@RequestMapping(value = "/edge/{edgeId}/devices", params = { "pageSize", "page" }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public PageData<Device> getEdgeDevices(@ApiParam(value = EDGE_ID_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @PathVariable(EDGE_ID) String strEdgeId, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_SIZE_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int pageSize, @ApiParam(value = PAGE_NUMBER_DESCRIPTION, required = true) @RequestParam int page, @ApiParam(value = DEVICE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String type, @ApiParam(value = DEVICE_TEXT_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION) @RequestParam(required = false) String textSearch, @ApiParam(value = SORT_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = DEVICE_SORT_PROPERTY_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortProperty, @ApiParam(value = SORT_ORDER_DESCRIPTION, allowableValues = SORT_ORDER_ALLOWABLE_VALUES) @RequestParam(required = false) String sortOrder, @ApiParam(value = "Timestamp. Devices with creation time before it won't be queried") @RequestParam(required = false) Long startTime, @ApiParam(value = "Timestamp. Devices with creation time after it won't be queried") @RequestParam(required = false) Long endTime) throws ThingsboardException {
checkParameter(EDGE_ID, strEdgeId);
try {
TenantId tenantId = getCurrentUser().getTenantId();
EdgeId edgeId = new EdgeId(toUUID(strEdgeId));
checkEdgeId(edgeId, Operation.READ);
TimePageLink pageLink = createTimePageLink(pageSize, page, textSearch, sortProperty, sortOrder, startTime, endTime);
PageData<Device> nonFilteredResult;
if (type != null && type.trim().length() > 0) {
nonFilteredResult = deviceService.findDevicesByTenantIdAndEdgeIdAndType(tenantId, edgeId, type, pageLink);
} else {
nonFilteredResult = deviceService.findDevicesByTenantIdAndEdgeId(tenantId, edgeId, pageLink);
List<Device> filteredDevices = nonFilteredResult.getData().stream().filter(device -> {
try {
accessControlService.checkPermission(getCurrentUser(), Resource.DEVICE, Operation.READ, device.getId(), device);
return true;
} catch (ThingsboardException e) {
return false;
PageData<Device> filteredResult = new PageData<>(filteredDevices, nonFilteredResult.getTotalPages(), nonFilteredResult.getTotalElements(), nonFilteredResult.hasNext());
return checkNotNull(filteredResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw handleException(e);